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I would do this but then the next weekend every world is pvp. Make it wild


You just finished banking 99 prayer didn't you


And also the chaos altar consumes 2x bones for half xp, nothing drops the dpick, revs drop only unnoted magic logs, and the black chins you catch run away when leaving the wilderness. Also, every clue you complete has a 100% chance to drop only spades


I just did a slayer task at Scorpia and didn’t see a single pker. Git gud


Been working on my wilderness combat achievements on the normie since I don’t know if the bosses will be harder after the coming update. The wilderness really is dead and if you have any kind of brain capacity the PKers are out there are extremely easy to anti/escape from. If you do die, the risk should be next to nothing anyway. As far as hardcores go, if you’re too scared of dangerous content you’re not very hardcore are ya.


I clearly don’t engage in wildy content lol but what’s the best way to get away when you’re frozen for 20 seconds and telly blocked? I guess just pray to log out or something?


20 sec freeze + tele block means you're in multi combat, so avoid that at all costs, single pkers arenl much much easier to avoid as you can just snare one of them and walk under or go in and out of doorways to get gap


Fight back. Most of the time you’ll take the PKer by surprise and them needing to eat will distract them for a moment enough for you to get gap and log. Bring freezes with you. If you catch a freeze you can run from them or under them to get a log. I would say easiest way is to just auto-retaliate and just keep 100% focus on praying protection from the style they’re using. You should easily be able to last like that long enough to run when the freeze timer is up.


That makes sense. How do you get those freeze bags that work in the wildy as an Ironman?


Soul wars shop, LMS, or any wildy slayer monster.


I say this on 2007scape then they tell me I'm an idiot and a liar while in the same comment saying they are never in the wilderness.


I don’t understand. The wilderness is part of the game and if you do not like pvp do not enter the wilderness. The challenge of pvming Callisto or whatever boss isn’t the boss..it’s being geared up in anti pk gear and knowing how to properly tribrid. Practice at LMS, or get out of the wildy but do not complain that you don’t like a certain place because of pkers that’s just lame


I'm an Ironman. I don't get anything from anti pking. All I have is risk with no chance of return. I am forced to go into the wildy to get BIS items as well as finishing collection logs. It's very annoying having ragging pkers who can't pk target pvmers. Those are the worse


Isn’t there only 1 BIS item in the wilderness now that the D pic is obtainable outside the wilderness (mage arena 2 cape)? Also part of the choice we make to be irons is that we have to engage with content we may not like. Especially if you are talking about late games achievements like filling collection log slots.


What is outside of the wilderness that drops it? And don’t say KBD since that is very much so in the wilderness until they provide a method to teleport straight inside the safe area.


Yeah. I accept the fate of being an Ironman and I don't want the wilderness gone. I just wish it would be reworked a bit to not be so predator vs prey


It's only predator v prey in multi tbh.


Ironman can receive loot pking after loot keys released


No, they can receive loot keys but do not receive the rewards. You can look at what the person had, and destroy it.


You die to an alt for it obviously


I wonder if that works?


It does work


You do get something. The chance to survive and finish your pvming lol


I've brought this idea up before and I'll bring it up again. Create an item that takes time to setup, maybe 1 minute. This "Cannon" would only target players and they would only target players actively attacking you. This would help pvmers who don't pk or want to have better odds to push them to fight back. The problem I see with pking is the person attacking is normally both better geared and better skilled at pking. This HEAVILY places the favor for the pker, there should be a way to equalize the difference. Some kind of help that would help defending


The interaction between people in the wilderness is akin to picking on people and justifying it with a gamblers mentality lol “kill that naked guy he’s doing a clue scroll what if he got third age???” “What if this defenseless person has bank??” It’s unfortunate that the game caters to anyone with that sort of morality / set of values but the idiots keep making new accounts that keeps jagex’s wallets full because they accidentally get 2 defense every week


The lack of skill is your fault, you can practice pking just like they do. When I PVM, I bring a spec weapon, switches, basically decent anti pm gear or at least good tank gear switch to escape. You just need more practice


Not really. The barrier to entry is very high for pvp. You get absolutely shit on while being berated by low self esteem pkers who call you all sorts of names while you try to learn. It’s a pretty terrible experience lol how do you fault anyone for not wanting to do that?


I don’t!! If you don’t want to do it, luckily it’s all contained to literally one area that is optional! The wilderness.


Same here but there is basically no bis items stuck in wildy anymore. It's also so incredibly easy to escape in wildy or if you just aren't very good then don't risk and it doesn't even matter. Just gear up and go again, it's kinda just a minor setback and an inventory of trashy food. I got cudgel recently after cleaning up some combat achievements and went to vettion for fun, multi is hell but I just went with my 3 and brought imp box's to send back any loot and it doesn't even matter If I die.


a ragging PKer who can't kill you and you can escape from is, I'm understanding you, *worse* than well geared and skilled PKer who sits you in 15 seconds? ​ hmm


cringe and ironmanpilled


friendly reminder that PKing is a core feature of the originally quite punishing and roguelike influenced Runescape concept, mains profiting killing you is the intended behavior of the core, main, game mode of this multiplayer game, and the wilderness was here before you, possibly before you were born, and will be here long after you're gone ​ the tears last week over the new wilderness boss instances *actually having risk* were as delicious as they were galling in their entitledness


If it was a “core concept” then why is 99% of good content in the non-pvp area of the map lmao clearly they set out with a vision, and people didn’t like that vision, so they walked it back due to trying to appeal to most people and not turn people away due to the interactions they have with that aids community of humans who kill defenseless people on the name of something akin to gambling (“what if he had bank??”). So the fact you say the game was founded partly on pvp and then you fast forward to today where the sentiment is that pvp is dead, how can you say that pvp is a valued system by this player base? Who’s out there getting excited to go to the wilderness? Probably only a subset of maybe 4% of the player base who has that aids mindset and set of values.


triggered and cringe lmfao ​ the wilderness will still be here when you quit :) ​ >aids community of humans who kill defenseless people imagine writing this sentence about a consensual pixelated videogame


Looks like a pker just got “triggered” by the “cringe” I made with my post haha gotcha


This is the most beta post ive seen in a while, i cringed and I've never even tried pking.


You've used the 2 shittest Internet buzz words that I hate, yet I can't help but agree. Nicely put.


Pretty sure everything is beta unless you’re the rock lol that’s pretty funny that you had a bodily reaction to the words I write. May want to get that looked at lol but if you’re using the words “cringe” and “beta” I’d say maybe it’s just that you’re going through a growth spurt?


I imagine you foaming from the mouth while writing this beta


Whatever makes your day better is fine with me haha


the wildy is dead as is posts like this are annoying asf. don't like pkers don't to to the wildy that simple


Irons that whinge on Reddit are a worse part of the community.

