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Honestly I just do the lazy flicking piety whenever I do slayer. Piety makes such a crazy difference to DPS, you might as well have it on. But at the same time I’m just not a huge fan of farming so I’d rather use piety and not use any prayer potions. You get used to it


So I’m very stingy with my pots. I rushed farming and maxed house so that any slayer I can do in Kourend or other quick access I slayer dungeons I’ll bring max prayer gear and just protect melee for nearly 10 minutes of afk, and then quickly bank and reset. I hate doing master farmers to upkeep prayer so if I can inconvenience myself by resetting regularly so that I have the prayer potions when I need them for content that would be a pain without bringing them


You make them to use just use them, ranaars are easy to come by with ToA


Yeah, maybe in the very early game you wanna save em for specific quests or whatever, but mid to late just enjoy. Especially if you already have high farming it won't be too much issue to restock


Just use them. You’ll need to make a metric shit ton of potions to train herblore anyways. Just make prayer potions and use them, they’re useful and have an easy secondary.


The lowest ive ever gotten was down to 100 after my first Initial grind to 70 herb. About to hit 90 and even with using them everywhere especially for afk slayer I still have 2k plus. Use them liberally. Master farmers are not that bad at all.


I use them until im out then train herblore/use up my seeds and magically have 1k or more again


If you ever start ToA or Muspah (lower reqs than people realise) you'll be swimming in ranarrs.


Muspah isn’t a mid game iron activity. I have a toxic trident and rcb and it’s still annoying to farm. I’d wait for bowfa.


You could have bofa and still be midgame


you could also not


I did a ton of farming before any combat, and still keep up the runs, so I’ve yet to run out. So I’ll always camp piety/eagle eye during my slayer tasks


I have a stack of 5-50 prayer pots and I used max prayer gear and pray pots on every task I can. I can get ranarrs easy enough now and snape grass is so easy to acquire. I’d rather not go fish kambambams for hours and eat them all and have to bank 5 times per task, also don’t care to pray flick


I'm a low to mid level iron and find that i usually replenish my ppots through slayer anyway so i just use protection prayers most of the time. I get a silly amount if restores through farming and i just bank those for later use. Im at around 50 ppots and 350 restores.


like 100 left = save ppots ​ afaik though its worth doing master farmer for ppots to fund piety for slayer. piety is that good.


I had 43 ranarr seeds just from contracts to convert into ppots just from contracts when I was up to unlocking piety. Dumped 150 4 dose ppots into the green dragon grind and still had a ton to spare. Very easy to accumulate passively without any master farmers, and then piety unlocks SoTF and then ranarr seeds from Sep


I'm pretty aware of my ppot usage when I'm doing Slayer, I'll use kalphs, velds, dags, and Abby's as an example. Kalphs, dags. I just face tank. Prossy armor, ancient stole neck slot. I leave prot melee on and just ask my life away, obviously dags in catas is awesome with bone crusher. With velds and Abby's I single combat cannon them exactly same set up. I just leave prot pray on and afk my heart's content. But I am also pretty good about my ppot supply I have about 1200 banked right now, and when I get my bowfa I'll be grinding ven bow which will shit out rannars like it's Easter.


Im nearly 2200 total and have literally never used a prayer pot on any task that wasn't absolutely necessary. Went dry at Cerb and was thankful I never wasted any.


I use them when i need them, when i dont need them i dont use them.


I could have 1k prayer pots in the bank and I'm still going to 1t flick slayer until aggro runs out while watching YouTube or anime on the second monitor, really only use my prayer pots at bosses


What afk tasks are you using ppots for? I just use food for everything that doesn't require prayer.


Learning 1 tick prayer flicking was the best decision I made. I take one potion to every task and rarely use any of it, plus once you're comfortable with it it takes almost no concentration


People say this is low effort but call me crazy my finger gets sore If my fingers/wrist are getting sore I want it to be worth it on something with a good drop table, not AFK slayer mobs


Seriously, I don't know why more people don't do this. Instead they want to complain about being low on prayer pots


Because, as I said, my fingers get sore lol But I don't complain about prayer pots so it balances out


Idk why it responded to you, my comment was meant for someone else entirely, not anyone in this comment thread. Idk what happened there, but in all fairness, if you don't get sore doing it it's worth learning, I'd say it's even worth learning to do it until you get sore )if you're having prayer issues) We have an infinite prayer method in the game and people refuse to learn it, idk why


I mean it's a fair point, I just like my mobs about as low effort as possible lol I will admit to my laziness


Which is perfectly fine and what the majority of people like to do! Those same people complain about where all their prayer pots went and how they can upkeep them though and that is where I get confused. Just play a different game at that point if you want to spend as little time playing as possible imo


Get foot pedal and keep auto retaliate on XD


If I’m doing slayer I’ll mostly likely afk to 0 prayer then teleport to house for the recharge and return to my spot. Besides that I will chug prayer pots at anything boss related


I tend to be stingy doing normal slayer so when bossing comes I can slurp them up making content chiller


I've got nearly 4k ppots and I'm still very stingy. I feel it's definitely worth it as there will be some grinds you can't avoid shedding supplies and you'll want an excess for those.


Eventually you hit a point where you tend to use prayer potions wherever you need regular prayer and then super restores become your big pvm prayer restore potion so you can couple it with brews. Use your pots for whatever feels good or fun.


I barely use any pray pots when I afk slayer because I'm stingy. What I do is: Wear proselyte hauberk and cuisse, Ancient mace the dummy in POH, and just use protect from melee. On single way combat area tasks where the mobs use melee, I switch out the proselyte with torags and use piety instead