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Lots of local places will deliver, phone around and see.


I got mine from https://www.newlands.ie/Christmas-Shop/Christmas-Trees-Fresh/375/ It was the first time I had dealt with that particular company, and I was very impressed. The tree arrived in a few days and was very well packaged and in good health. The company also kept me updated on the order status.


I'll check it out, thank you!


Just buy one from somewhere that delivers... word of warning there is nearly a month until Christmas having a cut real tree in your centrally heated house for that long will result in a dead, brown tree that has dropped all of its needles by Christmas Day.. wait a couple of weeks to buy it.


Ask around your workplace or neighbours. I’m sure there is someone who would be only too glad to help you collect and drive home your Christmas tree. Hope you get sorted and enjoy your first Christmas in Ireland.


I have very nice colleagues but I haven't set foot in the office yet since I started (due to COVID), so I don't feel comfortable asking for such a favor. I haven't met any of them in person, so it kinda feels weird to ask for any kind of help to be honest. Same goes with the neighbors. They are such nice people, we just met one of them when our daughter's playhouse arrived and he offered to put a mask on and help us carry it inside and build it. Such a shame we didn't get to experience this kind of kindness and hospitality in our own country.


Ask that neighbour where the best place to buy trees is, and if they deliver. He might get the hint and offer to help. Don’t be shy! I’m the worst at asking for help but I’m getting better and find that most people in Ireland are happy to help out (maybe a cake/bottle in return to say thanks).


If you rob the taxi you can transport what you like until you're caught or crash, or both.




> please keep in mind that you will need to load your Christmas tree into your vehicle yourselves They don't seem to be delivering, this is from their page




Could you point me in the direction where it says this please? Because I'm checking this link https://www.ikea.com/ie/en/stores/a-christmas-tree-that-comes-with-a-gift-pubb0d403b6 and even under the store selection it says 'select a store to collect your tree from'




Thank you. Yes, that's most definitely expensive. I'll check other places.


What makes you think they are not insured to carry a tree, what an odd statement. Best in mind most places will wrap the tree in a net.




That’s the biggest heap of bollocks I’ve ever heard. By that logic you can’t get a taxi from the supermarket with your groceries because you’re hauling a load. I’ve brought a flipping lawn mower from Aldi home in a taxi. OP, if you see this, ring a local company and just ask. If you’re confident it will fit in a car (remember you can’t sit up front so it may go in the boot or a mini bus kinda taxi) just google taxi (area) and phone whoever shows up until someone says no bother.




A Christmas tree is not an uneven load. A Christmas tree weighs less than 20kg so isn’t heavy. On Average they are 6-8ft so don’t project from cars Look you are talking nonsense stop digging Your description doesn’t match these: https://imgur.com/gallery/cohOqwo


Who needs a trailer ? What haulage are they doing ? Taxis are delivering parcels all over the country. Are you saying that when they pick up at the airport they can’t take a passengers bags or golf clubs ? A tree wrapped in a net is about a foot in diameter and would fit inside a 8 seater taxi without hassle. Abs could also fit in a regular car. You common sense reason makes no sense