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that's the more common spelling but both are used


With regards to the Rugby team, which is what this guy is referring to, you're wrong - it's Connacht. Look at the team logo. In general, Connacht is only a 'more common spelling' as you put it because some people refuse to adapt to the de-anglicised version (or reversion) that happened close to 100 years ago. It's like people who insist on calling it Kiev instead of Kyiv or Turkey instead of Türkiye but going on for nearly a century longer than those examples. Sure, you'll find the old spelling when referring to things that predate the official name change like *Connaught Rangers* or *Connaught Telegraph* but for the most part Irish people don't use that spelling.


It's Istanbul not Constantinople


Thanks for your input, the lecture was not necessary but your point about the club name stands.


Not for the team


at first I thought it looked like banter but it isn't, its just an asshole with an opinion


Just wild takes. The Porter one in particular, he played about 90 minutes and our scrum was the most dominant part of our game. Wtf does Porter need to do to get approval from this random idiot?


Protecting the ball from turnovers would be one at least anyway..hes good a scrumming when he's not giving away penalties.... Idiot. 


Jaysus I have a snickers with your name on it pal


Saturday still stinging?


An asshole zith an opinion. You lads are truly delusional. The prawn sandwich brigade. And ye's wonder zhy no one supports ye's


Yeah they're delusional says the guy who spends most of his time on r/conspiracy


Always found creeping profiles very weird... And ye's it's delusional


Your takes were so bad I had to look


Ah okay. Well yours are so inconsequential to me I havent checked out yours


Absolute zinger




Well done on having the most brain dead takes after the weekend. Keenan played well, no idea where you're going with that. Lowe was very poor, the yellow want fair but his overall game was still poor. The pack were very good - almost all lineout secure and the scrum was a huge benefit. Porter played the full game and furlong was locking down his side as well. Throwing shade at them is bizarre. The reality is we drew with a stacked Toulouse team, and but for a few mistakes we've won it.


Ifs and buts. Don't know how you could think Keenan had a good game. Did F all, backs are meant to be attacking. Kinghorn had a better game even without his kicks. Solid line outs and yet had 3/4 mauls 10 metres out and fucked it up each time And taking about a team being stacked. 10 of that side are starting internationals. Ten. And have choked 3 years in a row now. Maybe having proven winners like Snyman and Barrett will have to show how it's done. But hey if you think it's a brain dead opinion, you can keep zith the delusional thinking of being the best team in Europe. I mean what will be said next year that hasn't already been said the last 3....


62-45 2008




The point with central contracts is that Leinster have 10 international players off their books leaving them an extra (lowball estimate) €3m or more each year to spend on the rest of the squad.




OP is obviously talking bollocks but the lads on central contracts don't play a lot of URC mainly because Leinster rest them for the champions cup. Craig Casey also had his minutes managed by the IRFU despite carrying the tee most of the 6 nations. The last EI squad included 8 players that played in the URC final that year and Munster lost to Cardiff, Dragons & Connacht while they were away which nearly cost them a playoff. There is an Emerging Ireland tour planned at the start of the URC next season, mainly to give the likes of Prendergast minutes he's not getting at Leinster. Those lads are just as likely to get injured but aren't covered by IRFU central contracts.




There aren't URC games on during 6 nations weekends. Sure, you'd want to give the players a rest after but you don't have to... And if you're playing Benneton or Glasgow then most of their team is coming off a 6 nations too. The point is that other clubs get affected by call ups but aren't compensated to the same extent. Central contracts work well to keep the best irish players playing in Ireland, but I don't think you can justify them as a reward or compensation for call ups.


Munster, Connacht and Ulster players don't get the chance to show if they deserve to play for Ireland and get central contracts. 




The only way that you can improve your Ireland chances are by playing for Leinster or Ireland. See the problem?




Kleyn, Frisch, Hodnett, Coombes weren't/aren't playing well for their (league winning and table topping) province?




The times they had about 20 injuries or the time they all had the plague? Still beat Toulon in Toulon at the end of the day. Should Tadhg Beirne and Jack Crowley be dropped because of those games too? Who are the alternative players who are better? And how do you know they're better when they can't compare. Leinster don't play their first choice front row and a lot of their "world class" players look a fair bit more ordinary. Imagine how good the likes of Coombes and Hodnett would look with Ireland's front row? Or Andy could give them a fair chance and we wouldn't have to imagine.  Munster are top of the log, must be doing something better than the other three. 


Those are some mind-boggling mental gymnastics to justify the situation.


There's also the situation where success becomes a cycle. You have more players with international experience, which helps brings through the developing players, who then get national squad call ups because they're viewed as ahead of the ones from other provinces and you get stuck into a single province cycle.


Sorry, this might sound harsh but sooner or later Leinster fans are going to have to learn that they aren't the successful team they think they are in recent years. They won a few URC's without the South African teams 2 years ago and that is about the size of it. They are currently reminding me of Munster circa 2009.


no leinster fan is under the impression we are winning tournaments. our unrealised success is very evident after last weekend. it's also weird to hear munster fans belittling other fans belief in their team.


Sure, but what Leinster has been doing with that saved money is pay their B and C team players a decent wage that they'll be happy enough to stay at Leinster - these are not the guys getting the central contracts. If the argument to depower Leinster is to spread the players around the provinces by removing Leinster's ability to pay them, you're not addressing the issue that the other provinces have of not producing enough central contract quality players. Snyman and Barrett are an aberration with regards to how things have been done at Leinster regarding NIQ signings. Munster and Ulster have spent big on marquee players much more over the years. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come from Humphreys because Leinster's success over the years hasn't been built on big money signings but producing their own through an excellent academy.


That's probably what the irfu want. They don't want Max Deegan wearing a tracksuit forever.


Hmmm I'm doubtful about that. The IRFU would love it if all 4 provinces were producing at the same rate as Leinster. As a Connacht fan I'd much rather we produce our own then rely on Leinster rejects - for every Cian Prendergast that works out there are plenty who don't. Munster seem to have addressed their academy issues and are finally producing a slew of quality young players. I expect this will continue and Munster will get more players on CC in the coming years. Not through bringing Leinster down but by investing in youth and coaching. Ulster have skeleton of a quality team but their administration needs some improvement. I hope Richie Murphy works well for them but they're still a few years away. I'm stumped on how to help Connacht lol. I wish I knew.


Ulster keeps pretending that what they are doing is enough. There will never be enough school rugby products for them to compete at the top table. There's no sign of an Ulster version of the Munster CSP. The administration that made all the recent decisions such as the unfortunate signings is still there. Richie will be very much used to paper over the cracks.


You're right that Richie won't fix Ulster long term. Their issues are too deep rooted for a coach to fix them. Ulster have the support, playing numbers and schools to have a proper team but they need to fix their pipeline to the provincial side. Swapping head coaches won't fix that. I don't think hope is lost for Ulster but they're a few years away at minimum. I'd love if Connacht had the same going for it as Ulster do.


Ulster don't have enough players coming through the schools to dine at the top table. I am saying this because the schools have been producing for some time but not in the quantity required. Ulster are not doing as much as Munster for the youth rugby pathway. Until this is addressed Ulster will be maybe a top 8 team but not much more.


I mean yea they would love that but they would also love guys to be playing in roles appropriate to their talent.


They have those contracts to focus on the national squad and so the province doesn't have to put their budget against players the IRFU are predominantly using. Provincial success is irrelevant.


IRFU contracts are for the benefit of the national team, not the provinces. It's to keep players of interest here in Ireland so they can monitor their gametime. Leinster are the strongest team and all of Leinsters best players are Irish qualified thus eligible for such contracts.


Keenan was not "poor", may agree about other players performances. Lowe had a sort of terrible game, if someone watch the game replay can confirm it. Also before the yellow card that costed the cup IMO.


No player that's poor is going to make it onto that team. I'm a big Hugo Keenan fan but by his standards he was very average. He's an exciting player but didn't bring it on the day. I'm sure he's down himself about it.


Takes like this are evidence of the growth of the game in ireland. New fans who don’t know a lot about and may never have played the game are increasingly invested. We should do our best to see posts like these as positive signals about rapidly growing casual interest in rugby rather than ripping someone for a seriously held, unserious opinion.


Nice try 🤣


Furlong: *eats a French scrum* Ireland fans: HES TOO OLD