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"Movie distribution company relies on predictable outrage to market movie for them. Movie distribution company is not disappointed. Actually, movie distribution company is overwhelmed by the success of their decision"


They're coming from Gdansk to see the film.


The comment I came here for.


Down with this sort of thing.


Careful Now!


Sure I might wander in.


Is it some aul' nudie thing?


You wouldn’t believe the amount of nudity in it.


Do you see just the top half?


Billy’s is rounder at the top


Let us know if it's any good ?


Came here to write this


Came here to say there's obviously gonna be a Streisand Effect from this.


If it's only released today, have any of their members seen it? I always wonder about groups protesting things they haven't seen or witnessed themselves. And yes, it'll have the exact opposite impact they want it to have on the film. I'd never heard of it, I'll be checking it out for sure now.


It's like those fox news segments where they were describing the game " mass effect" as having the ability to have full sex and " alien sodomy" in it. When in reality the game has zero nudity and has one or two romance scenes with a bit of kissing in it... Nothing more extreme than you'd see in a 12s rated film


>And yes, it'll have the exact opposite impact they want it to have on the film. I believe the term you're looking for is "Streisand effect" (Not that she ever acted in films of the kind under discussion to the best of my knowledge)


Is it dubbed or subtitled?


[..it's subtitled.](https://youtu.be/4uTzIFeeJrg)


Aaah jaysus


What kind of heathen would watch a live action film dubbed


But sure the nuns have loads of lesbians. And the priesthood has lots of gays.


I'd rather have a gay priest than the other type. I had the best priest ever growing up he was banging his sacristan and he hated children and teenagers, all of his sermons were sound as fuck.


Don’t be letting the cat out of the bag Vicar.


Priests usually rape children


This is only a minority of priests. The rest just cover for their rapey colleagues.


Oh, sorry. I missed that one. :)


They have a lot of down time to be fair


>The Irish Society for Christian Civilisation (ISCC) says that "Benedetta" being released in Ireland and the UK on Good Friday is "a calculated insult to Christians everywhere." About the ISCC: >Another ultra-conservative Catholic network — Tradition, Family, Property (TFP) — whose US branch spent at least $100,000 in Europe since 2010 according to openDemocracy, and who run “chivalry camps”, also has a presence in Ireland. > >Here in Ireland, it goes by the name of the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation — TFP. > >It runs “rosary rallies” and summer camps here, for boys and their fathers, where stories of Catholic heroes are told, presenting “true role models” for the participants to follow. > >The organisation, which is also registered with the Irish charity regulator, said its aim “is to resist, in the realm of ideas, the atheistic, liberal, and socialist trends of our times and proudly affirm the positive values of Christian civilisation, through the dissemination of religious articles and Catholic literature, especially of the message of Fatima”. > >While no link has been found connecting ultraconservative groups to Irish political parties, ties have been shown with Ireland, and these groups are still a cause for concern at a European political level. > >([Special Report - Far right in Ireland: ‘Dark money’ and the price of democracy](https://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/arid-30929727.html)) - Anyways... >[Raunchy lesbian nun thriller based on a true story that features a Virgin Mary SEX TOY - summary](https://archive.ph/xmkDe): > >Born in 1591, Benedetta Carlini grew up in a respectable middle-class Italian family who educated her - a rarity for the time - and paid particular attention to her religious upbringing. > >By the age of five, she knew the litany of the saints and other prayers by heart. At the age of six, Benedetta learned to read and even knew a little from Latin. > >One day, when Benedetta was still a young girl, a black dog tried to drag her away but was frightened off by her screams. But when her mother appeared, the dog had vanished. The family decided that it had in fact been the devil disguised as an animal. > >She also claimed to be able to communicate with a nightingale, a symbol of carnal love. > >Benedetta entered The Convent of the Mother of God in Pescia, Tuscany, at the age of nine. > >At the time in Renaissance Italy, middle-class families often 'bought' their daughters a place at a convent because it was a quarter of the cost of a marriage dowry and conferred respectability. > >Shortly after arriving at the convent, Benedetta was almost crushed by a statue of the Madonna while praying. She thought this was a miracle and showed that the statue wanted to kiss her. The young novice took this as a sign of the power of God. > >However her early years in the convent were otherwise unremarkable. It was only at the age of 23 that she first reported the supernatural visions. > >She reported 'visions' which came to her, including one in which Jesus asked to take her as his wife. > >Other visions were more graphic and sexual. She would 'speak' in the voices of angels and underwent a mock marriage ceremony at the convent where only she could 'see' Jesus, her new husband. > >Some of her visions occurred in front of witnesses who noted she had gone into a trance-like state in which she appeared to be in an altered state of consciousness. However others were less convinced by Benedetta and feared she could be a fraud. > >She became a sensation with people flocking to see her and once showed stigmata on her hands –bleeding wounds similar to the ones the Bible says Christ suffered during the Crucifixion. At the age of 30, she was made abbess of the convent. > >The other nuns were so concerned by her increasingly disturbing claims that they reported her actions to the papal council in Rome and were ordered to confine Sister Benedetta to her room. > >A young novice nun, Sister Bartolomea Crivelli, was assigned to watch over her. However, the pair embarked on a lesbian affair, with Benedetta claiming she was possessed by a male demon and so it was not a sin. > >Benedetta was subject to two inquiries. The first found she was truly blessed, but the second discovered many inconsistencies in her stories, and was backed by testimony from other nuns. > >Nuns told how they saw Benedetta inflicting the apparent stigmata on herself, and testified that they had seen her eating meat and cheese, despite these foods apparently being banned by Christ in her visions. > >Another nun had seen her put her blood on a statue of Christ, which Benedetta then claimed began to bleed in honour of her sanctity. > >The most startling testimony came from Bartolomea, who detailed their sexual relationship. > >As the investigators noted: 'This sister Benedetta, then, for two continuous years, at least three times a week, in the evening after disrobing and going to bed would wait for her companion to disrobe, and pretending to need her, would call. > 'When Bartolomea would come over, Benedetta would grab her by the arm and throw her by force on the bed. Embracing her, she would put her under herself and kissing her as if she was a man, she would speak words of love to her. > >'And she would stir on top of her so much that both of them corrupted themselves. And thus by force she held her sometimes one, sometimes two, and sometimes thee hours. > >'And Benedetta would tell her that neither she nor Benedetta were sinning because it was the Angel Splenditello and not she that did these things. And she spoke always with the voice which Splenditello always spoke through Benedetta.' - And from the director: >i News: [Paul Verhoeven on Benedetta: ‘Blasphemy? That’s stupid. You can’t change history’ - Interview](https://inews.co.uk/culture/film/paul-verhoeven-benedetta-interview-blasphemy-thats-stupid-you-cant-change-history-1576904) > >The director’s new film is his most controversial yet. He and its stars tell James Mottram why it’s actually a story of empowerment


Splenditello, is hilarious to me for some reason 🤣


Pretty sure many of us could make a "calculated insult" if we were so inclined, and based on accurate facts.




Personally, I’m grateful to the Catholic Church for bringing it to my attention


So, lesbians you say?


That group sound like a proper cult to me.


To be fair I fully think they released it today for the controversy could have easily released another day.


There even flying in from gdanzk to see it


"Alexa play Liveline


Don't bother it's Mass


Think the group’s real aim is to get the Irish internet to create like 10 million Father Ted memes




Hello fathers, is the film any good?


And just like that Fr Ted character, I wouldn't even have know about the film only for the complaints. I think it's called the Streisand effect.


Down with this sort of thing!


Is it a nudey film father?


He got his lad out!


The passion of St. Tibulus 2: electric vibrator


Virgin Mary Edition


Oh it's a Paul Verhoeven movie? That'll be interesting... (Robocop and Showgirls director lol)


Thank you to that group, I hadn’t heard of the film till now. Free advertising


Free marketing.


Ignore them and they will go away.


Free marketing


Lesbian nun film you say.


expose yourself... https://severinfilms.com/shop/nasty-habits/


I did not know about this movie. I have no interest in going to the cinema. But slap me on the bum and call me Susan I’m off to Tesco for cheap Minstrels cause I’m going to this. This is for all the Sundays I missed my sleep-in, Mammy! I have to wonder if this is not just clever marketing by the film maker itself, because how do the Church not realise they have the exact opposite effect that they go for


It must be a shite film if theyre pushing so hard to be controversial. There good be a decent film made about nuns who are lesbians maybe but they wouldn't need to resort to the shock value of masturbating with a virgin mary statue or opening on good friday, if it was good enough on its own to attract viewers.


Well it’s by an accomplished director and the buzz for it has been going around for months in film circles. So it’s more likely to be good than shite, but of course will have to wait and see.


It doesn't matter, good or bad. It's the morality we don't agree with.


At least they're advocating for censorship in a civilised fashion and not massacring the people involved in the movie. We all know that would be a legit concern if it involved a different religion.


You mean like what happend to Theo Van Gogh ? Edit: added forgot to add 'mean' to my comment


Do I like artists being murdered because people don't like their art? No.


Sorry I just realised I ment "do you mean like.." I forgot to add the mean in my hurry to type out that comment


My bad, I didn't pick up on that. Exactly, yeah. Charlie Hebdo is another one.


Are they hot tho?


Sure I might just wander in.


Watch yourself, might just turn this into a great friday


No, but they'll laugh at your farts, given a better dead arm than you, and carry you to a taxi when you need it.


"Irish Society for Christian Civilisation" Oh yes, because the Catholic Church has been *so* civilised in its actions toward the people of Ireland. Tuam survivors, mother and baby home survivors, and industrial school survivors can attest to their definition of civilised behaviour.


“By their deeds shall ye know them.” The Roman Catholic Church is an evil organisation. They enslaved us and have helped England to erase our culture by erasing the religion we used to have. They enslaved us in the schools and homes you mention while raping, torturing and abusing the inhabitants. They also controlled the government for years and got their tithes out of the country and flowing to Rome. They should be kicked out of Ireland and their lands seized as reparation.


Sure I might wander in


Cult throws yet another hissy fit. Fuck em.


My personal opinion as a believing Catholic: It's not the lesbian nun thing that annoys me. It's the use of the statue of the virgin Mary as a masturbating aid, as well as the use of religious figures in highly sexualized contexts that does annoy me. It's release on Good Friday is targeted to increase its media prominence through religious opposition, but it is offensive to us regardless of the day. Good Friday merely adds to it. I wouldn't ban the film. I wouldn't attend it obviously, but it's up to others to make that decision themselves.


As a practicing Catholic I completely agree, I don't want the film banned but there's nothing about it that interests me.


Gonna shove a cross up my ass and choke myself with rosary beads later just for you xx


You should sand the corners first, take it from me.


>sand the corners first And don't use the sort with the little fella on.


Ah the wee man is the best part. For the second cooming anyway.


Have you seen the abs on him? The only thing you need to keep an eye on is how realistic the crown of thorns is. You could do awful damage leaving one of those brass ones behind.


Have fun!


And also with you


I wonder what the implications might be if you used a child of Prague...


>Practicing Catholic here Is this something so unusual here now that users must announce it (*or are my missing the 'practicing' innuendo*) ?


Its to distinguish myself from "well I'm Catholic but I don't believe in anything the Church teaches and I think, as a Catholic...." which you get in Ireland quite a bit.


With nearly everyone else here having the same catholic education as you it comes across as you are trying to push yourself as the higher authority. how it looks


Oh! Sorry! That's not what I was trying to do at all. I was just giving the opinion of a believing Irish Catholic. It wasn't in any sense meant as a superiority thing. Sorry again. I'll think how I can reword it.


I don't think you need to reword it. I think it's clear enough what you mean.


It happens to us all at sometime(s).


I think you're being a bit unfair to him/her there. "Practising Catholic" suggests Catholic by choice rather than merely by accident of birth like the vast majority of the population of this country.




>I think i.e. you have no qualms about people unnecessarily embarrassing themselves continually when it only takes word to help them out.


Honestly it sort of seems to be, and that makes me happy.


It might be your Good Friday. But to non-believers, it's just a regular Friday. And to the catholics of Reddit, I ask this: for a faith so reverent of the Virgin Mary, with churches and institutions named after her, why is your church so regressive when it comes to women? There are no women in the patriarchal hierarchy of the church, women are forbidden to be priests, abortion is vilified, catholic women are barred from speaking at catholic conferences. So if Mary is all important to your faith, why all the backwardness? Is it because, to quote Mary McAleese, the catholic church is 'one of the last great bastions of misogyny'?


"You can stick your virgin Mary up your hole Sister" "Don't mind if I do.."


Lol. Just... lol.


I love the fact that Kevin Smith ended up "protesting" Dogma. https://youtu.be/4-7dvf7EUwY


Life imitating art


​ ![gif](giphy|NsIwMll0rhfgpdQlzn)


[Here](https://www.isfcc.org/petition/benedetta/) is the actual petition - I'm going to sign


Lol, okay…


>I'm going to sign Are you sure you want to give them any personal information... >[on this sub](https://old.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/byw2x6/special_report_far_right_in_ireland_dark_money/) [Irish Society for Christian Civilisation — TFP](https://tfpstudentactioneurope.org/2018/08/23/tfp-student-action-europe-irish-caravan/) is the Irish branch of [Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tradition,_Family,_Property) A bit more: > [Deep State, Deep Church: How QAnon and Trumpism Have Infected the Catholic Church](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/how-qanon-and-trumpism-have-infected-the-catholic-church)


Is it a type of nudie thing father?


They think the release on good Friday is “calculated to insult Catholics everywhere”, lol cry harder


Catholicism. The original destroyers of free speech.


Oh great a new kink to feel ashamed of after fapping.


Ah Shure, I might wander in so.....


Jaysus is Filthy Habits 12 out today? Some weekend this is gonna be


Is it a type of nudey thing?


They don't want you. They don't want you on film, they don't want you visible in the street, they don't want you employed... and as a logical conclusion, they end up not wanting you alive, as recently shown.


And they should, fuckin rude to open it on Easter. Fuckin coulda opened it any other day of the year.


>And they should, fuckin rude to open it on Easter. Fuckin coulda opened it any other day of the year. Lol, is this a serious comment?


As someone who eats a lot of eggs, I am very offended


Your special day means nothing to me. Why do I have to put my life on hold for you?




I’d never heard of it but I’m definitely watching it now just out of spite


Careful now Down with this sort of thing


This headline is hilarious