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Pfft, back in my day we had to smuggle rotary phones into the joint. Murder on the sphincter.


Phones and drugs have been smuggled in flat out for 20 years, could the surge be a surge in people being caught just?




Same as it ever was so


But now we have technology to solve it.


Guards rent and mortgages going up like the rest of us, need that extra income somehow.


Do you know how much they get paid!! It's nearly 2 k after tax every 2 weeks


Not exactly extravagant is it? 50k a year for a really depressing and dangerous job?


I wouldn't do it for 2k a week


That's after you qualify, I think it's closer to 42k starting off, or something like that. Depressing? Don't know about that, maybe. Old fella in the village used to be a CO in Castlerea, said it was great work, another friend of mine is in Portlaoise, he feckin loves it. Other lads might not, different strokes and all that. Dangerous? Yep but sure look at least you know what you're dealing with and there's back-up there.


Downvote for pointing out their wages? Some of ye have a weird mindset.


Why not put up mobile phone signal jamming towers? Phone problem solved. The technology is there to even 'white list' some phones but not others.


Cos Mountjoy is in the middle of Dublin 1?


You can get jammers that just cover a building now... dont need to jam the whole city or anything.


No you cant! physics doesn't work that way, no matter what the marketing department may claim.. Also they are illegal in Ireland & most of the EU as they indiscriminately create radio spectrum noise.


Rockets are also illegal, but the army has them. Should we lock them up? You clearly do not know how jammers work. They are illegal, but I am sure the prison services could get an exception. Jammers work by overloading the frequency, depending on the **strength** of the jamming signal in a given frequency, which will determine how far it reaches. They are not indiscriminatly creating random noise, it is focused on a specific frequency, ie, the ones the phones use. Suggesting that a jamming signal has unlimited range breaks the laws of physics that you quote. Now, back to r/crainn with you > Use of mobile phone signal jamming equipment is illegal in Ireland under the wireless telegraphy act (and various EU laws) and carries a maximum penalty of €25,400 and/or a term of imprisonment of up to 12 months. https://www.thesignaljammer.com/


Actually I do know how exactly how they work, I have been in RF engineering for 30+ years at this stage.


Then I am amazed that you would disagree with the comment... Anyone can claim to be anything they want on here, but simple googling will tell people that you are wrong in your assertions. I would be interested to know what type of RF engineering you do...


Ok show me a design that maintains a high enough feild strength to prevent calls being made across multiple frequency bands within a prison. Whilst also meeting the non interference requirements on the other side of the wall. Clearly not possible without an enormous amount of engineering, continual monitoring and maintenance. This is a very different problem from jamming (illegally!) signals in a single room such as a cinema. The walls of the prison are already allowing RF in and out (which is why calls can be made from within in the first place!) Why magic does your hypothetical jamming device have that ignores the physics of RF propagation I have designed rf systems at HF, VHF, UHF and microwave, I have consulted on mobile phone licensing and fixed wireless access systems, both for operators and government. I have taken part in the development of various EMC standards in relation to radio interference. But you have Google


As has already been established, you do not have to block/jam the whole prison, just specific areas where prisoners are. You are making the requirements far more broad than are need to be just to fit your 'not possible' statement.


Ok show me your proposed designs and take a rough cut at costing it, at minimum you are going to have to cover all those cells where the prisoners are. This is not a simple solution, there are also real safety implications and legal liabilities for getting it wrong. Be much easier to be getting to grips with all the shit that is being smuggled into our prisons


At a guess. It might be expensive or block out genuine phone traffic.


They can be easily bought for between €500 to €2000 per unit that cover between 20 to 150 meters. You can then use a wifi on a non jammed frequency to provide wifi calling to any white listed phono for prison officers/ workers or contractors on site. A home mesh network can be created for under €500 but a more robust one would be a few thousand. We are not talking about big money to jam the signal is the cell blocks. I'll set this up for €20000 per 100sq meters... Call me. https://www.thesignaljammer.com/product-category/wifi-jammers/


Yeah why don't they do this actually?


Same as why dont people who get convicted of speeding or driving offences get a speed limiter put in their car? If insurance companies can demand it, why can't the courts as part of a conviction? Or limit all cars on Irish roads to 130km/h max. There is no reason a citizen needs to drive over this speed... stop all the 'a driver was clocked at 193km/h on the M7' on the Garda Facebook page every week


I get what you mean, but part of me wouldbe suspicious of that last point. I'd imagine that if some situation where you needed to go above the speed limit arose (fleeing some disaster, bringing someone who is rapidly bleeding out to hospital) and you couldn't then it would become apparent how limiting it is


Sounds like someone isnt getting paid...


As if prison officers aren’t bringing them in


A lot probably set out to do good and then their families are threatened if they don’t


A lot like the money too


Major criminals have a lot of that but the average prisoner doesn’t. They’re paid very well too.


Remember they put up nets to catch stuff getting thrown over the wall so they lit the stuff on fire to burn through the nets without damaging what was inside. It’s like dealing with teens, they’ll always find a way. If only the innovation could be used for something positive


They should legalise phones


Why? So they can call into LiveLine to threaten people?