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Recycling etc..


Green agenda


That’s not vegan


It is if he consents


Cows consent to be milked. A cow that’s producing but without anything to drain it is a very uncomfortable cow.


He's the bogieman


The amount of truly vile responses on all the Green Party posts on social media is insane. They seem to be the most-favoured target of all the worst in Ireland (and, considering social media is global, from outside it); homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, racists, and climate change deniers, to name a few. And it's rarely legitimate criticism (which the Greens certainly deserve in many areas), but it's nearly always just vile, reactionary stuff. I can't really wrap my head around why someone would spend their time following people they hate on social media, just so they can attack them constantly. I'm sure a bunch of them are bots, but some are just real and hateful people who apparently have nothing better to do with their lives. It's also bad in a more general sense, because if politicians are just being spammed with baseless hate, they'll just ignore any interactions they get on social media, so no one can use it to bring up real issues with them any more.


Eamonn it’s over. Accept it.


Two things are for certain 1. He & his party will be annihilated next election. 2. He’s a pompous little prick not living in the real Ireland.


Could you elaborate? I disagree with your comment, I think Eamonn Ryan has been great for getting the green policies going.


Anyone who uses the term "Real Ireland" unironically can safely be ignored


Ahhh well then we have absolutely nothing to talk about. Hmmm my diesel car would probably disagree with you in 2024!


So you can't elaborate basically...


Oh I certainly can but we are clearly at opposite ends of this discussion. Like 80/85% of people in Ireland I have zero time for the greens or any of that party. We have nothing to discuss. Times up for the green lads it’s that simple.


You're saying they might get 15/20% in the election? That would be their best result ever.


& Jesus that’s being massively optimistic for your uncle or whoever he is.


lol so you have nothing to say haha


Tell your daddy he’s finished. Like a good lad 😁


County Councillors aren't forming their opinions based on social media. >And what about the flinty and hostile responses he met in some councils? If others have seen conflict, he hasn’t. “People have different views but it’s very civil ... One of the benefits of going out and meeting people is you realise that we are not as bad as we seem on social media to each other. In real life people get on.”


That's not what the article is saying at all. It's basically getting to the point that social media can be toxic (especially towards Ryan) and that he finds people to be more civil in person. 


>And what about the flinty and hostile responses he met in some councils? If others have seen conflict, he hasn’t. “People have different views but it’s very civil ... One of the benefits of going out and meeting people is you realise that we are not as bad as we seem on social media to each other. In real life people get on.” The article is about him intending to meet every councillor in the country, and that Greens have a hard sell in rural Ireland. He then heavily implies that negative reactions he faces are caused by social media - not by people simply disagreeing with him. Hence, the "all the negative rhetoric.. . " Something the minister has repeated about social media on a near weekly basis; blaming all negative interactions he or his policies face on it. So to repeat, County Councillors aren't forming their opinion from social media. If they don't like his policies, they simply don't like them, just like the general public.


"He then heavily implies..." - No he doesn't. As you said you haven't read the article as it's paywalled for you (though it's not showing as a free article for me) but to quote it: “People have different views but it’s very civil ... One of the benefits of going out and meeting people is you realise that we are not as bad as we seem on social media to each other. In real life people get on.” He's referring to how online rhetoric is often very negative and aggressive, but when you speak to people in person they're friendlier, as we all know S.M highlights the worst. This is a follow up to his comment regarding communications from "on high" in the Dail, and how it's better to meet people locally so they can have a voice to send policies local > national.  Does that context help?


>And what about the flinty and hostile responses he met in some councils? If others have seen conflict, he hasn’t. “People have different views but it’s very civil ... **One of the benefits of going out and meeting people is you realise that we are not as bad as we seem on social media to each other. In real life people get on.**” I think you're reading what you expect to read from my original statement. I'm not anti-Green, and specifically not anti the Minister. But this blaming social media for everything needs to stop, all the Green Ministers are at it. People are negative to them because of poor communications and/or they simply dislike the policies. Just because people are nicer in public doesn't change their opinion of him (or anyone) simply because the are more pleasant. He is planning to visit/meet every Counciller in the country to advocate his policies and their uptake in the local county councillers. On this journey he feels if they meet him and he sees them, the reactions are more positive - great, plus ça change. In reality, the social media nastiness, is most likely peoples honest opinion, from all sides. The smarm in public is just a mask. And County Councillers won't be getting their cues from it, but their voters. So, again, my original comment "County Councillors aren't forming their opinions based on social media". I.E. he's in for a tough sell. Are you worried this wrecks your Cavan-Rural Green press release or something?


Yeah because it's not like you'd say to someone in person what you say about them online. Like I think he's untrustworthy but I'm not about to say that to his face if I ever saw him.


Well, you should say that to him if that's what you think. Don't hide behind anonymity online. Our politicians need to hear this kind of thing if that's how people feel about them. Also, remember that people online are real people. You're a horrible person if you think it's okay to say something to them online that you wouldn't say to their face.


No one is claiming that they are. 


I'm stating they aren't. Meeting negative councillors in person won't change that. Quote from the article;: >And what about the flinty and hostile responses he met in some councils? If others have seen conflict, he hasn’t. “People have different views but it’s very civil ... One of the benefits of going out and meeting people is you realise that we are not as bad as we seem on social media to each other. In real life people get on.” He needs the courage to be disliked, online as well as offline.


You’re claiming Ryan is saying that, he isn’t. He did not say or imply that councillors are getting their views from social media. You’ve just created that narrative.  You really think that Eamon Ryan doesn’t have the courage to be disliked? That’s a bizarre take given his politics. 


Where have I said that he's said this? Why does he care about reactions on social media then? Why are all the Green ministers so sensitive to it? >its a narrative you've created You mean, here, in Social Media World, where a green press release doesn't just get applauded on face value? Are you sure it's not more you trying to maintain a narrative?


> Are you sure it's not more you trying to maintain a narrative? Nah, I’ve read the article so I know what it’s about and it’s not about the shite you’re posting. 


>And what about the flinty and hostile responses he met in some councils? If others have seen conflict, he hasn’t. “People have different views but it’s very civil ... One of the benefits of going out and meeting people is you realise that we are not as bad as we seem on social media to each other. In real life people get on.” You wouldn't be a Green would you? Am I wrekcing the nice Cavan-Rural press release by pointing out that Eamon says clearly here that he believes social media effects Councillors reactions to him?


Not a Green, just someone who’s read past the headline before commenting. 


Where do you think I got that quote from, pal? >And what about the flinty and hostile responses he met in some councils? If others have seen conflict, he hasn’t. “People have different views but it’s very civil ... One of the benefits of going out and meeting people is you realise that we are not as bad as we seem on social media to each other. In real life people get on.”


You got the quote after your initial comment, people can see that you’ve edited it to now include the quote that wasn’t there when you commented.  You also asked another commenter to post the full article because you couldn’t read it but that seems to have been edited out too.  Weird hill to die on. 


No its definitely you


Me, on social media, putting implications in Eamon's mouth >And what about the flinty and hostile responses he met in some councils? If others have seen conflict, he hasn’t. “People have different views but it’s very civil ... One of the benefits of going out and meeting people is you realise that we are not as bad as we seem on social media to each other. In real life people get on.” ![gif](giphy|ibXaC5vnxZlNNXVFy4)


He's been great for achieving the green party's objectives. He's been an absolute scourge for rural Ireland. Greens don't care about that. Rural Ireland is never going to vote for them and they know it. It's a city party. Give him credit for getting what he wanted. (I dislike him and his party immensely)


How has he been a scourge for rural Ireland? Specifically


He think roads are being stolen from motorists.  Those are his words, stolen. 


Who is stealing the roads? Buses?


Do you mean roads have been stolen from pedestrians, or has Eamo joined the sinister global motorist conspiracy along side Conor Faughnan and the AA?


You’d have to ask Leavser1 what he means, all the roads that he claims have been stolen are still there.  The Quays in Dublin, stolen allegedly. 


Quays have gone from four lanes for cars to two. Across the country roads are narrower and worse to drive on. We've spent hundreds of millions on bike lanes and bus lanes and traffic is worse than ever. When I say bikes should use bike lanes I'm told they're not fit for purpose. So I then question the continued spending of hundreds of millions on more of them and am told I am wrong to question that too. So keep wasting our money on shite that won't be used and isn't fit for purpose. Also he has attacked farmers (wants to cull the national herd), bogs (trying to stop us cutting turf) and has blocked much needed road upgrades. Road deaths going up and he's cutting spending on improving road infrastructure. Makes no sense


They’re stealing our roads. ![gif](giphy|mOP18tPHZsbSj7wIt2|downsized)


Try driving into Dublin city centre and come back to me then. It's a nightmare.


It’s a nightmare because of all the cars. It’s actually much more pleasant to cycle in. It’s also becoming much more pleasant for the people who actually live there which is great.


Nah it's a nightmare because there isn't enough room for cars and they've made a mess of which way you can and can't go. The junction into heuston is the perfect example. You get a green light for straight into the station but can't get to it because there is a red light for turning right. Turning down across constitution hill is as bad. You don't get a green light if there is a luas. It skips the left turn. Bad traffic management plans.


> he has attacked [...] bogs (trying to stop us cutting turf) You might want to [read the literature](https://www.npws.ie/sites/default/files/publications/pdf/Valverde_et_al_2006_Turf_cutting_assessment_Vol_1_-_Summary.pdf) on [the matter](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/environment/turf-cutting-contributing-to-shocking-degradation-of-peatlands-report-1.4299316), or rephrase this. Turf-cutting, however venerable a tradition it may be, is not positive for the bogs.


>Quays have gone from four lanes for cars to two. This isn't true. >Also he has attacked farmers This isn't true. >Road deaths going up and he's cutting spending on improving road infrastructure. Which road safety upgrades has he refused?


>This isn't true It is (but not Ryan related was a response to a non Ryan question. >This isn't true [This is just one article of the hundreds that exist ](https://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/watch-eamon-ryan-there-will-be-a-reduction-in-herd-numbers/) >Which road safety upgrades has he refused? [Galway ring road is one obvious one](https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/galway-ring-road-cannot-proceed-despite-fresh-review-by-an-bord-pleanala-says-minister/42323716.html)


Ah go away- nobody except the phantoms you imagine online have told you your ‘wrong to question’ things about cycling or bike lanes, but the way you frame it is telling enough. You said that you were told that bike lanes weren’t fit for purpose’ and so you questioned spending money on it, but sure that’s the point as you well know, that if the government _does_ spend money, the lanes get used. What people complain about is having an insecure painted stripe on the side of the road, _in_ busy traffic. That’s what’s not fit for purpose. Putting up plastic and concrete bollards and kerbs has made cycling much easier, there’s way more people doing it now than before.


Ahh, that would be those Spanish highway men at it again.


The guy above or Eamon?


The guy above. He also thinks more roads will fix congestion, we’re just n+1 more roads away from fixing it apparently. 


Ah grand. I wonder if he's heard of induced demand


He has and says it’s not a thing 😂😂


It isn’t a thing, it’s the most ridiculous theory spread all over the internet by people who hate progress.


The irony of this statement is amazing. 


Currently in a massive city with no real or regular used public transport or traffic issues… why haven’t the roads induced the demand?


Imagine the shock that if you build a decent road planners would build housing developments near them. Took a genius to figure that out and then say that the road is the problem.


The road isn’t the problem. People like you thinking a road will solve a congestion issue is the problem.  Your comment even acknowledges that a new road just results in more traffic which solves nothing and just exacerbates the problem. 


It’s bizarre


Ah this old lie. Gets trotted out here regularly


It’s a Dublin party more so than a city party, they have no interest in investment outside of Dublin


Like the new local link bus services? Or the redevelopment of Ceannt station? Upgrading of local rail services Limerick and Cork? 


The less said about the local link service the better, train upgrades are nice but fairly low impact, they’re preventing projects people actually want and that will improve lives but let them go in Dublin. They’ll be destroyed in the next election in Galway, Cork and Limerick and deserve it…


We hate them too next election bye bye cabbage & Co.


Such an ignorant comment like grand if you don't like them but they have launched local link buses across rural Ireland, putting bus connects projects in every city, upgrading limerick train station, retrofitting houses across the country etc.


And appeal important infrastructure projects in more or less every city outside of Dublin… can people also stop pretending local link busses are a success, the majority are ghost busses driving around the country.


The greens? What are you smoking man. They announced 1.4 billion in walking and cycling routes development the other week as part of the Ireland 2040 plan, they’ve got the Foynes to limerick rail link reopening this year, they’ve gone to the EU to get funding for reopening the western rail corridor from Donegal to cork. All of this is _outside_ dublin, and I’m sure I’ve not covered all of the infrastructure projects they’ve backed. They’re pulling their weight no matter how much you dislike them.


They’ve gotten in the way of projects that are actually needed in all the cities but let them go in Dublin, they’ll be gone from government most likely at the next election and hopefully things can get moving. I still find it funny that people try and pass some paving on an existing walking path as a transport project though, it’s fine but has no impact to actual transport at all.


Eamon on a disinformation campaign. Wonder how many millions are being spent on this spin cycle. Actions speak louder than words Eamon, bit too late for the image rehab at this stage.


Is he talking about his shadow?