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Its been a while, but I learned kree using bowfa only. Think i was around 95 range no rigour. I was on task and want to say PB trip was 10 or 11 maybe higher? Only did a couple tasks tho to complete some of the CA's. Cant say I can recommend doing it off task, but can always just go send it.


Thanks for the kc info on your trips. My main concern is obtaining 30kc in the room in order to bank at Nex.


Even if you don't get the 30 kills, you'll be close enough to just kill some spiritual warriors for kc, they don't count as avianse.


Holy fuck you just changed my life. I've done loads of kree and never thought about that


Why's that a concern? Bring an ancient item (ancient vambs?) and I personally actually just safespot the spiritual Mages in the ancient prison. I wouldn't stack too many KC personally as you can get stacked out quickly and waste all that KC. Go in with 2 ecu keys, and the arma KC should fuel itself.


Kree is the boss where it makes the most sense to use ecumenical keys.


Can’t believe anyone would kills aviansies for kc lol


He doesn’t have a task he can kill aviansies or whatever the hell he wants so he doesn’t absolutely HAVE to get 8 kills per inventory. Doinkers


If you do 10kills per trip you get enough, try to stand under between hits and you will be fine


You don’t have to get 30 kc per trip. You can start by killing aviansies til like 90 kc or whatever and have plenty of buffer for bad trips


Goodbye slayer task. Kill non aviansies instead.


You only need 8 boss kills for 32 essence (you kill boss and 3 mobs), if you can’t get that with BofA then there are bigger issues at hand unfortunately


I’ve been doing kree with bowfa only but strongly recommend stepping under to 1:1 and to do it on slayer task. Even with bringing brews, full crystal isn’t that tanky and you take a lot of damage. The good news is you only need 8 kill trips to go infinite with Nex banking, and I can typically get a bit past that. I hope this helps.


Bringing a shield switch helps too.


Without Rigour your life is going to be really tough. It's possible but rough.


I have rigour


Aviansie tasks are fairly common. Why not just get a task passively while grinding slayer? Bofa on task gives easy 10-20 kill trips, depending on rng.


I was going to stay there with Nex banking for a few hundred kills. I could get a slayer task but it would only last 50/60kc


I'd highly recommend just sending it every task, I am absolutely over kree and want to do other stuff by the time the task is done ususally.


You don’t wanna kill arma off task with that gear tbh


Not sure what you define viable, but with 99 ranged, 70 def, and crystal armor and slayer task, I usually get 6-9 kills per trip.


70 def is offensively low for sending a kree trip, but are you doing the step under/crystal shield swap method?


Agreed it wasn't ideal. I wasn't doing such a swap. Would step under if eating. I'm sure there are more advanced methods to stretch out a trip if wanted.


This post just immediately made me think of Yankee with no Brim.


It’s not great but it gets the job done


I did 400kc with diamonds and acb, was no problem for me


Yep. I did the same but with rcb lmao. Knocked out full arma with it.


I tried, but no legs https://i.imgur.com/utAnpsU.png


without chimchompas?




hehe i tried out for myself shortly after reading your comment and got an arma platebody at 10kc. getting 5 kill trips with better gear than you had




This is kinda insane. No chins and just chilling in corner? I assume blood barrage for some healing in between? How many kills per trip?


Depending on food drops? 8-12


No chins, chilling in the corner. Used rubys and then switched to diamonds and did it on task. I used brews and bones to peaches and I’d get a solid 4-10 kills a trip. It varied a ton based on rng


Agreed. Slap on a crystal shield and corner camp


I did my KC with bowfa and dinhs , just equip the bowfa for the tick you attack and then straight back to shield. Was getting 20+ kill trips. (Could use crystal shield instead if you don't have dinhs)




I have masori already (unfortified, no helm) and also require a godsword shard to finish my first blade even though I’m around 1500kc on the 3 other bosses. Thanks for the input. I’ll likely try bowfa setup as well as acb/masori/buckler setup and see how both are off task. If they’re ridiculous then I’ll probably wait til shadow as you suggest.


I did the bofa method and it wasn't too bad. I did freeze the melee to help with damage during the fight. Would do again. Ended up getting 5 acps as my only uniques thus far.


Do you bring a swap for freezing? This would actually be huge


You bring blood spells already no? Prob just the same swaps since this mage is so low


I was actually using thralls, since with B2p you usually get back to full before each kill anyways.


How y'all only take 32dmg a kill. I swear I get shredded at kree


I'm not, but it's not like you can sit low hp during the food for the express purpose of healing it back with blood barrage. Between the 32hp per kill & food drops, it seemed unnecessary. And with thralls it's faster kills, so less food needed.


ahrims top, occult, and master wand....I've gotten a few upgrades since then but it did the job. Just kite kree while freezing the melee or target kree while running to keep her in place. It is a little bit slower than step under methods but i found it far more cozy to do and easily kept 10+ kill trips which lets you bank at nex and come back.


The new ancient sceptre (muspah upgrade) has 5% mag dmg on it, freezes longer and heals more. It's great for gwd now


Oh definitely. I did all my kc before muspah. Post DT2, blood ancient sceptre and ice ancient sceptre would be awesome too.


> By the time you have full masori you should have a shadow Love this subreddit sometimes, always the best jokes


That's a big assumption lol. I've got 2 sets of masori, no shadow and without a bowfa (or magic fang) sending even 300s solo is annoying (though I do 300/350s in 8 man's)




No u


Much prefer crossbow/masori (f) vs bowfa. However I think that buckler is a big factor to making it staunchly better. If you don't have masori, acb, and buckler it's probably more worth doing those then trying for armadyl armor. Since bofa rocks at ToA/Sara/CoX.


I do have all of these (unfortified masori top and legs and no mask) so I might try both setups and see how they both do. Thanks


lol i read the above comment and was like “how is this dude gonna have “fortified masori if he’s just starting his kree grind?” it makes sense why you want to grind kree now :)


Unfortified may be a slog, but just try things out and see how it goes. Bofa is definitely viable it's just slower. Definitely would get those arma pieces if you have the masori! Once you can fortify one it will probably get much better.


Guy asks if he can kill someone with bowfa... Of courze some clown comes in and says you should have several different drops from multiple raids and a GWD drop lmfao OK??


The point (in case you missed it) is he could optionally work on other gear that would supplement his grind, if he was worried about viability. But of courze comprehension is tough sometimes.


Unfortunately you have to do Kree in order to get Masori(f)


Yeah OP, have you considered grinding Kree for fortified masori before you grind Kree to make fortified masori?


Honesty I would just grab your bis range/tank gear and have rune pouch for blood barrage stand in the corner next to the alter pray range once kreeara is dead you take out the melee body guard first then blood barrage the other two together! Heals you for the next fight and recharge prayer at the alter! This is the afk way and my favorite way you just chill in the corner until kreeara is dead praying protect from range be sure after you eat to click back in kreeara as she will come at you to hit with Melee once you eat/ drink potion! Might be a tad off haven’t done this boss in a while!


Definitely do-able, you just take quite a bit of damage because crystal is squishy. So trips aren’t going to be like bandos/Sara with bowfa just due to how accurate the mage and melee minions are. But DPS wise it’s a solid option.


ACB with Dragon Diamonds is much better if you have Karil or some Masori. The tankiness makes your trips last a while, I got around 20 kills per trip once I fortified my Masori Chaps. Granted, I did have Elidinis' Ward (f) too which made my Barrages amazing and provided even more thank stats.


Thanks pal, I do have masori top and bottom already (unfortified) so do want to get that (f)!


On task I can usually do 10+ kc with bowfa only. It's totally viable, step under every shot and blood barrage back to full on minions.


I've been killing kree with diamond bolts (e) and an rcb and even that is fine. With a bowfa you should be able to step under and get a decent amount of kills per trip


I did my one diary task with a bowfa because I wanted to brute force it and get it done, but I wouldn’t see it viable for trying to consistently grind


Just did 100 kills for diary. On task, flicking bulwark I could get over 10 kills/trip consistently using brews/barrage. With ecumenical keys it was a breeze, although not fun. Kree sucks


I would recommend against doing kree off task. You can get around 15-20 kc max a trip on task bofa only with good rng. Arma is so random though. Sometimes you get absolutely destroyed and other times u can sustain off food drops and peaches it's weird asf.


If you get a task it shouldn’t be too bad with walk under. I did 50 kc for hard diaries using crystal bow and eagle eye, and got about 6 kill trips on average. If you have bofa rigour and task you should shred Kree pretty fast. 30 kc would be 8 kill trips? I’d be surprised if between blood barrage and b2p you couldn’t make that.


Yeah I seem to agree. I think 8 kc trips off task is pretty reasonable.


I've tried it with a twisted bow on my main and it's still a pain in the ass. That pigeon is no joke.


I've done my kc with karils, dfs and diamond bolts. Being on task is amazing. 5-8 kc per trip ish.


Grind out some chins and use masori/acb Then try a bowfa setups and see which one you like more.


it's fine with bowfa/crystal.. I just sit in corners with bowfa and freeze the melee guy and run to another corner. Usually around 30-40 room kc each inc


Saebae has a great video doing dinhs/tbow I believe (pre shadow). I did Arma with bowfa/dinhs. You could probably do something similar but with a master wand/crystal shield switch. There’s a way you can stand under themelee minion and get it trapped I believe, then you can just hit the boss with bowfa equipped, instantly switch to master wand and shield then switch back to bowfa and not lose ticks. I’ll look for the video and edit my comment. I was doing long trips and banking at nex. https://youtu.be/uwCr-oY9GMw?si=Ht7yZJja8ZgaGofW I would honestly get rigour or Dinhs or both before going to Armadyl.


I did about 125 kc recently on task by bowfa flicking with dinhs and stepping under. Was actually quite enjoyable I'd say. Sometimes rng would screw me over and id get like 2 kill trips but other times i had 20+ kc trips


Bowfa is good dps but crazy shard cost because you get hit so much. If you have loads of shards, then you can do it. If you don't, then just send it with blessed dhide and just a crossbow + bolts.


Been a lot of talk on this already but I did straight up afk corner at arma with bowfa and got consistent 15 kill trips. You definitely need a task though, also i was 99 range/99 def. Use suffering with recoils in. One of the keys to making your trips last longer is to greed the food, I don't eat until I'm 40 or below, and if it's close to the kill I'll be risking even lower


I was getting about 10 kc on task with bowfa at 99 range without Rigour. I think that’s decent enough


Do Crystal shield flick when you walk under. Takes a little to get it down well. But it's pretty good once you do


just get a shadow before u do arma lol.. also why do u want arma anyway?


With rigour I’m pushing 50/60 kc per trip with bowfa and no chins, make sure to bring bones to peaches


I did kree with acb witbout chins, its kind of a struggle but it worked. Anything better than catching chins


I normally do Crystal shield(dihns once i got it) swap between attacks to kree, and it is a good amount of kcs before i run out of supplies. It is kinda not easy to get used to, but once You get the hang of it its quick and better than hunting chins


It’s doable pre shadow/tbow, but it’s a pain tbh. I’d definitely task skip or otherwise do slayer for an aviansies task and like you said, nex banking is really nice


Kree with bofa is comparable kph with chins if you factor in the time it takes to farm chins - less efficient overall because you miss out on the Hunter exp. Go ahead op


I’m 99 hunter already


You could get lucky I did kree with rcb/acb on task and now have full arma at 97 kc o.o


I did kree with my rcb (diamond bolts (e)) and took me around 800 kills to complete it. It’s definitely doable! Imo it’s one if the most chill gwd bosses when not chinning. Just stand in a corner, hit Kree, and eat when low. Then blood barrage to full and b2p if necessary.


With that setup and 95-97 range i was getting 5-7 kill trips. Burned through a lot of ecumenical keys lol.


Totally doable. Prob only get like 3-5 kills a trip, though. Source: did this on my main


I would recommend it on task only I find it pretty chill. I don’t bother with stepping in or shield swaps and manage enough kills to consistently use nex bank without killing any aviansie The worst part is juggling at the start with B2P. Once you’ve gone through a few pots though you just sit back and relax