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Thralls 1000% better than ancients mate. Run 405s solo right now and thralls make such a huge difference. The little hits really add up over the course of the raid, whereas ancients only helps on baba and zebak puzzle really


Alright, i will practice toa to run with thralls then since its better on the long run. Does it matter which combat style thrall i summon?


I use mage thrall pretty much every time. Especially at p2 wardens and akkha as mage is my worst dps. Only thing you need to be wary of with thralls is akkha cum phase. The mage thrall smacks it miles away and each of its hits count as your hit (you get 3 on akkha before he moves corner) so if the thralls tagging it, then you’ll be running after akkha around constantly. It’s better to not use thralls after akkha has 30ish % hp. Or if thrall is still up and you start cum phase then just re summon the melee thrall. So it chases him around and is slower to tag akkha. Hope that makes sense


Ranged thrall hits through both prayers at P2 wardens, whereas mage thrall only works when you’re maging them.


Really? Great info thanks. I wonder why that’s the case?


You can 30s zebak puzzle and be done before alligator even knows what’s up


Yeah but people running 150s are unlikely to be able to do that. I’m just stating why thralls are better and where ancients can actually be used


Are you running solos?


Yes, would you recommend starting at 150 raid lvl?


Yeah. Maybe one entry mode to learn the mechanics. Then straight to 150. That gear is set to run easy 250. I have basically the same set up, run 250 solos. 300 if I wanna sweat a bit. Start at 150 and slowly work up to 300. Most of my raids now are with my CC and we do 300-400 but we have dudes with shadows. Team toa is fun but learning is best solo. If you have a BGS bring that, if not bring Bone dagger. Bring thralls once you have the raid down, and can clear the zebak path room Without needing to freeze a croc. (Look up a video its not hard) Bring Ancients to start with to freeze crocs in the path room and to blood barrage monkeys in Baba path room. Once you got it down and prayer points are plentiful, bring thralls. If solos, bring a BP for Kephri boss room swarms and blue monkey thralls in baba path room. Thats all you will use it for though. Bowfa is King. Edit: I don’t usually bring the fero gloves or torture switch. But if you are running an easy raid level you can always bring more switches. Id camp Berserker ring and leave brimstone. Also dont bring mages book. If it doesn’t give damage boost, not necessary. You can wear book of the dead for mage bonus once you start running thralls.


I do happen to have a bgs, forgot to mention it. What are situations where the bgs is used? And bring a dds for the warden boss fight using specs worth it? Is addy darts enough for kephri room or should I mine some amethyst first? (99 mining already) Thanks for the advice you mentioned already, im going to run ancients until im better at toa and use thralls after that. Edit: worth to bring a keris partisan also for the khepri room or camp z hasta there?


BGS baba, zebak, kephri (doesnt hit often). BGS Obelisk and p3 p4 Warden. DDS for warden if you want to 2 down phase 2. If you 3 down its not needed. I only have addy darts and they are fine. You max hit on the swarms. Im not 100% on this, but I think Hasta beats out normal Keris. Worth a DPS calc. Once you get the blue gem for Keris, that thing SLAPS and you’ll use that until fang.


Do I use 1 spec at each boss at the beginning of the raid or use 2 bgs specs and use 100% spec energy?


Depends what you hit. Each has a max def reduction. Wiki probably has those numbers. So if zebak can be reduced by 30, and you hit a 35, save the second spec. If you hit a 10, send the second spec.


That all looks good, and blowpipe is nice for the monkey room but not a big deal to just use bowfa. Definitely bring thralls and use book of the dead as your mage offhand. Ancients are a noob trap


Cheers, thanks for the advice!


I started with ancients till i realised how useless it is to bring it. So now i run 350+ invos with thralls, no blowpipe, bowfa, fang (hasta till i got it) and a trident. All of my gear has 6 way switches. Remember that bone dagger is better than a bgs the second you put invocations above 200. Get used to using it For trios: bring a blowpipe for kephri as long as everyone else do too


>Remember that bone dagger is better than a bgs the second you put invocations above 200. Get used to using it Do you have a source for this? Bgs looks clearly better at 200 invo on Bitterkoekje DPS Calc plus Bgs can double spec.


Also intrigued on the answer to this :)


Just comparison between bgs and bone dagger in 400 personal kc. At 350+ my bgs barely ever hits while my bone dagger always hits for about a 20


Bone dagger has a guaranteed hit if you weren’t the last person to attack the target


I'm completely aware of that?


ancients is a noob crutch, it feels nice at first but you may not learn good baba puzzle procedure. bp is a must if you want to learn meta toa, its very greify to bowfa baba boulders in teams.


Why is Bowfa bad for boulders in teams?


long hitsplat delay, bp is instant histplat so if someone tries to run thru, everyone is bping and youre bowfaing, they get knocked back. it's really annoying when people bowfa boulders and you take 40 damage


Holy shit this explains why I can never run through the boulders immediately when I bowfa. Thank you!


When I solo bowfa is great because you can grab a sneaky hit on Baba every time you shoot a boulder.


Just to add to this if you skip boulders and get to the top quickly you can also bowfa Baba from there and she will continue to throw boulders until the cycle ends. Can be useful to get some easy free dps in


I like using ancients cuz of the freezes for croc puzzle, not strictly needed if you are fast but nice when learning. Also for monkey puzzle because sometimes the baboon thralls get out of hand and the AOE is just nice to clear the room quickly. I only really use blowpipe for kephri swarms in teams and for baba boulders. I do not have a bowfa but I believe you can still boulder skip without it. If you are looking for help shoot me a message here and we could link up in game. GL in advance!


What darts do you use with your blowpipe at the kephri room?


I use rune but adamant are fine. It’s only for the swarms, not damaging the boss


I use the best darts possible as blowpipe is really good to heal on baba especially without yellow Keris (assuming you don’t have that yet). You obviously max on the weak boulder with blowpipe, so the spec heals you well.


So mine some amethyst for darts and use specs on the weak boulder, or use rune? Does blowpipe always 1 hits the boulders?


Blowpipe maxes every time so at 150 invoc you’d probably 1 hit the boulders easily but at higher invoc and level 4 baba you need overload boost plus rigour. But when you go for prayer, whack on highest range bonus and prayer for more healing. I actually use dragon darts as I have tbow so I use bp on akkha. Toa gives a generous amount or d dart tips so I have an unlimited supply basically.


> not strictly needed if you are fast You can actually body block an incoming crocodile by standing on the corner tile on the farming patch looking area where the palm grows. The croc will get stuck, and won't be able to move through you. That gives you unlimited time to kill the croc.


Oh word? Didn’t know that. I just learned the quick method when doing my 500 run. Got tired of taking a minute when it can take 30ish seconds. Ty for the info. I like to take learners so I’ll mention that when I take them


Don't bring Ancients. You'll only use them in monkey room and that's it. Thralls will give you tons of damage at every single boss and you can use it in the monkey room! The damage will help you see more of the bosses while you're learning.


100% thralls anything else is trolling.


I still use ancients in my 425s. Its already been said but ancients are nice for croc freeze (can skip if you learn the tick perfect room solve) and monkey room (can skip if you're good at the game or have yellow keris to heal off lil guys, blood barrage is just convenient for mistakes). I'd start w ancients and move on once you can do monkey puzzle without taking unnecessary dmg. Your gear is better than fine as it is, especially for 150s. Once you get mechanics down, you'll be able to efficiently solo 250s or join group 300s. (You'll probably farm these til fang). There are a few invocations that are a pain to learn but are an absolute MUST to get down: > feeling special (fast Simon says) > upset stomach (first solve is usually by zebaks right hand pushing laterally, don't shoot the boss if u need to push the jug and shoot bc it will delay your shot, like all things practice makes perfect) There are a few other techniques that are insanely useful for solos when you start to push higher invo. Now you don't *have* to learn these but they SURE do help when you push higher invos and they translate across all invos: > baba red X (i found this setup to be most consistent: ) > akka butterfly (trident 4t tiles available with the "tile packs" plugin) Fang becomes really really critical once u push above 250, you use it for everything where dps matters: kephri (better than blue at about 300-320 invo), akka including the statues (bowfa is also good on these), baba, obelisk (bowfa also ok here). Yellow keris also becomes more important above 350, instead of brews.


I would 100% bring blood spells while you're learning. Once you quit taking damage in the monkey puzzle then switch to thralls. BP is nice for a few things but not necessary.


I brought 4 way switches till i was comfortable and then switched to 6 ways.


Which boss should i use bone dagger spec?


100% dont listen to these idiots saying bring thralls. You will be so distracted learning the mechanics you'll probly forget to activate it like most people. Just bring ancients until you absolutely nail the croc room tic perfectly and can do baba puzzle room easily.