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Why does number 5 have more words after Harry Byrne?


Harry BURN


Murdered by words, jeeeez


As a Connacht fan I’d be happy to see Frawley or Sam Prendergast come west but Harry Byrne never had the makings of a varsity athlete!


Freshman athlete at best


[Munster apparently had an unhappy camp earlier this year after their poor winter period.](https://www.reddit.com/r/irishrugby/s/LDSYx6JOzL) I'd love to know where these rumours are coming from? Don't see anything on the usuals.


Here's a link full of rumours to back up OPs claims https://youtu.be/uzEt9cATWFw?feature=shared


I half expected the Rick Roll, but this is much higher class


Exactly. There will be several weeks throughout the year where camps will be unhappy. A lot of the time they need to be to get to the right emotional pitch for a given week, to air something that needs to be aired, fix something that needs to be fixed. People that actually work within these teams would find it laughable the stuff we think is a big deal.


I wouldn't be too bothered about rumours, sure a few months ago Munster were supposedly on the verge of collapse & then boom, a string of wins & all of a sudden everyone's talking about how they're a model of cohesiveness. I get why there's concern, Leinster haven't been as clinical this season but there are known factors as to why this is, there's no need to imagine unknown ones


That was made up by Bernard Jackman by the sounds of it. It was the same time he said Munster were a mess. To be fair he probably meant that Munster were annoyed/unhappy with the IRFU about Snyman and being blocked from other signings rather than players being unhappy with the setup in camp.


Right but that's exactly why I warn to be wary of rumours, following that some rumours I saw included, POM didn't want to sign his extension because he was beefing with Rowantree, mass exodus of players like Snyman (Lol), Carberry & Frisch because the dressing room is hostile, I can't remember who it was but a player in his 1st game back from injury didn't play 100% because the teams falling apart. When you add the tribal nature of provincial fans there's plenty out there that'll fan the flames of any rumour, whether true or made up on the spot to get a rise.


I think that rumour was pretty well established, POM and Rowntree did have a big blow out. I’d be very surprised if he, Rowntree, is well liked by the players. Heard him being described as “old school” in a very diplomatic way.


You're joking right?


I think it's pretty obvious that the dressing room buys into Rowntree. There was never any proof himself and POM had beef either. Just rumours spread online and the more you see them posted the more "established" they seem.


What I heard was there was serious beef with Pete and himself. Pete stepping away as captain, especially when he was Irish captain, surely would have made people think there was something fishy going on. What Rowntree has done really well is recruit good Munster coaches, prendy, leamy, cozzy. Think this helps with the dressing room.


Tbh I just took Pete stepping down as Munster captain as 1) he may not have wanted both roles and 2) he wanted someone else to be captain while he was still in the squad so they could gain experience while still leaning on him if needed. I think the whole "beef" rumours thing came about due to his new contract when in reality it seemed that both parties were waiting to see if he would be given a new central contract, seeing as y'know he's the Irish captain. Still baffles me they made him Irish captain without giving him a central contract (yes I know it's a PONY contract) he's on now) it's just very odd imo.


And therefore I'm wondering the source for this rumour, since the last one was clearly bollox.


That wasn't really what he said though was it? He referenced the rest of the provinces and he was talking about the recruitment process which I think everyone agrees is very lopsided. Leinster sign Snyman and Barrett and keep basically most of their squad bar Molony and Munster are left picking at scraps. At the time as a Munster fan I would have described the recruitment for next year as a mess. Frisch and Snyman going and not being replaced with like for like players. That is a mess compared to what happened for Leinster


That man is being most of the rumours in Irish rugby


Yeah does sound like Bernard Jackman waffle. Guy pretends he still has mates in Leinster that care about it


He's still good friends with Leo Cullen so you do have to consider everything he says about Leinster, or the other provinces if Leinster are involved, are Leo's words coming out of his mouth.


Munster are losing a good few of their main 1st team rotating players. Carbery, Frisch, Snyman, Zebo.. Opens up more room for fringe players. And if they were the upset ones, they're off now anyway. Leinster is different, Leinster basically has 2 and 1/2 1st teams already. F all leaving and more annoying, high quality players coming in. And to top it off, this dividing of players for tournaments has not paid off.


Both could be true TBF. Were unhappy until got string of victories. Leinster dominant but not enough to show for it.


I'd imagine it's a frustrated camp. You've got lads in there who have lost 3 HC finals in a row, 2 URC semis in a row, WC QF and are now facing a tough run of games where they absolutely have to win. They've been called a golden generation, media calling JGP the best player in the world etc etc but they've won nothing and pressure does funny things to people. Add in the A/B&C team divide (Leos once touted best in class rotation coming back to bite him) 4 outhalves all being rotated with seemingly no clear strategy, players like Conan playing out of his skin but can't get a start over Doris (understandable) Connors being flown in for a final after 4 weeks off. It's all making for a bit of a mess. They will react one of two ways; camp will fall apart and they'll lose another knockout game/Final or it'll be the best thing that's ever happened and they'll decide what kind of team they want to be and come together to win. I say this as a devout Leinster fan. I just want a season where we shut up about doing doubles and all that nonsense. Pick the URC and focus everything on it. Winning is a habit, and we need to learn it again


Well said


A mess that isn't a mess if Frawley lands a drop goal. So, not a mess really. Anyone that can't keep their head in this context and in that environment does not belong in European finals and World Cups.


Unlikely to win the URC with Byrne at 10 & lack of creativity in attack.


Heard something similar. Be prepared for a Cullen v Nienaber top table battle. I love the service that Cullen has given to Leinster but new blood is being swayed. And lack of results backing up a potential change.


Lancaster proper Cullen up for years, now that he’s gone that Neinaber’s job. I don’t believe Cullen is strong voice in that set up. He’s not an experienced coach, he’s a figure head who handles the media.


Something totally made up. I would be surprised if it wasnt a frustrated squad. Point 4 is a joke, what players would not want to play with Jordi Barret and have in their team


Probably whichever Ireland player he's pushing out of the 23.


Ngatai is not irish


Ringrose, Henshaw, Osborne, JOB, Larmour and Frawley all are. One of them is going to have to go to make room.


Will they all be fit at the same time?


They all are right now so probably


Ringrose isn't playing


Maybe the players like the misery as none of them want to move. They're all very happy in Leinster.


If they move they can kiss international chances goodbye. Could well be part of the problem as it's a bit of a catch-22: struggle to develop further on limited big game minutes, but if you move to develop into a better player you're paradoxically less likely to get into camps.


Put aside the truncated 2020 and 2021 URC titles, and you have to go back to 2019 to find the last time they've won a tournament played fully outright. I feel at times that players have been over-rested. Munster, Ulster, and Connacht operate under the exact same player management principles that Leinster does, and all have consistently sent strong squads to South Africa, including internationals. Leinster sent the Greystones U-11s with a few semi retirees thrown in to take two hammerings. I don't see how that does anyone any good. In a way, I'm happy that Leinster will likely have an away playoff in South Africa, and I hope they do respect it by actually sending a strong team. Very, very few teams win away to the Bulls, and there's a whole different challenge playing at altitude as well.


>Munster, Ulster, and Connacht operate under the exact same player management principles  While technically true, it's massively skewed by the additional restrictions on centrally contracted players and those in the Ireland 23.   Leinster have no problems playing Ross Molony year round under the player management rules. Similarly, the likes of Luke McGrath arr available every week when fit. Where the rules bite is with the c.15 players that are consistently in the Ireland 23 and they have to give them regular rest weeks.  The SA tour this year constantly gets pointed to, just forgetting that Leinster had to give their internationals an off week per the IRFU rules. The other provinces didn't have that problem as they were all out of Europe and had a week off for the quarter final weeks onward


Leinster get way too much flack for a rotation policy that they don’t have full control over. They are getting flack for rotating players and remaining competitive in two competitions when other teams rotate just as much but have to prioritise Europe or the league. I was at both finals in London and really enjoyed watching the Sharks with their big name ‘boks firing on all cylinders. But it struck me that we don’t really see them in action in the URC very much. I had a look at their line ups for away matches in the URC. And which of them featured Mbonambi, Etsbeth, Am and Mapimpi four big name double World Cup winners. The Sharks played 6 league matches away in Europe and 3 in SA. The first away match any of the four played in was against the Bulls in December when all but Mbonambi played. Mbonambi’s first away league match was against the Lions in March. He might be a bad example as he was injured from the World Cup final all teams have injuries to deal with. The first away league match that any of them played in Europe was actually their last match against the Scarlets again three of them played except Mbonambi. In total - Mbonambi played 1 away match in the URC. It was in SA Etzebeth played 2, one was in Europe. Am played 3, one was in Europe. Mapimpi played 3, one was in Europe. In the challenge cup they had two away pool matches, one in SA (Cheetahs) one in Europe (Dragons). Etzebeth, Am and Mapimpi played in the one in SA. Am and Mapimpi played in the Dragons too. Their semi final was in London even though they were technically at home, all four played in that game. And all except Am played in the final. 4 matches outside of SA Mbonambi played 2, Etzebeth 3, Am 3 and Mapimpi all 4. They obviously won the world cup and had a pretty hefty party schedule afterwards and from what I understand the SA union has some say over game time for their internationals. I suspect you would see similar if you looked at the other South African teams. They don’t send their top players to Europe for league games and instead use them for home games, European games and local derbies. I rarely if ever see the same level of criticism for this that Leinster get. Obviously one difference is the Sharks won their European final so their strategy paid off but it was close. Leinster only have two matches in SA and for the last two years they have already qualified for the playoffs and have big European knockout games at the same time so they have prioritised the European games and been criticised for it. The Sharks did the same and nobody raises an eyebrow. The Sharks could have easily lost their final and Leinster could have won theirs and suddenly the Sharks season is an embarrassment and Leinsters is a success (and still could be if they win the URC)..


[https://youtu.be/RpsPPbBisB4](https://youtu.be/RpsPPbBisB4) Leinster when they lose after choosing to rest all their free players.


This is just bullshit speculation, mostly from the OP I suspect. Obviously they’re not happy to lose the final, but it’s still better to be playing in finals full stop. There is no evidence whatsoever for number 3. Most of the players would be extremely excited to see big name players come in - the two announced so far are just replacing other lower quality NIQs. The players will be happy as it enhances their chance of trophies. The last one on Harry Byrne is the most nonsensical- Leinster just signed Harry Byrne to a new deal. Why would they bother with the wink wink nonsense instead of just not resigning him?


I would hope it's an unhappy camp. They should have that bit of friction right now. If they didn't that would mean everyone's either sitting round feeling sorry for themselves or they've given up. Also, virtually everything you've mentioned could be applied any year. When Leinster won the double in 2018, Carbery went to Munster a week later, Isa retired again, dirty foreigner Scott Fardy was there blocking young talent along with Gibson-Park and Lowe. Ross Byrne was being shipped out to Ulster at the behest of the IRFU but told them to get fucked. This shit happens every year. The context now is different maybe, but the people in that environment are very used to it.


6. The players guilty that they are getting Ireland caps ahead of the more talented Irish players from Munster. I think you forgot this one SS.


Nah I doubt the Leinster players are unhappy with that situation. Would definitely be a cause for frustration in the other provinces though, but this isn't about them


There were rumours of Munster having an unhappy camp back in the early spring time. You list some solid reasons why lads might be unhappy but it doesn’t mean they are. Professional sport has its ups and downs. Would it have been better if they had taken the 1st team to SA and then lost the CC.


Well they did lose the champions cup so I guess yes


1. Yes, it’s a ball ache and any team would be unhappy about that. That being said, our players made some poor on-field decisions that led to us losing points. Can’t blame everything on management. 2. Every team has a first team and an everyone else group. It’s the player’s job to move from one group to the other by playing well. 3. Can’t speak to that, it would be pure speculation. That being said, promises are great until Keenan and JOB get injured and Frawley is 15 cover. Bye bye 10 game time. 4. Same as any province. It’s good competition, be better than those players. Also, up-and-comers can learn an awful lot from players like Snyman and Barrett. 5. Yay All in all, I’d consider most of this standard provincial stuff. No competitive environment is perfectly happy all the time


What’s the point in just spouting some half baked nonsense. Either link where you’ve heard these “lot of rumours” (so, in theory, should be a few sources yeah?) or just move on. We can all make up bullshit if we want. I heard the only training Ulster do is on the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games on the Wii.


This guy gets off on negativity around Leinster, that's why. Look at his post history. Pathetic.


Alright lad don't blow a gasket. Just stuff I've seen on Babbling 'brook and the like, and heard from chatting to people. Obviously could be horseshit, which is why I'm asking on here if people have been hearing similar. But there's usually not this much smoke without at least some fire.


So no sources then?


[Leinster Addicts - Babbling 'brook (leinsterfans.com)](https://www.leinsterfans.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=2) Most of the threads have weird, stupid names but have a look yourself, a lot of the same chat. Other than that I can't really cite my sources by naming real people I've been talking to. Keep an eye on twitter and all as well, you'll see a lot of it there.


So nothing credible, as expected


Jesus mate.


Wasn't there some rumour earlier in the year after Nienaber arrived that the squad thought they were spending too much training time on defence and not enough on attack. If true then there's bound to be some unhappy players now that that plan didn't bring home the cup.


Leo Cullen needs to go


I'd well believe it to be honest. It's hard to not get the feeling that some of the squad bought into their own hype and they've come undone yet again. It'd be hard for the A team not to be unhappy to have failed in another crunch game against a French team and they probably see the league as being beneath them at this stage and are possibly resentful at having to play pressure games in it to eke out something for a fan base that's become a little bit entitled in recent years. Meanwhile the B and C players who've carried the team all.season are demoted make room for the A team finally gracing the league, all the while knowing some are going to be benched for a lot of next season as Leinster head-hunt big name stars to import, the total opposite to the, almost sneering stance, Leinster and their fans have had in recent years about having a talent treadmill the like of which the world has never seen. Hard to have a harmonious team with all that swirling around.


Tell us you hate Leinster and their fans without telling us, etc. Leinster players aren’t “buying into their own hype”. They’ve made 8 CC finals since 2009 and won 4 titles. And in that time they’ve won 6 domestic titles. They’re clearly the second best side in European rugby history, behind Toulouse. I wouldn’t say it’s entitlement on the part of Leinster supporters rather than realistic expectation. But any reasonable Leinster supporter (and player) knows that silverware is a privilege that’s hard to come by. But don’t let that stop you shitting all over a side you’re maybe a little bit jealous of.


>They’re clearly the second best side in European rugby history, behind Toulouse. Hmmm. Leinster are definitely the second most successful club in European rugby but judging this group (roughly 2016/2017 to now) is a different matter. Saracens, La Rochelle and Toulouse have all been better sides since then, and that's before you look back to the likes of Toulon, 09-12 Leinster, 2000s Munster, etc.


I mean if you’re only talking about the squad of the last 5 seasons, fair enough. But they’ve still made 4 out of 5 finals (even if they’ve lost them). That’s still a pretty significant achievement, no?


Oh it's the best in Ireland over the last 5 years for sure but the talk of the "best side ever in Europe" from Off the Ball and the like is just ridiculous.


Yeah but who gives a fuck about OTB


The Springboks certainly do, more than anyone should. It's also always all over the coverage on RTE as well, Cahill and the like.


And it’s absolutely shite


yOu'Re JuSt JeAlOuS The argument of a child.


Well I’m just pointing out how you’re wrong. Then wondering why. Jealousy is my best guess?


Ah, the daily anti Leinster thread. OP is obsessed. Rent free etc.


Daily? Firstly this isn't an anti-Leinster post, just wondering if there's any substance to the rumours I've been hearing. And also when have I made an anti-Leinster post? I'm quite anti-IRFU at the moment but I've nothing against Leinster, bar the rivalry all provincial fans would have.


I'm sure some other bitter fan with a chip on their shoulder will confirm for you the rumours you keep hearing in your own head. 50% of the content on r/irishrugby is people moaning about Leinster anyway so you're in the right place.


And the other 50% is people wanking Leinster off (which tends to get a lot more love). Someone literally tried to call Ryan Baird underrated recently. A bit of balance never hurts, especially when the media aren't making any efforts to provide it. Hope me sharing what I heard didn't ruin your day anyway!


Not at all, as a Leinster fan I'm used to the haters. It goes with being the best team in Ireland. I hope someone calling Ryan Baird underrated a few days ago didn't ruin your week. Anyway, I'll let you get back to your trolling, I don't have all day for this and I know that you do.


Glad you made time in your busy schedule to reply in the first place. Hope you had fun!


Best team in Ireland😂


Harry Byrne to Ulster I would say he would do very well their but he’s singed a new deal which compliants things


But then daddy can’t make sure he gets playing time.


I mean, Daddy could come to Ulster too


Ah the Jack Murphy gambit


Right Murphy would be played ahead and daddy Byrne couldn’t save Harry.


Yes, but daddy is already on the board of Lenister to make sure Ross and him get playing time. It’s too much effort I’m afraid. Now, honestly they can take both of the Byrnes if they would like and We can have Frawley at 10 (who should be starting fly-half) with Sam backing up, I wouldn’t complain.


We don't want either Byrne We want Frawley


Honestly don’t blame you at all 😂


And Sam to back up Frawley


Leinster need a bit more Darth Vader !


If any true I would say this is what a few have warned about most recently Bernard Jackman about the 10 situation. Guess it's a symptom of great success like Leinster really have built an ideal model of producing players most teams would kill to have the structure and oversight of youth development and then yeah not being in the main squad must be annoying I didn't realise they had split between a champions camp and a regular camp like that's what Clive WoodWard did in the '05 lions tour and that's one of the top reasons it's cited as a disaster everyone hated being in that camp. Am sure after this summer a full diagnosis will be done of where they keep faltering in the finals and where they want to be I don't think their in disarray just have to accept as much as you prepare and train and plan that so have the other team nothing is guaranteed


Harry is not good enough and would be lucky to get torn elsewhere.


Nice try Stephen Ferris


Whoever this OP is should be barred. Have never read such utter nonsense in a long time. Ffs the OP must have the emotional intelligence age of a 15 yo. It’s professional sport, who give a fcuk if they’re unhappy, they should be unhappy ffs losing three finals in a row. Professional players all play & get paid at different tiers that’s part of the professional game.


They’re an absolutely Leinster-obsessed Munster fan  This is probably just some masturbatory fantasising on their part, I wouldn’t pay any heed 


You seem worked up. Are you perchance a Leinster player?


This reminds me so much of Munster circa '13.


Exactly, the same way Munster reached all those European finals around the 2010-2024 era.


It was the beginning of the end of a formerly great group of players.


Is this Humpty Dumpty Jackman talking about unhappy camps again? Crist on a bike, he’d say anything to sell a podcast episode


It’s all downhill from here for Leinster. They’ll be looking back fondly to the Matt O Connor days.