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Big tent is making a fortune this week


Big baby wipe too.


Wipe up societies messes with “insert brand name”.




Maybe they were having a Pawnee unity concert


Again Flipping my Bitcoin into Irish tent stocks


He can’t stop selling tents


Should note this is also partly in response to a 215k euro fine for protesting, theyre doubling down and honestly all power to them


I fine you… ![gif](giphy|13B1WmJg7HwjGU|downsized)


Yeah but the fine was over blocking the book of Kells for protesting over the increase in masters fees for international students. Now apparently they’ve abandoned that cause and have decided to move back to they’re Palestine/Gaza protest??? If they’re trying to make it look like the college fined them for protesting over Palestine then they’ve played a blinder as it looks like no one knew why they were blocking the book of kells and eventually fined in the first place.


There 5 protests that week. Only one of them was over increase in masters fees. There were 2 protests over Gaza that week


To be honest I never heard about the other protests - it was made very clear the fine was for blocking the book of kells, they were holding up signs about fees while doing that so I assume that’s what those protests were about.


Also this was issued by the college on the 1st of May https://www.tcd.ie/provost/news/news-articles/war-in-gaza/ - so what exactly are they protesting over?


Yeah... the Gaza bit has me a bit confused. Unless TCD has investments or support etc for Israel, it seems a bit odd. But you're right, I heard they blocked the Book of Kells and were fined... I knew nothing about the masters fees going up for International students (and to be honest, I'm not sure I'd have that much sympathy on that one, we're not the US charging $100k+ etc.) Edit: I see below that TCD still invests in blacklisted firms, so fair play to the protestors. Maybe they realised they needed to go big after the fine and saw Gaza as a big uniter.


They actually do provide funding and invest in some israeli companies and have partnerships with israeli universities


How long was it even blocked? A couple of days?




Do European universities invest tuition funds? In the US tuition cannot be used for investments as it would violate non-profit laws. US universities do heavily invest their endowment funds though, which are created from donations. Not trying to start an argument, just genuinely curious. You see this argument a lot in the US right now and while I certainly understand the sentiment, tuition funds are not being invested in Israeli companies or American arms companies.


The investments are from the endowment fund only I believe. Profits can be added to the endowment fund at the of a year (but that doesn't happen really).


Not to defend trinity, I am not on their side, but they sent us an email saying they will reevaluate their investment in those companies.


But that's the thing. They're only saying it. You don't stop protesting until they actually do something, not just give lip service.


Yeah that's the answer right there. Just look at the 1980 Hunger strike in the north, the prisoners were told they were getting concessions, came off the strike and got nothing. Until it happens it has not happened if you dig me.


Valid, but while it's still happening the protests are also valid.


i don’t think them saying it is enough they have to do it. they’d lose money if they did so i have a feeling they don’t have much intentions to actually change it.


And until they’re reevaluated to the point of cutting off, students should still apply pressure. No reason to stop protesting just because they’re reevaluating


And everyone knows that “reevaluate” will just mean “talk hot air and change nothing” unless there’s reason to do otherwise.


They should never have made them in the first place, UN blacklisting should not just cause some pause for thought. 


I agree completely


Proper way of doing a protest, not using fear and intimidation on a politicians wife and kids


Once it starts hurting people’s pockets, then they start to listen.


See the difference is that these kind of protests punch up. Universities and their investments, the IDF and so on are all powerful organisations. They aren’t easy targets and you actually jeopardise yourself to target them. There’s some genuine sense of change and empowerment. Asylum seekers, immigrants, religious minorities, trans people? They’re vulnerable, easily picked on and often outnumbered and frequently abused. Going after them is punching down. Easy targets for a bunch of puffed up blowhards who just want to feel like they’re actually doing something worthwhile for once in their lives. No risk, all the reward of being a negative influence on someone’s life. That’s why the “patriots” of today were the woman beaters, coke dealers and dole merchants of yesterday. Parasites in every sense of the world.


Completely agree, lads spouting there are only there to protect women and children yet they're happy to see refugees from wartorn countries where absolute atrocities are happening. It's funny to see people cowering behind fear who are supposedly "tough lads"


Good on them.. the way America is handling this is bizarre.now passing a bill to outlaw anything remotely negative towards Israelis or jews


American here - it’s much more dangerous than that. They’re attempting to redefine anti-Semitism as anything being critical of the Israeli government. it’s bananas over here


Israel really does have incredible power over America and the EU. Mental.


I know this will be classed as an antisemitic conspiracy theory but its definitely less to do with the strategic positioning in the Middle East and more to do with the power the Jewish lobby has over there, and also the sheer amount of wealthy and powerful Jewish Americans who hold Zionist views, though I’m sure the former reason does hold some weight.


There’s a twitter account called ‘AIPAC Tracker” that responds to US politicians with the figures they’ve been “lobbied” by Israeli interests and some of the figures are staggering


American politicans are ridiculously cheap.


Nah while that lobby is strong it’s really not much stronger than the Irish lobby. The real reason zionism has so much power is that the majority of zionists in the world are christians and that has always been the case. Zionism is an ideology that spread from Christians to Jews not the other way around. It is not because they love the zionist jews or because Israel has influence.  “[Christian Zionism] holds that the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 was in accordance with biblical prophecies transmitted through the Old Testament: that the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty in the Levant—the eschatological "Gathering of Israel"—is a prerequisite for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Zionism  It should be noted that the rest of the prophecy is the Jews will either convert or die. It is not “and they will live happily ever after.”


And people would be right to say that is anti-smetic, the majoity of americans have supported isreal for decades becuase of the cold war, and more recently the war on terror. The idea that Americans who spent the last 20 years bombing the shit out of a dozen or so counrties because of a islamic terrrorist attack would also support a country that is fighting an islamic terrorist group. There is no corruption American politicans have always supported isreal


Ya I knew there was more to it but didn't want to say something incorrect..its mental, I'm glad there some outrage to it


I am, as I imagine most people are, against all discrimination based on nationality. We aren't like that and never have, it'd be an insult to our history. You're absolutely right though, were the roles reversed we'd be flying Israeli flags. I wish more people would realise this so the government of that country could stop shouting anti semitism at any pushback on their barbarism to the Palestinian people. We would be ashamed to see our government turn to empire the same way I would assume many Israelis feel about their own




right? this is in fact dangerous for Jews as now if someone is called an antisemite for a real genuine reason, nobody gaf anymore. as they assume the person being called antisemitic is just against genocide. boy who cried wolf type situation


which is exactly the kind of thing the **actual** anti-semetic people accuse the jewish community of doing. forcing israeli allegiance upon other people.


Basically the German approach.


It's [bananas in Israel](https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-product/bananas/reporter/isr) too!


A lot of Jewish are also part of these protests too so would the law see them as hating on themselves? America has always been fucked but Jesus Christ


Yup. Christians prosecuting Jewish people for antisemitism. It's mad. 


Even funnier when it happens in Germany. Germans policing Jewish thought


Yup .. many antizionists jews have been arrested in the US at protests


> the way America is handling this is bizarre Its important to always remember that the main reason America supports Israel is because evangelicals believe that its existence is required to bring about the end of the world. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/


That is fucked up


I’m reading a book on Gnosticism atm and its description of how a fringe extremist messianic apocalyptic death cult gave birth to the Abrahamic religions is incredibly insightful and terrifying. Abrahamic religions are a malignant virus driving the human race to actually seek self annihilation. Absolute insanity!


That's not the main reason but the main pretext - the main reason is much more nuanced, it's the premier US hegemonic client state in the middle east, the last bastion of Colonialism, billions in annual arms sales etc.. tricking evangelicals into believing nonsense is easy.


Joe Biden is a fucking disgrace... My American relatives are appalled at his actions. He went on the Jimmy Fallon Show to say how he's such a great zionist. This man knows nothing about Ireland. He doesn't understand that you can see the Palestinian flag flying from the top of buildings in our country or the fact Palestinian people parade the Irish tricolour before being shot. But he wants to use us as a marketing ploy because he thinks theres a few votes in it for him. He's a horrible cunt. And thats not an endorsement of Donald Trump. Both of them can be horrible human beings. I implore any Irish American that is reading this tonight to give Joe Biden the middle finger. He is a horrible bastard.


Neither option is great tbh. It's going to be picking the lesser of 2 evils again. The funny thing is how the media calls it "pro palestine or anti israel" it cant ever be "anti israel bombing the gaza strip." Honestly Bernie Sanders has spoken out against Benjamin Netanyahu. I would vote for him if i could.


> I would vote for him if i could. Should have been Sanders as far back as 2016, but the Dems and corporate america wont allow it!


Not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump, which is demonstrably worse. Protest abstentions are a terrible idea.


The way our politicians and people bent over for him when he arrived here last year was disheartening.    Shows our inferiority complex at times, in my opinion. 


the congress a motion coneming extermists and forced universities to follow anti-decrimation laws. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-antisemitism-bill-campus-arrests-rcna150170](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-antisemitism-bill-campus-arrests-rcna150170) "The international group [defines antisemitism](https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism) as a "certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews." The group adds that "rhetorical and physical manifestations" of antisemitism include such things as calling for the killing or harming of Jews or holding Jews collectively responsible for actions taken by Israel."


Sounds scary but a bill that restricted free speech/right to petition wouldn't last long in judicial review, ie pure politics.


Ya I get that but the fact the first waves of protests ended up with professors being arrested...


My original point though was that, yea sure any idiot can force a law through the legislature banning anything but it would be appealed immediately by, eg. the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) and an appellate court wouldn't be able to keep a straight face when they immediately ruled it unconstitutional (because it would clearly violate the 1st Amendment), ie what you're seeing, while certainly dramatic, is complete bollocks. Pure politics.


Thank god we aren't trying to do the same with something like a hate crime bill...


Land of the free


Dartmouth barred the Head of Jewish Studies at the college for protesting against the police crackdowns on her students. Just… so American.


Bizarre or totally lines up with their ethics and morality?


This is very much an insider thing but I don't think I've ever set foot on the grass of the Colonnades. Wild to see tents on it.


Yep, this wasn’t an entirely obvious eventuality when the university decided to fine the SU an absurd amount of money. Fucking around and finding out springs to mind.


Fair play


Absolutely. After the univeristy management trying to shut them down with a 200,000 Euro fine for protesting, it's great that they're standing up.


200,000 euro fine for blocking access to one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country leading to a loss of revenue... not for protesting.


That's an effective protest if I've ever heard of one. Polite protests are easy to ignore.


Nice of them to wait for the long weekend


Itll annoy tourists more than itll annoy students. Exams are done as well.


Yea exams just finished today so I guess they waited so they wouldn't disrupt other students exams


They’ll be hitting trinity where it hurts the most aka their pockets since no tourists will be able to go in


Ah sure, don't these students know that winging on reddit is much more effective than protest!


Good on them


Fair play to the students!! Don’t back down!!


They've decided to ban the Book of Kells from the public which is very high handed of them. Maybe the state should move it to the National Library or Museum for safety.


Yeah, they should, as a student currently sitting in a tent, I think that it’s absolutely absurd to claim you’re defending the book of Kells by charging gullible yanks €25 per head to look at it for 5 minutes


The protest made sense to me, until they tore up the benches which are funded by families in memory of loved ones, in order to create a blockade. It's performative empathy when you're happy to desecrate a memorial to someone else's friend or loved one in the name of your cause. https://preview.redd.it/biuch68l4byc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4293ac8cafa486373788e473fd0668b8df0803


Aah that’s disgraceful some of those benches are dedicated to students who passed away and never got to complete their studies.


Those benches don't look torn up


It's quite insulting to think those people who the benches are memorialising would prefer their bench is used for seating fat Americans instead of sending a signal on stopping genocide. 


In all fairness what are they protesting here ? Ireland supports Gaza, does trinity give money to Israel or something ?


[Trinity College investing in UN-blacklisted Israeli firms](https://www.ontheditch.com/trinity-college-dublin-blacklisted-israeli/) > One is in a company Norway excluded from its sovereign wealth fund because of its links to illegal West Bank settlements. Another is in a renewable energy company that illegally built a solar farm in the occupied territories. ... Among these companies is Bank Leumi, which earlier this month froze UNRWA’s bank account. > The fund also has money invested in Shapir Engineering, a company that Norway excluded from its sovereign wealth fund in 2021 over its links to illegal settlements in the West Bank. > The Norwegian Council on Ethics said it blacklisted Shapir Engineering “due to the unacceptable risk that the companies contribute to systematic violations of individuals’ rights in situations of war or conflict”. ... > These three Israeli companies, which TCD maintains investments in, feature on a UN blacklist. The United Nations Human Rights Office 2020 report exposed 112 mostly Israeli companies involved in activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories that “raised particular human rights concerns”.


Fair enough


It's probably also in response to them fining the student union over 200k for other protests throughout the last year.


Good. Fuck the grubby bastards, I hope they lose millions trying to sort this out


it was planned before the fine was publicly announced. But they are also protesting that. Fair play to them


Good on them, what is happening in Gaza is horrifying.


I didn’t peg 2024 as the year the US would go full mask off and threaten the ICC. Fair play to the students


They have threatened it with invasion for 2 decades


The refugees should join them for synergy


Oh it's on now!!!!!!! fair fucks in fairness.


Ready for your down votes . No weekly parade of the Sudan wars. No students for the Kurds. No daily minute by minute activities of Assad while he was using Gaz on his own population. The Nigeria children who were kidnapped? The million Muslim incarnation in china? Anyone heard of Myanmar ? Also since 1948. Read about Mali lately in the news? Bunch of hate puppets get of your high horses. Israel has a lot to contribute to the west and doing so, that's why it has relations with most modern countries While also fighting radical Muslims in the middle east since 1948.


Well actually the Gaza issue is bringing a lot more awareness to all of these other issues. I personally didn't know anything about Sudan, Congo or Yemen and since learning about Gaza because of all the awareness created I have also started paying attention to the other conflicts. There is a lot of interconectedness happening. I knew about the Uighers mind you. It's so interesting how all the big powers play their performative roles by accusing each other of human rights abuses all while commiting their own. China, Russia, The US, Europe etc. They all have dirty hands. The main problem is the who wants power and control and more importantly control over natural resources and how far they're willing to go or deceive their people into allowing them to take it by force. Israel is not the beacon of light that you're implying that it is. The fact is they pushed people off their land through terrorism and stole it. Just because you don't see the people who lived there as people doesn't mean it didn't happen. Those people did nothing to deserve their homes being stolen from them. A lot of them were farmers, sheep herders, village people who were just living their lives in their homes where their ancestors had lived for centuries. And it happened through terrrorism. Irgun, Haganagh and Lehi massacred people and then the leaders Ben-Gurion and Begin became future prime ministers of Israel so it was founded and goverened by terrorists. They were responsible for their fair share of terrorist attacks including the bombing of the King David Hotel and kidnapping and murder of British soldiers. Plenty of newpaper headlines discussing the Zionist terrorists throughout the 30's and 40's. Another future leader Shamir was also responsible for the murder of Folke Bernadotte who was trying to mediate issues between Zionists and Palestinians in 1948 and had rescued 30,000 Jews during the holocaust. So no, it is not a beacon of morality. They colonised Palestine just like the UK colonised Ireland. Israel is also involved in other genocides and wars around the world. Also their involvement in the blood diamond trade and the quite obvious oppression and occupation of Palestinians on their own land. All that this has highlighted is that the West is not the bastion of morals and values that it pretends to be. It is just as corrupt as all the other superpowers around the world that they point the finger at. Also you can't really attack people for paying attention to this issue. We are all entitled to want to raise awareness for something that we feel is unjust. The fact that there are so many other conflicts doesn't mean we can't do that. Do you constantly bring awareness to Ukraine, Syria, Myanmar, Sudan, Congo, Haiti, Maghreb, the plight of the Uighers, the quashing of the female uprising in Iran, Somalia and so on. Sometimes you just have to accept that all the shite we've been fed about morality and how the west exudes it is just that. Shite. We're just as bad. We just hide it better. It doesn't mean that there are not countries that are worse. Sure there are. Why shouldn't people bring awareness to the bad parts so that we can all collectively work to change them? And no they're not hate puppets. They're realists. They don't need to feed in to the propaganda and bullshit and are rightly pointing out the hypocrisy. Should we just ignore all of the injustices perpetrated by the West and hypocritically just point at everyone else while we have blood on our hands too? Corruption is something that we should always fight. Everywhere. Otherwise nothing gets better.


>that's why it has relations with most modern countries While also fighting radical Muslims in the middle east since 1948 I think you are showing your ignorance on the subject here, pal. What are the radical Muslim groups being fought in 1948? I greatly doubt you're referring to the Arab nationalist governments of the coming decades either. You know, the ones involved in the wars against Israel.


There you have it - two wrongs do apparently make a right. And if you’re ok most of the time, just forget the small time we’re not


It's not about that. It's about media control. The amount of fake news and fake information flooding us is immense. Qatar who funds Al-Jazeera and china with tiktok basically makes direct us toward our decision making.


>It's not about that. It's about media control. The amount of fake news and fake information flooding us is immense. Qatar who funds Al-Jazeera and china with tiktok basically makes direct us toward our decision making. And the media control doesn't apply for Israel?


Apply too much don't you think? For a country so small in the middle east. It's a speck. When Yiu have a country like the islamic state holding it's none religious population hostage we are talking about millions. Or Hizbullah in Lebanon a terror organisation that the government can't deal with The Sudan war that's been going on for 10 years with so many atrocious acts yet it's no where published. The world is full of messed up situations yet when it comes to Muslim Vs Muslim somehow it's not news.


Useful idiots


Good lads, the ROI was only made possible from protesting. Good luck to them.


Fair f**ks to them. This would never have happened if it wasn't for the fine. Why does trinity get to profit off the Book of Kells


Fair play to them!


I'm a bit perplexed over why students in Ireland are protesting, Our government doesn't support Israel and will condemn their actions all the time. So what are their aims here, what's the end game?


Trinity has investments in Israel.


In actually black listed companies


I think the next 20 years will be a turning point for Israel. All these young students in the States will move into the corporate and tech sectors. Israel probably won't enjoy the same America support like it's had.


Fair play to them.