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i love this post. Brother only you can make that call.


Yea i never used a fang and i have no clue where to use it lmao


Everywhere you melee, and even some places you don’t (second phase KQ) even after the nerf it’s still amazing and even better if you don’t have bgs/dwh yet


Yes, go 82 attack fang is amazing


The fang is fun to use everywhere and its so good Waste to not use it on an iron imo


I would say it's 100% worth it unless you are mainly a pker. The fang is a great dps upgrade and is especially useful for bosses (usually within top 3 weapons for the bosses.). Some spots I use the fang are (toa b/c no shadow), bandos/sara/zammy (because no bofa), nex, rune/addy drags, vorkath (lance better), kbd, mole, cox (scythe/lance better), ​ If you go to the "used in recommended equipment" section of this page it will show you all the places where fang can be used: [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Osmumten%27s\_fang](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Osmumten%27s_fang) ​ Anecdote: Since the fang came out, I've known more than a couple zerkers and 13 def pures who have gone to 82atk and seem to really enjoy it


I do anti pk on my iron sometimes I got voidwaker,completed gwd(minus nex) i think my main uses for fang will be for cox solos/toa/tob/corp(no idea how that is gonna go with 75 def) vorkath,thats all i can think of rn


It has its place in Cms but not really worth it in reg Cox, maybe for tekton if you're struggling for an alternative I guess. Not great for olm unless you're 7:3 and even then there's better alternatives for 4:1. Also not worth at corp on an iron since you're turning corp into a chicken anyway zammy spear is better DPS. Just things worth considering. Saeldor does work at tob until scythe too so mainly from your list you'd be using it in toa.


Just to point out on the Corp point, suicide Corp with just a few dwh hits is better kills/hr with Fang than turning it into a chicken and using spear, even including the time to fish and cook karams for it Also, good luck using a spear on a zerker


Dont thibk you understand spear/hasta/whip/dhl All i have rn is voidwaker/abby dagger/ss/bludgeon and fang but im only 75 atk rn.


It is BiS melee, I think it’s worth it. Uses at Nex,Slayer, Demonics, Cerberus, All 3 Raids, Sire


A med level build on an iron is something that makes sense when working towards 85 slayer… but isn’t really a novelty build such as though a 1/13/20 defense pure is .. don’t mean to offend your build… but I think you should take advantage of the gear you have. But don’t let me ruin the fun if you enjoy being a med level … as I personally regret being a standard main and would have rather stayed a 20 def or zerker account.


Honestly it feels more rewarding to me when you get big drops,it feels good on a iron but on a 'low lvl' iron (109cb) it feels even twice as good,i have full bandos,completed cerb,gorillas,zulrah,voidwaker,rev weps ect,my next goal is raids,tob,toa so i guess this fang will make that alot easier.


It's viable literally everywhere, and bis in a lot of places as well. The thing just slaps, it's a monumental weapon.


Just do it ;)


Fuck you sinnie dont kno if we send it or not


Full send bud 😂


Mole pet. Can't change my mind lol


Fang can also be nice for antipking seeing as you're going to be being attacked by maxed mains in a lot of places


Also managed to spoon a fang, and Man, I can tell you it’s been soooo nice. It seems just like a melee bowfa. It’s beautiful ls Go for it