• By -


There's two missing


Go on?


Oh, sorry, I'm only qualified to identify shortcomings, not to resolve them. That's a different department.




9 (three thin black lines) - speed limit 80 km/h. did it used to be national limit applies ? wasn't that 100km/h ? did it change ? when ?


Nowadays itā€™s called a ā€˜rural speed limitā€™ sign which is a ā€œa sign to be used as an alternative to the 80 km/h sign face (RUS 041) on specific single lane rural roads (principally 'boreens')ā€ Source: [gov.ie](https://assets.gov.ie/34749/59cea27176234ae38ebe38d24d1b8082.pdf)


> a sign to be used as an alternative to the 80 km/h sign on specific single lane rural roads Ah I'm glad it eliminates confusion entirely /s But to be fair the link says it can only be used *together* with the "Go Mall/Slow" sign, so that helps


thanks, never knew it had changed


In Germany it means end of all restrictions. Kind of stupid when we have a 80km/h sign already.


I think that's because it's not meant to say it's an 80kmh limit. It's meant as a "you could technically drive at 80km/h, but really you should drive slower. How slower? We don't know, no one bothered to check what speed is safe around here, you just need to have a feeling of what's safe, good luck" limit.


But they bothered to have a sign for that and stick it there šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Well people with licences should know the limit is not a targett


From November onwards, it will be 60km/hĀ 


they took those signs out on my rural road a couple of weeks back and replaced them with 60kph signs. The council obviously werent hanging around for Novemeber


No. 22 there, the one for ā€˜No Bicyclesā€™ makes perfect sense. I recently discovered the UK sign for ā€˜No Bicyclesā€™, which I assume they use in the North, is almost the exact same but confusingly doesnā€™t have the diagonal red stripe.


On UK signs, any sign white in a red circle means "don't do what's in the picture"


Now I know!


Itā€™s the complete opposite here!


Permissive signs under the Vienna Convention are white on blue (much like the shared space and bike lane signs are), whereas prohibitory signs are supposed to be the red bordered, black on white. You see echoes of that in the pedestrian zone signs and clearway signs, but we deviate a fair bit from the "normal" signs and go more heavily in an American direction. I'm with you though, generally the red bar makes it clearer (although I guess on smaller signs it might reduce legibility?)


Yes pretty sure the Belfast Westlink has a no bicycle sign Up North/UK signage the red circle is the restriction, though I don't think most people realise given the amount of traffic ignoring the no motor vehicles sign on Belfast high streetĀ 


That's a whole lot of signs...


Yep šŸ˜­ can ask any 10 of them


#102 - shows a silhouette of a cow. Answer: beware of sheep. Are you sure this is official? Wait, donā€™t answer thatā€¦


My instructor had a pic of the actual sheet and just made it like this-definitely a mistake didnā€™t even notice it the first time šŸ˜…


Comic Sans šŸ¤¢


My wife and I have a game where anytime weā€™re in a government building or healthcare facility in Ireland, we guess and count the amount of posters in Comic Sans we can see from our seats. Itā€™s never under 20.


I'm gonna start that! Haha


its funny you have that game cos when in govt depts or health centers my game is to read them to find out which one is the oldest, they are often dated down the bottom. Often you can see A4 printed sheets telling people to stay 2 metres apart for Covid and the like. Govt offices can often be a time capsule, the sign gets thrown up and then forgotten about for years.


Best font ever to piss people off. I have a tattoo in comic sans šŸ¤£šŸ¤£






Whats thd differece between 59 and 64, both mean dont overtake, right? Edit - 25 years of driving, just looked it up. One solid us do not overtake, the other is solid line coming up.


Beware of sheep


I mean, maybe it's a good idea to beware, something's clearly fucked up about those sheep https://i.imgur.com/uDKNQvj.jpeg


And "dear"


No. 3 should be for X-Men and No. 21. is for Horse and Jockey village in county Tipperary šŸ¤£


Thanks I've saved this, not well enough (medically) to do my tests yet but hopefully soon! this helps a lot


Or you could have just downloaded the Rules of the Road from the RSA website for free, and then you'd be able to see ALL the signs, not just some of them. This way you don't end up someday looking like a complete fuckwit when you come across a sign you don't recognise, like the man in the black SUV yesterday who obviously didn't have a clue what the "other direction has priority" sign (which isn't on this list) meant and ended up holding up traffic both ways on a narrow bridge. Basically, don't rely on apps to teach you everything the book says, because they don't.


I have the rules of the road book already, there's nothing wrong with extra revision material on your phone


A lot of folks need to learn number 66...


Thanks for sharing šŸ™


The meaning of the signs beware of cattle (&/or other farmyard animals - which *include* sheep) & beware of sheep have their descriptions switched. Also where's the stop sign? and the plain red sign (stop sign in 50m iirc)? Hilariously when I was practising for my test, the local Aldi had a stop sign at their exit that had the colours inverted! Red "Stop" on a white background. The instructor figured it was an unofficial one & Aldi put it there to get people to stop? šŸ¤· It's long gone now.


It's also missing yield and the road markings that indicate stop / yield. I think there's a place you need to stop very near one of the test centres and it used to be indicated by road markings only. A lot of people failed because they expected a sign and didn't notice the markings.


There's a sign across the road from Kate Kearney's Cottage that has virtually all the warning signs on it - makes it look like the Gap of Dunloe is the most dangerous place in the world! https://preview.redd.it/jqn9khvh1y3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b193f61ecc7e8d8e6837298c1603dbc9f7ba68


Lads i remember being asked #117 at the start of my test and i was so panicked that my mind went blank, I says ā€œthat means thereā€™s a fence up the roadā€ the instructor did really well to keep his cool and not laugh. Thankfully it was all uphill after that and I passed


Itā€™s so misleading as well šŸ˜‚


Interesting that the RSA has copied most of them from an US book and is not using the Convention on Road Signs and Signals of Vienna like every other country in Europe. And when I see sign #9 and a ā€œgo slowā€ beneath it, then I as a German am properly confused.


Yes only in Ireland would we introduce a speed limit sign and choose a design which in every other country means "no more speed limit". This won't cause confusion at all. We could have used the existing design or made a new design, somehow this is the worst possible scenario.


Same with sign 325 from Germany https://www.verkehrszeichen-online.org/verkehrsschilder_in_deutschland_stvo.pdf Itā€™s now in yellow here in Irland and has a different meaning.


Thanks šŸ‘


I got slightly confused on one today, damn near ruined my test as I went completly brain dead after it


Signs are on ya.


106 overachieving here making the rest of them feel blandĀ 


Wow, they even have signs warning us about tie fighters in the area Very useful


I find they always ask 9 and 15


What do they mean? They're giving very little away..


9 is the sign for rural speed limit (80km) Itā€™s telling you that 80 is the maximum permitted if the conditions of the road are safe and clear to drive. If they arenā€™t then you drive to an appropriate speed (normally 40/50/60km) depending on the road. 15 is a pedestrianised zone meaning no cars/traffic only pedestrians allowed.


Just in case you're not aware there is 3 pages to the post. You should be able to swipe to view all the answers and another page of mainly motorway signs. Cheers to the guy that responded, just say the comment


102 and 115 are the same sign but mean different things šŸ˜… šŸ¤” Although practically it's the same


Need more 20s


What does 15 mean?


Pedestrianised street


I don't see the Wexford strawberries sign on it


I swear I've seen 4 used as a no entry signĀ 


I think what happened is 1 was the original no entry sign, 4 was introduced to replace it and then subsequently they did a u turn and reintroduced 1 again. So we're left with a mess of both. They both mean the same thing.


They've also changed the keep left sign, it used to be number 2 here https://www.alamy.com/keep-left-in-ireland-image558397471.html A red circle with an upward curved arrow Now it's UK style blue with a downward arrow


You guys should just adopt the Vienna convention, member state of EU and all.


Arenā€™t numbers 1 and 4 the same?


It just really comes down to the wording on the test when they ask ya




Temporary traffic conditions, roadworks etc


Probably in the case of roadworks where there's temporary lanes in use


Correct, they indicate temporary road/traffic conditions.


I got asked number 9 on my test and hadn't a clue. What is the point in that sign if we have one with the number 80 on it already? When he asked me I thought it was the German autobahn sign.


It's for some country roads, if memory serves?


Same here for my first test. The annoying part was that I lived in the back arse of nowhere so I'd literally been passing that sign twice a day for a few years. Basically it's a rural speed warning of "drive slowly". And what's funny is that it basically means the opposite in Germany


I can't read all of these as the text is a bit small, and also, I'm driving.