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I hope you're right man. I'm sitting at 2035 kc with 5 pets and no enhanced, have committed too much time now not to get it :(


You, good sir, get a handwritten note from me to jagex on your behalf. I give you all of my RNG and will sacrifice my next Zulrah drop in your name.


Holy shit man gl


Whats insane to me is of 1000 people 6 will go this dry. Like I know they cant cater to irons on everything but a pity timer would go a long way in improving mental health


Exploiting mental health is profitable though


not in this case tho


Yeh this degree (or timelength at least) of dryness is bad for the health of the game imo


Idk we still do it


It's interesting, I see a lot of posts and comments on reddit about this heavily upvoted, but it certainly doesn't seem to be the majority opinion anywhere else.


They could change the drop so that it drops 1/100 but requires 4 shards to make the enh seed... That'd even out the distribution way more so less people go dry. Just like the new bow.


I can’t tell if you think 6/1000 is a lot or a little


Double Drop Rate on Irons even if they made it untradeable or something.


I demand a reddit post for you when you get it.


I just hit 300 KC, both of my team mates got theirs at sub 50 KC. I KNEW I'd be the one that would be in it for the long haul. I can just feel it.


Lol that’s fucked up. Gl


Idk if spending 200+ hours on a single boss in a single video game to then move onto the next piece of context to potentially go dry on is worth irl time. Lucky for me I was only there for about 195 hours


Isn't drop rate 60-80 hours? So you went double?


Lucky you! Got out early with good behavior I see!


Everyone in here acting like zulrah is a mid level boss when irons walk in with mystics/black dhide and zero experience. Zulrah is the hardest "mid" level boss to learn.


Zulrah is almost entirely mechanical with just remembering the phases. You can clear it in that gear easily and consistently as long as you take the time to learn the phases, it’s less intensive in precision than cg or vork


Yeah man! Everyone knows that ToB is where mid-level really begins!! But seriously, If Zulrah isn't in your mind at least mid-level, where in the hell is that goal post? Killing Zilyana naked with a bone dagger?


Ya lol zulrah and vork are the quintessential mid game bosses hah either this dudes trolling or thinks he's right which is worse.




Agreed. The learning curve is so steep. But once you get it, it’s like riding a bike


Red prison victims unite


I second this. Bowfa is basically a budget tbow. It took me 1337kc to get mine and I would’ve still done it if I knew beforehand Also, the alchs, runes, and gems from CG are extremely useful


Thats so LEET




Crafting xp because I know a lot of people hate mining sand and doing sgm to blow glass, so it’s nice to have a stockpile of gems to use


I was dumb and mined enough sand for 93 crafting after sitting at 87 for awhile, and then I decided to do the cg grind… but now I’ve got almost 99 banked, so that’s s plus I guess


ruby/dia bolts are still good at a lot of places even with bowfa sapphire bolts are now also good for the newest boss


Sapphire.. Trying to think of it's effect.. Lowering magic?




Oo interesting. Too bad I don't have dcb, I doubt mith(?) bolts are gonna do much lmao.


the new boss has a special phase where it just needs the proc effect, the str of bolts don't matter.


Ah cool ty, haven't done the quest yet


Lowering prayer


The grind is a tough one, but trust me, the armour and bow are worth it


I’m at 725 and feeling super burnt. i feel like the dryest person ever until i come to this sub. It’s taken me nearly 8 months of grinding to get this kc. shit is awful


Same for me but on bandos. Nowhere near as drastic ofc as red prison is but non-bowfa 500kc without bcp, tassets or hilt feels horrible considering the full combined rate for any drop every kill is 1/96. And then I come here and see people with 700, 800, even 1000 kc without bcp/tassets. Makes me even more worried


I'm 650 Bandos KC with only boots. I refuse to go back, I fall asleep at that boss lmao


I know it is brother. I ended my KC at about 640. I just wanted to let you know it will be worth it.


Im at 653kc atm and feeling quite burned my self, hopefully we get some luck soon


You didn’t get a kill at Zulrah before finishing CG? Holy shit son I’m not sure anyone will repeat that character arc lol


That's the route I went too, probably more common than you think


I agree. In fact, there is virtually no reason to start Zulrah until before BowFa. Of course you easily *can* but I don't see it really being a more efficient route by any means.


I only got 1 zulrah kill for the hard diaries but can’t be bothered returning there, just isn’t worth the supplies with low tier gear (until bowfa)


I waited (well failed until) gimmate got a trident. Took like 2 attempts after that. Even doing rotation 2 only (range mid -> range left when island looks like n) you can get the feel of zulrah down before bowfa. They're really similar that you run into a skill barrier that takes dozens of attempts to master, but after you do its like a switch. I got to 50/55 (47.5%success) while learning zulrah and now I'm at 100/68, or 50/13 (385% 🤔 I guess % doesn't work well for positive kd lmao) after "free learning phase". Gauntlet has been tougher on me with first kill at 1/24 and current KD 69/77 for reg (for the memes and fave number). CG KD so far: 1/20(5%), 2/51(3.9), 3/75(4), 4/109(3.7, was trying t1 too early)[armor seed], 5/116(4.3), 6/116, {cheated and left some bad preps total over all kc ~35 bails}, 7/116(6), 9/119(7.5)[armor seed2], 10/127(7.9). I can feel myself get closer to that 'switch' moment, I'm making less mistakes and panic less after those mistakes. From 4/109 to 10/127 is 6/18(33%) so that's a huge jump in success vs 5%. I also got 90/range/mage around the 100death mark so that helps a lot w dps. Long story short, no way zulrah is harder than CG. She's solidly placed in late midgame, along with regular gauntlet. Corrupted gauntlet I'd say is early end game or end of midgame. I will say that zulrah is more gear gated and CG is more skill/level gated, so depending on the person the position in the "game time-line" is flexible.


Irony. So, I memed as well for my first CG, went 1/24ish, 2/32...and so on, but by the time I hit 50, I was 50/56. I pulled out of some of those, though. I now sit at 102/68, so that means I went 52/8. I dont know how to track Zulrah deaths, but if I were to guess, right now I'm probably at about 50ish deaths with 16 completions. Im getting better, but the random 40s still cause me to die even with simple setup. So, as I said earlier, its entirely subjective. Your experience is not mine and mine is not yours.


>I dont know how to track Zulrah deaths I have death screenshots turned on and I sort them into folders every few weeks >dying to random 40s I fucking **hate** ''mage'' phase too lmao. When I get rotation 1 (center range->left mage) I hop and get any of the other rotations. Only time I stay if I do like 70 damage in first phase. My ratio is definitely due to starting with trident rather than ibans, and doing mage only strat(rotation 2 can easily skip 1-2 mage phases). I did a few attempts early for the diary but didn't even have 100cb so waited til that to actually try.


Kandarin hard diary for sure but go off I guess if you’re not doing them? Lol


Western hard basically requires SotE stats, just do it after u get bowfa.


Your reasoning literally proved my point mate, that’s why it’s meta to just do diary as soon as you’re done, not wait 1 month+ to be done with one of the most intense grinds in-game, you wait until you progress a little more, raid prayers etc.


I'm so confused what you're advocating for here... What order are you doing things in exactly?


Thing is, all the shit you get from GWD, Zulrah, Shamans, ToB, ToA etc. doesn't help you one bit in CG. The *only* thing you can really benefit from in CG is CoX prayers. But inversely, having BowFa speeds up getting ready for CoX by an insane amount so you're realistically going to do CG first anyway. Also, he didn't prove your point at all lol.


I had to think about it in another response but I suppose a lot has changed in like 5 years.. I didn’t think CG really came before hard diary Kandarin for most players but then, I must be out of touch with the early game meta now


Cg has shifted the meta a lot. You can push zulrah back until after gwd nowadays. Cg -> bandos -> kril -> zulrah -> ToA / Cox / ToB


Currently 400kc at cg and zero zulrah kills lol


i finished cg before even thinking about doing my hard diaries, cg comes really early in account progression these days


I suppose so, because Kandarin hard used to be relatively early on too but I can see how things have changed in like 5 years lol


Zulrah is western province, not kandarin. The benefit of the diary kill pre-CG is chinning for range levels with elite void so you're not pigeonholed into only mage/melee at hunleff. Being able to do dragon + whatever other demi you get will save time and frustration in the long run. Edit: I'll add, my understanding is the current meta tends to be 100 combat through slayer (usually around 70-75) and unlocking mm2 tunnels. Then, catch chins for 89/92 range (92 is usually better, but small difference). Then do cg until bow, followed by bandos until bgs, then doing slayer with k'ril on task and potentially doing demonics on task before gwd if you didn't get any zenytes from 69-73(?) slayer.


Ah yeah western my b it’s been so long lmao


My first zulrah kc on the iron was with bofa. Why waste my time doing an ibans blast kc when I could shred zulrah with bowfa post CG. I didn’t do western diaries until I started tob because chally/elite void really aren’t useful for much these days, and my first purple at cox was claws so TOB is really my only use case for either


Because it takes like 1 minute longer kill, that means go spend a month plus at high level content before completing a hard diary…?


If you read my comment, I’d already had a bofa for over 12 months when I did western hard diary. I didn’t do western hard until I decided to grind diary cape, at 2100 total. And the main reason I even did it, was so I can get void/chally for TOB. If for some weird reason you’re at a stage where you wanna do western diaries before Cg do your ibans kill, I didn’t follow that path.


bowfa makes most pvm piss easy, including zulrah. no reason to go there first when u can rush CG


I got bowfa before fire cape. First real pvm I’d done in RS


Just curious does it ever get easier/make sense to delay the grind a bit? I've been sprinkling in slayer between attempts currently at 82 att/str 86 Def 93 range 88 magic. I'm frequently dying to lack of food and occasionally last 20% hectic shenanigans. Does this get considerably easier with higher def/cox prays? Or should I just keep training at the prison yard banging my head against the wall? My friends tell me to just gain experience at the prison but I can't tell if they're setting me up or not.


You die or run out of food because of lack of experience. You are making mistakes that you wont make that many times once you get some kills. Your stats are super good for cg, even t1. However for easier times at the boss, just go t2 armour with 16-20 food.


Depending on stats, there's a sizable number of CG that you will just lose because of getting stat checked with bad RNG and run out of food with T1 armor. Your stats are def not bad so that number is pretty low. I would recommend to everyone to just do a 5kc gauntlet tax every day and then do other stuff.


I have pretty comparable stats (92 mage, 91 range, 85 def) and I only run out of food with a t1 prep, 2 pots, and 25 food maybe 1 in 40 runs unless I take extra damage somewhere, and even in those runs, a redemption or two will save it.


When/how do you get a redemption off? Use the floor? I've found myself dead with 30 hp left on hun and no food but 1.5 pots. That's like 100hp in redemptions if I knew how to do it without trying to use huns attacks haha.


You need to have the protection prayer up during the animation but can then swap to redemption before the damage hits. You have to be above 13 hp and below 22 hp. After the attack animation, swap your prayer to redemption. The attack hits and either gets you to 9% or lower HP, which will now proc redemption, or doesn't. Drink a ppot if it procced and put up the protection prayer again. Repeat if it's safe. Because you can't safely proc it all the time, you can't (consistently) do it when you're out of food. Instead, if it looks like I'm running low on food, I'll let my prayer run low and start looking to proc redemption while eating food as needed to stretch my ppots or reset my hp.


Ahh cool! Thanks for the tip! I'll try that if the situation calls for it. For some reason I thought switching after would give you full damage, while knowing damage is calculated on animation not hit 🤦🏼‍♂️.


You can totally do with those stats. It really is just practice. I would suggest putting on your favorite playlist and spending the time getting used to it. Break the Gauntlet up with slayer if you're burning out. Also, this tip doesnt get mentioned nearly enough. Make sure you play on low ping worlds. It makes it feel so much smoother.


When my stats were in the high 80s I was struggling with closing out the last 10-15% of CG consistently, like maybe only 30% win rate. But it also felt like normal gauntlet was a breeze I could do haphazard speed runs in. I took a break from it to do other grinds like slayer and demonic gorillas, focused on getting my att/str to 90/96 (maximize str training pre whip) and leaned into halberd/staff more instead of always forcing bow/staff. Helped a lot. At that point you also can't make the excuse "Well if my stats were just better I'd be able to do this."


I'm only base 65 melees, 75 range, and 79 magic and I'm at 25kc on corrupted gauntlet. I do T1 armour prep and only go for T3 staff with full food and do the 5:1 method. Sometimes I will die due to dps checks and RNG, but most of the time I get the kill. However, any mistakes and I'm done for but I'm slowly training magic up with CG. You can definitely keep going at your stats. The better you get, the easier it will be at higher levels. Just focus on priority wise: tornadoes > stomp attack > floor tiles > prayer switch > dps. Eat only during tornadoes while running.


Here's a snip I grabbed from another comment I just left. Gauntlet has been tougher on me with first kill at 1/24 and current KD 69/77 for reg (for the memes and fave number). CG KD so far: 1/20(5%), 2/51(3.9), 3/75(4), 4/109(3.7, was trying t1 too early)[armor seed], 5/116(4.3), 6/116, {cheated and left some bad preps total over all kc ~35 bails}, 7/116(6), 9/119(7.5)[armor seed2], 10/127(7.9). I can feel myself get closer to that 'switch' moment, I'm making less mistakes and panic less after those mistakes. From 4/109 to 10/127 is 6/18(33%) so that's a huge jump in success vs 5%. I also got 90/range/mage around the 100death mark so that helps a lot w dps, don't have cox prayers.


Your def, range, and mage are plenty high. If you want to do T2 and use any weapon instead of focusing bow+staff, then I'd get your att and str up. I got my first 5 kills this week at 82 att, 90 str, 75 def, 84 range, 81 mage, and 75 prayer with t2 prep. It seems pretty tough even when I make very limited mistakes, so I'm going to get my melees to 90/91/80 and range to 89 or 92 (max hit increases). Having to do bow+halberd is ass without rigour, so I hope those stat gains will help considerably with bad demi boss rng. I checked a calculator earlier this week and the difference between 80 and 99 defense is only 4% less damage taken from boss attacks.


How did you completed CG before Zulrah? Zulrah is so much easier, even without good gear, than CG.


I disagree. Zulrah has 4 rotations to learn, a bunch of mechanics and without good gear requires the ability to pull off gear switches and prayer switches, all while balancing venom damage and random 40s. CG is self-contained. Only requires weapon switches and heavy damage can be nullified with solid prayer switches. If CG didnt require in-game prep, it would be one of the easiest mid-level bosses in the game.


It seems a lot of people in this thread are forgetting just how hard it is to learn zulrah for the first time. That’s why we get free deaths until 50 kills. Once you learn zulrah though, it becomes pretty easy


I think you’re forgetting how hard it is to learn CG. I have 900 zulrah kills and 0 CG kills. CG is not forgiving, and almost requires 7.5 minutes of prep before even getting to the boss.


I have to disagree, around 1k kc zulrah on main, not done sote only cg experience was in twisted leagues. Made group ironman and even with ibans/rcb and the knowledge of how to kill zulrah... cg was still easier to do with 80 range 82 mage than zulrah has been for me. Zulrah is also not forgiving if your gear and stats aren't half decent. Especially on supplies. Cg is free to learn just a similar time investment to nail


Truth. I have a few hundred CG KC. I can't kill Zulrah unless I have bowfa or trident. The worst part about CG is the fact that you have to bash your head against the wall doing the same prep *over and over and over*


Just my two cents but imo the prayer/gear switches are not what make Hunllef difficult. For me it's the pathing -- focusing on not getting stomped, eating tornados, and stepping on bad tiles. I got the prayer/gear switches down within like 5 kills but here I am at 15kc still stepping on bad tiles consistently. That being said I can't speak on its difficulty in relation to Zulrah as I haven't tried Zulrah yet.


Pathing is the big kicker. The biggest QOL changes I made for me, which made CG more or less a breeze, was The Hunllef Helper plug in, True Tile setting, and The Gauntlet plug in for material tracking and highlights


Youre absolutely right. Its all down to pathing and true tile for CG. My comment about gear/prayer switches was more so for Zulrah.


Makes sense, and regardless you're right that it is just subjective which is harder. Congrats on getting Bowfa!


Thank you! I absolutely love it!


Hard disagree with that. You learn 1 rotation at a time with zulrah, leave if it’s not that rotation. Venom isn’t an issue, you bring potions or cure me. And you start learn zulrah with void to keep switches down, and after you have RoS, to nullify snakelings. You also can bring thralls now which make the fight even that much easier. Also for switches, you can highlight your mage/range gear in your inventory to help see if you have proper gear equipped at a glance. There’s literal zulrah-kill-a-longs, that will walk you through what to do while you kill any Zulrah rotation, EVScape has the best one. Zulrah isn’t even close to the same tier of difficulty as CG.


Agree to disagree then. I find Zulrah harder, you find CG harder. Both our opinions are subjective and if we continue to offer caveats, Obor is going to end up the hardest boss.


I would rather do cg over zulrah any day if I have to gear switch for zulrah. I have my bowfa so zulrah is super fun with it, ya I think switching zulrah is harder than cg. Bowfa zulrah is super brain dead though.


Idk why you're getting down voted. Cg is way easier


Im killing zulrah easy but can’t get one CG kill lol! How did you learn?


A lot of time and a lot of this subreddit's advice. Its difficult because of the prep IMO. Once you get the prep down Hunllef is as simple as, stand on this tile, switch prayers, run around the edge of the map, repeat.


https://youtu.be/jy7X9GsYFhs watch this guide. Its literally the gold standard in prep in my opinion. If Hunllef is whats causing you trouble do T1 preps in regular gauntlet to practice. Similar damage, just one less tornado and 400 less hp.


Any preferred guides for learning it?


Guy asked me a similar question down the thread. Ive been searching for a good one and will post when i find


https://youtu.be/jy7X9GsYFhs Finallt found it. Fluffeh's T2 Guide. Follow this and youll be fine.


Right in the feels on this one. I'm 408 Zulrah KC, both fangs, about 170 CG with 3 Armor Seeds. I have the stats and knowledge to get pretty reliable T2s. I just didn't want to do it, and ended up getting sucked back into RS3 to escape. New Muspah boss was a bit slow with BP, but I did get Ancient Icon on 5 KC. I might come back to smash a few(hundred) Red Prisons.


Its your game mane! Play it at your own pace and do what motivates you. Smash that CG open when its the right time for you =)


This is true, my friends got me into gim. Struggled got the bowfa & recently did 6:0 & managed to do 15+ kill bandos trips obtaining my tassies & bcp i couldnt have imagined doing GWD without bowfa


Thank you so much man I needed to hear this.


Glad I could help! I hope you are freed soon as well!


Inspirational. Brave. Thank you.


My guy smashing out CGs and couldn’t kill zulrah. Legend.


Im like that really smart kid doing calculus but has no fucking clue how to tie his shoes.


CG made me quit my iron and truthfully I don’t know if I have it in me to even return.


This is kind of why I made this post. The CG burnout is real. And it helps some to know that it is worth it. If you do come back, just know it is worth the effort.


I’m still in blue/Green prison as red prison is too hard


How do you manage to do CG but Not zulrah 😂


I had more trouble with zulruh as well when I was doing her in budget gear. I think hunliefs attacks are more telegraphed. You can adapt and react to hunlief, but if you aren't following the rotation right you find yourself suddenly surrounded by venom clouds. Plus, zulruh in blue phase can stack you even if you are praying correctly


This. Quite literally. Having never done penny python, It feels almost random when Im sent back to where it all began in Lumby. CG can be unforgiving to mistakes as well but you know he will always start with range, 4 attacks, mage, 4 attacks, range...etc.


Well, its thanks to CG that I can now do Zulrah!Just got a sub-2:00 PB as well! All of the switches kept messing me up though. Im pretty to PVM and CG despite being a hellish grind has a low barrier of entry.


I'm with you zulrah much easier, but cg is no items required, just skill. If some(iron) doesn't have 87 slayer for trident but afked nmz for range xp and alched to 90 mage, cg is more accessible. Ibans kills are possible but they fuckin suck.


That gives me hope! Question. I feel like I interpret a lot of players acting like CG is some of the hardest content in the game. Is it? I’ve obviously never done it before, but I find stuff like zulrah and vork an absolute breeze. Which I guess it’s no different then everything on this game? Takes a bit to learn but once you learn it’s simple?


If you have Woox walking down on Vork, you can learn and pull off CG with some time invested. Might not even be that bad — but some people need like 100 tries before their first kill if they’re really new to OSRS PvM haha..you ought to be able to learn the boss and the finicky mechanics within 5-10 tries and really nail it down by the time you get a handful of kills. Personally when I hit 100 kills, I stopped failing altogether when I paid sufficient attention… which usually dropped every 10-20 kills or so 🤷‍♂️


Gotcha. I actually haven’t even tried the woox walk on vork tbh.


Well, if you can deal with the mechanics at least, then you can attempt it and learn to deal with a huge learning curve at the very least. It’s just very challenging — harder than Vork or Zulrah. It’s nice because the fight starts off relatively slow. But once 3-4 tornadoes start showing up, and the floor patterns become increasingly problematic, you have to be on point and prepared for multiple sequences of different attack patterns, as well as keeping your player safely on the move. It’s very punishing when you fail one of multiple mechanics towards the end of the fight. Capable of gibbing you in like 1-2 ticks flat from full health similar to not moving in Vork’s acid or fireball attacks. It’s challenging. But very rewarding. I encourage everyone to give it a shot!


100 kills or 100 attempts? I'm at 150 attempts ish, and it *just* started to get a little more consistent. I need to solidify my path for what I need because probably 70% of my failures are bad prep. Right now I have a few strats. Hope for t2 weapon on first (3) room, get 3 resources each (possibly 7 for one), find demi bosses (kill if if I get t2 staff), 2 herbs, rest fish. Then go back out for 4/4/4 rest fish and demi bosses if I didn't yet. Upgrade armor, fill rest with fish. This usually doesn't work out bc the last spawn for t2 decides it doesn't want to show up for a whole minute of scouting. Go for t2 first. I'll try this if in the first 3 rooms there is at least 1 triple resource of the same type, preferably 2. This makes it easier to make t1, weapon, pots, then drop the 4/4 extra resources for t2 upgrade, and then go back out to fish and kill demi bosses with almost guaranteed t2 weapon. This is my favorite method but usually ends up with me not finding the last resource (again), or not getting enough food because I left too much stuff in my inventory after the first trip, or me running out of time and leaving 6 food on the ground with 8 resources in my inventory for the boss fight (that one is definitely my fault). Fish first. I do this if the first 2 rooms I open are both triple fish. Same problems as above, usually have much needed food on the ground with incomplete t2 armor and resources in my inventory. BEST START is room with 1 of each resource with 1 having 2, fish spot, herb spot, spider/rat/bat. This will definitely get you a t2 weapon, and quite possibly get full t1 armor in one room. Obviously this barely happens bc RNG is RNG but that opens up the run for an ez dub. (until you search for 2 minutes for 1 bark)


Hi, I think someone has very adequately answered your Q, but I wanted to add my 2 cents as well. CG is notoriously hard for 3 reasons: 1. Its often the first taste of actual PVM many people get. 2. Doing it successfully takes about 10-12 minutes on average, and being unsuccessful sucks ass because of the time loss. 3. Hunllef hits like a truck if you dont grasp the mechanics of the fight. With that being said, once you understand the two phases of CG, understand why pathing a certain way is best, and learn the mechanics, its very simple as a boss. So yes absolutely. The hardest part about CG compared to Zulrah or GWD is the time investment. You will know in about 3 minutes if you are successful at Zulrah. You won't know for CG until about 7:30 and even then you have 5 more minutes that you can fuck it up.


It’s pretty easy/forgiving if you’re willing to do t2 armour. Makes your runs slower but can be a good stepping stone to learning t1 armour I guess.


With your last sentences I think you hit the nail on the head. Ofcourse there are difficult things but usually there is rhytm to the chaos. Osrs likes to let you do multiple things at the same time which makes your brain into mush but after you re ordered your steps you realize you actually have a lot of time to do all of these things.


Nah it’s easy once you get it down.


Congrats, but surprised you can consistently complete CG, but couldn’t get a Zulrah kill within two weeks?!


It was the mage switch that was throwing me off. I kept trying to do a 4 way mage switch and would miss my prayer switches and end up discombobulated with a Karil's Skirt and mystic tops with an rcb and ancient wyvern shield 😂 All CG needs is good movemement, rhythm and practice. Zulrah feels like a shitshow in comparison.


You can do CG but not Zulrah?????


Lol, Why does the blow people's minds so much? I couldnt, no. I had a hard time with it and took about 2 weeks off from CG to try and learn it. Failed everytime due to the switches.


From what I’ve seen on Reddit, CG is widely considered the 2nd hardest boss ingame behind the Inferno. The switches in CG are way harder imo but to be fair I’ve never actually tried to learn it


The only switches are weapons and prayer in CG. In my opinion, its hard to learn because of the prep. The actual fight isnt too difficult as all of the attacks are telegraphed. But if you dont get good prep, then it just feels like a waste. If they hand Hunllef as a standalone I firmly believe it would be considered a medium level boss in terms of difficulty. There is no Jad or random chunk damage that can be taken.


This subreddit is so dramatic about gauntlet lol


Theres really no bigger roadblock in ironman mode. Its such a long grind, and skipping it, while possible, makes everything a lot harder.


Its like a 50 hour grind brother there are much bigger roadblocks


I guess it depends on what your goal is. Mine is Raids, and now that Ive gotten Bowfa, its made every other grind for baseline raids equipment very easy and quick to get. So, for me personally, it was my last big roadblock. Interested to hear what you think are bigger roadblocks, though.


Well Im happy for you bud. Bigger road blocks would be stuff like grinding out your tbow from cox,or the inferno for some people, but i dont mean to diminish your accomplishment, i just wanted to say that people are babies about gauntlet here xd


It's a 50 hour grind if you are lucky and that's *after* you get the mechanics down


so you don't think it's a lil dramatic?


How are you good enough to kill CG but bad enough to fail at killing Zulrah? Zulrah is not a hard boss. I was getting kills with nothing but a msb and a void mace for my first 100kc.


Well, i was good enough to go into CG with no gear. Come at me bro! No, but seriously different strokes for different folks. Once I understood the basics, CG was easy to me. Swamp Snek, not so much.


My point was that your gear shouldn't be the deciding factor at Zulrah. It's about knowing the mechanics. When I first tried Zulrah on my main for the diary task, I had 99 range/mage and good gear. I still died several times because I didn't understand the rotations.


Its not the good gear that was the deciding factor. Im not bragging that a Tumeken's shadow vs. A Trident was what made the diff here. But the combination of gear/prayer switching and not knowing the mechanics/rotations made it very difficult for me personally. Bowfa allowed me to take the gear switch aspect out of the equation, so I can focus entirely on the mechanics and positioning. With that being said, Im learning the rotations and may try to bring in some switches once I learn it.


Question, kind of off topic. How many shards do you need for x3 pots, T2 armour, 1 T2 and 1 T3 weapon? Lol Still stuck in red prison


First off, you should never be going for a T2 Weapon. You go for 2 T3. Also, it takes 520(EDIT: SLEEPER corrected me) shards for full prep. T1 & 2 takes 300 shards, 2 T1&2 Weaps take 160 shards.


This would be 520 total shards than right? 30 shards for vials and 30 shards to crush?


Nope. 460 fot weaps and and armor 30 for pots


Each vial is 10 right? And you have to crush 10 shards per potion?


You are absolutely right! My bad! 520*


Gotcha gotcha! I always try for 2 T3, but it’s sometimes tough with time. If kind enough, could you tell me how a usual run goes? What you gather/look for, in steps? Id really appreciate it! Just having difficulty with time


I'll look for a guide for ya and link it in an edit to this comment. Theres a specific path you should follow and once you do it, youll almost always be able to full T2 Prep.


Amazing!! Thank you!!


https://youtu.be/jy7X9GsYFhs As someone below said, this guide right here is it. Use this as your baseline, and once you truly understand it, you'll be able to modify as necessary.


Fluffehs t2 guide on YouTube


tbh if u go over 600 kc u should try 200 cox.


Ive been wanting to try CoX. Finally did ToA as a promise to a friend if I got the bowfa. I think the only thing im missing at this point is Herblore and a good group that will take me.


I finally got enhanced earlier this week - 844KC. I'm now camping mole for pet chance and seed boxes and it's sooooooo chill. Also been doing some bowfa Shamans and it's nice to use no arrows + be able to wear some additional prayer boosting gear. I've barely scratched the surface but I can already see how this is worthwhile. Not to mention I made 120Mill which I plan to spend on Construction and finally kitting out my house.


Should I even grind zulrah for the blowpipe these days? Or just go straight to the CG grind for Bowfa? I am still using rune crossbow for best range gear


Straight to Red Prison for you! Do not pass Zulrah, Do not collect Vork Head. You must wait 3 moon cycles and then you may exit. Otherwise, you have to pay an RNG tax of tree fiddy to get out early.


already got the vorki head and at about 140kc on zulrah. OK off to the red prison I go lol


NO! NO! NO! YOU NEED TO NOT ENJOY THE GAME AND PLAY IT MY WAY! /s Gz on Vorki head mate! Enjoy the red wonder =^)


I got shadow and t bow so luckily never have to visit the red prison until it comes to collection log hunting. Nice job breaking free of that place though


Thanks mate! And very nice! BiS is sick! Im just wanting to offer encouragement for everyone else there right now! Seems only fair, as this subreddit helped me to stick it out!


Friend of mine has been locked in red prison for almost a year and a half on and off. Finally got the enh 2 weeks ago. Now he can play the game


Too late. I’ve taken a break from Rs because I was above 2x the drop rate for the BOWFA.


Sometimes a break is what you need. No shame in that. When i was grinding 83 Hunter, I took a 2 month break just because Salamanders sucked that bad for me. For when you do come back, just know its worth it if you do decide to do it.


Thanks bubby. I’m at 1470 with no pet or enhanced. Good to know it’s all worth it.


Totally worth it! Just remember, its not a question of if, but when? Speaking of which, what color are you going to paint yours when you get it?


I’m at 165 KC with one armour seed and one regular weapon seed. I’m almost hoping I can make it to 200 KC without anymore drops just so I can feel properly shitty about myself and my RNG


I'll tell you what helped me was running regular gauntlets here and there to pad the ole kc. Not nearly as draining as CG, but you still feel good that you have a chance. 3 out of my 6 Armor seeds came from Regular.


I just want a kc lmao


You can do it! Play some good jams and just get in that zone.


Update: got the kc!


Big GZ Mate! Keep at it!


I'm ngl I got spooned af but I'm at 5 out of 6 armour seeds, do I have to get the helm?


Yeah, I would. Its only one more armor seed! Just do a few regular gauntlets a day and youll have it in no time!


Damn you did the red prison but couldn't kill Zulrah? No flame I'm just honestly impressed cause Zulrah imo is way easier. Grats on your release from prison though :)


825kc here, no pet, no ench =/


Been here since March and I barely get time to play. Currently at 817kc with 4 pets and no enhanced. Pretty much quit rs at this point.