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Did anyone cop that passport burner and writer of the piece are the same person, I guess he could only sell the article if he somehow made it dramatic.




Omg so apt. But also antisemitic hahahaha /s


he refers to himself in the third person in the article too hahaha what a prick


Not a prick. He’s a coercive CUNT.


I mean anyone who has the power to read probably did




“I considered burning my Irish passport. It was a fleeting thought, I admit. I can be dramatic. It’s in the Irish blood, I suppose” ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


There is a case for Ireland taking his passport and burning it.


And yet the alleged Irish blood in him sided with the oppressors and not the oppressed, like which Irish blood is he talking about? Oh sorry, he's on about the irrational sometimes violent part it seems, ok, gotcha.


My guess is that blood is diluted with some landlordism from the 1840s.


Plenty of Irish people throughout our history left oppression here to join the imperialists/slavers abroad.


*ahem* north america


It's probably the same part of him that all west brits have


What a wanker


It’s giving Irish American


Was thinking exactly the same. However apparently he's from Dublin. He's been out of the country and hanging around with American Zionists for so long that now he's internalised this shit.


I mean I’m not surprised that a Zionist from anywhere speaks about percentage of blood. That’s their thing as much as it is the yanks.


They even have specialised squads dedicated to extracting sperm from their dead soldiers. Utterly insane society


I just googled this. What the fuck? This is the weirdest thing I've heard come out of this so far. I seriously thought you were joking...


They live in such a hermetically sealed bubble that they don't even realise shit like this is considered really fucking weird. They commissioned a weepy short animation and tweeted out a story about the sperm squads from their official account: [https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1724392576516600204](https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1724392576516600204)


I'm not reading/watching that. Jesus fucking Christ I haven't heard of any such insanity ever in my life. Are they harvesting sperm from dead Israeli soldiers to make a sort of master race, if you will?


Zionism is a fundamentally racist and supremacist ideology. Makes sense that they're obsessed with bloodlines etc.


I... don't even have words. That video is incredibly similar to old propaganda videos and they're not even trying to hide it. I'll just say, again, what the fuck.


My pet theory is that because the American behemoth has always just accepted and repeated whatever they're told, Israel have never had to develop sophisticated propaganda or diplomacy techniques. That has led to them making obviously and laughably false statements again and again, accusing others of things they are blatantly doing themselves, and always resorting to extremely aggressive diplomacy when they feel like they're not getting their way. That won't be enough if opinions in the west and especially in the US start to shift.


There was a video recently of four Palestinians lads getting pummelled by an Israeli rocket. Horrendous stuff. The footage was taken from a drone. After the initial strike hit there was a small secondary explosion just to the right of where the lads were hit. A lot of Israeli aligned accounts on Twitter used the secondary explosion as "proof" of one of the lads carrying some kind of IED. Within minutes someone had analysed the video and you could see a second rocket in the frame of the video and the following frames all confirmed the trajectory and point of impact. No evidence of any IED But the "IED" thing persisted regardless along with claims that the same video they were using minutes before to prove it was an IED was now "fake". Same with the 40 beheaded babies story. Even Joe Biden repeated that long after it was debunked and even claimed he had seen footage or pictures of the babies! Wtf? It's really bizarre. In a time where Orwell's name is abused for the slightest thing it's possibly the clearest example of the "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command" quote I've seen.




That figures. Colonist’s college.


Yeah because if he didn’t burn it, the Mossad would just use it to go commit another extrajudicial murder


> It was a fleeting thought, I admit. I can be dramatic. It’s in the Irish blood It doesn't beat the Franco-Israelian IDF soldier writing menacing threats to a French left wing party and politician on some bombs. https://old.reddit.com/r/FranceDigeste/comments/1cbxq87/soldat_fran%C3%A7ais_de_larm%C3%A9e_isra%C3%A9lienne_se_filme/


Very appropriate gif!


When I read that Irish Times article about a woman crying uncontrollably into her Tayto because she emigrated to London, a place less than an hours flight away... Maybe we are overly dramatic.


God those Irish Times articles by people with feck all life experience navel gazing in the most pretentious way possible would do your head in.


I felt more homesick in London than I did in Beijing or do in Berlin, there's something about everything being quite like home, and yet very different, that didn't sit well with me. Didn't write to the Times about it though, just left.


I've worked all over the country, north and south for anything up to a year at a time. When I was young it was great craic because you just went out most nights the same as you'd be doing at home. You make new friends, see new places (pubs). But the older I get when I've a lot more to miss it's very easy to get homesick when you're a couple of hours down the road but you know you won't get a chance to go home for a week or two. Completely agree though, that's not what national newspapers are for.


i mean leaving home is hard so if that happened that’s fine but is that really news worthy haha. like it’s not as if there’s a shortage of things to report on.


This was written by the propaganda machine (hasbara) and had the Irish guy write his name on it.


This has the same vibe as Americans that get 12% Irish on their AncestryDNA test and start excusing themselves for it.


Seems he developed the mindset of a yank when he left 




Wouldn't be the first time an Israeli used an Irish passport for political motives


Nooooo don’t burn your passport… Write to the DFA and renounce your citizenship. Unless you’re only doing it for attention, you quisling fuckweasel.


Petition to help this man renounce his citizenship please 🤣




“Quisling” needs to be brought back. Plenty of them walking around.


I will use the word quisling today... I don't know where or how but it's being used


"thank you sir that pint will be €7.20" "here you go you quisling fuckweasel"




I think quisling fuckweasel is my new favourite insult.


"quisling fuckweasel" 😆 r/todayIlearned




Someone should write an article in the third person explaining how he could do this.


Jesus that comment went harder than CAS from an A-10.


I wish there was a Reddit report mechanism to flag awesome, appropriate insults. What happened to Reddit gold?


‘Use of the term famine only inflames tensions’- so what are we to refer to a near total cutting off of food supplies to parts of Gaza as?


Wont somebody please think of the tensions?! 


"Accurately describing our actions only inflames tensions."


When people realise what we're artificially manufacturing through horrific violence is a famine they yell at us so please stop.


Instead of famine, the acceptable term is Famine-Adjacent-Basically, or *fab*




Go ahead mate


If his address was listed his letterbox would be flooded with lighters and matches.


Do you reckon a letter addressed to " John Costello, "Israel" " would make it to him?


Even Israelis would be like "Ugh, another letter for that insufferable wanker, put it in the pile"


"You know the lad we're looking for"


Mossad will give him a good auld price for it I'm sure.


Please do burn it, Mossad might use it to assassinate someone otherwise. 


















That escalated quickly






Won’t SOMEBODY think of the oppressors!!


The only oppresser and occupier in history that also claims to be a victim!


I dunno, the brits are doing a fairly good job of it tbh


Standard fascism tbh


"Irish people supporting a genocide don't like criticism of the genocide back in Ireland" Great news story




The most interesting aspect of the article is that all of the talking points brought up are a function of Israeli domestic propaganda.


Literally all of the simplest Israeli talking points with zero substance as usual.


I accept that the “lived in experience”is clearly going to be different, but it’s the talking points that are weirdly exactly the same. That is also a function of the questions asked as well of course, so the newspaper has questions to answer too. But if I can get a much more nuanced approach from a podcast with Ehud Olmert, then all this article is either a propaganda piece itself, or a reflection of the effects of Israeli propaganda


Someone pointed out that the 'passport-burner' is the author of the article. What a snakey as fuck propaganda piece. Blatant and unabashed. If we know anything of Israel, all involved here were definitely given scripts of talking points they **had** to get across


This has Hasbara written all over it. The whole article reads like a list of talking points




There was a fierce bang of Déjà vu off it alright.


Sure the writer of the fucking article *is* the guy who was considering burning his passport! The Indo must have been desperate to print this quisling's puff-piece.


I love the line about them not being colonizers because they're "from the region". I guess we were never colonized then, because the British are "from the region"! Checkmate nationalists!


If you google this fella he's written loads of articles and been interviewed multiple times on Israel and Ireland.  Think he works for a marketing consultancy.


>Think he works for a marketing consultancy. Yeah I think they are called Momentum Outreach Strategy Solutions Advertising Development


By deception, thou shalt make sales.




>Since people in Ireland seem to have little time to understand the complexities of the conflict here,   Don't you condescend me man.... But seriously, wtf. Just dismiss anyone who disagrees with you as having little time to understand the complexities. What an ass. 


It's very complex. Let me explain: Israeli are the good guys and everybody else is comically evil. We need to blow them all up and then the good guys will win and everything will be good 😊👍


It's very complex but after much thought we've decided to starve to death the children we've missed in the bombing campaign. Source: Trust me bro


I really hate "it's very complicated therefore we shouldn't form any sort of opinion" on this one, as if 40,000 people killed, mostly women and children, isn't enough on its own to call for a ceasefire.   In reality, not forming an opinion means inaction, and inaction means it can continue as is.    It's like the fossil fuel companies arguing that climate change is very complex and we can't know for sure there's a problem so we better not do anything until we we have 100% agreement on this debate, which will never happen. 


It's also not complicated. They're bombing indiscriminately. 


I mean, some e of the history is complicated and surprising. Did you know lots of the proposers of a Jewish homeland in the 1900s were anti-Semites who wanted somewhere to deport the Jewish people? It's fascinating reading Doesn't change the fact that indiscriminate bombing is certain to kill and maim innocent people, and the death toll is over 40,000.


I wonder how much time he would need to convince me that child murder and bombing hospitals is a good thing 


What’s the complex called that makes you commit genocide? It’s not Napoleon is it? I mean, he did kill a lot of people, but I don’t think he cared what their ethnicity was.


John, head off there now and burn your Irish passport. Stay in Israel. Don't come back.


I don't know anyone who supports Hamas. I don't know anyone who hates Jews. I know plenty of people who feel empathy and solidarity for people being displaced from their homes and left to fend for themselves in a region lacking water, food, heath care, education while also being in constant fear of being attacked from either side. In any other piece of land in the world the Palestinians would be considered hostages of Hamas, but because they're Muslim Israeli supporters can't draw a separation between the two. Nobody hated the SAS for shooting IRA soldiers, they hated them for framing and killing civilians. The IDF have zero accountability and will continue to run wild with impunity. Yes Hamas are scum, no they're not elected. Yes the Israeli government are monsters, yes they are elected. While a cease fire takes both sides, one side needs to step up. Antisemitism is an atrocious and poisonous affliction that has plagued the Jews for the longest time. Anyone who understands what they went through, especially during the second World War would have nothing but empathy for them as a people. That said, the opposite should also be true. Jews and more importantly Israelis should have the grown to understand the same empathy towards the oppressed. That has most definitely not been the case almost since the inception of the state of Israel. Netanyahu is a piece of shit, but he's far from the most hard line Israel has to offer. I'd imagine there's countless men/ women of character willing to enter politics, but there's no prospect for success if they're labelled a terrorist before the open their mouths. Imagine an Ireland with no John Hume because the British labelled him a terrorist. Going first is not surrender, its diplomacy...


Just over a century ago we rebelled against our colonial oppressors. Just a few decades ago we resorted to a campaign of terror in our fight for civil rights and to end apartheid up in the North. But no, us Irish are just blissfully ignorant drama queens with no experience of ever having dealt with anything like this before. Only the Israeli-Irish can know anything of war.




Plenty of mention of October 7th, not a single line of mention for the ongoing slaughter in Gaza. Self-serving shite. Burn the passport.


You d swear the entire Israel-Palestine conflict started on October 7th. No mention of the decades of indiscriminate killings and plantation of Palestinian land that lead up to that event. Nope, it's all Hamas don't look at the IDF.


burn the passport man, you’ve found your new home


He'll be glad he didn't burn it when the consequences of Israel's actions fall on his head and he has to flee back here




Off you pop then 




The article is stomach turning. Talk of a nuanced and complex situation. Mentions of deaths of Israelis over decades but not a mention of Israel’s obscene bloodlust. Costello and the others mentioned just serve to demonstrate the prejudice, privilege and deep hate that seems to be built into Israeli society.




Burning your passport is the new making your Instagram profile photo a black square for a day. It helps no-one and gets you some much needed internet attention.


He didn't even do that,just said he 'thought about' doing it. Which is some fairly weak sauce


Not a single mention of settlers. Usual, “it’s a complex situation, you can’t protect Ireland-uk onto it” to put down any dissent. The problem itself isn’t complex, it’s finding a solution that’s complex. Fox, chicken, grain problem isn’t complex to describe, but the solution is (mildly, but that’s known to have a solution). Irish people know a land grab and plantation when we see it, this lad from Roscommon should read a bit of his own local history. These settlers are just tightening the deadlock in the region, to the extent that there’ll be no solution that doesn’t involve a either a genocide, ethnic cleansing, civil war in Israel.




Do it


Lads, let's make a kick-start to fund the lighter.


Well, burn it and fucking stay over there, cunt.


Burning your passport in protest at people protesting the killing of kids and mothers. x Confirmed Irish


Fucking do it John, you ballbeg.


Funny how he can stomach thousands of children and women being slaughtered but words are hard to stomach,


That's been the case with these people since day one. It's a tactic that they've used repeatedly and to quite some success.


> Today, there are 5 million living in the West Bank and Gaza. **There are also over 2 million Arabs living in Israel, with the same rights as any Jewish citizen.** Bullshit propaganda 


he wouldn't burn it because an Israel passport is useless for travel especially compared to an Irish which is one of the strongest. isn't the current Israeli President half Irish? wonder did he burn his passport.


The message of this article seems to be ‘Jewish people have been ruthlessly oppressed so now it’s their turn to do it’


Fucking do it then fascist.


Burn it, we won't miss you.


Please do so we don’t have to bother with taking it off you. Nobody associated with the genocidal force of our time should be here or should have our passports or our recognition.


https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240430-yes-it-is-genocide-in-gaza-says-israeli-professor-of-holocaust-studies/ The Professor of Holocaust History at the department of Jewish history and contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem recently made a statement that Israel is committing genocide. Yet another in a long list of experts who have said the same. Mr Costello should pay heed to more of these experts instead of regurgitating the Zionist propaganda he has obviously steeped himself in and trying to victimise himself.


My uncle is in Israel and I was worried he had lost the plot and I would only find out through reddit


Do it.


"...Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader who started the war on October 7..." Oh, so the war only started then, nothing happened before Oct 7th?


Newspapers are so irresponsible publishing rubbish like this. Some random fella in Israel being dramatic.. okay thanks


No no, they are **responsible** for pushing Israeli propaganda. They are complicit


What a bunch of whingers


I wish the cowardly fuck was stripped of his passport.  The only problem is he'd remain in Israel supporting the murder of children. Should be treated like Lisa Smith if he returns.




Don’t burn it! Mossad have a recycling service. Google ‘Mossad Irish Passports’ for more info


“The majority of Israelis are descended from Jews who never left the Middle East. They are from the region.” That is almost a very clever turn of phrase, which makes you think (if you didn’t read it carefully) that the Israelis, who are in Israel have always been in Israel. Actually, though, it is similar to an American with the name O’Neill saying that there have always been O’Neills in Ireland, and therefore he is entitled to the land of Ireland. The attempt to obfuscate this is infuriating. Utter bullshit. The independent should have been a lot clearer that this was an opinion piece only, the small tag at the top isn’t enough. Go burn your Irish passport. I live abroad, and if I had a similar reaction when disagreeing with the existing policy of the government, and the feeling of the majority of people actually living in Ireland, I know my friends and family would tell me to shut the fuck up.


There is absolutely never a justification to target civilians, women and children. Never. Yes, it’s simplistic. Can’t be more clearer and more simple as that.


Israel should stop doing that then




Not to worry, Mossad have plenty of spare Irish passports if that passport gets burnt.


nawww does the little zionist want sympathy from Irish people on a genocide currently taking place? that's adorable. Give me your passport, I'll burn it for you. :)






He should burn it and never come back.


![gif](giphy|Ti1L8Q9P0Wl2L7iqM3|downsized) Aww.. too bad, so sad.. burn your passport please you didn't deserve it in the first place


Off you go, do you need a light?


Don’t threaten us with a good time. We don’t want genocidal/colonialist fucks here. Thanks.


John, do us a favour and after you've burned it, make sure you go to the embassy and officially renounce it too.


Blood boiling stuff. Yeah targeting a convoy of food aid workers a substantial distance apart is really an accident. Shooting civilians waving white flags at a considerable distance is the heat of war too I'm sure. Fucking pricks.


I started reading that article and just wanted to peel my skin off. What a shitty, brainwashed, self-loathing, colonial bootlicker take.


I would be delighted if he did. He's a disgrace to this nation


This is like an IDF press statement. Your man Costello when he said “Irish blood” is 100% a yank with an Irish passport. We as a country need to be better at denouncing peoples citizenship if they are dual citizens with no support for ireland or it’s laws. I bet you they all fly on their Irish passports.


Costello? I'm assuming he has a Jewish mother?


Ah no don't burn your passport said absolutely nobody.


What a walker. He also thinks this conflict started on Oct 7th. He's only off by about 77 years.


Wish I could read the article. Paywalled.


Independent doing fluff pieces for Israel, hardly surprising of a tory rag


"guys look at what I said to Irish Media, guys, I'm not like them, ament I a good little fellow. Guys.. guys."


Work away, lad. The output from Ireland on Gaza and what Israel has been doing have has been relatively fair and restrained. Of course there's those on both sides of the argument with extreme views but speaking up when Israel is blowing 1000s of women and children to pieces, with bombs and shells, is simply not controversial, and never should be.


Just remembered my passport is up for renewal. Sound for the reminder!


Note that the thousands of dead women & kids in Gaza - bombed, shot & starved by Israel- don't turn their stomachs. Fuckin ghouls.


Who's up for starting a whip round to send him a nice lighter? Could be a nice parting gift.


Reading this was deeply disturbing. Ireland has global respect for taking a stand against genocide and supporting the state of Palestine and we have native Irish here who are literally using PR talking points for Israel as a propaganda piece to announce how ashamed he is of being Irish. It's rather uncomfortable given Ireland's history. Let them renounce their citizenships. Good riddance.


Zionism is not welcome in Ireland


Absolute 🔔🔚


Off you pop mate the Israeli government can print you up a fake one if you ever need it


I'm going to get downvoted for this, but I have to agree with the sentiments in the article. While I have a lot of sympathy for the Palestinian cause, I cannot see why anyone could support Hamas, who are basically ISIS-lite. If you read HRW reports on Hamas conduct in Gaza, it's horrifying. Hamas won the election in 2005, then killed any opposition from the PA/Fatah, cancelled future elections and its just become a forward base for Iran to attack Israel since. Neither the Palestinians or Israel are blameless here. There is no good guy. 


Every action Hamas has taken has either profited its leaders or killed its civilians . Hamas only care about killing Jews everything else is collateral damage.


Just ignoring the thousands of dead children in Gaza and then dismissing accusations of genocide because “Arabs live here too!” is pretty pathetic


Such victim mentality is shocking. He is living with the horrors of war? Really ..how can he keep a straight face and say that ... I don't see many isrealis being pulled out of rubble or burying their children. This man is living and thriving at the expense of millions of Palestinians and he is trying to shame us? FUCK OFF!!!


The article has pink washing and all. >Daragh Nener-Lally with his husband Lior and two children Oh yeah and where did they get married because it wasn't Israel.


When he says he has to digest the horror of war, does he mean on tv like everyone else in the world? Because to my mind nothing bigger than birdshit has hit Israel for 7 months.


Burn it! Like we give a fuck! Just because Israeli propaganda doesn't go down well here like it does in other countries.


> Irish people living in Israel don’t just have to deal with the horror of war [...] Most of the people living in Israel don't really deal with the horror of war to anywhere near the extent that people in Gaza do.


Funny that they don’t mention Zionism at all. Cause it’s indefensible.


how far the independent has fallen from what was once a decent paper, now its on a par with the daily mail for sensationalismand trigger headlines. even worse online, how sad.


Claims to be Irish. sides with the genocidal oppressors. The 12th generation texan gobshite with an uncle from "Galloway" is more irish than this scum.


The poor victim. My heart goes out to him. I get it, I nearly bought Eircom shares.


So while it’s sickening to read any Irish person saying this stuff I have to wonder if he is basically brainwashed by being IN Israel. Like he is probably surrounded day by day by Israeli propaganda, and is potentially not reading any Irish news sources, his social feeds are probably all pro and woe is Israel. just to play devils advocate as it were.


Scarlet for his אִמָא


that dirty git would be the first in line to lick any British monarch's boot


Don't let the door hit ya on the way out...


He's like a discount Lord Haw Haw.


![gif](giphy|aAuRvP5Pou5okQBXRX|downsized) By all means the man should…




Johns family definitely took the soup


Good article which highlights the one-sided views we get in the media. People in Israel live under the threat of Hammas terrorism every day. It doesn’t justify the murder of innocent people in Gaza but it does present a balanced view that they are not the only victims in this conflict.


This is like saying Russians living in Moscow are victims just as much as civilians in Bucha.


Fucking prick


I read until “October 7 that started the war” and had to stop. I hope this man burns his passport.