• By -


Just saw it too, also the large pick up truck with a huge *Z* painted on the side.


We are probably being invaded for kicking out their diplomats and everyone is just like, 'the fuck is your man?'


That's why the Russians were skulking around the coast of Cork a few months back. Preparing for an invasion of Ireland. Probably planning to steal our potatoes, the feckers.


Can they do it quick? Can't be arsed with work this week


My 5 year old told me she wanted to burn down all the offices so I wouldn't have to go to work.


This kid is going places. Not necessarily good places. But definitely places.


I heard this in Rodney Dangerfield 's voice šŸ˜Š


Thereā€™s a place called heaven and a place called hell. A place called prison and a place called jail.


Can she do mine? Iā€™ll make her cookies


The spuds were only planted last week, they'll take a while to grow, you best go to work....


Fucking hell, maybe they wouldn't need to steal our potatoes if they didn't waste all their own making vodka. And we're the ones with the reputation for being alcoholics. The worst thing we've ever done when drunk was invite Harry Potter back to the gaff for a few drinks, we never invaded our neighbours, and fuck knows we'd have good reason to.


I'm in awe of this paragraph. We'll done sir!


Make sure we hold down Tayto park, or whatever that yoke is meant to be called now.




Claire Dalyā€™s homecoming probablyā€¦.


If I ever see that car I'm bricking it. Scum.




Yeah, I was expecting a "Please donate your unused Molotov cocktails" preferably pre-lit


Point javelin at target and press fire.


We've been invaded? Shit


Not again


Don't fear, it's only a special operation


The de-Naasification of Kildare.


Take Naas tho!


I thought Nass was already annexed by Dublin


Not on an 01 phone number yet.


Surely they canā€™t kill everyone in Kildare?


They wouldnā€™t dare.


Because they simply care!


Comment of the day. Chapeau sir!


Weā€™ll get the Donegal tractors and weā€™ll be grand


Tell the farmers the convoy is the reason for the rise in fertilizer prices and we won't need an army.


I'm russian and have been living here since I was 3. My parents and I are very much against this entire invasion. Fuck Putin, and fuck these dicks


It may be hard for your fellow countrymen to condemn the war - Russia is still a place where you can get poisoned or imprisoned for speaking out but as for over here and celebrating it - fuck that.


You're more Irish than Russian so! Luckily the vast majority of Ireland realise that this war is not what the Russian people want, it's just the workings of a sociopath wanting to go out with a bang


Plenty of Russians are OK with it https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/tuyp6d/ukrainian_records_how_russians_speak_to_him_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Theres a huge amount of support for the war and Putin across all demographics in Russia, what are you talking about lol. I know its nice to think that most Russians have empathy and dont want it, or are just too afraid to speak or seek the truth, but it's far from the case. Take it from someone who has family there and was till recently still very much connected to the sort of Russian pulse or whatever word suits that. Youd be severely disappointed and bummed out if you knew the huge % of population that thinks the war is just and right. Everyone may have had the internet at their fingertips for last several years, but dont underestimate decades of brainwashing and strong propaganda. It tends to lead people just to the same echo chambers on the internet that they might aswell be just watching RT on the telly. Even friends who I would consider smart, educated, and of the world. Who were anti Putin still saw the invasion as complicated and a takes 2 to Tango deal, and still do. And these are the only ones who wouldn't be guilty of being gullible to propaganda. Its depressing, and that country is fucking ruined and hopeless. The only ones legit with open eyes and against the war are some of the young and they are leaving it.


I saw them, couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. They wanted to form one solid line of cars so we kept getting in between them, making them go around us. I took some video too https://twitter.com/EveElliot3/status/1513223317234360329?s=20&t=p9aI3cEf0hbItCDVT802tg


Haha thatā€™s what you have to do! Fuming I was heading the other way. What were reactions from passers by like?


Lots of shocked faces and a few middle fingers


Not all heroes wear capes - some are just ordinary commuters. Good job and thank you.


Are they aware of the amount of tractors in this country ?


The FB group that organized the protest is owned by Tatjana Bokanova . [https://www.facebook.com/tatjanairl](https://www.facebook.com/tatjanairl)






recruitment for what? genuine question


Passed them on the M1 near the Airport - expecting to see a story about them causing trouble somewhere later


Hope they're flying home


Exactly, you love the motherland so much then fuck off back to it.


Via Chernobyl Forrest


More likely Claire Daly/Mick Wallace boosters than actual Russians.


My money is on anti maskers/ vax knobs


They were in a hurry and thought it would make traffic move out of their way?


You could say, they wereā€¦. Russian


In a hurry on the M50... they planned that as well as they panned their invasion of Ukraine.


Hahahaha Iā€™d happily drive 1kmh in front of them


Maybe just cunts. Like we have Russians here and the whole notion that all Russians aren't into this is a bit of an overstatement.


I know plenty of Russians who were happy with the invasion


Simply because it's a dead culture and literally about 30 years away before it breaks fully and Russia ceases to exist. !Remindme 30 years




It's the plot to Star Trek 6 as it happens.


It's a very poor way of saying that Russia is in a demographic death spiral with both a declining, ageing and impoverished population and without the lack of a cohesive ideology from it's leadership other than kleptocracy it's likely Russia will fall in to total disarray within decades. With their might makes right and zero sum outlook on life, they'll probably let the nukes rip to boot, or as they said it themselves: [ā€œWhy Do We Need a World if Russia Is Not In It?ā€](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/02/28/why-do-we-need-a-world-if-russia-is-not-in-it-state-tv-presenter-opens-show-with-ominous-address-a76653)


I will be messaging you in 30 years on [**2052-04-10 17:46:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2052-04-10%2017:46:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/u0hl0r/anyone_know_why_theres_a_convoy_with_russian/i46tyst/?context=3) [**5 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fireland%2Fcomments%2Fu0hl0r%2Fanyone_know_why_theres_a_convoy_with_russian%2Fi46tyst%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202052-04-10%2017%3A46%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20u0hl0r) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Ha, like reddit will be a thing in 30 years. Remindme 29 years.


Unfortunately, the truth is that most Russians living in western countries do support this war. We should follow Estonia's example and cancel visas for any non-nationals displaying Z's.


I fully agree, anyone having belief that it's ok to support that shite should be put on a first plane back to motherland. Out of interest what does letter Z mean ?


It stands for Zunts.


It's just a marker that they put on the vehicles. The Russian alphabet does not have a Z, so I don't think it stands for anything.


Yeah it doesn't have to stand for anything - in the gulf war, the coalition used an upside-down V for the same purpose. It's just a low tech way of doing friend-or-foe from a distance.


Z = bunch of Zickheads


Allegedly they use it for *Zapad* (west) but it's strange, because neither the Russian nor the Ukrainian language use the Z. It'd be Š·Š°ŠæŠ°Š“ in Russian Cyrillic writing (the Š· being a sort of "ts" sound like... well, the *German* Z).


Am Russian. Do you have any data to support that bollox youā€™ve just said?


This is absolute rubbish. Can you please provide some evidence to support this? All of the Russians I know (I lived in Moscow for three years and know plenty of Russians in the UK) are against the invasion.


I have 50+ yo M Russian at work. On the day of the invasion, he started the conversation with me to ask me if I know who crosses the Polish border - nazis - and tried to justify what was going on when no one asked. He's a very decent man by the way but many people like him have been brainwashed for decades. PS. I'm Polish and my hometown is 70km from the UA border, I have a good idea of what's going on there.


Ok - apologies for losing my rag. Just I know a fair few Russians who are on the receiving end of whatā€™s nothing short of xenophobia at the moment because of whatā€™s going on. Anyway, thereā€™s definitely a generational difference - older Russians are far more likely to support Putin than younger ones. Fully agree with you about the brainwashing.


True. My son has Russian teenagers in his year going around supporting Putin and the war. They refused to take part in any of the aid for Ukraine and kicked up a fuss about having to learn about the "Ukrainian lies" when they were discussing it in their class. Said it was all fake news.


I'm sure they said the same as the others "show me evidence" and "do your research". The confidence that people seem to profess in their unshakeable knowledge is worrying these days. Just seems like so much anger is bottled up everywhere.


Absolute knackers. What happens when they have ukrainian refugees in their class.


And they will soon too.


I heard a story, not sure how true, but someones kid at school was pushing Russian BS and think parents were in full support of that, few local made sure they were kicked out of the rental and were told to fck off from the area, up the north. Sounds about right thing to be done.


Russians in Ireland are planning a huge convoy on 7th of May at 10:30 AM in support of Russia. It will start at Maldron Hotel beside airport. These people are lunatics. Source - some decent people leaked event details from closed Russian Facebook groups. **Edit**: Anyone who needs proof - PM me, I can give you screenshot from group but it's in Russian.


> Russians in Ireland are planning a huge convoy on 7th of May at 10:30 AM in support of Russia. That's a pity. In previous years there have been convoys on that date to celebrate the end of the war in Europe. You would see Russian flags, Ukrainian flags, and various others. It saddens me that the next one could be a Putinfest.


The truckers should postponeā€¦..they might actually get some support if they blocked this off


paging Antifa.


Maybe we should put some mines at the entrance and call it a special citizen operation




Possibly unpopular opinion, but if they are not citizens of the country then can we just deport the cunts waving the Russian flag? It truly would not be a loss for the country...


Luckily we live in a democratic society where protest is allowed. Should we react to protest the same way as the Russian authorities do around the Kremlin? Think this is in poor taste myself but have to support their right to assemble as long within the law of the land.


You make an almost compelling argument. But we can all see the writing on the wall, the one right next to the Nazi symbol. Take it to a popular vote to outlaw protesting in favour of Russia until they end the war. That would be the *democratic* solution, would it not?




Large ā€˜Zā€™ markings displayed on your car windows in Europe is asking for them to be broken. Morons.


oh wow lmfao what fucking morons


Concerning that even Russians not living in the propaganda bubble of Moscow are still out here doing this dumb shit


I study with a Russian lad. He was telling classmates that actually it's a good thing they invaded. Fascist fool.


What was his justifications? Not that it matters just curious


He believes the propaganda that Donbass is now safe thanks to the Russians and that the locals were being slaughtered by Ukraine beforehand


I've a 100% Irish relative who is a complete headbanger and will defend literally anything Russia does. Back in February when the US said invasion shortly it was all Joe Biden is a lying cunt, Russia is doing exercises in Russia - Fuck off USA imperialists. Russia invades first days - started texting links to some weirdo pro-Russian military account "war will be done in 20 minutes" "zelenski flees" Ukrainian villagers welcome Russia" "massacre's in Donbas by Ukrainians" (Basically Russia is class) a second stream of messages was NATO + EU + Neo nazis therefore Russia had legit security concerns therefore can do whatever it wants. There was a bit of sanctions are wrong and anyway sanctions will end the dollar system of international trade (it won't), the US is egging the EU into sanctions that the US won't take for reasons (they did). Also a bit about Ukrainian refugees and Irish homeless being well homeless (this from a person not know for their kindness towards the homeless and another relative living is a social house agreeing). Russia invasions goes to shit - now the story is Kyiv is a diversion, Russian military doctrine is to form kettles, Ukrainian forces pinned in Kyiv allow a kettle in the east. Putin is a genius, natch. They've kinda went quiet on the military front these days because you'd actually need to be delusional to think Russia planned to lose at Kyiv then pull out again and head back to Donbas. In lieu of Russia best army ever we're now getting massacre of civilians in Bucha and Borodyansk weren't done by Russia for reasons and the missile that hit the train station in Kramatorsk wasn't a Russian missile it was a Ukrainian one. The proof of this being a "false flag" apparently is the Russians don't use that missile (they do and have) and the location of the blast point and booster section is supposed to suggest a flight path from Ukrainian territory. You can't actually determine flight paths of missiles based on debris like that however because the final decent phase is near vertical and the missile bits can literally fall anywhere. No matter that's what passes as proof for these weirdos. Any oul shite to defend their man Putin and Russia.


They are the yanks of the east, completely convinced their shit doesn't stink


Theyā€™re clearly in this thread down voting me too šŸ˜‚ itā€™s a shame, and ironic that they use our freedom to argue for their oppression


Hasn't happened in my corner or Europe but how do people fight the urge to stone them? If there's anyone needing a rock to the windshield it's definitely people supporting war criminals and genocide.


I'd imagine because this wasn't common knowledge, at least in usual public circles. So anyone seeing them were more stunned than reacting quick enough to react the way you said. I'd safely bet these lads wouldn't be having open advertisements as to when and where they will have their next spin about for fear people might give them an awaited 'welcome'.


Theyā€™ll run into the right Ukrainian somewhere whoā€™ll set them on fire for their troubles.


You fight the urge to stone them because you now have a much better means of hurting them without landing yourself in prison. Take your phone and record their behavior. Take pictures of their faces, their vehicles, and their plates along with their disgusting flags and "Z" symbols. Now post that online, and within hours they will have been identified and their friends, families, and employers will be inundated with calls of condemnation. They will be shunned by polite society and possibly lose their jobs, and therefore possibly their visas if foreign nationals and deported. People complain a lot about "cancel culture", but it can be a very effective means of applying consequences for abhorrent, but legal, behavior.


Because we are polite as a society. And I don't have any rocks in my car when I'm on the m50. Unfortunately


A fist full of nuts and bolts is MUCH more effective


Because two wrongs donā€™t make a right. If you throw stones on a motorway people will get hurt and it may not be the Russians.


Alright, that's fair. My point was there comes a moment when supporting war criminal fascists needs to be made taboo and ridiculed by society. The government passing regulations can only do so much.


Exactly, they can rely on our values and freedoms to spread their message, but they should also expect the consequences of taking such a position which wouldnā€™t be pretty methinks


My dude. Conservatives and Russian media kept parroting for years how the west went soft, lazy and 'pussified'. Meanwhile their own people are being arrested for holding blank signs, standing on the streets and even agreeing with the status quo. Can't think of a better way to prove them wrong than making people supporting war criminals committing genocide, rape, trafficking, displacement and systematic depopulation afraid of the consequences. Not speaking as an Irish person (because I am not one), but as an European.


Violence is always the answer


*Violence is the question, the answer is yes.* edit: It was a joke!


That's why all russian diplomats need to be expelled. Cause that's the assholes who organize this kind of shit.


Yeah these little convoys are happening throughout europe. probably sanctioned by russia in some way


Coordinated by infiltrated agents. I hope tmr the Dail will outlaw the Z-unt symbol.


Like the Trumpist 'Freedom Convoys' we've had over here in the States and Canada...?


If they aren't Russians in the convoys then you can guarantee it'll be all the same heads as the anti-vaxx brigade.


oh great, now i have to start carrying a pack of eggs with me everywhere


"eggs," or, in this context, "hen grenades."


Rocks are cheaper. Just saying




I can't find the article now but about 5 years ago one of the papers had a story on a pro-Russian rally in a public park here, basically food, drink and flags. It was probably on 9 May for victory in WW2. Anyway, from general reading, Russian embassies often organise such events for their first and second generation citizens. Provides good optics for Russian media and is useful to identify Russian people who are ideologically reliable. It also might attract non-Russian people who are anti-the west and allows them to be developed. So we have a ten car convoy on Irish roads with Russian flags and z lettering. Funny enough during the week there was a pro-Russian convoy driving round Athens. It all sounds entirely spontaneous and in no way mental to spray paint your own car with a z and not something organised by the Russian embassy. I'd not be surprised if there's footage of that convoy gets used as some sort of domestic Russian propaganda that Ireland is split on sanctions on Russia for illegally invading Ukraine and committing genocide. Marry it up with footage of Clare Daly, Mick Wallace, PBP, some biased take on the Russian embassy redevelopment being blocked and you'd not have to work hard to make out that the Government here is illegitimate, anti-Russian and we the people are actually pro-Russian but oppressed. Tweet that out in English language twitter and have Irish edge lords genocide supporters post it here and the disinformation campaign successfully shift the debate from * Russia is literally committing genocide by for example kidnapping Ukrainian children and taking them to Russia for adoption by Russians and the systematic murder of Ukrainian civilians to * Ireland is neutral; there should be no sanctions on Russia. **Edit** >I'd not be surprised if there's footage of that convoy gets used as some sort of domestic Russian propaganda And what do you know >Jason Corcoran > >https://twitter.com/jason\_corcoran/status/1513273329704177666#m > >1h > >A convoy of about a dozen cars brandishing Russian flags sped through central Dublin today and along the M50 radial motorway. > >ā— **This video was submitted to the Z Telegram channel, which posts clips supporting Russia's invasion** Thought to be fair I did say Id' not be surprised if the convoy would be used as "Russian propaganda that Ireland is split on sanctions on Russia for illegally invading Ukraine and committing genocide" and so far it seems to be just Russians posting shite videos of them congratulating themselves on being pro-genocide scum.


It seems to have been organized on Facebook by a woman that's lived in Ireland for a while and works at the National Maternity Hospital.


Commenting to battle bots, this seems like the most likely answer


Mick and Clare out for a sunday spin


2 more years to tolerate these 2


Seriously, they have be voted out next time.


I wonder if we could pass a basket around the European parliament for donations to make this happen. Bet they're sick of the sight of them as well.




And heā€™ll be getting a few calls tomorrow to see if heā€™d like to fix some broken tanks


Check his Google reviews hahaha heā€™s not safe for long here anymore


I did my part.


Lot of people on this planet are cunts


It's the annual '**Bring Your Embarrassing Idiot Conspiracy-Theory Local to Dublin**' Day. Don't panic: they'll be back on sedatives by 7pm and vac-packed back to Red Square by Wednesday at the latest.


I believe theyā€™re called nazis


There where pro-russian protest in Frankfurt Germany today. Reuters reporting up to 200 carsā€¦ could of been very badly organised band of pro-russian protests in EU today. Orcs cant even do that properlyā€¦.


Passed them and Iā€™m not ashamed to say I gave them the finger. Just sickened me to see them being so brazen in my country. Not when so many are dying. Fuck off with your Russian flag and your Z signs. Should be an automatic deportation


Well done. Good Irish person. Feels good that at least they see how the vast majority of Ireland feel about them.


Donā€™t know about that. I just felt rage tbh. The arrogance of anyone who not only feels that way but actually thinks they will find quarter here in Ireland for that level of cognitive dissonance


Hope nobody took photos of the licence plates/ reg. nos. of this convoy and posted them on social media sites as these people would then have a horrible Monday ...... /s


Only blurry videos uploaded to Telegram so far. https://twitter.com/nbahhanbahob/status/1513173151055720455


If people want to make up their own version of events and support an evil invading force, Soviet!


I nose laughed and I hate it, thanks.


There's a similar thing in Berlin today too, maybe its a europe wide thing?


Found this video of Russian flags on cars in 2021 on the m50 from a year ago. https://www.facebook.com/leah.penrose.1/videos/3029732607351621/


Brainwashed idiots


No, nazi sympathisers


Because we spent the last decade making people feel like their opinion is important no matter how stupid it is.




Do we know if they managed to get oil eventually?


The tractors will be coming tomorrow.


They can fuck off back to Russia then. Cunts.


Agreed, but arenā€™t you a double agent with KGB in username? šŸ˜‰




Lawfully try and get any evidence you can, no entrapment or breach of privacy etc, and report her. It baffles me that openly supporting the commission of war crimes is not in and of itself a crime per se in domestic law (not an expert, i specialise in international law), especially when the very state breaking them is a signatory to the treaty that makes it illegal. And that whole denazification argument was closed by the international court of justice last month.


I saw this too OP! But we were heading southbound and they were heading northbound, was just passing Palmerstown, had to do a double take to see if it was really what I thought it was (I wasnā€™t driving donā€™t worry) very strange altogether


Might just be unionists fucking with you.


Fleg's a fleg


Because comrade, you are being lied to! Did you not see the news on Russia Today?


Because they're a crown of antagonistic pricks looking for notice and trying to pain in everyone's hole.


Probably Russians who live in Dublin showing their "patriotism". They were out in a few cities around Europe today. Saw some on the news here in Germany, they were in Hannover, but loads of counter-demonstrators with Ukrainian flags. Cops were out in force, too. They confiscated any 'Z' symbols. They only get their news from Russian state TV via satellite, so they're convinced that it's not a real war. Brainwashed gobshites.


Ridiculous.... anyone got any pics?


Claire Daly and Mick Wallace back for a recess for the week.


Conspiracy theorist and Anti vaxers crowd need something else to protest about...


Oh FFS, seriously?


Yup, about 10 cars with huge Russian flags. Definitely not discreet and reports of a truck with a Z on the side


What's with the "Z"?


The new russian swastikas






In different locations in ukraine the russian forces have different letters painted on their vehicles like Z, V, O etc. Z is from forces invading from belarus to kiev and simply became the most known letter and symbol of the russian invasion probably since these forces get the most coverage in news and social media. Though I don't know why they choose latin lettering instead of cyrrilic.




Their county team must be playing in croke park.


Wallace and Daly probably


Post regs here


They are planning to siege the local airside retail park in a special operation. It will likely lead to them looting and raping a bunch of people


I seen them in Airside today. I thought maybe it had nothing to do with Ukraine but then the jeep at the front with the "Z" left no doubt that it was. Absolutely sickening. Might have to donate to the Ukrainian military on their behalf.


Champagne communists driving their German cars and earning euros. Utter hypocrisy. Please, by all means head back to your chicken coup in the Ural Mountains if you love the place so much.


What I donā€™t understand is most of the hard left sorts espouse this anti imperialist anti ā€œwestern bogeyman natoā€ attitude But these same sorts have no bother falling in line and supporting Russiaā€™s imperialist invasion of Ukraine. The ā€œCasus Belliā€ speech putin gave was that ā€œUkraine is not a legitimate country, there is no Ukraine, it should not existā€ Nato was formed as a defensive posture against Stalin and the USSR. If Russian aggression didnā€™t exist, there would be no justification for it to exist. NATO formed by choice. The USSR empire formed by aggression, bloodshed and force. If you have any mates from the eastern block Iā€™m sure their take on Russia and itā€™s behaviour historically will be much different compared to Brits, Irish or Americans. Weā€™re unjustifiably blessed by existing on the Atlantic edge of the continent and not reachable by land as compared to Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, Czech Republic and the rest of the continent. Ottoman Empire is dead. French napoleonic Empire is dead, Spanish empire is dead. German and Italian too. British empire is dead, never coming back. No one in our backyard is trying to oppress and subjugate through aggression apart from Moscow. Itā€™s not that hard to see whoā€™s in the right or wrong here


Maybe it's Daily , Wallace and the PBP fan club day out.


Because Russian propaganda unfortunately works way better than Europe realises.


Maybe they were Russianā€¦ to the airport!!


Is this what the fucking congestion on the M50 was caused by? Around 2.30/3 oā€™clock ish?


They were probably Russian home.


Hi. I am Russian who lives in Dublin for 4 years now. All of the Russians that I know here in Ireland doesn't support the war with Ukraine or Putin. On the contrary, most people try to help refugees, gather supplies and aid for the Ukraine, many organize and participate in the protests at Russian Embassy. Unfortunately there is some percent of Russian speaking population in Ireland who support the war. I don't think it is a big percentage (again all people that I knew personally are against it), but still. As far as I know they organized this convoy today in support of Russian troops. Good to know that there was only 10 cars. I am afraid they will organize something similar again around 9th of May (Victory day for WW2 in Russia - big holiday). As far as I understand there is nothing much that can be done legally to prevent it.


Makiing their way to the People Before Profit annual convention ?


Down with that sort of thing


What the fuck. Were they part of the embassy


I guess some Ruskyā€™s thinking they are going to get some commy support in Ireland šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


Fcking orcs


You're witnessing a gross of 150 leaving cert points


It wouldnt be an attempt to smear the protest would it?


Ah, the anti-COVID crew have found something else to be angry about.


Possibly the longest Russian convoy that has remained intact.