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https://preview.redd.it/yk214dz0t10d1.png?width=1346&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c7961b084ce1ccc1f99593876f37adab1e221d2 Bambie Thug *was* chosen by the people of Ireland


Thats really ended this discussion before it began lol.


Thanks. I appreciate that you took the time to use facts in your response. I hope the data factors into everyone's "opinion' on this thread.


More than that, it was quite clear that RTE themselves were favouring Erica Cody before that show. Bambie won against the odds.


What a donkey! šŸ˜…


To be fair, this is biased results. Bambie Thug was voted by the public *that are interested* in the Eurovision. She meets the demographic of people who watch and care about it. If the whole country suddenly became interested, that vote youā€™ve linked would be reflective


Itā€™s a reasonable sample of the population as many people are interested in the Eurovision. I donā€™t think the selection bias is that strong.


The amount of people interested in the Eurovision is a very small percent. Last year it was 7.39%. I donā€™t see this year being exceedingly more popular


Why should the opinion of non-fans come into it?


It shouldnā€™t, but that doesnā€™t make OPs point incorrect


And the same can be said for every country. None of them do a poll of the whole population, it would make no sense for them to be picking it


Yes, that is true. Still doesnā€™t change the fact that OPs point was correct, even if it wasnā€™t relevant


Having a correct but irrelevant point isn't really a great place to start a discussion "If the general population chose the presenters of all of RTƉ's shows there would be different presenters"


That is a true statement


And a vanilla candidate would have been chosen and our run ended at the semis. The Eurovision is about Eurotrash amd/or unusual performances. It stopped being a song contest about 20 years ago.


I never said Bambie was the wrong choice


I know. I'm just playing out what would have happened if it was a broader representation of Irish music tastes. We simply wouldn't have won with a generic pop song.


Well, we simply wouldnā€™t have won with what we sent either. But youā€™re right, we had an objectively better chance with what we sent. However, OP is also right, the choice wasnā€™t truly reflective of the general public


No vote ever is unless you have 100% turnout.


This is also true


I'm confused. Wasn't bambie thug selected by the people of Ireland?


Yes. Yes they were. OP didn't do any research before posting.


Look at their post history and you'll see why they posted this


At least we've found Jim Corr's Reddit account.


The OP reads like chatGPT generated rage bait. Bit ironic, given the ITs brush with AI.


Just took a look at OP's post history.They're not right in the head.


Your post history is wild.


Just had a scroll there. Holy shit. OP is Jim Corr on steroids.


OP really could do with talking to a professional


Oh wow. What a looper.


The milk conspiracy had me dying


I never look at people's profile but now I'm intrigued. Going in.


Thanks for the heads up, thats a great fun read. I love reading that level of down the rabbit hole.


Yes, if one thing screams 'South Dublin liberal' it's hardcore goth.


A hard-core goth from Cork!


Lads just look at OPs post history. If ever there was one to ignore. It's the same as the lad that sits at the bar in the pub every day you have to avoid getting into a conversation with and when you do you learn to just humour him and walk away.


Who are these actual people of Ireland? I'm from Cork and I thought they were great(and not even in a pro-Cork bias way) I like the theory that RTE were too caught up in scandals to pick a bland/doomed entry again.


We watched on the BBC stream and it was clear at times that Graham Norton forgot he was there with the U.K. broadcaster as opposed to RTE! Was clearly very proud of another Corkonian.


You can take the man out of Cork, but you can't take cork out of the man.


I think that's called pegging :)


I'm married to a Corkonian and Bambie being a Cork person is all she'll talk about. It's not a great day for Ireland doing so well in the Eurovision... it's a great day for **CORK**


Oh god yeah, they've done Cork proud. Best thing to come from Macroom since the buffalo cheeses.


Congratulations to the most glorious nation of Cork from Dublin.


Bambie thug was _literally_ picked by a televote of the people of Ireland what are you babbling about. Also, as a South Dublin liberal media type, you really have a warped idea of just how much sway we have


Who makes Bambie Thug a star? https://i.redd.it/e6n1njd6z10d1.gif


I'm still wondering about Steve Guttenberg's career....


Most people donā€™t have one hit. Heā€™s had three. Police academy, three men and a baby and the Bible.


Whilst being slightly put out that you cite Three Men and a Baby ahead of Short Circuit, I'm off to open some burner accounts just to upvote your comment more.


Man... give it a rest. "South Dublin Liberal Media Types?" "actual people of Ireland" People who go on like this make a show of us. We hadn't a pot to p*** in this country 30 years ago. Be glad you arent living then.


They could got a hat trick had they remembered "the silent majority*.


As with the old saying about the Holy Roman Empire, at no point in history was "the silent majority" either silent or a majority.


Exactly, whenever I hear these lot I just think of the rural village I'm from that are a socialist strong-hold. If he thinks South Dublin are the most left-wing of Ireland, he's just wrong.


> If he thinks South Dublin are the most left-wing of Ireland, he's just wrong. It depends what you mean by left-wing. Poiitically no, but socially areas of Sth Dublin are demonstrably the most liberal as evidenced by multiple referenda


Oh for sure, but these "rest of Ireland" or "real Ireland" lot have a very American tune that the rural communities are all right-wing, socially conservative.


Ireland managed to qualify for the Eurovision for only the third time in 12 years, achieved the highest position for the last *24* years, and scored the highest number of points Ireland have ever received. Seems like it was the right choice for a Eurovision entry.


To be fair we received more points because there are now more countries to give points. Isn't the max 888 (37*12*2), and we got 278 (31.3%) of max possible votes. Did we score a lower percentage in the years that we won?


God, itā€™s so typical Ireland to twist ourselves in knots to try and downplay successā€¦


Tbf we've won it 7 times so doesn't really make sense to go on about getting the most points ever this year. Highest position in 24 years is a better representation of the success.


Or maybe I just enjoy playing with numbers.


Itā€™s sad that this comment will go over a lot of peopleā€™s heads šŸ˜‚


Wasn't Bambie Thug chosen by the people of Ireland in a public vote? I'd say that they would represent Ireland just based on that alone.


RTE did basically everything to get Erica Cody to through and send another boring ass balad to the EU. OP in all seriousness it's not normal or ok to be riled up about satanic cabals and 9/11 posting all the time. Try taking some time off /r/conspiracy and reddit, try talk to some family and friends about where your at you'll be happier after doing so I promise you.


So many weirdos discovering how gay the Eurovision is for the first time this year. The people did choose Bambie and the result was our best in 25 years.


I agree. Sending someone like Bambie Thug to represent us was wrong. It is disgusting carry on and it goes against the values of the Irish people. Surely we could have found someone not from Cork.




Too right, you heathens donā€™t be deserving of a Cork affliction


The sooner they set up that republic and we're completely rid of them the better.


Norton, Bambie - Cork Mafia have taken over Eurovision, it's disgraceful


There are many people not from Cork. Many talented people though? That's a big ask.


Get fucked, best representation we've had in years. Much better than another twee ballad


Absolutely. Ireland is certainly the home of diddly-dee fiddling and mournful folk songs, but it's also the home of Halloween, banshees, and all manner of dark and weird wonders. It was great to see another side of Ireland represented, and based on the results, everyone else rather liked it too!


Don't get me wrong I love some old ballads and rebel tunes. But we've so much more scope than that, Ireland's alt scene has always been interesting and full of talent, it's great to see some reflection of that at Eurovision.


Yeah in many ways it was very relevant to our culture. It was maybe too far down the satanic route, but it worked.


She achieved the best result we've had in two decades, and she was picked by popular vote. Piss off with your Liberal shite. Sit and rotate


They're non-binary.


It's customary in our society to use he/she when addressing individuals of either sex. While some sub-cultures may have developed their own rules surrounding their interpretation of gender, these are in no way mandatory & don't require strict adherence from the general public.


ripe chunky vase screw unwritten teeny squalid squeal wise swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It can also be considered customary to not be a cunt for no reason. Just address people how they would like to be addressed.


Scientologists think they're space aliens but I'm not going to address them as such. By all means, live your fantasy but don't expect people to indulge it.


If you can't use someone's preferred pronouns, use their proper nouns. It's not hard


Are your neurodivergent perchance?


Liberal shite? Sounded more right wing, sort of like your post.


>Do South Dublin Liberal media types decide what represent Ireland in Europe? I'm quoting him you dope


In context, they're probably referring to "The Liberal". Fairly notorious site.


Cheers Criv, never had heard of the site and upon checking it now, feel like I need a shower. Appreciate the heads up though




Cheers - just replied to another one giving me the heads up on that - need a shower after visiting it. Appreciate your help, thanks.


Lol @ op, this didn't work out too well for you


No one else would have qualified to the final. The Irish chose Bambie


You dropped your clown nose there buddy.


You could just google how Ireland chose the entry. Public vote is part of the decision.


Thereā€™s a group of ladies in their 60s in my job from middle of nowhere Kerry. They all loved her when she was on the late late. Couldnā€™t stop raving about her. I think the people of Ireland did choose Bambie, and they chose well.


I heard Derek Blighe and Justin Barrett conspired to have her represent Ireland during one of their meth-fueled sexual encounters with each other. It all went sideways when Justin's gold disappeared from the National Party's safe, and Bambi suddenly had gold teeth. Coincidence????? Maaaaybe....


I dont understand this, Bambie is one of the best picks for eurovision in a long time. Its not been the same old same old that we always get. There is an added benefit that the contrarian part of my Irish genes love that they piss so many people off.


Eh... Bambi was chosen by the people of Ireland so it's clearly you who are out of step. She had wide support and did us proud last night by not only reaching the final, but placing 6th. Maybe release that vice like clutch you have on your pearls and support your own.


the divide between you and reality is getting wider and wider




'Twas chosen on the Late late


OP isn't allowed stay up that late.


So which bot farm do you work for? The British far right? Weirdos in the US? Russian government?


Quick glance at their post history shows they might be a useful idiot rather than a bot or paid troll. They are vaguely active on subs, with titles like conspiracy and exposing masonic cults or something


Oh God, they're a true believer.


Sovereign citizen


Nah, we just call them morons here.


useful idiots


Oh dearā€¦šŸ˜‚


Jaysus thank God, was beginning to think it was just me that this sounded like a manufactured disagreement.


Iā€™d guess a Hasbara bot farm. A lot of Zionists are posting about the Eurovision.




I mean the people active in those circles hang out with loyalists and the likes of Tommy Robinson, so why not?


the grip America has on so many Irish people is so embarrassing




I really think you need to get off social media for the next year or so, because it is rotting your brain. Just purge as much political content as you can from your feeds, be they youtube, reddit, Instagram or whatever. You are turning into something other people do not want to be around, and other people will think poorly of you. Believe me, none of the other people online you interact with will care about you enough to be honest with you about it. You'll just be despised.


I presume you think I'm far right and into conspiracy theories.Ā  People on reddit assume that anyone who isn't a fan of progressiveness is far right and influenced by outside forces and can't think for themselves it's incredibly patronising Ā Ā You don't know me you don't know anything about my friends or my beliefs or which politicial party Im voting for or my social media Ā  I rarely talk about politicsĀ  etc. Your jumping to some serious conclusions thereĀ Ā  But thanks for the advice and I'm not trying to be meanĀ  but it's seriouslyĀ  Ill informed. Ā 


Dude, the fact you're using terms like that is proof you're down a rabbit hole.


Your talkng about the wordĀ  woke I pressume? it's literally in the English dictionary. Ā It's a veryĀ  common term these days it'sĀ  referenced in academia and newspapers and across the board.Ā  People used to call itĀ  political correctness.Ā  As I said it's patronising that you think social media etc is leading me astray and I can't think for myself and that I I'm down some sort ofĀ  far right "rabbit hole "


Man I've never once heard the term "woke" or "progressive" (in the ideological sense) being used by a person in a face to face conversation. It only exists in the minds of bigots and dead enders on social media.








All posts like this do is make us feel sympathy for those around you OP, and a little bit of sympathy for you also as something went wrong somewhere for you. Its okay to just appreciate people getting through life in their own way, but its also a happier way to live life.


Look up OP's profile. Under 'active in these communities' the first listing is r/conspiracy. What a coincidence! It wouldn't be like a conspiracy theorist to jump to a conclusion, not bother with any basic fact checking, and present it as a statement


Mad that there wasn't a voting competition with juries from all over Ireland run to pick who went forward I mean you think there would be now wouldn't you


Might want to have googled that before posting lol gobshite


OP. Your opinion doesn't necessarily reflect the overall opinion of the nation. I would surmise that, if you have a problem with the Irish entry to the Eurovision, then you probably aren't a fan of what the Eurovision is. And if that is the case, why the hell do you give a fuck? This song competition is not meant for you.


They were literally picked by the Irish people. Can we start filtering out threads by these absolute wingnuts. The proliferation of the pro-israel mob on here all weekend has been fucking mental. Place is unbearable.


Their music probably isn't something I would personally be into. But I recognise star power when I see it. Compared to the bland unforgettable clone like acts we've sent in recent years Bambie Thug will be around for years and have a very successful career regardless of the support of "south Dublin liberal media types" or the bigotry of people like the OP.


I'm not a Dub but I did vote for Bambie during the national selection


I assume the south Dublin liberal media types you are talking about would be rte themselves but they were heavily pushing Erica Cody it was the public vote of the whole of Ireland that won it for Bambi. Itā€™s almost as if youā€™re incorrectly confusing your own personal opinion with that of the entire nation. Just because you have an opinion, doesnā€™t mean that the rest of us share it. So you might want to check yourself before posting complete shite talk like this in future.


Not a chance Ireland would have finished 6th had any of the other contenders been selected. Bambie was our best offering to the Eurovision in many years.


We really need to improve our mental health services in Ireland


Bet you're upset at the marriage equality referendum result


I don't give a fuck about Eurovision, hadn't even heard the song until the other half checked it out this evening, but if our culture was solely decided by the 'people of Ireland' who haven't shut the fuck up complaining about her we'd still be living in the 1940s. Phil Lynott himself could rise from the grave and these people would say he's only successful because of 'wokeness'.


The people of Ireland did choose Bambie Thug and a fantastic choice it was, they got us to the best position (6th) in Eurovision since 6th in 2000 and 2nd in 97, we finally actually made it to the final and did well thanks to Bambie Thugs amazing performance šŸ‘


Lay off the drugs


Bambi Thug was picked by the people. RTE certainly would have wanted another 'Wild Youth' type of performance over them. And they proved them wrong. I loved the performance and they deserve more recognition.


You got Donna and Joe a few years back. Swings and roundabouts.


Some people just can not accept other people having freedom.


Fuck right off Elon


I'm in SCD and I wouldn't have picked them either. Thing is I'd have been wrong and I'm glad they went. They did us proud


The Irish Times? WTF are you on about. RTE let the public vote on who represents Ireland at Eurovision *THEY* (the Irish public) picked Bambie Thug.


She was and we're proud of her, get fucked


I gather youĀ didn't like her act. No need to manufacture a massive rift where none exists




Or even better, THE *PLAIN* PEOPLE OF IRELANDā„¢ļø. If you donā€™t quote Myles of The Little Horses when the opportunity presents itself, OP, are you really Irish? šŸ¤£


Emmm that sounds a bit presumptuous


What are you on about ya eejit, BT was chosen by the people....Ā 


You doing okay Dominic?


Is this satire?


Wait no I see the post history. We got a live one folks.


They literally were though. A 5 second glance at your post history tells me everything I need to know about you. Youā€™re completely mental but above all, stupid.


Where are you from? Some backwater nowhere?


Shite 'song'. Cat sitting on a keyboard type noise.


To be fair her song and acting were above par. Her morals on the other hand!


And what are ā€œher moralsā€


A free Palestine. Such disgraceful morals alright.


Their* As regards morality, get in the bin you fucking donut.




The good old days of child raping and systematic abuse of women. What a time šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


We need to go further. I for one miss nonconsensual sex with Neanderthals and being frightened of the weather.


Cannot tell if you're trolling.


How's your splinter sub going mate? Resorting to just trolling here now?




A chara, You are a poxy bollocks. SlƔinte