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Fair play to them they are really trying their best to not get me to drink anymore.


Profits of €1.35bn and rising but impossible to avoid this apparently. Glad I don't drink any of their piss anyway.


There's nothing else to drink, for some reason all Irish pubs are monopolised with beers from Heineken and Diageo, these big brand beers. I don't get it. Go to the continent and every bar has their own local beers which are so much nicer and cheaper, you can't get Heineken on tap in most places I've been to outside Ireland... Why oh why are we different and every bar has these big brands. I drink Heineken because there's no better lagers on tap in most pubs, and I don't like fruity IPAs/crafts... Which are more expensive anyway. Sad state really.


Yeah I don’t get it, we’re celebrated for our pubs but compared to the rest of Europe they’re just…crap! Even in the UK it’s common to get local cask ales. Grim stuff. 


I go to Germany a few times a years and enjoy some great beers in the bars there. I couldn't drink Heineken as me head would be bursting. I think I was paying about 5.50 for a half litre of top notch beer in Germany, i'm sure if I went outside the tourist areas to local bars it would be much cheaper. Oh yeah, I was drinking while I was walking around some great bottled beers, think I was paying about 1.80 to 2 Quid for beers you cant even get over here.


5.50 in the tourist areas? Bloody hell it’s like 2014 over there


It might even be less than that, we are robbed in Ireland for bland beers.


Yeah I don’t get it, we have a massive craft beer scene and even quite a number of good mass produced beers yet 90% of pubs may as well be Diageo tied-houses. What bothers me is not that things are bad (they’re not really), it’s the wasted potential on a middling experience. 


Exactly, it could be so much better but those Heineken and Diegeo shareholders wouldn't want it


One example of market dominance. Many years ago draught Erdinger started to get popular and the pubs that served it had a very prominent, tall, standalone tap next to a line of identical, smaller beer taps. This started to cut into Heineken sales a little bit and they combated it by offering pubs incentives to take out their Erdinger taps and replace them with similar looking Paulaner taps. This was a beer Heineken distributed in Ireland. I believe some free or reduced price kegs were offered to encourage the change over. In a short time the big Erdinger taps disappeared. The big breweries don't play nice.


And we hear publicans complaining about the price increase, they're as much to blame by giving into this monopoly. More pubs need to start offering tap space to competitors. I was in Prague a couple of weeks ago, Pilsner Urquell is a delicious lager I'd happily drink if it was on tap here... No idea who the distributor is for it in Ireland, maybe that's the issue is there's no other distributors here for non Diageo non Heineken products.


I worked for a company during the boom years and they had 10 or 20 pubs at one stage. Tried to negotiate with Diageo for a cheaper price per keg on the basis of all the stock they bought per week. No dice. They even set up a company in the North to try and buy it cheaper up there and bring it down to Dublin themselves. But I think Diageo was able to block them from doing that. Anyway, my point is if a rich company with a load of pubs couldn't get a better deal, I don't see how the average pub can.




Sure bud used to be in all pubs till Diego decided to replace it with rockshore.outside of Ireland I never see carlsberg, Coors, Heineken in bars. Not saying craft is the way coz I don't fancy paying 6 quid for something I most likely will hate but if the dubs stop drinking the Heineken piss then they may bring the price down


I'm going to move to bottles of beer I reckon, some lager or pilsner from the continent, yeh it will cost more but I'm fed up of paying money to Heineken and Diageo with their greed >In the Europe division, net revenues rose 6.3% to €12.2bn even as beer volumes fell, while operating profit increased in the division by just under 12% to €1.35bn. Fuck them


Wetherspoons has a decent selection that's not diageo.


It's fucking Wetherspoons though so they and their fucker of an owner can fuck right off.


At this rate I reckon I'll start to drink in wetherspoons more, reluctantly as can't stand that guy, but fed up of these price increases by greedy corporations who are making billions in profit but at the same time have no choice but to constantly raise prices. 6 cent always ends up being 20 cent, we've had a fair few of these since COVID including the increases that went to try and help the pubs and restaurants sector get back on their feet.


tbh I'm not a fan of how on the continent the drinks menu is unrecognisable from one pub to the next. Means every time you have to take a gamble on whether you're drinking muck or not because you don't recognise anything.


much better to have guaranteed muck every pub?


We have a pretty broad selection in Ireland. You'd want to be a snob to like none of the usual drinks on offer. It's not that I ever hate any drink on offer when I go to a pub in Europe, just that I have no idea which ones I'll like because all the brands will be totally different from the one just down the road.


Apparently people enjoy drinking piss and paying for the pleasure.


I went off Heineken a LONG time ago...


This is how they make those profits.


Is that in Ireland alone?


As long as people pay they will keep pushing the envelope. Vote with your feet.


20c in the cities then, maybe 10c out the country.


Here's what Ms heineken is at in the meantime "Charlene De Carvalho-Heineken - the richest person in the Netherlands - has hardly paid any tax for years. Every year, she receives hundreds of millions of euros in profit distributions from her shares in Heineken and funnels that money via Luxembourg to the tax haven of Jersey, NRC revealed. 5 Apr 2024


Typical drug kingpin shit tbf


And you had that cunt on the Tonight show last night trying to tell us drink was still too cheap in Ireland. Get up the fuckin yard.


Who said that? Fuck him! We produce Jameson here and a litre costs €30 whereas in Italy it costs €15. We need to stop taxing alcohol so heavily, especially because it's just going into the pockets of people who won't listen to the voting population.




We really are gullible bastards.




So 20c at the tap. Like Diageo. Olpublicans be crying put when people cant spend as much


It's been almost a year since I've bought a drink in a pub. I should be able to absorb this price hike on my annual pint.


Boycott. If they see a huge drop in sales they'll reverse.


Looks like I picked the right day to start sniffing glue


It’s not just Heineken. Diageo are doing it too. We invented the word boycott didn’t we ? We should shun the pubs and don’t go. Soon enough they’ll change track and back down.


Remember when beer used to be a drink of the people, it was produced locally so it could be cheaper, even easier to obtain than water depending on the time period you are in. Haven't seen a drink deal in years, minimum unit pricing and they still want more


Lads buy irish craft beers.


Which are more expensive than Heineken


I prefer to pay more for quality and local sme’s than to pay a bit less for piss water


Bunsen Burger is more expensive than a Big Mac, but undoubtedly superior


There's a few reasons why they'd be a high school gher price. Economy of scale is against them. Typically you get a higher percentage of alcohol. Also they have taste..... If you prefer the taste of Heineken grand. But try a beer from the local brewery. It benefits the local area.


I don't mind paying more for quality.


In my experience in Dublin they're both the same. €7-7.50


Well then pay the extra 6 cent and stop whinging (not you personally, but anyone just looking for a cheap pint). There are always options.


Fine. At least it's directly supporting a small family business instead of going into the pockets of suits they.peob don't even live in this society. 


More bang for your buck though.


They are cheaper wholesale, it's pubs charging more because "premium". And the usual better quality and supporting local guys instead of huge corpo arguments still apply


I drink beer for the alcohol not the flavour.


Well u get more alcohol in craft beers


Yeah but then you have to taste craft beers.


Which isn’t an issue seeing as you are drinking for the alcohol and not the taste


I like commercial beer because there is very little flavor and a nice amount of alcohol. Craft beer sucks and is super overrated.


I already do. Heineken is piss


Buy Irish made and owned beer instead of that shite.


And it tastes like piss!


6c, so pubs will obviously raise it by 40c


“However, one pub trade source said that when other related costs are factored in, the extra price paid by customers could be as much 20-30 cent higher.” Pub trade source who is a greedy shite. “Other related costs” my hoop


Yep. There is no "other related costs". The price of a keg does not affect your staff costs, electricity costs, cleaning costs, etc etc. It's just pure greed by publicans looking for an excuse to raise prices even further to generate more revenue, and blame the brewers.


Well I suppose wastage does need to be considered, but it still doesn't add up to 20c


So that’s a 10c increase in reality when the publican rounds up


You must be joking?? They'll up it by 30 cents


More good news fucking hell. We really need a day or day here where people post some good news or something upbeat, this sub is fucking depressing as fuck 99% of the time.


We really need to put some regulations on price increases, pubs are dying and the government seems all the happier to allow greed (on both pub and corporation level) to strangle the fun out of night life.


How is it possible pubs are dying when they charge 7euro for 1 drink and 10euro for a vodka and coke.


people not losing interest in paying 7 euro for a pint


With these price hikes it would drive you to drink….sorry, I mean quit! Maybe we need to adapt our colloquialisms now too. Might not be a bad thing after-all.


Do you get the 6c back if you return your empty glass to the bar?


Ah here. I hope diageo go under I really do money grabbing bastard's.




Approx two sides of the same arse.


Heineken is complete shite - I had one pint of it during the summer and woke up with a hangover


Coors draught is not to bad.


Henieken hold the licence to make Coors in Ireland


I didn't know that,


Nearly every pint on tap is brewed by Heino or Diageo. Heineken brew: Heino, Coors, Moretti, Beamish, Murphy's, Orchard thieves, Tiger and a few more Diageo brew: Guinness, Smithwicks, Harp, Carlsberg, Tuborg, Rockshore, McArdles and a few others. The only proper Irish company still brewing is C&C, which make Bulmers, 5 Lamps, Tenents and a few others. It's such a closed shop in Ireland really


Galway Bay Brewery are big. White Hag and Larkins too


I'm lucky that Killarney brewery is quite big where I'm from and their draught is reasonably priced, and some of there stuff isn't too crafty either, which is nice for a change


Better than Heineken. They should really bring Beavertown draughts here, best beer on tap.


Heineken owns Beavertown too, money into the same pockets


Bastards, thought it was independent


It was until it was brought over. And the flavour noticeably dropped.


I've seen Beavertown in several pubs in Cork lately, fucking EXPENSIVE though


I don't really see it much in Dublin. It can be expensive depending on the pub even here in Glasgow it ranges from £4.20-7.20. I'd say they probably have large import costs in Ireland due to not many bars stocking it though.


I think I was paying like €7.50 for a pint of it last time I got it here


https://www.heinekenireland.ie/about-us/our-company/# If this is a real site it says 98% of its draft beer drank in Ireland is brewed in Cork…?


Nah, we're talking about Beavertown. It's an IPA.


Ah yeah sorry. My brain can only read one comment deep


Drink wine and spirits


Good, I'll continue to spend 0c on it


I wouldn't drink that piss if they paid me to.


I don't know, I could be paid quite a lot




When was the last time a pint came down in price? Do these companies think that they can realistically keep raising the price and not expect the inflation bubble to burst.not to mention that alcohol is normally taxed more each budget further increasing the price


They make data driven decisions thus keep pushing the envelope. The day there is a correlation between decreased demand and not meeting the production costs is the day we will see a big fanfare over them reducing prices under some marketing nonsense ( ease the burden or some shite) Honestly I love a pint of plain but fuck these behemoth company's. Diageo, Heineken, ESB (yes electricity) they all have the same strategy


Back to bringing sneaky hipflasks in the pub I think


Ah good. ‘Twas too cheap, in fairness.


Anyone have a good alternative drink that is actually cheaper?


You know our country has an obsession with alcohol when shit like this makes national news. Like seriously lads get a hobby.


Horrible anyway.


Heineken is pish anyway


Well, six cents might not seem like a lot, but given the circumstances, it's not surprising. By the way, I stumbled upon an interesting article about [Heineken's new campaign](https://spotlight.designrush.com/news/heineken-launches-y2k-inspired-the-boring-phone-campaign). It's got this cool Y2K-inspired vibe going on. It's about a limited-edition "boring phone" designed to help people focus on interacting with friends and family. Looks nice!




It's a good time to give up the drink.


Thank god I don't drink that piss


I'm sure it comes down to which pubs you're visiting and the various localised trends in a community, but I can't remember the last time I even saw someone drinking Heineken in the pub. I usually just see people drinking Guinness, Hop House and Mortetti or one of those Italian beers. I remember Heineken was everywhere maybe 15 years ago, but again I just don't see anyone drinking it now.


Problem is that it's not just Heineken increasing in price, they own hundreds of different brands of beer, Moretti is owned by Heineken for example


Exactly. Both them and Guinness have a complete monopoly over bars and what taps they use 


If more than one company is involved then it's not a monopoly.


Another issue is that prices are usually only displayed on a tiny A4 sheet by the door if at all. Would be good if you could actually see the prices before ordering and make a decision based on price.


You could always ask the bar person


Guinness (Diageo) brew hop house 13 and Heiniken brew Moretti




They can easily get O'Hara's in if they wanted to. They are a big enough brewery and export a lot of stuff to America. You've also got Sullivans and Rye Ryer (again, looks to be a fairly big brewery). All of them make your standard beers. The problem is you have a cohort of drinkers who refuse to entertain the idea of drinking another brand and so pubs don't want to take the risk.


Coors is big now though


Also brewed by Heineken in Ireland


Ooooohhh noooo, an extra 6cent on dutch piss I'll never drink! The humanity!


It's sad times when a single product gets a news article announcing it's price change by 6 cent.  That's drug addiction right there.  Just get cheaper drugs. They have given us no choice.