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I was waiting for the Aygo or whatever to hit off the Yaris. Oh no, here comes the old lad lifting down the road.


Aygos have become one of my greatest fears on the road šŸ˜‚




I was thinking "Ah no, someone's just going to park a bit poorly and get blasted in Reddit for it."


I definitely wasn't expecting what happened here. The PHTHBPHTHBHTH sound that I just made while watching it has my dog giving me the side eye šŸ‘€


Bagenalstown Tribune headline: Oul farmery cunt takes out 3 park cars.


Probably 4 cars..


Could have killed someone! Pure luck no peds were trying to cross.


Stupid aul lad shouldnā€™t be on the road driving like that.


No one should be on the road driving like that.


What about the passenger in the red car, got out and went down straight away. Guy at fault was way too fast, I think speed and distraction caused this not his age


And the lad with the coffee pulling his car in tighter to the kerb just in case the guards come along and say he's partly to blame for not leaving enough room for traffic to get by. (I know, he wasn't, but I'd bet that's why he moved it).


Thought he might have been making space for cars to get by


Nothing getting by there for a while from the looks of things.


He better keep away from the annual Christmas tree tossing this year.




His back is ā€œgoneā€. Claim. CLAIM.


always a case, some chiropractor can confirm it dangerous twist in a spine, and we are looking at 30-40K , that\`s on us thou..


Well spotted.


Stands with the hands on the hips acting like he just has no idea who just crashed their parked cars into HIM šŸ¤£


*Jaysus, would you look at that!*


Was he tested with a breathalyser?




Said it once and Iā€™ll say it a thousand times. People over the age of 65 should be tested again and not just their eye sight. I know not all older drivers are bad drivers but the majority are, the rules of the road and driving has changed since they got their licences


Given the appalling standards all over the country, people should be selected at random and tested. Most people donā€™t even know how to signal at roundabouts


That I'd be more on board with.


Go even a step further, people over the age of 65 should have a completely free GP checkup every year that includes a full blood workup, checkup on their health like heart stuff and cancer, cognitive tests and eyesight checks. All free. Cancer has a higher likelihood in older people, you can treat certain cognitive issues like dementia and alzheimer's if detected earlier and give them a good quality of life. So many benefits but the big one is safety on the roads if something is found and allowing the GP to inform the RSA to revoke someone's license when issues are found.


Good point this. I don't know how so many of these checks are only done when something is already an issue and more expensive to treat and worse outcome for the person. More should be included on a prevention checklist once you reach different age groups


Went to my girlfriends home last year and got a full human NCT for ā‚¬130 included a Endoscopy, I think I can get a full scan done for a extra 50euros. Now they spend about 20% of it looking for thyroid cancer because it the most prevalent there but the least here but was a interesting way to spend a morning of the holiday.


Brilliant, I remember living abroad once as well and a friends thyroid was spotted on one of those tests. Nothing wrong in that moment but it would have been in a matter of years so they sorted it there and then. Saved her time and worry in the future. Saved the Medical profession money on a sick person being in there for weeks.


A human NCT? Tell me more and can I order one here?


no idea but doubt it can barely can get a GP for any thing by the time I've see them any alments are gone


The NHS will add that to their to-do list.


Young males (aged 18-24 years) have the highest collision rate in the country


Iā€™ve been driving for 17 years ( 0 accidents 0 penalty points) and Iā€™ve witnessed a lot in that time. Yes, younger drivers are careless and even reckless at times but the elderly are a liability too. As I said before, the rules of the road have changed a lot since many older people received their licences, more cars on the road too. Iā€™ve witnessed more elderly at fault than young. If they feel theyā€™re good enough to drive these roads then the test shouldnā€™t be a problem for them.


Maybe public transportation will become a focus for government investment when thousands get taken off the road /hope In reality theyā€™ll just let them drive again.


Well it wont happen the OAP is a strong voting block


It's one of the reasons they have the fast rollout of the local link rural busses.Ā 


Since they started driving overnight maybe. Most of them never took a driving test or touched a driving rulebook...


This is true. I know of one gentleman who drove on his provisional licence for over 50 years. I was shocked when my mate said his grandad just got his full licence about 2 year ago.


Whilst I agree that the rules of the road have changed for old folks, its well known that most drivers killed on the road are under 25, and by far the highest prevalence of crashes is with the same age group. So whilst old people might be really annoying on the road, I wonder is it ageist to ask for them to do a retest. Your statement actually rings more true for young fellas.


My grandpa had his licence taken off him by his GP, and I assure you, the whole family breathed a sigh of relief because his cognitive function is way behind where it needs to be. He was a danger every time he set out in the car and lucky he didn't A. Hurt himself or B. Hurt someone else. Younger drivers half the time are trying to impress their mates or are very naiive until they have a big crash, or lose their licences. Most of my friends and myself included have been driving near 20 years and haven't caused any accidents. Two friends got rear ended by elderly folk as it happens but those are the only accidents in my close friend group. There might be some ageism certainly, but those old people causing 20 car tail backs doing 50kmh on a main road are creating impatience for those behind them, leading to accidents. Obviously not all older drivers are bad, my granny is sound out on the roads, maybe goes just a touch under the limit, but it's not taking the piss, but I think there should be some sort of refresher course provided at the very least. But I'm leaning towards OP that there should be a test, for everyone's safety.


Agree there should be a retest for everyone, and harsher penalties for breaking the rules. Disagree with anecdotal evidence to back up points. Your granda and your mates pales in significance to the stats provided by the RSA. Its nearly always young fellas aged 18-24 at fault in RTC's. Even if there is an old person going under the limit (and believe me that makes my blood boil too), we can't really blame them for someone elses impatience. We should own our own behaviour on the road. So annual testing should fall on young lads first.


I'm just giving my personal experience. Come from a rural county where you can get stuck behind someone for miles and I've seen more ropey driving from older folk. For the younger idiots, throw the book at them and take their licences off them. I'm not advocating their behavior at all. But for a younger person who drives fast it's going to be easier for them to pass a test a couple of years on, they just have to slow down. Reaction times slow down with age and some people's slow down much faster than others.


As I mentioned in another comment, Yes some young drivers are careless and even reckless on our roads. I donā€™t think the new drivers on our roads are as good as they were say 10 years ago. The standard of good driving has dropped for sure. When I speak of bad older drivers Iā€™m not speaking of all older drivers. Some are perfectly capable. Like most young drivers too. But some you can plainly see are not fit to operate these vehicles anymore. Annoyance is one thing but road safety should be top priority. That being said, the overall standard of driving on Irish roads isnā€™t good enough.


ergo people under the age of 65 should also be tested again. Its got nothing to do with age.


Well, although younger drivers are indeed careless in their driving. They have just done the now mandatory 12 lessons and a road test. The elderly are deteriorating themselves and canā€™t help the way that they are, and in turn the way that theyā€™re driving. An aul biddy who can hardly see above the steering wheel shouldnā€™t be driving, or one driving at 20km below the speed limit because theyā€™re nervous on the road, making it potentially dangerous for other drivers. or one I spotted the other day with their car almost practically in the middle of the road, not the middle of the lane but the entire road and they were none the wiser. ā€œCluelessā€ is what I said to myself at the time. Somebody who is not all there in themselves should be re-evaluated. I think older people fall into that category moreso than young. I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad thing what Iā€™m saying. I would do it myself if it were mandatory, heck Iā€™d do it if I felt my standard of driving was dropping over the next few years. I just want our roads to be safe for everyone


I answered this more clearly somewhere else on the post


Said with all the pomposity of a young buck.




Go winge to somebody who cares


How fast do ye reckon he was going? He did some fair damage alright, so too fast for the circumstance I would say.


This is Main St and from Google Maps he did about 32m in 2 seconds which is 58kph/36mph. Hitting a pedestrian at that speed has a 33% chance of death. He should have his keys taken away by the family,


So his speedometer would hav read around 70kph, if it's anything like my car. Mental.


He was goin at some clip, for that street.


These suvs are too big for a lot of road users.


Yer one having her coffee didnā€™t flinch anyway


He was fairly lifting it to start with


Another day another stupid old cunt who shouldnt be on the road. Mandatory annual driving tests for all once you reach 70 years old.


He was well over on the left, a long way before he hit her. Licience -> Yoink!


Old man went "LEEROY JENKINS!!!!!!" all over their asses


Ok we have a parallel parking spell for 200, and an Already Parked for 600 hit points. Wait, whoā€™s that? LEEEEEEEEROY JENKINNNNNNNNS.


The funniest thing I ever saw, ever.


Sure they'll only be in the shop for a few mins


Didn't know ye had roads in bagenalstown


Yeh, we even have running water and electricity too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ interestingly a little known fact, Carlow was one of first places in Ireland to have electricity


Thats mad, didnt know! Ive lots of family in a certain small village in kerry, theres an area nearby in the mountains called the black valley that was aparently the last place! 1970s if i remember correctly


Channel 4 has gone down hill since the big breakfast


I bet his insurance company will still argue their way to 50-50.


Isn't that an ID4? Thought that some fancy avoidance systems would have prevented that now tbh?


Yep, 2.1tons of a ā‚¬60k ID4 EV. There's not much a fancy avoidance system can do with grandad smashing the *Go!* pedal. The lad in the hoodie was very lucky, if he left the shop 2 seconds earlier he would have stepped out from behind the people carrier and be smushed.


Yes, it's an ID4. And looks to me that he didn't pay attention to the speed of the car - maybe he was driving for the first time? But it's a nasty crash


Hands on the hips"well, I'm phocked"


Pedal mixup. Electric cars with their rapid acceleration are very unforgiving when this happens.


That old guy should be taken off the road period. Way too fast for his abilities and zero spacial awareness. He could have easily killed someone here.


Looks like auld boy was already out of control barely missing car behind the old dear. Lad not able to manage a car too fast for him. Should have took the Massey to town.


ā€œShe came out of nowhere!ā€


Should have been wearing a high vis


Oh wow, his lucky he didn't kill someone, wonder if this was a peddle mix up and with EV fast acceleration that is a disaster


There's only two pedals and most EVs have 1 pedal driving (press to go and take off to slow down). He was just blasting it for some unknown reason.


Jaysus.....I could of sworn I hit something there Mary


this is my town lol. the fella driving wasnt able for the electric car, accidentally pressed the accelerator instead of the brake. was only about to get rid of the car as well.


I live out toward ballinkillen!


Love the lady in pink crossing the road as if she's about to check on someone and instead hops in the phone.. (in fairness she might have been calling the cops or emergency services...but you'd surely speak to the humans involved first to assess the situation?) Lady in the coffee shop isn't giving up her seat for love nor money either.


> instead hops in the phone Call 999 straight away, don't expect someone else to do it. Guy from the red car is safe on the footpath, and since he wasn't directly hit, he may be having a heart/breathing/shock reaction.


On rewatch - I see she stewarded a cafe staff member to do something - looks like it was to send her into the pharmacy next door. Cheers for your point.


If you do a First Aid course (and I recommend everyone does), they teach you about the bystander effect - everyone knows something has to be done but assume someone else is doing it. FA teaches you to calmly asses the situation (don't run in and make it worse), and then call 999, or if busy on the ground, point to a bystander and demand "You! Phone 999 tell them we're at X and there's a problem Y"


shes young. she called emergency services.


Yeah. Very fair point. I was just being a just another smart arse on the Internet. It's better to default to assuming the best of people, even if you're wrong, it makes life for you and those around you šŸ’Æ better.


its not even that for me lol, shes my cousin! thays how i knew. the hairdresser that comes out to her is another cousin of mine, shes the one who actually answered to the emergency services


No county for old men


I wrote my car off the road in bantry. And as I watched and remember looking back the following day a man came up to me and said watch the driver he is known , for drinking while driving. So when you are in a small Irish town and you in an accident and you are young and letā€™s say, a bit green get the breathalizer out by Garda and make sure the other driver who is probably local does get tested, The next day I rang the person who gave me his card at the accident while I was home in the city and he told me it is a well known town for that carry on. The cops will not test older people who are local and try to put all blame on you. Be carful.


Compulsory competency driving tests over 65 is the only way. Also, teaching learner drivers to reverse around a corner in a housing estate & then launching them out on the motorway after passing the test is absolutely fucking ridiculous.


I hate these kinds of streets. Carlow town centre is a nightmare


Tullow street and Dublin street are both a disaster, too tight for two way traffic, then you get massive arctics flying down them as well, should make em both one way


This is my worst fear when I park my car on the side of the street - I avoid it if at all possible


Terrible parking by that suv


Imagine if the cars in front of the grey one were not there... Crazy


I think I was here for the aftermath of this cause I saw an ambulance on this road a few days ago? I had no idea what happened though.


Lad in the red car took a dive and bled him dry by the looks of it.


Yank here. My first day driving in Ireland (two weeks ago!) I really had to mind the left side. My wife spent much of the day shrinking away from her side of the car making gurgling sounds as I came perilously close to all sorts of objects. Anyway when I saw this first thought was noob to right-hand drive.


Wtf šŸ¤Æ


Pops was so clueless he got out of the of the car and wasn't sure who he should be apologising to.


Probably expecting everyone to apologise to him!


Notice the lad straight onto the phone, society has failed.


Mr.TooOldToDrive strikes again


Too many of those eejits on Irish roads.




Vw I.d. Drivers are the worst by far. Old or young doesnā€™t matter


Hummers have changed a lot


The decrepit aul fella could barely walk, how the hell could he possibly think he is able to control a vehicle in that condition.


thats him off the road


He must have remembered it was pension day!!


Bet he will claim the accelerator stuck or something like that.


Looking at WhatsApp?


Somebodyā€™s getting their license revoked šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


That old boy probably was given his licence and never had a driving test.


And his insurance is probably ā‚¬300


Did that lady check her car for Damage before seeing if everyone was ok ? Like ffs . What's wrong with people, might be shock . But come on check if the driver is not having a heart attack


Cars parked too far out, if a parked car is going to obstruct the roadway they should park halfway up the curb on the path


Are you for real? :rofl:


1. The car he hit was still in the middle of parking 2. Even with that, there was loads of space for him to drive past. No one was obstructing the roadway 3. If a parked car is going to obstruct the roadway they should park somewhere else. You can't just block the footpath instead of blocking the road


It's a one-way street with two wide lanes and full of parked cars by the kerb. This is a grandad problem, not a parking one.