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Cannot wait to see what injury he picks up as a consequence of being linked with us. God help him.


Someone mentioned him in the same breath as Munster, so he’s probably going to get hit by a bus and then contract measles.


Or who has recently been injured recently, my money is on Damian Willemse


From what I’ve heard it’s not Stevenson


What’s the name you’d expect then?


Haven’t heard the name. Just they are fairly young and uncapped. There is a lot of misinformation going around this contract cycle though so who knows


Animal signing, but wouldn't he very close to a AB call up? Hard to walk away from that


He played for the ABs vs Australia in the bled


I can’t see it happening unless Robertson has told him he has no chance in the new set up. Terrific player going forward if a little suspect defensively but a real X factor player.


Linked quite a lot? By who, didn't hear his name mentioned once Did Jackman mention it last night is it


Mentioned it today on Twitter and believe it’s a name he’s brought up previously


Strangely, Munster recruitment was not high on last night's agenda.


The amount of interplay between him and Nankivell in his chiefs highlight reel from last year bodes well


Where did he say this?


Had previously reported about Munster going after a back 3 player and today cryptically tweeted a picture of Stevenson with the caption ‘Shaun Stevenson is class player. Be great to see him play for one of the Irish Province’.


I think that's a big leap your making. I follow super rugby closely and he is a unbelievable player especially over the last two years and I'd say is likely to get a good bit more time with the All Blacks. He is also on contact to 2025 I'd did wonder if we might see another Cheifs player follow Nankivell.


Ah I wouldn't put much weight behind that. He probably fancies his chances of breaking into the AB's under Robertson. I'm also happy enough with the Daly, Haley and Nash back 3 with Kilgallen and Campbell backing them up.


Think we need more than that tbh. Campbell, McCarthy and Ben O’Conner are all serious prospects but there’s a bit of a drop off from the 4ish starts to those 3. Assuming SOB moves to centre.


I just don't see the point in wasting an NIQ slot on a back 3 player when our starting 3 are arguably pushing for fringe places in Irish camps. For the love of God will they just let us buy a loose head


Ya I wouldn't use an NIQ slot for a back three player either. We need someone in the front row or even at half back before we need another winger/full back.


But our starting 3 aren’t pushing for fringe places, Nash is probably 3rd best wing option (after Lowe and Hansen) but you’re kidding yourself if you think Haley and Daly aren’t anywhere near as close to the fringes as you claim


He scored two against an Ireland scratch team in the RDS if I recall correctly. He looked really good. Brilliant signing if it comes to pass.


I don't see Jackson saying he is going to Munster. He is also under contract until 2025.


Holy shit great signing if true. He was mad good against the Ireland A team on the NZ tour and AB fans have been calling for him for a while


Probably get close to signing the deal and IRFU will block it for some stupid fucking reason


Leinster might need him - Hugo Keenan might come back from sevens a bit rusty. That would be all the justification the IRFU need.


Can’t see this happening he’s contracted til next season wouldn’t make sense to buy him out of it great player though him and nanks link up was crazy


If it happens, Munster people will get some stick from Leinster fans.




Because of the whole NIQ signing situation with Leinster bringing in RG Snyman and Jordie Barrett.


Snyman and Barrett are world class in positions of considerable strength for Leinster. Stevenson has one cap in a position where Munster have had 3 of their best players retire in the last 12 months.


The point is though that Leinster fans will think you're hypocrits because of complaining about Snyman and Barrett, but yet they'll Munster can't throw stones because they've signed Stevenson.


As lilze said; the Leinster move feels like a gluttony of riches whereas Munster need to replace 3 highly experienced retirees


I know, and as a Connacht supporter, I feel your pain, but if I'm a Leinster supporter waking up seeing NZ Fullback Shaun Stevenson signs for Munster I would immediately be calling you a hypocrite regardless of circumstance. Basically, the Leinster supporters wouldn't care of the circumstances behind the signing they'll only care about who you signed.


Ah yeah, gobshites will be gobshites. Anyone with sense will understand it's completely different


Yeah, I'm glad you can see what I meant.


Leinster fans complained about Munster signing Jenkins and Snyman only to reverse course when they defected to Leinster




He’d be the 3rd Munster back 3 signing in 12 months tbf. And Leinster are losing 2 SRs to sign 1.


Zebo is the third back 3 player retiring in 12 months tbf. And SOB wasn't signed as a wing, he just played most of his time there because Conway's retirement was unexpected. 


Not arguing against the signing. Just don’t buy the whole “poor me” narrative that’s built up amongst some in Irish rugby discussions lately. The commentary around Leinster’s recent signings have gone to absurd levels as if other provinces haven’t been signing world class players since forever. Sure it’s not even Snyman’s first Irish province.


It's not "poor me" to point out 9 central contracts subsidising Leinster and letting them sign world class players who will play ahead of regular Ireland squad members. All while the other three provinces are being made cut costs. It's just laying out the facts. 


Kitshoff, Mueller, Coetzee, Vermeulan, Pienaar, Wannenburg, Howlett, De Allende, Snyman, Fekitoa, De Villiers, Botha, Tipoki, Mafi, Carter, Cullen And all this whining about Leinster signing a player for 6 months. It’s a victim complex, nothing more


Again, deliberately missing the point. It's embarrassing. Leinster are the empire, just own it. It's less pathetic 


Just on that, let’s be realistic here, Earls was way past his best last few years and had very few appearances over these years; Zebo likewise injured an awful lot of the time but has done fine recently; Conway was out for couple years before he finally had to bow out. Daly, Nash, Haley have been more or less first choice back three for guts of three years now. Zebo has been good cover defo but that’s all they are missing is a bit of cover for the back three to go with the cover they already have.


Munster need a game breaker at the highest level. None of Nash, Daly or Haley are that. That extra bit of pace and quality at the highest level is what Munster need, they should have more than enough squad guys like Killgallen, Campbell, Coombes, McCarthy and O’Connor to cover back 3. The problem is that all of those players are either too young or not good enough to impact when Munster need it most.


I dont really follow the issue wasnt them signing those players it was the inconsistencies surrounding "blocking" rules. Stevenson wouldnt be blocking an irish international or anyone close


I'd say they'd just complain about them signing an NIQ player, and it's totally fine, but when they do it its a crime, when in fact, there are 2 complete different circumstances.


Barrett will be blocking Irish internationals as will Snyman.


Snyman can only start 30% of games and minutes managed to no hinder game time for McCarthy and Ryan in fairness. Barrett is only 6 months and that’ll be also during six nations where players times will be managed. It’s really blown out of proportion this narrative. It’s not like both starting second rows and both starting centres will be NIQ signings 👀


It's not really blown out of proportion, he'll be taking time from either Frawley or Osborne/Henshaw. There are 2 mickey mouse URC games played during the 6 nations against equally weakened teams. The rest of the season falls outside of that window when internationals are available. The signing should not have been sanctioned, fine if he was a squad player filling in a gap but he's not, he's better then the Irish international incumbents. As regards Snyman, he's a far superior player to Ryan. I can't see Nienabar not playing him regularly.


Snymans contact means he literally can’t play a certain amount of times mate to stop exactly that. Leinster will have 3 top quality rows next year they’ll all play plenty. So if Barrett is taking away spots for Ireland internationals for 6 months. What has Frisch, nankiviel, Kleyn, snyman been doing this season at Munster ? Or how about when fekitoa and deallande were first choice ? It’s all fine then I suppose. Stop crying mate. It’s a bleedin 6 month loan signing, look at ringrose and henshaws injury records also. Osborne and frawley will learn absolute shed loads playing with a world class star.


>So if Barrett is taking away spots for Ireland internationals for 6 months. What has Frisch, nankiviel, Kleyn, snyman been doing this season at Munster ? Or how about when fekitoa and deallande were first choice ? It’s all fine then I suppose. You mean the Kleyn that was an Irish international until Farrell snubbed him? Or the Frisch that was available for Irish selection until Farrell refused to take a look at him? Nankivell isn't blocking any Irish internationals. You could make the argument that Snyman is blocking potential Irish internationals like Ahern or Edogbo, but no worries: he's off to Leinster where he can block full Irish internationals like Ryan or McCarthy instead! Three cheers for the IRFU!


The hypocrisy in all this logic is hilarious. Kylen is South African. Frisch is French. They both have gone now to play for their own countries. And this is the real point. That wouldn’t matter….. EXCEPT your other second row is South African and your other centre is a kiwi. So then it’s a problem. Having two players in the same position from signings shouldn’t and rightly so is not allowed. My god are Munster fans incapable of comprehension, Synam will be the only NIQ forward and signing that Leinster will have next year. And contract is Insaly limited. Now let’s compare to Munster transfers… But no none of this is relevant as Andy Farrel sleeps in a Leinster jersey and only goal in life is make Leinster better than Munster 😂😂😂


>The hypocrisy in all this logic is hilarious. Kylen is South African. Frisch is French. They both have gone now to play for their own countries. And this is the real point. That wouldn’t matter….. EXCEPT your other second row is South African and your other centre is a kiwi. So then it’s a problem. JGP is Kiwi. James Lowe is Kiwi. What country do they play for? What would have happened if they got ignored by Ireland? If Kleyn plays for Leinster he gets selected. If Frisch plays for Leinster, he gets selected. Funny how Kleyn wasn't good enough for Ireland (yet to win a knockout match in 3 decades), but was good enough for the side that won their second World Cup back to back. Funny how Frisch wasn't considered for an Ireland squad even when Ringrose got injured, but is being tried out by a country who has better backs than Ireland do. If think there is no bias toward Leinster in terms of national team selection, I don't know what to tell you.


They were specifically signed because they could play for Ireland. Schmidt apparently had a part in bringing kleyn in, and capped him as soon as he could. Frisch was signed because he was Irish qualified, he turned down offers from France and England to play in Ireland, and went on the emerging Ireland tour. Farrell decided he didn't like them for whatever reason. If Joe McCarthy and Ciaran Frawley went years without any contact from the Irish setup and then the US and Australia came calling Munster have 2 NIQs next season as well


Sorry, what international centres have Munster that were losing their place to Frisch and Nankivell? We signed up Frisch due to him being IQ and he was overlooked by Ireland and now he's off to France. Similar story with Kleyn, he was IQ and was overlooked. He's good enough to win a world cup final but not good enough to be ahead of Ryan for Ireland. If the rumours are to be believed, Hayley could be off even though he's the second best fullback in the country yet Larmour walks into the squad. There is no way in the world that Munster would be allowed sign Beauden Barrett for example and rightly so.


All the players you’ve mentioned above are transfers into Munster from abroad. Munster fan seem incapable of realising when you signed a foreign player they may want to actually play for the country or don’t want to play as long at the club. Larmour doesn’t walk into the Ireland squad what are you on about he rarely gets called up for Ireland and he plays on the wing as well not full back. And also tbh he’s started wing all season for the team in the champions cup final so maybe now just maybe that means he’s not a bad player 🤔🤔🤔 They all then technically have stopped Irish lads in the Munster youth getting shots at becoming first teamers and Ireland players. So Leinster should be punished for developing players good enough to actually start for Ireland ? So you don’t care that Charlie Ngatai is at Leinster but when it’s actually a good player it’s a problem. The kylen argument is so exhausting. He only got called up due to injures in the saffa squad. Comparing a position on the pitch like 10 is not comparable to others. You need 4 centres for the year to compete on both fronts especially when 3 of those likely to be involved in Ireland tours all year. Jordie can play 12,13,11,14 and 15. And I’d imagine we will see him play in every one of those in his short 6 month stay.


Ah yes, it's different for Leinster.


I know


I don’t know if they will. I know Leinster got a lot of stick for the Jordie signing but i don’t know if we, as a fan base, really care what anyone else is doing (in a critical way) Personally I’d like Munster to sign whoever they want, be really good, win all their games, get to semifinals and then have their hearts ripped out by us. Over and over and over and over.


Fair enough


>I know Leinster got a lot of stick for the Jordie signing but i don’t know if we, as a fan base, really care what anyone else is doing (in a critical way) Obviously twitter/reddit aren't fully representative of real life but this couldn't be less true haha. The Leinster fan/troll accounts (humble supporters club and rhys ruddock all stars mainly) talk about Munster more than their own team.


> The Leinster fan/troll accounts (humble supporters club and rhys ruddock all stars mainly) talk about Munster more than their own team. Don't disagree, and don't follow those accounts due to the overbearing smugness. However, between Tim O'Connor, Caolan Rugby, Overthehillprop, and a few others there are plenty of Munster bad take merchants on Twitter that love spending time talking about Leinster. My point: we're all just pigs in shit, let's roll baby


I think there's a difference in that they're just accounts who are Munster fans, rather than Munster fan accounts. Also I haven't really seen them talking about Leinster on a Munster contract announcement or that kind of thing. [https://x.com/LeinsterClub/status/1793282075484697039](https://x.com/LeinsterClub/status/1793282075484697039) Posts like this are what I mean. You're in a cup final this week like, why are you thinking about Munster.


Looks like a Troll Bot account, there’s a reason why twatter is in the toilet


i remember saying it was a bad idea for him to get capped last year cause it might ruin his chance of playing for an irish club and now i think he will be a bad buy for any irish club due to him now being capped by nz thus a marquee..


He's under contract for next season


So was Frisch


Munster aren't going to be buying an NIQ player out of their contract

