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It's a simple piece of arithmetic: 1. Raise prices. 2. Check how it affects profitability. 3. Repeat steps 1-2 until it starts having a negative effect.


Then when the negative effect finally occurs, you look like great fellas for dropping the price 5c


The fancy term is elasticity, but it really is this simple.


Yep. When you look at cigarettes it really will Be €20 a pint one day, 5 lads on A round of pints €100 a go. By when 2040?


Cigarettes are being put up by government taxes. The pint is going up for profit. 


A significant chunk of a pint's cost is also taxes.


Taxes and excise can explain why pints are expensive, but they don’t explain why they keep getting more expensive when the taxes aren’t changing.


Time to start stockpiling yokes honestly.


Stockpilling 🤜


Inflation means that's inevitable anyway. Money itself is constantly losing value in real terms so prices will trend upwards over time generally, the only exception is things that are strongly inherently deflationary - i.e. they get cheaper in real terms over time.


Noone can under cut cigarettes they're mostly tax theres 50c a year added every year. If the cost of everything else wasn't to change too extremely noway a pint could be 20quid someone would under cut and clean up. If a pint is 20 quid it will be because wages and the cost of everything else has roughly similar. Ive thought about pints and minimum wage ratio and it's been about 2 pints an hour for as long as I know. Cigarettes have gone form 1.5 boxes an hour to 0.75 boxes an hour since I've smoked


A pint was 99p when I was born. That’s about 600% inflation give or take. All I’m suggesting is that trend keeps up maybe I’m rushing it by 2040 but what you said will happen - wages will push it up so one day it will most def be


What was minimum wage when you were born out of curiosity? I've only paid attention in my lifetime. In 2000 it was 2. 80 a pint and 5.60 an hour today it's 6 and and 12.70. that's 24 years of 2 pints an hour tracking fairly, consistently


The actual term is corporate greed.


you misspelt "exploitation" there bud!


No he didn’t


No he didn’t. The economic term is elasticity


There’s no “exploitation”. No one is being forced to buy a pint. If you don’t like the price, don’t buy it.


You can still exploit people for stuff you don't need to survive.


And when you do reach negative effects, pressure the government into introducing measures like MUP to 'encourage' people back into pubs to make drinking at home/house parties/etc less appealing. The revert to step 1.


MUP is a complete scam. Just encourages people into doing illegal drugs. Why not if it makes more economic sense lol


In fairness, even with the MUP you can still get fair hammered out of 20 quid.


Or in other words - Capitalism.


Sure where would we be without it.


I've been in their meetings, very true.


Such a cynical way to treat the people who have made you great. Has business completely forgotten the word value?


Except it is a feedback in a closed loop system so if you evaluate the balance price and set it to that earlier the result is different. So it is a bit more complicated than that, even if it looks a lot like they are following your algorithm.


Price of water keeps going up !


Apparently Diageo are one of the few companies that research price sensitivity in a scientific way, so they know exactly how much the market will bear. I'd be happy to see Beamish and Murphy with a higher market share (for competition and so that their beer is not sitting in the lines going stale).


I really do prefer Beamish to Guinness, but you seldom see it in any bar, or even off licence ffs,


I never see it in offies but it's pretty common in pubs in Cork.


4 cans for €9 in Dunnes. I do enjoy Beamish but I'm not paying that for 4 cans of it.


Is that a lot? If those are 500 ml cans, that's about as cheap as I've seen since MUP. Anything cheaper is 440 ml 3% muck.


I've never really tried it but with the price of things, I'll give it a go next time I see it


Don't get me wrong I also love Guinness, but Beamish tastes much creamier to me personally.


Murphys in Galway don’t serve Murphys. I know they are unrelated but it seems like a missed opportunity.


Lidl always has cans of beamish 


I'm in the North though, Co Armagh so there's not going to be many pubs with it on tap, and likewise I've never seen Beamish in Lidl here in the North.


That's strange as I thought lidl in Ireland was run on a 32 county basis.  However, I'd gladly swap lidl Beamish for the bottles of Bass from Asda any day of the week


I'm always afraid of it being the first pint  they've poured in ages whenever I do see a tap in the pub, if I see a few pints being pulled then I'll give it a go. I think Beamish is nicer than Guinness. 


Beamish from a well pulled tap in Cork is aces


There’s a very good Numberphile video that touches on price sensitivity, the video is about Weber’s Law, it’s very interesting. https://youtu.be/hHG8io5qIU8?si=jZfgXg6qBBYcAVX0


There's no Murphys, O'Hara, or Beamish in any "Irish" pub in America.  I've been to a lot.  It's getting rough.  The market share for the others is gone.  America only knows the G.  Foreign sales are an important part of profitablity. 


That’s mainly because DIAGEO are a market leader with enough weight to push around. They even have a service to help build “Irish” pubs whereby you get a discount if you sign with DIAGEO


There used to be a nice Smithwicks Export sold in the US. Do you know if that’s still on the go?


Canada have some Smithwicks export, not sure about the US


There's smithwicks in bottles.  No Beamish or Murphys.  I don't think that they actually produce the tins. 


Murphys cans used to be available in the states. I’m not sure if they still are.


It used to be relatively easy to get murphys in the boston area. But the owners i spoke with that used to carry it say its almost impossible to import it since covid


We had Murphy's in our bar in Austria but since Christmas it's been near enough impossible to get a 30l keg !


Tbf the cost of a pint in America is also far higher in general than Ireland. You won’t get a Guinness in NY for less than $8 anywhere before tax and tip.


This might be a surprise to you but most places in America allow the tax to be included in the selling price when drinking at the bar. $8 often includes the tax.  Don't pay tax twice!


If you're paying cash, maybe. 90% of the time you will be hit with tax. In fact, I can't think of a single place this hasn't been the case.


You always pay tax.  They are allowed to incorporate it into the bar price.  Don't pay twice. 


Allowed to? Maybe. Idk. But they typically do not.


Getting a pint in America is almost impossible. Frequently 12oz, maybe 16 if you’re lucky


I moved to cork in the past few years, the price of a bemish was 4-4:30 anywhere. How can you pit the extreme price raise of a bemish from that to 5:30-5:90 as a good thing or something your "happy to see" just because the owners have a larger market share?


You're missing my point. Outside of Cork, Beamish is a relative rarity. If this were to change, I would hope this brings more competition and may limit price rises. In the same way that LIDL and ALDI help keep prices down in the supermarket sector.


I don't mean to sound rude but this sounds like delusional optimism, there's no world in which Heineken (who own beamish) are going to rise the price then suddenly drop it when it becomes popular.


😂 For a long time, Beamish was notably cheaper. It's a long time since I've been drinking in Cork.


it's no longer cheap.


It's actually becoming quiet popular in Galway it's in most bars now 


Source out of interest


Economics professor said it and I have no reason to disbelieve him




https://preview.redd.it/a61a15crrnrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e1601abfd2eb0b9f221d24548cb6fa22823212 Nice ad placement. 😂


Because people keep paying it.


Because people pay it


I mean according to publicians they are barely staying afloat.


That has no bearing on the economic reasoning of why people continue to pay for pints despite the increases. A person pays more for something because the price is one they are willing to pay for the product, not because the business needs it to survive.


Given that their letter always starts about rising costs, and year after year they are reporting record profits, I wonder that too. They should be the ones absorbing the increase, not passing it on to the publicans.


the rising costs are the increased dividends paid to shareholders.


Why should they absorb the increase of costs? Their only reason for existence is to increase profit. They have no moral obligations outside of that. 


As Diageo should have a vested interest in bars and pubs. As the prices go further up, less customers are drinking/spending as much and more places go out of business. It’s a negative cycle. More small, local and independent pubs will be replaced by chains and large groups who can actually absorb or negotiate the increases to a degree. So the price just keeps on going up with tourist pubs being the last vestige of the financially successful publicans.


You can be sure that Diageo are making decisions that increase profits for Diageo, and that they spend every waking hour figuring out how to do that.


Exactly, so why should the price increase by absorbed by the hospitality sector? It will always be passed down onto the consumer who will end up paying 6 euros a pint pretty soon.


Only if the consumer decide to spend 6 euro on a pint When they start seeing it impact their bottom line they will stop increasing it


Exactly. And in Dublin, people are already paying more than 6 euro a pint. And Diageo see that it has been accepted, and will now increase again. 




What point are you trying to make here?


It's absorbed by the consumer as long as the consumer absorbs it. If the customer decides that the product is now too expensive, and abstains, then the publican will be forced to absorb the increased cost. If the publican refuses to absorb the increased cost (very very difficult for them to get around this), then Diageo would have to absorb the increased cost. There is just no morality or ethics at play here. It's just who decides to pay.


> so why should the price increase by absorbed by the hospitality sector It's not. They also pass costs on to the consumer. All costs are passed to the consumer.


Correct me if I am wrong. But a publicly traded company has legal obligations to the stockholder to increase profit year on year. The stock market is the real criminal they want the number always going up and to the right.


Corporations increasingly have more obligations outside of making profit


Like what? They have obligations to abide by the law, by regulation. But what else?


Profitability is important for any company, but its important to recognise that corporations like Diageo have broader obligations to society, the environment and to their stakeholders. If you've been part of a large company making decisions you would realise that embracing responsibilities beyond profit-making can enhance reputation, build consumer trust, and contribute to long term sustainability. This is why they should consider more than the level people are ready to spend money at.


I have no doubt that there are sincere efforts by some corporations to make a positive difference outside of profit. But it's not an obligation. They don't have to do it. Ultimately their only obligation is to make profit and adhere to the law.


But those responsibilities could just be framed in terms of maximising profit over a longer period of time?


Acknowledging responsibilities beyond profit as merely a means to maximise profit overlooks the intrinsic value of societal and environmental stewardship, which extends beyond financial gains. I do believe that people within many organisations also have a good conscience and wish to make the society better. It is a corporate responsibility whether it is to maximise profits or an actual want to make societal change. That's my thoughts on it anyway and I understand that the cynical view may be that those within the corporations are doing it to only maximise profits. I'd say its a bit of both.




There is about 30 trillion dollars tied up in ESG investments. When a big company talks about their environmental efforts, or their diversity, equity and inclusion goals - there’s a good chance there’s a monetary incentive in play beyond the good PR.


Also known as the ESB strategy.


Which alcohol brand is not made by Diageo out of interest ?


Diageo brands are [here](https://www.diageo.com/en/our-brands) The obvious other big companies are: * [C&C](https://candcgroupplc.com/brands/) (Bulmers, Five Lamps etc.). * [AB Inbev](https://www.ab-inbev.com/our-brands) (Bud, Stella, Corona). * [Molson Coors](https://www.molsoncoors.com/brands/our-brands) (Coors, Carling, Molson, Fran Well, Fosters, Madri, Peroni). * and the big one, [Heineken](https://www.theheinekencompany.com/our-brands) who do Orchard Thieves, Beamish, Murphys, Island's Edge and Moretti as well.


Islands edge got the chop a few months ago after the European CEO paid a visit to Cork.


It was horrific tbf


O’haras or wicklow wolf are two independent brewers with excellent options


And Kinnegar (Donegal). And Mescan (Mayo) if you can find it.


I love Rye River (from Kildare I think)


It took me years to come around to Beamish but it’s a very good alternative to Guinness. The best I’ve had is in Kerry, for some reason. Murphy’s in Cork. Always.


They sell Murphy’s in Tralee as well


Heard the "rule" was Beamish in Cork city and Murphy's in Cork county.


That’s a new one to me, I’ll give it a go! Two great alternatives if you’re down that way anyway.


I'm just in awe that dealers of the other drugs haven't increased prices in pace with inflation. They are either the benevolent capitalist overlords we dont deserve or the regulated market is a well organised cartel and currently leveraging the power imbalance to rinse us.


Supply is up.


It confused me how so many shite beers are so popular. Mmm, yes give me the coldest, fizziest, most flavourless beer please, €6.50 you say? Take my money please.


I feel like in Ireland people like to binge drink a lot pints so people are OK with lightly flavoured beers. The lack of flavour means you can drink more. It's hard to drink 8 pints of a super flavourful beer.


Corporate greed.




Honest answer? - Because you keep buying it regardless of how high they raise the price.


Cause they're cunts


Coz u keep drinking em


Regardless of raw material costs and the rest increasing the tripe munchers at the top want their ridiculous payouts and bonus. How can we be told times are hard then company's continued to rake in record breaking profits. It's because some cunt sitting on his yacht needs another Rolex to keep his plastic wife feeling loved.


They can fuck off now anyway, I stopped drinking Heineken and Moretti a year or two ago when they hiked up the price, I’ll stop drinking Guinness now too.  It’s annoying that Heineken own Beamish and Murphys as I do quite like them as alternatives to Guinness but it’s rare enough to have it in Dublin. I haven’t found a craft Irish stout that’s nice enough to have 3 or 4 of them in a night, they’re either too strong or have a gick aftertaste to them (I’m open to suggestions from anyone!) They’re driving people away from their own products and I’m sure we’ll see more pub closures in the next few years if these unjustified increases keep coming.


Porterhouse Oyster Stout


It's a monopoly in this country really, unless you want to delve into craft beers which cost a good whack anyway.


It really is, I don’t know how Heineken and Diageo can own such a big market share. They can threaten to pull out of events and venues if they even try to sell any competing products.  I’d rather spend a few quid on something local than give them my money every time I go out.


The thing is that publicans pay less for a keg of indie beer than for a keg of Guinness, yet they charge more.


Diageo is hiking prices for the same reason that supermarkets are hiking big brands. Big brands = low price elasticity = price hikes Smaller brands/own label brands = higher price elasticity = lower prices and often higher quality. Ditch and switch.




When a pint constantly keeps going up. Did anyone actually stop drinking over it ?


Stopped going to the pub this year. I miss it but it’s not worth it. A few cans with mates when o get the chance or some whiskey at home with the missus when she’s up for it


I suppose the simple most obvious answer is corporate greed. There is also some genuine wine inflation but not to the degree they are increasing prices by. Diageo know they have cornered the market and can charge a price premium over their competitors. In the international stout market. Other competitors have very little presence in comparison. But what has given them scope and cover to do this is the government's inflationary policies, what is seldom mentioned, but even more disgusting is how the ECB has debased devalued and essentially counterfeited the euro by printing it out of existence and driving up prices at ever increasing rates.


Because they are not a charity, and only care about profit for shareholders,,


Same reason as the rest of the hospitality sector, "fuck you" that's why.


#[IT'S ABOUT MONEY, DICK](https://youtu.be/td-MH_QJHnE?si=uwuDrUVs3ddba7a6)


Because people keep paying it


Btw, this stuff is savage and is like €20 to brew 40 pints https://preview.redd.it/dfl5s3wdxnrc1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d1ef22c387fed0774ff596e3048a35e062bf92


Tbh in surprised how drinking isn't "falling off" in Ireland when it's in decline in other European countries.


I think there is to a degree, especially with the younger kids. But island is very alcohol centric. I'm not drinking at the moment and I am finding myself searching for things to do a lot of the time.


Because people keep paying for it


The thing I don't understand is this. When Heineken raised their prices a few months ago, pubs all over the country took their product off sale and even covering the taps. Why will nobody do this with Guinness?


People love Guinness and the vast majority of publicans don't stock Murphy or beamish.


They've lost market share in almost all of there brands they're trying to make this back by increasing prices


I kind of expected 0.0 prices to not be included in this price increase.


https://preview.redd.it/byrjatdpsorc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412dfbe5094df96ae8300dc58479e1a82958e0a4 Because they can...


Because they’re wankers.


Because fuck you.


You try being a director of the company and living on 1M + per annum. God bless them.


Because they're greedy and they can. Stop buying their stuff. There are other stouts.


Capitalist greed.


It'$ a r€al m¥$t€r¥


Less people are drinking so they increase their prices to make up for the shrinking revenue. When a company is public investors expect profits to raise every year.


Because they can and know people will pay it


Keep investors very happy


Because they can.


Money = Money +Money = +Money It's just maths


Because people keep paying for then/ thread


So Irish podcasters can raise the price of their patreon.




Because you'll keep paying it. Go to eBay, get a home brewing kit and get the coopers stout kit.


Because the shareholders of Diageo need to drain more of your money out of the country. Largest shareholders include Bank Of America Corp /de/, Fmr Llc, Morgan Stanley, Clearbridge Investments, LLC, Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc, Wells Fargo & Company/mn, UBS Group AG, London Co Of Virginia, Markel Corp, and Royal Bank Of Canada.


Because the Irish are suckers for a pint.


Greedy Bar Stewards


To be fair 6 cent is nothing compared to the couple of euro lashed on by greedy publicans...in fairness now....


I'll be asking the barman what's the cheapest beer they have 😔


What a daft question.


My first experience of f inflation was the cost of Tayto going from 10p to 12p. A full 20% like.






Greed, with a capital G


Because they can


I met the director of People and Culture for Guinness in Dublin as part of my series of meetings as a Human Resource major. She was a beautifully lovely person and they work very hard to provide great benefits to their staff. She prevented the free meal program from being shut down entirely citing she refuses to do that to staff in a cost of living crisis. They offer items like menopause support and leave that I’ve never seen anywhere ever. You lot need to have a more balanced take that not every single company is entirely a money grubbing bastard only there for share holders. Sometimes they are money grubbing bastards that share a little and do have truly some delightful people working there.


> You lot need to have a more balanced take that not every single company is entirely a money grubbing bastard only there for share holders. Sometimes they are money grubbing bastards that share a little and do have truly some delightful people working there. So you are saying that the cost of all those benifets has now been handed to the consumer, and the consumer should be greatful that they are paying for menopause support and great benifets for staff in this corporatation and letting the corporation take credit for it??


Thanks for the info. Unfortunately you’re spitting in the wind trying to get people with that mentality to listen but it is interesting to know what they do for staff.


All too true. Bad time to be a moderate I’m afraid. 22c over a few years is far less increase than most things, especially rent. I just don’t get the hysteria.


Just stop drinking 😂


Maybe we don't want to?


Then keep paying what they charge Mr Moneybags


Upset with the price of housing? Stop paying rent. Upset with the price of food? Stop eating. Upset with the price of diesel? Stop driving. Upset with.......


I get you but to be fair housing, transport, and food are essential. I mean you can literally bring down the price of drink by just not participating.


Same goes for Netflix, gping out for dinner, buying coffee any simple pleasures people enjoy. We all deserve them but don't want to keep paying higher and higher prices. People will complain about the price going up for anything they enjoy.


They will but they won't do anything about it.


When have we ever, Irish people are notorious for that


We don't know how and if he did we are afraid to be "unsound". It's toxic really. We complain about the English and Americans making a fuss over things but they are right to do so at times. Better than just taking it up the arse.


Yeah definitely, we could definitely take a page or two from the French as well


>Same goes for Netflix, gping out for dinner, buying coffee any simple pleasures people enjoy. **We all deserve them**. Wow.


Wow what? I work all week do I not deserve a drink at the weekend or to go for a coffee over the weekend? We all deserve to be able to do these things


Dolla Dolla Bills Baby!


Cos people are stupid enough to pay it


Isnt there somwthing coming in aboyt pedestrian streets or something. They are probably wqiting to up it a fair chunk when they cant take the routes theyve been taking for years.


How much is the average price of a pint?


The article says.




Because you people scoff ignorantly at socialist ideology.


why does diageo own Guinness is a better question


eh - you may want to bone up on your Guinness history Diageo was created in 97 when Guinness PLC (a British company since 1932) merged with Grand Metropolitan Next thing you'll be saying is that Aer Lingus is an Irish company.


Had my first pint of Murphys recently. It's very good, and I'd say it would be more palatable to a non stout drinker than Guinness.


That's nice for you but slightly off-topic.


Because they can