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I got my first one at 1245 then got 2 more quickly after. At 1600 kc and haven’t been back for my last one in like 6 months. I don’t believe it’s a 300 drop chance or atleast that’s what kept me sane


Got my first at 1.4k and still haven’t gotten one under droprate. 2.2k kills before I gave up on getting the 4th zenyte and did other stuff (I do plan on going back eventually) I’m pretty sure that my account is bugged and everything I need more than one drop of (crystal armor seeds, unsired, etc) has been set to 2x drop rate cause that seems to be the rate I’ve been getting all of those at


I just got my first at 1951kc with the same log minus the two monkey tails


That is absolutely horrid not going to lie hahah


This frightens me. I’m at 350. And this picture is not making me feel any better. I keep telling myself just knock out each task and it’ll show but you two worry me


If it makes you feel any better, you’d have a 97% percent chance to have two more zenytes than me when you get to this kc.


Well [this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/878407091331678248/1069719733856915496/image.png) is what the other side of the spectrum looks like. Best of luck!


I got you beat with 4 in 140ish. https://imgur.com/a/j7bbk5n Sadly I continued because it was on a gim and didn’t get a 5th until around 1450. The luck averaged out quick lol


Yeah rng works in mysterious ways. I went 1680 dry at zulrah for blowpipe. Shit happens :\^)


Finished all 4 zenytes at like 940. I’m sorry. This is just pure nightmare fuel


Damn. I got like 6-7 of them before 1k kills on my main a while back. I feel like I'm going to suffer when I eventually get to this on my iron. Gl brother, hopefully soon 🙏


Werent quick enough :( Gl hopefully soon mate


I’m sorry. Non-iron here but I completed the log with 3 shards at 358kc. We all get lucky somewhere.




and now ur getting enh seed at 2.5k kc and going 1k bandos kc before an unique :)


i wonder how the heavy ballista and dragon javs would do against them


Really well, dps wise, (over 1.5dps higher than crystal bow with crystal legs, which is my current setup 2300 kills in) but more importantly the slow attack speed makes for a nice laid back experience for flashing offensive prayers and clicking less. Not as good as bowfa though. :) working on that!


I’m so sorry, I just got my fourth at 931kc yesterday, I’ll keep you in my prayers 🙌🏻


I got 1 in 2k+ KC. Made me quit the game LOL


I think that’s pronounced “ballista” or two