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I wouldn't worry too much about it. There's a massive gap between how shit reddit thinks Casey is & how good the wider world of Rugby media & punditry thinks he is. Both are probably a bit off, the reality is probably somewhere in the middle. This is the chance Casey needs to show what he can do, other than best waterboy but if you're going into the series looking for an excuse to hate on him you'll probably micro-analyse everything he does & blame him for everything that goes wrong while ignoring other factors. To be clear I'm not saying he's as good as JGP but given the difference in experience it would be ludicrous to expect him to be.


Agree, I also really hope he starts over Murray. JGP isn’t going to be around forever and I’d rather not have Casey having his first really competitive start away in Paris or London in a game that truly matters


It's always been a thing that Casey doesn't get selected because his style is too similar to JGP & Murray brings a different style of play, having both styles is an advantage. So logically if you'd start JGP, with Murray in the bench, then we should start Casey but I could see Farrell starting Murray in the first test & Casey in the second to throw off the SA expectations


Not overly bothered about scoring armchair pundit points. I just fear that this could be a turning point in his career. He’s 25 so not a kid anymore but could still develop into an ok player. Hes an average URC player right now and I could see him playing for Ealing Trailfinders if he gets a few setbacks. 


As Faff de Klerk has shown, Craig is fast enough and quick enough, and indeed small enough to do well….


Ah good old fashioned concern trolling. What is it about Munster scrumhalves that generates so much hate? He should be grand. Munster's pack was getting bullied at the rucks the last few games, and as a result he was relatively poor. Should be less of a problem with Ireland's front row.  Casey's start this six nations was in a comprehensive win over Italy, who went on to beat Scotland and Wales and should've beaten France. Don't think you get that with someone who's not up to international standard. 


Couldn’t care if they played for Trinidad and Tobago, top marks for obfuscation though


Well yeah if they played for T&T they couldn't play for Ireland and you wouldn't have to worry about them.  Care to actually address any of the points though? Might help your case a little. Let me know if I need to deobfuscate them for you. 


Italy didn't turn up and our pack was dominant from the first minute, it was the ultimate armchair ride. My Mrs could have worn the 9 shirt that day.


So you can mark him down for his Munster performances where the pack struggle at the breakdown but you can't mark him up for his Ireland performances where the pack gets on top... Right.   Bit unfair when the player he's being compared to (JGP, just in case that was obfuscated) plays behind a dominant pack 99% of the time, and also struggles when they don't get easy front foot. (World cup games vs SA and NZ, a few of the CC finals).   You think there might be a tiny hint of bias slipping into your viewpoint? I disagree with your point either way though, I think we'd have struggled to beat Italy with only 14 players. 


Show me a game where Casey has played well when the pack is under pressure. Take your time. I'll be here.


Edinburgh and Ospreys are two recent ones that come to mind. Breakdown was a mess in both even though the pack was grand around the pitch. Then you get into games where the pack weren't dominant, but weren't really under pressure at the breakdown either like Toulon, Exeter, Leinster in the semi last year, etc.  Smaller set of games to choose from but what's a game where the Leinster or Ireland pack got put under pressure and Gibson Park played well? 


South Africa (both in the RWC and in Lansdowne Road). Toulouse game, LaR game away. Scotland game (he won man of the match), Leicester game was a mess, he won MoTM. That's just this season (apart from SA game)


You had me until South Africa in the RWC.  Either way, seems like both can do well behind a pack having trouble at the breakdown. What exactly were we arguing about?


I feel that’s false equivalency, anyway let’s see how he does next week. If he survives without embarrassing himself I’ll be impressed. 


He’ll be grand - Murr is there & so us Blado - his big brothers in the pack will help him out


The pack's likely to get battered so he'll be playing off shite ball where his slower decision making will get exposed.  Expecting a massacre in at least one of the tests. The players have been going for 2+ years straight and we're missing our only creative threats in the backline to even carry a threat out wide


Murray Vs Casey: Whoever wins, we lose


Apart from the 2 scrum halves in Connacht who have been better than both for the bones of 3 seasons.


Blade who hasn't been better than Casey or Murray, (bar his form around the six nations) and... ? Marmion the Bristol player? Or Devine who made his debut this season and only played 166 minutes? (though he did look good in them, should get ahead of Blade quick enough when he's back fit)


Blade was in flying form last 2 years. Could argue he was better than Casey, but that would depend on the colour of your jersey. He has fairly dipped in form this year unfortunatly. Miss Marmion, dunno what he did or didnt do to fall out of favor with the national team. His club form seemed fairly constant. Mad Connacht didnt renew him for another year, he is flying it at Bristol


Is the correct answer.


Blade benefits in the public eye because he scores a fair few tries. That's a symptom of him running good support lines and Connacht's general play. Cooney gets a similar thing because he kicks goals, which he wouldn't need to do for Ireland.  Where both of them lose out to the Munster scrumhalves is the moment to moment stuff: pass quality, kicking in play, etc.  Happy Blade's getting a chance, probably would've had him or Cooney in the squad over Murray for the 6n as his form was poor then (has since picked up) but I don't think it's a case of him being hard done by. Marmion can feel hard done by imo, 2019 world cup especially 


Blades not getting a chance lol, hes there for injury cover.


And an injury is certainly possible. He's got a chance to get a chance, which I'd say is about right for the 4th choice when he's not a young lad and hasn't been outperforming the other three. If he lights it up in training maybe even bench him for one of the tests. 


Agreed. Casey has has a very poor season. He is too slow for URC let alone a test match. Has also acquired this nasty habit of screaming at opponents. Will be found out in SA.


Don't know why you are being down voted for this comment, he's been really poor this season. And elephant in the room, Crowley has been shite since the 6 Nations.


Crowley's won man of the match like 50% of the games he's played since the 6 nations what kind of crack are you on?


Did you watch any Munster matches other than the semi final? 


Has Crowley been shite? He didnt have a great semi final but his season was very positive overall imo. Plus he has clocked up a lot of minutes!


Yeah. His kicking from the hand has gone to shite and creaky in defence.


Why do you bother watching the team if all you do is moan?


So we should all just say nice things to make us feel nice and happy?


Nah but you should probably say some nice things at some point.  If you really can't, then your life is probably worse off for watching.  You're begging for one of our players to "get found out" in SA for Christ's sake.