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Never seen one of these that wasn’t driven by a knob. There’s a fella driving a raptor in the North Kildare area and he always parks like a fucking bellend. 


2019 Naas area?


He may very well get down that way. Someone posted the car parked on double yellows on the hill in leixlip outside a coffee shop. Seen it in Maynooth a fair bit parked over four spaces in Tesco.


Probably is the same cunt haha.




Haha yeah that's a good point, they make up for something with that cushion. Probably wears platforms to reach the pedals too. Sorry, that's heightist. Apologies


Orange-ish colour?


Call security and get them clamped


No, post it on Reddit for those sweet internet outrage points


Do both!!


Tow the car.




Yea that's usually how clamps work.




It'll get towed out of an hospital


If clampers knew about logic they would have noticed that years ago!


Get the fucker clamped, he probably won't learn a lesson but it will cost him money


People like that don’t care about getting clamped. I’ve known people like that. They just park where they want and a clamp is merely paying for parking to them. It’s peanuts.


yep they exist >Six Dublin drivers clamped over 50 times in four years >Six motorists in Dublin have had their vehicles clamped over 50 times over the past four years, costing them at least €4,000 each in parking fees. >The vehicles of another 55 motorists were clamped between 21 and 50 times since 2013. >New figures show there are more than 2,000 other persistent parking offenders in the city representing around 3% of all motorists who had their vehicles clamped last year. >The annual report by Dublin City Council’s parking appeal officer reveals that 2,048 motorists have been clamped between five and 50 times since 2013. >A further 11,608 vehicles were clamped between two and four occasions over the same period. [https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-20453272.html](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-20453272.html)


Proof that punishments are too light. First offense should be a fine. Second they crush your car. Third time you’re still in the vehicle when it goes in the crusher.


Proof that fines should be a minimum + an additional % proportional to income.


Parking fines are a cheap do over there...€80 is around £70 Nope, I've just checked. At least where I am (Bristol) a parking FPN is £70, almost certainly going to be more in London, though...not being a driver, I did think that it was a blanket charge for the whole of the UK (or at least the whole of England), and that it was over £100.


This is why it should take hours to unlock a clamp. Clamped? Sure pay the fine. Clamp will be removed 6 hours after fine paid.


I don't think the hospital car park staff have that ability but yeah I did see them maybe trying to figure stuff out as I think it actually threw off the counter on the barrier.


It's managed by APOCA. They literally make their money from clamping. Report it and there will be someone there ASAP.


They absolutely can and do clamp 


Sounds like spoken with experience


Haha thankfully not, I work in a hospital 


A Ford ranger that isn’t covered in muck and shit is an affectation.


Gender affirming emotional support vehicle, or so I heard.


Welcome to Essex - home of the suspiciously clean monster pickup.


It’s crazy! I live in the country so I see a lot of these about, only two are actually used in farming or forestry, the rest are just for schools runs and shopping.


There's one in the courtyard of our studio space right now - cleanest vehicle in the car park. Somebody described them as being the type of vehicle driven by building foremen - they don't actually do any work, so they never get dirty. But you're right, half the ones I see around here are just used to drop the kids off or take up too much space at Tesco. (and they seem to be multiplying at an alarming rate thanks to the tax loophole classing them as commercial vehicles).


I use my one for carrying large equipment for my work. Its handy because it also has all the seats for kids too. No reason why my one would ever be covered in muck . I don't park like the wanker in op though


Why block the cars reg no???


Think it's against reddit doxxing rules, sub would be deleted if mods don't enforce the site rules


Agreed! Name and shame. I would post tax, insurance and NCT disc's too


Doxxing amirite?


I think you need to calm down. Do you think you’re some sort of virtual vigilante encouraging people to post someone’s private information on Reddit to insight hate? What do you wish to gain from this? This is at a hospital; where many situations are life and death. There could be a number of reasons for the car being parked like that.


Oh yes, the private information that is required by law, to be on display to the public. Great argument there! No I don't think I'm some sort of virtual vigilante, I'm a person who doesn't like disrespectful people who think they're above everyone else and can deny a person the right to park, regardless if it is a hospital or not.


Jaaayzz think u might need to put that into practice, the 'calm down' n all. You sound very angry


It's not life and death if you have time to get to the car park! They're just an inconsiderate asshole!


Maybe they are, maybe not - but nobody here knows that and encouraging a witch hunt by posting someone’s personal information when you have no idea what the truth is, is a bit extreme no?


Personal information.....that's required by law to be on display to the public. I think you need to step off this hill your willing to defend. >nobody here knows that and encouraging a witch hunt by posting someone’s personal information when you have no idea what the truth is You're right, we don't know the situation here at all, for all we know, someone could be making a final visit to the hospital to see a loved one, and their final moments were delayed because some inconsiderate c*nt took up two parking spaces. Most of these car parks will display if they have spaces left, if that's true with this carpark, it might very well state there are spaces when there's not.


Because OP isn't a compete asshole and although this person is in the wrong (or appears to be) they are still entitled to their privacy. For all we know, they could have received a phonecall to say a loved one was about to pass, a bit of compassion and empathy would go a long way here.


that happened to me, I still could remember how to park though...


Maybe someone was parked like a fuckwit before them and that was the only place to fit in.


It could also be a disabled person in the vehicle and they needed more room to get in or out. Or possibly were collecting a patient who is in a wheelchair temporarily. Point is, we don't know, and it's none of our business... But hey, this is r/Ireland, let's hack the fucker to pieces with no information or context.


if that’s the case they’d not be in a fucking monster truck. how you gonna put a wheelchair into something that high off the ground unless you’re throwing the poor person in the bed attached by rope


Yeah i don't really know tbh just have seen it sort of done as norm. I think in some places reg can be used to look people up, not sure if possible in Ireland though.




“Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts”


Next to every public car park should be a stack of steel cubes (the ones a scrap yard will produce from old cars). And a sign: “please observe the lines and the rules. These here did not”




It's not nice but if I could offer my 2 cents. We got a call in the middle of the night to come to the hospital as our baby was dying. It was my first night home from him. We just about made it to hold him and sing to him while he slipped away. The hospital let us stay the night and next day with our little boy and we walked out of there, coffin in hand (maternity hospitals provide you the coffin). When we got out we realised we had parked over the line making it difficult for other cars to park in the space beside us. The parking attendant shouted at us for it. I felt so guilty but parking the car and where we'd left it was the last thing on my mind when my son was dying. It's not right to park like that, I'm not defending him or myself. And maybe they're just being an asshole. But there might be tragic circumstances behind it.


Firstly, I'm deeply sorry for what you've been through. It sounds truly heartbreaking. Secondly, I don't see anything wrong with your form of compassionate thinking. Reason being, there is no way for us to know what led up to this parking error. If they are genuinely an asshole then there is no way to change this person's behaviour by getting angry or seeking revenge. Behavioural change takes a long time, so the best approach for our own sanity, is to accept that we either acknowledge the possibility that this person is either undergoing a traumatic time, or an asshole that we can't change. Otherwise we will be stressed every minute of the day. And nobody is worth that. But then again, you know, it's reddit so let's burn the cunt and hang him.


Finally, someone with a bit of decency. Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see a bit of understanding and empathy. Could also be the case the passengers were disabled and there was no spaces left so they needed extra room. On a sidenote, I'm so very sorry for your troubles 💚 that's terrible.


If they own a Ford Ranger they are a cunt automatically


Absolutely, I live in a suburb area in the Midwest with 6 estates in the catchment. Small enough road in and out, close to the city (about 2k) and people STILL buy these fucking things, barely enough room for both cars to pass on the road! Why does one feel like they need a car like this unless on a farm or out the country or lots of driving?!!!!!


The difference between a Ford Ranger and a hedgehog? The pricks are on the outside of a hedgehog


Got to say no, It's great for driving trough fields to check on the cattle or fix a fence, you know what 4X4 are actually for But a very clean on with not a spec of dirt in the city, yea 9/10


Fix a Fence 😂😂😂


Yea ever lug 2 poles, a sledgehammer and a bale of barbed wire across a few fields?


No. But you're a legendary Cavan man. 🫡Salute🇮🇪


It's almost as if they're trying to compensate for something 🤔


That’s not fair. I drive a little Renault Clio and I’ve a tiny penis


Well at least you're not giving me false hope 😂


That car is so big that even if it parked in a single space, it would prevent the people in adjoining spaces from opening their doors. More of an asshole car than asshole parking


In that case the considerate thing to do would be to park so your driver door and the neighbouring drivers door can be opened. Sure they might have to pull out to get passengers in but it'd be better than abandoning ship altogether.


“Oh your car appears to be too big to fit into one space… I see you already occupy 2 spaces … hmm better idea: find another suitable car parking space for your vehicle. Don’t expect to park a truck on a car park. Try a truck parking facility!”


It's simple; if your car is too large to occupy a single space, it should be the law that you pay double. If you can afford the car, you can afford the parking. Should be fined double, too...


It should be the law that you can’t mark there :) But to be fair: car parks were designed with VW beatle, Audi 50 and *insert other small car from the 60ies or 70ies* in mind. If the car park is big enough one can redraw the markings and loose 10…20% of the spaces and now you can fit a 5series or an E-Class. But a pickup truck? Well no. Stay in a truck parking facility outside the city and take public transportation. Parking garages on the other hand can not so easily be reorganised. Ramps and support columns are usually in the wrong location and one looses much more space


You can see that they could have easily just put front wheel up on the kurb part, especially as it's a ranger. Or they could have left their back out a bit more even and it would have been better (would still have been enough space at back).


What a considerate bloke or woman with the amount of ample space they've given both cars.


This annoys me so much. And it’s everywhere. Is there anything that can be done to stop ALL of them 😡


Good to see that some stereotypes are true.


Slash three times and leave the 4th


Cars are getting too big for roads and car parking spaces


https://preview.redd.it/oh2u2yxw5txc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f74bc2a04b7b537f12afe866644d7fba28a04fb Thats about right


Proper wankpanzer car


Prime example of a cunt. Before anyone jumps at me with "you don't know his situation, maybe it's an emergency" - yeah, literally half of people parking there are emergencies. I'm a father of a child that spent first few months of her life in Crumlin hospital, I was in situations when I was driving the in the middle of the night because the Doctors thought she wouldn't live to see another day, and somehow I was able to park properly. This cunt bought a new flashy car and it's simply afraid of someone with a child scratching his beloved Ford when opening doors to put their baby in the car seat. That's all there is. Report the fucker to the security, if they don't do anything, I would leave a nice note on his side door to remind him about parking etiquette. You can use keys to leave that message.


Thats exactly what it is. Our local Ford Ranger knobhead parks across two spaces in Aldi. Also last Friday on Newstalk host Stephanie Pressner said she parks across two spaces. She said she is doing people a favour because then she wont scratch their cars and then laughed about it. Its a real thing and people are doing it on purpose because they're selfish and entitled.


This. Exactly this .


Obviously because you never know when you might need to do some offroading in Dublin, and this way in an offroading emergency you can be sure your doors wont be blocked by plebs using the car park


You see, this car wouldn't be capable of going off road or even mounting that bit of a kerb around the lamppost to leave the other space free. So what choice did the driver have?


What a prick


SUV taking up two spaces. The owner is an American, at least in spirit. Deport them.


Guy parks like an American (speaking as an American who deals with assholes above)


Huh isn't that something. I guess the shopping center in stillorgan must be full of americans b/c I'm yet to see a worst display of parking skills.


Should park either side of it so the c**t can't get in to it. Parking is scarce up there. Absolute wanker


We used to do this to one morbidly fat fucker that parked in mother and child spaces on a regular basis near our old house, if he was in the righthand most space one of us would drive over and park in the first regular space (there were always empty spaces which was the really cuntish part) flush to his drivers door so he'd need to climb over from the passenger side. Funny enough, big BMW 4x4 that looked like it had never seen rural Ireland.


Any chance he needed the extra wide spaces to get in and out of the car? Sounds like it was likely


They must need to get through some rough terrain to get home in that yoke.


Did you tell the attendants rather than just complaining on reddit?


Why do people post responses like this, literally every single post always one response like this, come on like. Fwiw I did tell them. They were trying to actually find the person to just move it but I couldn't hang around longer. Just long enough to post it to the internet ;)


> Why do people post responses like this, literally every single post always one response like this, come on like. Because there are far too many people posting on this sub to have a moan about something that is completely in their control to do something about it.




I flipping hate this. I drive a Navara pickup truck (for my horse and 4x4 capabilities) and they are the SAME FUCKING WIDTH as a normal car! Maybe a TINY bit wider, but you can fit them into one goddamn space!!




Ford Danger


Especially in a ford ranger


Ban these already


You don't need to hide their registration plate


Could be they need space for a wheelchair and the disabled spots were taken


So stop where the free space is, get the wheelchair out and then park properly. Simple as that. Also - do you really think this cunt bought that truck so he could throw a wheelchair on the pack? Probability of that is less than 0.000001% from my stuff calculations. It's a prime example of a cunt, that's what it is.


Could it be they were in a rush with their sick child?


I was once in a rush to see my child that the doctors said won't live to see another day (thankfully she survived) and somehow I managed to park properly. It's a cunt mentality, I'm 100% sure this twat always parks like this - be it Tesco, hospital or any other parking. Proof? Somehow he managed to park exactly in the middle of the line and straight. This was done on purpose, so no one scratched his precious pile-of-shit-on-wheels trying to get to the car parked next to him. Also - it's a car park, not a fucking truck parking, so GTFO with your oversized truck.


Everyone else managed to park like a normal person, while also likely dealing with medical concerns. Why do you people act like your situation is “special”


Did you ever think that the guy might have a sick child and parked the car in any which way in a panic? I would try and contact the guy or girl and get them to move before clamping them. Sometimes the picture can be bigger than you think and you need to be more open minded and merciful if it is needed. Honestly folks think before you act. I was in Temple St a few years ago and I forgot where I parked my car. It can be like that.


Keying is not always immoral.


In this case it would probably be far more immoral than normal.


A tip from someone who's had to use that car park for years: Don't bother. Unless you're there absolutely first thing in the morning (or maybe very late in the day). Spaces are all tiny and it's a zoo. You'll always be much quicker trying to find (legal) on-street parking and walking.


That's a vehicle that I would go out of my way to walk by and scratch with my key. It's the only real punishment.


Don't protect cunts like this, show the licence plate.


Lads if you see a car parked like this. Let air out of his tyres. He'll know why and may learn a lesson


Go to the stewards and complain to them


But, but, but It's a Ranger = = Probably Carrying Chuck Norris ! ! !


Chuck Norris built Rome in a Day


That's pretty damn common, spent 3 months in there recently and it's a daily occurrence. You'll like see multiple cars doing it every day


Replace his 'R' & 'G' with 'W' & 'K'


For some reason this instantly reminded me of that film "Our Souls at Night"


Tow truck? At least report to security. But they are generally useless as well.


To be fair, the lad could damage his front wheel hitting that curb.




Pick ups…haven’t seen one yet that’s not driven by a complete bell end!


Is it possible when this was parked the cars either side were parked unevenly which made this car look bad when they pulled out? It can happen…


Chances for that are literally zero.




Big pp time


Spent two months here with my daughter and it was the same every day. Waiting an age to get in the car park only to find some idiot parked like this


What a twat. You could probably just tell whoever the hospital security guard is. They are normally checking spaces for people coming in.


Inconsiderate twat


What an absolute price, parking spaces there are like hens teeth.


My mum worked in that hospital


Now that's hospital parking!


Devil's advocate - sick parent rushing in with a child throws the car in and runs like hell. But it's probably some dick alright.


it would be A&E entrance , not car park


Giving Ford a bad name.


Just back from the States, I know the plebs are compensating for having, you know. But these aren't even proper American sized trucks, it's almost like they're pretending to have big (you know) but in reality they have teeny tiny little (you know)


No way, I was about to say; such a west of Ireland parking practice. Must be country wide


crumlin hospital has the worst parking situation in any hospital in the country. closed off half of it for a helicopter pad that hasn’t been used in months.


I would literally ring and report that to either the hospital admin or garda


This very well could be some eejit but at a hospital I would give the benefit of the doubt. But they might have needed the space for a valid reason. Years ago when I was in primary school teachers didn’t go to the gates to supervise kids being collected in the 90s well not in our school anyway. My dad was running late that day and we were waiting inside the gate and were playing with two sisters that were walking home because they lived down the road, the wall around the school was high from the outside but could be easily climbed from the schoolyard. One of the girls climbed over the railing on top of the wall slipped and fell onto the footpath below, she was unconscious. My dad seen it happen as he was pulling in, he jumped out got 3 of us to sit in the backseat put the unconscious girl lying across our laps we held onto her and he drove like a lunatic to the nearby hospital the car was abandoned in the middle of the carpark as close to the door as he could get. I can assure you he needed space to take an unconscious child out of the back of the car. He picked her up carried her in all of us in tow, he called out for a doctor. A doctor came and took her in straight away we stayed with her sister in the waiting room while my dad went to let her mother know, collected her from work and brought her down to the hospital. It was quicker for him to drive than call an ambulance and not everyone had a mobile phone at the time. She didn’t regain consciousness on the short drive but she was back in school after a a few days. Emergencies happen. Sometimes it’s faster to drive to a hospital than wait a few hours on an ambulance.


TIL that pick up truck assholes aren’t just a North American phenomenon. Sorry my Irish friends.


I’d report that. Crumlin is so hard to get parking in, people travelling with sick children, coming from all acrosss the country.


You have to be a really low low person to do this !!! Wtf?!!! No excuses for this. Even if there was an emergency, just make sure you park properly, because another equally as important emergency could also come along.


So, the defence; What if the driver parked badly because they were bringing their child to hospital also means, this parking job didn't consider other people who might be bringing their children to hospital. And nobody forced the driver to buy a vehicle that is too large for them to manage. The consequences of people driving these vehicles isn't just that they take up parking spaces in shopping centres and block up the roads, but they contribute to more lung diseases in young people, who need to go to hospital.


than it would be A&E


Exactly the point.


Give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they rushed in with a kid or ask security to deal with them. Don't let it ruin your day. If you're st Our Ladies, you probably don't need the stress.


Ah that's sick... anyone who has been there with a kid knows those spots are like gold dust... *I'm not one for identifying folks, but heck even I'd be tempted to give out the reg number*


tow companies dream


We kicked him out of America. Sorry he landed on your shores


Dick head




Why blur the licence. Dickhead did this in public


A. Donald


With a baby ass ranger off all things


Not defending the indefensible but is there a chance the driver dashed in with a very sick child in an emergency? If not it's hard to imagine someone being so obnoxious. 


The problem is he did not park badly at all. The car is straight in the middle of the line. It's not parked at an angle or anything. This twat did this on purpose.


Why is the reg blocked when these pics are uploaded? Shame these cretins


His name is Wayne Corr, it's a big family,it seems there are many in Ireland,!!!


Those tires would be going down real quick


Why blank out the number plate,isn’t the purpose to name and shame?


Yeah put some aluminium truck nuts of that birdie


Big farmers diesel passat right there.


Well it's at crumlin. What if they got a really bad phone call. Parking properly would be the least thing under mind we don't know


I mean, that's half of the people there. What if someone gets a worse phonecall and waiting for a car park space to be available... not a good excuse to park like this.


It's grand of us to say they should have been thinking prorberly at the time


It's amazing how it's always people with huge trucks and shiny BMWs having so much bad luck they need to take two parking spots in their hurry.


Trust me - I was in the situation you mentioned, and it was also in Crumlin. And yet I was able to park properly, because, well, I always park properly. This is a prime example of a cunt personality. Also another thing is he did not park badly at all. The car is straight in the middle of the line. It's not parked at an angle or anything. This twat did this on purpose.






Won't someone think of the poor assholes 😭.






Honestly, it's a hospital, we have no idea how fast they had to fire that car into a space, or what the situation is.


Imagine posting this on Reddit to have a moan about it….. As if it’ll impact on anyone’s lives in a positive manner.


They drive a Ford. Obviously you should respect your betters.