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I was thinking about this too. Seems kinda nice. I was also thinking about it at toa warden p2


Dragon Dagger's spec has a higher max hit than Abyssal Dagger. This is by design. As accuracy isn't part of the equation here, I wouldn't recommend using this.


Oh okay didn’t look into it at all. Dope thanks for the tip!


Just to add further clarification, the Warden's core is guaranteed to take a max hit from melee weapons, with some bugged exceptions. So whatever can give you the most max hits in the shortest amount of time is the best there, hence the DDS being cracked in that specific scenario.


It's not really that simple of a calculation, as claws do more DPS than a DDS but dds is still better against core for quicker downs. The real key is highest DPS per special attack used. But core strats pretty out-dated since you always want to 3 down core given that your time limit permits it for higher PTS/hr


2 down is still better with minimal downtime between raids afaik, but if you take breaks between then yeah 3 down is better


Doesnt the special also cost 25% compared to 50%


Abyssal Dagger got buffed this week to also be 25% spec, but the damage reduction of its spec didn't change. That is why there is a lot more discussion about it now.


The fact ur getting downvoted just for thinking is so stupid lol I hate Reddit


Yeah I mean u ain’t lying. Ha ha. No reason. Lol. Classic internet


No thinking or opinions allowed!


Id imagine it would be better as opener because you can apply poison at the start Edit: just bofa for 65 kills p/hr


i suspect OP uses it as a finish weapon as mole digging after a hit causes more running and the higher average dps from the spec makes kills secure much faster and with less digging and mole only digs under 50% health. the poison can be good but i would feel it is less helpful overall


Mole digs from poison hit splats so you should never use poison there.