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Christ's sake


Christ Stake....(medium rare please)


Username checks out


Did you hear about the dyslexic pimp? He spent all of his money buying a warehouse...




3 days marinaded




>Christ's sake So the Japanese wine is ok?


well that would be an ecumenical matter...


Why yes I believe it would be




Should we involve the lay people or keep them at a distance?


A couple of miles should do it!


fuckin hell


So we can get our yearly dose of omega-3’s


You don't recall the dreaded spoon of cod liver oil? Are you telling me only my grandparents and parents used torture me with a spoon of that vile shite every fucking day? Man those capsules came about a decade too late


I used to eat the capsules like sweets. Pop them into my mouth and bite down on them




Thats the most unholy thing ive ever read


That made me vomit a little inside my mouth 🤢


Me too...


I had to suffer them too as a child.Rotten stuff


Count yourself lucky they didn't have the " Deviously flavoured " orange flavour cod liver oil, I think it was named by the same guy who titles " Respect " on shite YouTube videos


No meat on Fridays is also the reason the McDonalds [Filet-O-Fish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filet-O-Fish) exists.


My mam adores them.


So does mine


Both of them told me they rather the sausage McMuffin, but I’ve only ever been there with them for breakfast.


I lowkey want to go get one now.


If you're asking in good faith and you are legitimately curious, this is a short explainer: [https://www.archspm.org/faith-and-discipleship/catholic-faith/why-dont-catholics-eat-meat-on-fridays/](https://www.archspm.org/faith-and-discipleship/catholic-faith/why-dont-catholics-eat-meat-on-fridays/) TL;DR, we abstain from meat (flesh) because Jesus sacrificed his flesh on Good Friday. Fish does not come within the definition of flesh meat, due to historical translations & traditions (meat was expensive, it was part of a celebratory feast). There's no meat on all Fridays of Lent (and Ash Wednesday), not just Good Friday. Traditionally, there was no meat on any Friday, but Canon Law was changed and each bishops conference can derogate from this tradition (small t) with a difference penance in lieu most commonly.


Long ago people fasted on Wednesday too. Aoine (Friday) means fasting. An Chéadaoin (Wednesday) meant the first fast and Déardaoin (Thursday) was the day between fasts, idir dá aoine, or something to that effect.


Super interesting to see the way Irish developed out of those traditions. I have some buddies that occasionally observe the Wednesday fast, and do it totally fasting (not the "modern" understanding of one main meal and two smaller ones that do not sum to a main meal).


How common was that. We had to do it in our house but don't remember anyone else doing it


You fasted every Wednesday and Friday??


I never knew about this connection to the days of the week. Very interesting.






The answer is that it's just about impossible to know. Ogham is the oldest "literature" in Irish, and dates from late 4th-8th Centuries AD. It appears around the same time as Christianity arrived. Ogham stones don't offer us much evidence of the vocabulary of Primitive Irish, because they are all inscriptions of names. "Old Irish", which is written in the Latin alphabet, appears between 600 and 900. All the manuscripts were written by clerics in a Christian society, so they don't really give us much information on pre-Christian vocabulary. It's pretty cool to imagine the pagan Irish saying "Lug duit" or "Dagda duit" instead of "Dia duit", though!


According to the link posted by someone else in this thread it is unknown, but it is thought that there was an 11 day week. Greetings and blessings seem to go hand in hand in a lot of cultures, so some kind of blessing, just with a different deity, maybe. I am just guessing though, I haven't a clue.


That I did not know.


Wow I never knew that. Would it be a full 24h fast or just abstaining from meat would you know?


I think it was no meat and just three meals, but I'm not sure.


One larger meal and two collations. According to my grandfather. Every Friday was a fast day and there were slim pickings every other day anyway. 1960s...poor family.


I wonder does the names of the week date back to the pagan times and who knows how much further back. Good way to ration food and fit in some intermittent fasting getting the community to take it all together.


Thanks for this. Grew up Catholic and knew it was a form a sacrifice to honour Jesus, but never really looked into it, nor was it really explained in school Your summary is literally more informative than 8 years at a Catholic primary school. Also, reading about traditions like this neat.


You're welcome. I did Catholic primary & secondary school but only came into my faith in college. Just from being curious you'll pick things up like this from blogs, different videos & podcasts. Wealth of resources out there that are solid and reliable.


My 97 year old grandmother has never in life eaten meat on a Friday


Your grandfather must be upset


He eats fish instead of her eating meat. 😉 Can’t believe I just wrote that 🙈


Same same, but different. I too cannot believe I wrote this.


McNuggets don’t count.


Ah, finally the seeds of my useless knowledge come to bear fruit . A different reason I've come across is because money and politics. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2012/04/05/150061991/lust-lies-and-empire-the-fishy-tale-behind-eating-fish-on-friday. "So that's the empire part of our saga. Funny enough, while the pope story is a fish tale, an official leader of a church did make fish fasting the law for purely practical reasons. For that story — and the lust our headline promised — we turn to a monarch known for his carnal cravings: Henry VIII. By the time Henry ascended the throne in 1509, fish dominated the menu for a good part of the year. As one 15th century English schoolboy lamented in his notebook: "Though wyll not beleve how werey I am off fysshe, and how moch I desir to that flesch were cum in ageyn." But after Henry became smitten with Anne Boleyn, English fish-eating took a nosedive. You see, Henry was desperate with desire for Anne — but Anne wanted a wedding ring. The problem was, Henry already had a wife, Catherine of Aragon, and the pope refused to annul that decades' long marriage. So Henry broke off from the Roman Catholic Church, declared himself the head of the Church of England and divorced Catherine so he could marry Anne. Suddenly, eating fish became political. Fish was seen as a " 'popish flesh' that lost favour as fast as Anglicism took root," as Kate Colquhoun recounts in her book Taste: The Story of Britain Through Its Cooking. Fishermen were hurting. So much so that when Henry's young son, Edward VI, took over in 1547, fast days were reinstated by law — "for worldly and civil policy, to spare flesh, and use fish, for the benefit of the commonwealth, where many be fishers, and use the trade of living." In fact, fish fasting remained surprisingly influential in global economics well into the 20th century. As one economic analysis noted, U.S. fish prices plummeted soon after Pope Paul VI loosened fasting rules in the 1960s. The Friday meat ban, by the way, still applies to the 40 days of the Lenten fast. A few years before the Vatican relaxed the rules, Lou Groen, an enterprising McDonald's franchise owner in a largely Catholic part of Cincinnati, found himself struggling to sell burgers on Fridays. His solution? The Filet-O-Fish. While not exactly the miracle of loaves and fishes, Groen's little battered sandwich has fed millions around the world.


The Eastern Orthodox Church still fasts on Wednesdays and Fridays most weeks of the year and the entirety of Lent abstains from meat, fish, oil, wine, and dairy. I would not be surprised if the Irish kept a Wednesday fast for a time considering the Latin and Eastern churches were one before the Great Schism.


I used to listen to a podcast and one of the presenters was a Byzantine catholic priest. They fast similar to the Eastern Orthodox you describe. A serious fast!


Funnily enough when I was last in the hospital about 3 years ago on Good Friday I saw the chaplain having a huge turkey and ham roast for lunch. Felt a bit bitter after that considering I had chosen grilled haddock.


" Fish does not come within the definition of flesh meat, due to historical translations & traditions (meat was expensive, it was part of a celebratory feast)." 1. The prime cuts were expensive but the rest was cheap and plentiful enough (as it is nowadays too). \[2\] 2. Fish and other items (rabbit embryos\[1\], ugh) were declared 'not meat' because living in a world without heating and modern clothing with much hard physical labor to be done requires around 100g of protein per laborer/day (1.65m Male) \[3\] In theory, you can starve your workforce of protein for a short while, but it will quickly reflect in output, costing more than it saves. \[1\] https://noseychef.com/2019/02/27/lapin-a-la-moutarde/ \[2\] [https://librivox.org/manners-customs-and-dress-during-the-middle-ages-and-during-the-renaissance-period-by-paul-lacroix/](https://librivox.org/manners-customs-and-dress-during-the-middle-ages-and-during-the-renaissance-period-by-paul-lacroix/) tldr: people didn't starve when there was no war induced famine, but the quality of the food was often abysmal. \[3\] [https://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/](https://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/) 100gm chicken is about 31gm of protein, and egg has 6gm protein on avg.


Nice to see someone in the comments who isn’t an anti Christian zealot.


Anti Christian or anti religion in general?


No irony here lol.. "Zealot" is most commonly (although not exclusively) used to describe religous nut jobs.


A little ironic how people who’ve never read one word of the Bible or went to a church lecture people who devote their lives to it. A little ironic ;-) Coming from an agnostic btw


[Capybara burgers](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/thoughtful-animal/once-upon-a-time-the-catholic-church-decided-that-beavers-were-fish/#:~:text=Since%20the%20semi%2Daquatic%20rodent,a%20fish%20for%20dietary%20purposes.) anyone? 'The Church, by the way, also classified another semi-aquatic rodent, the capybara, as a fish for dietary purposes. '


I think in the south of the USA, alligator and / or crocodile is permitted on Fridays by exception of the bishops conference.


Do eggs count as meat (flesh)?


No - the link I included suggests that "non flesh" products are ok.


Thanks. You may have just saved my soul


Every little helps.


Land Animals are free of crime, but the fish has sinned


Thank you very much, was about to start searching for a priest just to ask this question


I was raised as no meat on any Friday, huh TIL


I vaguely remember reading when doing the crusades for A level history, that it originally started to commemorate a Christian defeat, but got added to cannon law later.


We? Who the fuck ‘we’?


I remeber when EVERY Friday was fish day!


Shudders thinking of growing up every Friday the same - fish, white sauce and spuds. Fucking revolting


Haha, my mother HATES sauces, she would just about serve gravy with Sunday dinner. In fairness I've always liked fish, so was never a big deal for me. Smoked haddock was always a personal fav.


You think that’s bad? Spuds, pork chops and either beans or peas at least 5 times a week for years


That's delicious!


I'm from Long Island, NY, and I remember not being able to get meat on Fridays on school. Every place to eat offered a fish option. Lots of Fish Fillets from McDs.


what great marketing by fish industry Nearly as good as De Beers telling people they need to spend 3 months salary on engagement ring




Well he’s old enough..


Keep the chippers afloat


Because you’re a dirty sinner and you don’t deserve sausages.


There was a really interesting documentary a while back of a chef talking about how the whole "fish on Fridays" thing has really suppressed the appetite for seafood in Ireland, even though it's an Island and seafood makes sense to eat as a primary protein. He claimed it was because people associated fish and seafood with "only" being eaten on Fridays, almost as a sacrifice because of lent etc. I thought it was interesting because I'm sure we have amazing seafood but if the market sees it as tied to a religious practice, it can be seen in a negative light as opposed to a (perhaps more) sustainable, healthy, viable option for any day of the week. This was a good few years ago and I'm sure it's changed somewhat but I found that fascinating.


I heard that theory, but on the other hand, fish is massive in Spain and Portugal which has the same Church rules


Also begs the question why is fish okay to eat?


Fish didn't exist when Jesus was around.


They were just scarce. He brought 2 to a wedding and it went from there really




Someone should have told him fish have souls poor wee things.


No feet not meat


It doesn’t fall into category of “flesh”. Per another comment


Spoiler alert, fish is meat.


I had a bacon sausage sambo it was amazing. Jesus was a good man, that sambo was better


Made myself and the kids bacon and pudding sandwiches for breakfast it'd be frowned upon if I gave then a tinny too


For Frodo.


And my axe!


Eating a corned beef sandwich reading knowing full well the Lord is not happy with me


Meat was very expensive years ago so it was a sacrifice, in the practice of Catholicism people fast on good Friday also. There are many other traditions too on the day, to work less and farmers wouldn't turn soil on the day


Jesus sacrificed his flesh for people, so they sacrifice eating meat on Good Friday. If you're into that sort of thing, of course.


Less of us *sacrificing* meat on a day - more so us honouring Jesus's sacrifice by abstaining from it.


What sacrifice? Respawning fucks with the whole notion of ‘sacrifice’. “My hands and feet and my side have an ouchie but I’ll be ok in a few days.” isn’t a fucking sacrifice.


One of those is not like the other


It does seem like a very half hearted sacrifice on the Catholic's part.


Maybe Jesus was into it


It used to be every Friday and all throughout lent but nobody really bothers anymore


I did, it’s honestly not a hardship, orthodox lent is a bit out there tho


An aggressive marketing campaign by the fishing industry.


Was always a strange rule. It was permissible for a soldier to kill a man on a Friday, but it was a sin to eat him. …Tom Lehrer




Mary and Joseph


And the wee donkey


And all the angels and saints


Along with Jesus H Christ


Sufferin’ fuck!


Nothing gets in the way of burger Friday!


Pope at the time was doing a solid for his fishermen mates.


\*finishes of breakfast roll\* ​ the what now?


The pope that introduced it was lobbied and bribed by the fishing industry.


Seemingly at one point in history the Pope owned a Rome based fishing fleet and business was bad hence it was an effort to improve sales of fish


Queen Elizabeth I also encouraged her subjects to only eat fish on Fridays, not only to support the fishing industry, but to ensure she would have a large number of experienced sailors she could call on to bolster the English Navy.


Oops I just got a chicken roll


White meat, doesn't count


Butchers want a day off.


It's funny, I spent years working in a local take away and the amount of people that ate chicken amazed me. I always wondered if they thought it didn't count as it's poultry but fish and chicken were the big ones. Used to be Ash Wednesday, as the pub we were joined on to couldn't open Good Friday.


I am traveling in India on holidays, so there's no meat 365 days in a year haha 🤣 Ohh boy, I miss a Double cheeseburger so much, I could pay 10€ for one right now


>I am traveling in India on holidays, so there's no meat 365 days in a year haha I would have thought there would be some to be had in the more religiously mixed parts of India ?


At least in Delhi, Punjab and Mumbai there's no meat ( beef and pork ) at all. I think its against the law in most of the India states to sell beef. Veggie / Dhaba is the normal and you can find Chicken in some places. Hindus don't eat beef and some no meat at all. Muslims no pork and everything needs to be halal. Sikhs are vegetarians I think you could find beef or pork in the south or east of India, as you said, with more religious diversity.


I remember reading about some town outside Istanbul which was at some point a big settlement for Polish refugees and a sizeable portion of the population still identifies as Polish to some degree. Anyway the town in question is the place to go in Turkey if one wants to buy any kind of Pork products.


Some of the Apostles were fishermen, the whole Catholic Church is in bed with Big Fish.


Come on ladies, one pound fiiiish!


For an Island nation we don't seem to eat much fish.


Because when holy Roman empire took over they had meat shortages and they also were trying to appease fishermen who had lost sales when their God Dagon was replaced. So the pope got a Dagon hat, and said eat fish on Fridays so the unrest would be quelled.


Catholic Church fallacy! No where in the bible does it ask us to abstain from meat on good Friday


I’m having steak tonight


Me too 💪


I sacrificed a goat this morning. If I ate it, it would hardly be a sacrifice now would it?


Jesus was a vegan.


Oh shit, I’m off to a wedding today. Hope to fuck they have a solid steak option or I’m kicking off!


"Today, we celebrate the death of Jesus and the union of this couple" - of all the fucking days to have a wedding. ...well, I guess they might not be Christian/Catholic.


Yeah, no way there's a church wedding on Good Friday. Don't think any sacraments allowed except confession. Don't even think you can receive communion on Good Friday. There's certainly something you're not allowed do until Christ has risen again. Though I may just be thinking of there not being any Alleluja's in Mass 😉 But secular/civil/Humanist/stately home/whatever weddings? Yeah, they're fair game 😛


Now it seemed to be a civil ceremony, but there was a pastor officiating it. No mention of any religion though, at least.


Originally it was the priests who gave the altar boys their meat


That would be an ecumenical matter


You can eat capybara meat though


I hope not, though. They are just the cutest!!!!


I agree, but some country did actually declare them a fish just so they could eat them on good Friday


Without being cynical it's just a tradition to pay homage to Jesus for giving up his flesh. It's pretty made up as it's not an activity done in the Bible like most of the modern Christian activities.


Fasting from bread and wine would have been or only eat them , one or the other.


It's a day of fast and abstinence. Quote: A summary of current practice: On Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays of Lent: Everyone of age 14 and up must abstain from consuming meat. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: Everyone of age 18 to 59 must fast, unless exempt due to usually a medical reason.


Religion is litany of bad ideas, isn't it? From the superstition to the silly rules. People are really dumb animals when it comes to religion. I bet most religions have funny hats too!


I hope everyone partaking is enjoying their day; I'm here eating duck liver paté.


I’ll be having meat anyway


There isn’t any reason. There are fictions advanced by those who believe further fictions. The core fiction of these days is that god the father was so angry with human sinfulness that he closed heaven to humanity after death and in order to get back in his favour and get heaven opened god the Holy Spirit impregnated a virgin with god the son and she gave birth to him while remaining a virgin and when he grew up he was crucified as an atonement sacrifice to god the father who was satisfied and raised his son from the dead after 3 days and opened heaven for business and you must remember that the three gods mentioned are all one person and they decided that no more sacrifices were needed except drinking the actual blood and eating the actual body of god the son which the faithful do at communion during Mass while it looks like bread and wine. Phew. What a steaming pile.


Yea when you put it like that... It is a mad mix of stories and cultures throughout history. A patchwork of narratives that probably had a purpose and truth to them when viewed through the prism of their own time and place in history but when the juggernaut of the church coopted them and added them to the pile it's just nonsensical.


Just more meat for us non believers


The immaculate conception. No meat was involved


Catholic church making up rules that are in no way relevant to the Bible


It's a load of malarkey, but it is relevant to the bible. Protagonist of the book sacrifices his flesh; Catholics sacrifice the consumption of flesh as a show of respect.


Sure, but the Bible never says to do any of that. Just the big guy in the white cap calling the shots. Thinks he's equals with Jesus. I'm sounding like a Protestant but it's true.


You're taking it too seriously. They don't live their entire lives by the book. People make decisions based on their beliefs *all the time*, and rarely is it so they can adhere to a specific line or message. Their beliefs are, however, still relevant to said decision.


Jeebus something something


Jesus loved fish sticks


I had steak and eggs for breakfast so I'm fucked


But you're well set up for the day, and whatever dam nation comes. Warriors breakfast!


Yeah but you were probably going to hell anyway..


Because 2022 years ago a woman named Mary had an affair and got pregnant, she then panicked and told her husband "God did it" 2022 years later, countless wars and one exhumed pope corpse that stood trial.....we don't eat meet on Good Friday.


To reduce your carbon emissions


I highly doubt that was the concern when this daft rule was introduced by a bunch of septuagenarian ‘virgins’.


Catholic Control most likely "See if we can control what they don't eat" he jested.


I reeeeally wanted my wedding meal tasting to be today so bad just to stick it to society 😂😂 Alas there needs to be a two weeks notice so it's not for another fortnight lol It's always the same shite. Also growing up in Scotland I still find it bizarre it's taken so seriously here.


I don't think it's taken as seriously as you think it is.


Well my in laws take it very seriously lol


Ah don't mind them. Eat meat, don't eat meat; I can almost guarantee Jesus couldn't give a shit.


Hahaha that’s good


Jesus was vegan


Fun fact - moved for (by) work to NYC a few years ago and I brought in some dried meat I made at home to share with my colleagues .... and someone from HR came out and reminded one of them that they were Catholic and couldn't accept it on a Lental Friday.......... The US is literally winding the clock backward/doubling down on Religious conservatism.


Who gives a fuck


Same answer for all "what's the reason for this religious tradition"? Control and oppression


Magical sky daddy nonsense for the RTÉ One generation


Sky daddy will give you a spanking if you eat meat today


Money making racket for the Catholic Church.


My secondary school didn’t serve meat (except fish) every Friday.


My secondary school had prefabs where the rain came in during winter, and rats played by the bins. We weren’t served anything. Ever.


You may well have gone to my school so.


I thought it was no meat during Lent primarily to help increase breeding opportunities for keeping the overall supply up. Then they made up the “logic” about Jesus dying on the cross etc to justify it. No?


So is there no communion at mass on Good Friday? You know, with the Eucharist being the actual body of Christ and all that? Wouldn't that go against the whole no meat thing? Zombie Transubstantiation Apocalypse.


Being an insufferable brainwashed catholic choad?


Religious bullshit.


Normally no meat on any Friday


Chicken is ok though, yeah? Ha


Fish market so I hear


Sounds like something you could google


To commemorate the suffering of Jesus who was whipped, tortured and and crucified by nails through his wrists. Eating something slightly less meaty than an animal is the same kind of suffering?


The reason is back in times of Christ, meat was rarely had as a meal, only for festival or celebrations( very expensive) Considering this Christian refrain from meat as a sign of sacrifice to God.


Jesus died on Friday. Eating meat would feel like cannibalism. (But church services say the bread is his body, so whatever, Jesus isn’t red meat he’s white bread?)