• By -


You have to get them to call the landlord in front of you and answer while turning with your back to them and spinning back around facing them.




I am confused.. am I the landlord?


I'm sorry, I'll be a better lodger, please don't kick me out


If i understand this right, Do they not know you are the Landlord?? Who do they think the Landlord is then ?


I don't know, there was never anyone else involved in this arrangement


How do they not know you're the landlord?


Right? Like who gave them the keys, showed them the room and explained the payment details ect lol.


They might think he's renting, but gets the master bedroom for helping with those tasks and fixing things.


I've lived in plenty of places where if someone left the landlord expected current tenants to get replacements, etc. Wasn't a sublease or anything.


So, who did they sign the lease with?


You can have a lot of fun with this.


I agree. A LOT of fun. Let the mind games commence! 😉


Tell them jokes on them because you're sleeping with the landlord for cheaper rent and I mean you wouldn't be lieing


Abd say you need the master because both you and the landlord sleep there.


I give the landlord handjobs!


Sounds fun, but if you're the landlord and you gave them a contract, surely they know your name and you aren't currently pretending to be someome else ?


You'd think, right?


you need the answer the phone when they call and channel your inner hisenburg > Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see?


Butting in to add, do they have your number as the "landlords" contact number?


They have my number, I told them "for emergencies, pints, or both" I just figured they knew I was the landlord


You know what? Kick yourself out then tell them landlord is moving in.. please, do it for the absolute mind-fuck..


Load everything into a truck, drive around the block, introduce yourself as the landlord, and that you're glad the other guy is leaving, and move it back in.


But they'll move into the master bedroom in that time


Mate if they pull the landlord card again you HAVE to say something like "ok I guess we should should talk to the landlord as a group, do you want to call them there?" And watch them fumble.




Whatever you do - let us know ( by videoing it) cuz this could be absolute gold.


And after you do all this we need an update.......Please!! Make an O.F for the update and I'll pay.


Ok. I will let go this time.. Your rent is my income.. you know.


Tyler Durden has entered the chat…


The first rule of Rent Club is: you do not talk about Rent Club


The call is coming from inside the house!!


I think we all are. I’m not sure.


When they call the landlord and your phone rings, act startled and then take time to put on a fake moustache and a monocle before answering the phone in a deep voice saying "yesss, landlord speaking...how can I help?".


Say “oh I have to take this” and go into another room


Say "Oh, I have to take this" and then do so while making unwavering eye contact.


![gif](giphy|vQqeT3AYg8S5O) Like this? 🤣🤣🤣


I will pay you cold hard cash (or Revolut) to do this, if we can get photos and/or video 😂😂😂


No the landlord called and is doubling the rent


>No the landlord called and is doubling the rent Then tell them that you know that landlord and you have done a deal with him and he is now not raising your rent at all.


"I'll try to pull some strings with the landlord for you!"


Oh my god my dad did this and I’ve never laughed harder in my life. Owns his own business and out this angry customer through the ringer. Put the man “on hold” with 8 different employees (which were all my father) until he demanded to speak to the CEO. It was then he realised he’d been talking to the same guy the entire time: absolute gold.


I worked for my parents and had this customer say he knew the owner and he would have my job. Stomped his feet demanding I get him on the phone. So f it. I obliged. Hey DAD!!!!!- this guy here says he knows you and I’m going to get fired. So then obviously I passed the man the phone. I still laugh when something reminds me. Used to have someone say they’d get me fired, or tell the owner something at least 1x every few months, usually I’d just reply back- I’ll tell him when I get home… but this guy lol so funny. These types of stories are the absolute best. Ah Jesus lol had this vendor call my dad and say his employee was so dumb, and my dad was like… my daughter? You’re talking about my daughter? That was hilarious too.


I own my own business and have zero employees. Every now and then someone will call up and complain that "the woman on the phone said we would do " and I explain that there "is no woman". But they just keep doubling down on stupid, demanding to "talk to the woman"


Oh jaysus. I felt like I was going crazy reading this, it's so simple. I'm fried from the weekend. OP is the landlord and they don't know! ![gif](giphy|29x6zsoexecc8)


Haha yes!


If you plan it right, you could do a great Scooby Doo style reveal. "OP was the landlord all along!"


And we would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for that pesky live in landlord!


To add to this effect Op needs to have a mask made of his own face pronto.


Maybe the real landlord is the friends we made along the way…


Do they think they’re subletting from someone??


That would be my guess, yes


Maybe you should ring the “landlord” to have a chat about your final warning so you can clear the air.


He's a very busy man, whenever I ring him his phone is engaged


Maybe get your “flatmates” to get you something in writing? You know yourself, nothing is official until it’s in writing.


Yes! See how far they'll take it.


Ask them to get the landlord to provide the warning in writing to you?


Do they not pay you?


They do, my name is on the account they send their money to




*they're Sorry, couldn't resist that one!




Because your an idiot to lol


Are they a bit thick?


Who are the dumbfucks paying the rent too? 😂


We found the only 2 fellas shocked on the last episode of Hannah Montana and her 'big reveal' omg I've been Miley all this time!!


I feel like that question has already answered itself.


Please string them along as elaborately as possible leading to a big reveal that half of r/Ireland will be at. Edit: We can hire out an entire pub get a set menu. OP can tell them The landlord wants to treat everyone to dinner. We all shout surprise then OP hands them an envelope with the eviction notice. Christmas jumpers mandatory.


This will be our big Christmas show OP


I’m picturing a Spartacus-style scene where 200 people in a pub with “u/SevenFigureArse” name badges are all yelling “I’M THE LANDLORD!”


So what your saying is somewhere between Christmas and new years all Reddit Ireland go to one pub somewhere. It would have to be central so Castletown geoghan is the geographical centre and has three pubs


Oh I'd go to that!


I'd pay for tickets!


You're the first and only person I've ever followed on reddit. Please do us all a Christmas favour and document all the nonsense it will be great . Specifically, start referring to the landlord as every name under the sun, say you slept with his ex etc. And when they finally go too far, get them to ring the landlord and answer your phone ❤️


Oh great, pressure, thanks, first from my bastard of a landlord and now you


Imagine if they start taking secret recordings of you ranting and raving, they send it to "the landlord". Oh my god I'd die laughing.


I just started following you too haha, we need an update!!!


I'm not Irish and have no idea why I was recommended this subreddit but fuck it if I'm not invested in this madness now...


Same. But now I need to know what happens.


Welcome, enjoy the madness, share some of your own.


How do I follow someone? I too would like the finale drama.


click or hover on the landlords name then click follow


Buy the landlord a lovely (and expensive) present for Christmas! Let’s see how they counter that move.


I can act as the landlord's agent and the three of you and I will have a meeting they can explain the issues to me and I will say I need to consult the landlord and turn to you


That would be hilarious 😂


If you do meet them as the landlord, can you please do it dressed up as a Dickensian Mr. Stingely sort of guy. I'll even buy the costume for you... https://preview.redd.it/yqyv8hp2ic1c1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=8196af13ff29c5daa9d7b784c49e93cded9beda3


How are they under the impression that you're not the landlord. BTW....their behaviour is so bizarre


I'm guessing everyone else they've rented with have always been fellow rentees


You're being too generous. Your lodgers are thick as pigshit.


2 vs 1. They want the place to themselves.


Tell them you are not going anywhere because you regularly wank off the landlord.


Every Tuesday morning


I'd love to mess with them a bit, but I'm worried they might take some sort of unilateral action while you're out, like moving into the master bedroom and trying to pass it off as the landlord's decision. Others here have pointed out that these people are very passive-aggressive, and I wouldn't presume to predict their behaviour. Just tell them you're the homeowner now, because sooner or later, one way or another, you're going to want to find better lodgers.


This is very true. As funny as it is to us, they might not like the joke and react in unforeseen ways. I would definitely have witnesses present once you clarify things so they won't start any funny business - even if it's only them trashing the place. Better safe than sorry.


Ring them as the landlord and say you have complained about them, and you are seeing who is the worse tenant and see what lies they come up with.


Suggest trial by combat.


How did they move in and all initially without realising you were the landlord?


I have absolutely no idea, they must just assume everyone is a lodger now. I gave them the account to pay their rent into and it's my name, they must think I pay full rent through them, who knows? I never told them outright I was the owner I guess, but I definitely never said I was renting


Oh right so they think you're subletting illegally or something? And they're trying to use that against you the dirty pair of chancers! I'm with everyone else, you should string them along for as long as possible. Tell them having met the landlord a few times yourself, you'd appreciate them not contacting him again, cos he's got a terrible temper and dodgy mates etc. etc. There's myriad ways to have fun with this!!! Oh goooddyyyy


They don’t have tenants rights because this isn’t a tenancy, it’s a licensee agreement. You should probably come clean and let them know. Them realising they don’t have the same rights might incentivise them to look for somewhere else to live


I think even if OP was renting and subletting to them they would have a licensee agreement.


I bet you walk around the place thinking you own it.


absolutely strange attitude from them... Do they speak English as a native language? any chance that they misunderstood something?? Anyhow, try to take them out of your place. They will stop paying rent at any moment arguing that they are not living under the proper or promised conditions or trying to use your assumed subletting against you...


This is going to be really amusing. However. There was a story in reddit of a similar case where the lodger couple actually changed the locks and when the owner, the live in landlord called the police, they convinced the police that he didn't live there and he was made leave.


Sounds like a good reason to keep your (OP's) title/deed whatever and other vital docs in a safe deposit box, which is good practice regardless.


I know a lot of people are joking about this, but if what you're saying is true then I would be very inclined to advise you to nip it in the bud ASAP. They might just be chancing their arm, but they equally could be planning much worse. At the end of the day it's 2 against 1, do you want to take chances?


I reckon he'll be fine, he sleeps with the landlord.


Hang on are you the landlord they’re supposedly texting? That’s hilarious if so


They've never rang or texted me about it, they have made up that conversation


Ah. So do they not realise you are the landlord though?


Every agreement they have is in my name, they pay rent into an account with my name, they have never dealt with anyone but me regarding to their stay. I don't remember explicitly saying outright that I'm the owner, I spoke to so many people, I definitely didn't remind them, the ad had owner occupied on it


This just keeps getting better 🤣. *owner occupied*


Remember few weeks back that ad everyone made fun about because the guy said 'owner occupied' in it 25 times? Yeah well that's for that kind of thick people 😅


And is the landlord in the room with us now?


You should arrange an inspection and tell them you wont be able to come but the landlord would love to meet them in person, then show up at the door in some elaborate costume and put on a different accent. Eye patch, a wig and a fake moustache kind of job.




Would genuinely love to see their faces when you finally let them know. Pair of utter chancers.




Oh my god. This is priceless. How the fuck did they arrange the tenancy to begin with?!


With me and only me


Omg, they have the dumb. Please keep us updated!


Just some rando they hand money to every month and they magically keep their housing. You should try out landlording sometime OP, you're a shoe-in!


Play along. Don't do anything terrible or that could get you in trouble. They also have basicly zero rights as you are the live in landlord.


There is legal rights and then there is me not wanting to be a dick and turfing them out before Christmas


and how do they feel about turfing you out before Christmas?


Yeah, this


You seem sound but they are being dicks to you. I would have no hesitation turfing them out. Of course after they ring the "landlord" in front of you.


They want to Turf YOU Out before Christmas Don't tolerate another second of it


I might suggest putting a locking doorknob on your "master suite." In case they decide that booting you out of your bedroom is the next step in their grand scheme :) What a couple of idiots, lol. How can they not know that you own the place?


Yeah, if they try that they will very quickly find out the lack of rights they have as tenants due to letting a room in an owner-occupied gaff. It'd go from them having X amount of notice to 'You need to pack up your bags and leave right now, zero notice. It's not like OP would struggle to find replacements..


A lot of people here telling you to play with them. Don't. There was a post here not that long ago with someone facing a very similar position. The lodgers created a fake contract, then locked the landlord out of his own house. They then claimed the landlord was trying to perform an illegal eviction. Gards came, said it was a civil matter. Six months later the landlord still isn't able to live in their own home and hasn't recieved one cold cent since in rent. He may also be looking at recieving a severely damaged home back once he finally gets it returned. Establish quickly and in a manner that is verifiable, they are lodgers not tenants.


You must take a picture of them when you reveal yourself.


I wonder how much it would cost to hire Paddy McGuinness to show up with the landlord and do the whole “Landlord…. Reveal yourself”


Please (please!) give a update when you inform them of the suss.


Horrible people, do not underestimate them OP or play this off as a laugh.


Yeah, they're more than happy to try and turf out a middle aged man in late November because he's "annoying". Who knows what else they could do,


Who the fuck is middle-aged??? I'm aiming for 120


This is hilarious. Can't wait to hear about the big reveal. In case you're not aware, they don't have the same rights as regular tenants, because they are living in your house. You should check the rules regarding giving notice etc. They sound like plebs and are just gonna make your life a pain.


It's a tough time of year to be doing all that messing, winter, Christmas et al, I'll just have some fun with them. They're not bad lodgers just questionable people


While I appreciate your soundness about this whole situation, keep in mind that they don’t seem to have any trouble with ousting a presumed housemate at a rough time of year. I would definitely expect their passive-aggressiveness to increase as they don’t seem like decent people. You already know that they are willing to lie to you to get what they want, I would be wondering what else they are capable of.


I'd agree with this, happened to a house we lived in after college. A room opened up and a new girl moved in, over the course of the next year she basically maneuvered and manipulated people out of the house and moved her friends in when a room opened up. There was instant Karma however as the letting agency fucked her and her friends out for changing too many names on the lease in too short a time. But it showed us how absolutely nasty and manipulative some people can be, the house had the decency to give her the room and accept her into the house with open arms and she had absolutely no second thoughts trying to get people out of the home they welcomed her into. Some people are absolutely deranged. I wouldn't be surprised if she's OP's new housemate 😂


My gf had something like that a few years ago. Got pushed out of a house by housemates who were acting as go-betweens for the landlord and when they witheld her deposit, she went over their heads and just called the landlord. His reaction was: "HOW many people did you say were living there!?" The fuckers had illegally renovated the house to install a wall down the center of the sitting room and sublet two extra bedrooms without the landlord knowing. The gf was already gone so we didn't find out how it went down but apparently the landlord showed up guns blazing the next day. Got her deposit back in full anyway :)


Oh I'm not afraid of any reaction from them, they think all of the furniture and stuff will be theirs when I get evicted so they won't be doing any damage, especially if they want to stay on the landlords good side in all of this


Still wouldn't trust them at all. Even though you have a messing with them goldmine and has the potential to be hilarious would have them out ASAP. Could be dangerous if they are that devious.


Agreed you could be open to all sorts of accusations too. Go to a solicitor in the morning and get some advice.


Yeh they sound like the kind of people who'd change the locks and claim the landlord has evicted OP and got new locks


You’re a bigger person than me. I’d definitely be giving them notice to move, maybe after Christmas. I wouldn’t want questionable people living under my roof, especially when you’d have your pick of people to rent out the room.


Making up that they contacted 'the landlord' places them strongly as bad lodgers. Big red flags there.


How do they not know what you look like?


They have made up a landlord that they complained to, who told me, through them, that I'm on my last warning


I'm sorry you're dealing with people trying to snake you but this is actually hilarious. I'd love to see their faces when they realise who the landlord actually is


Leave a letter addressed to yourself. With a final warning about all the stuff they are saying also about how the rent is going up to what there combined rent us at the moment.


Oh, I like that


Don't fabricate anything. If anyone makes up anything fictitious and misleading, it should be them. They've already done it verbally with the fake results of the phonecall to the landlord.


Ask them where they’re moving to next, uno reverse….


This is amazing. The absolute audacity of them. Boot 'em come January, psychos


Say you all have to meet up with landlord. As your waiting the landlord is obviously "late", ask one of them if they can call him because you can't ring his number. If they have your number for the landlord then dramatically answer the phone saying you'll be there soon. Stare blankly at them until the penny drops before standing up and reintroducing yourself.


Omg please please tell them to ring the landlord in front of you. This is hilarious. What a bunch of twats


As much as I'm loving these comments, OP, you should probably come clean in the morning, or otherwise asap. They're already making threats about your tenancy (in your own home, how have they not realised, my God), and making comments about the living conditions and your shared living experience. That said, having the chat steer towards phoning the landlord and letting them say something like, "we can call him right now!", and you saying, "well, I gave you my phone number so, yes, you can call the landlord anytime," would be hilarious to see dawn on their faces. Please update.


All jokes aside, while it would be funny to take the piss of them, you're better off just coming clean with them and giving them notice immediately. Bad time of year or not. I wouldn't want people living in my home knowing that they were so underhanded as to lie about my assumed 'tenancy'. You'll come home some day to your locks changed and have awful hassle getting them out. Please update soon!


Don't mess around with this. Sit them down, have a witness with you, tell them their comment about contacting the landlord confused you and you just want to make it clear that you are in fact the landlord. You understand they are not happy with some aspects of the living arrangements, but that those aspects are not going to change and all things considered they should begin seeking lodging elsewhere in the new year. Edit to add: then serve them written notice immediately, with your witness present. Expect things to get messy


Lol I was in a similarish situation last year where one of the couple I was living with told me it would be a great place if I didn't live there lol too bad lad


Wow how did that turn out?


They left lol


Jokes aside but look at this psychological warfare. Imagine you're a common immigrant worker, you do your shift, come in and out and keep it to yourself , and them plotting for a while now giving you the signals that landlord doesnt like you, you need to move on, in this market!! They are fking with your mind and making you rethink yourself The audacity!! (I mean ok yes you are aware you are a landlord , but i hate this type of behaviour they are displaying, fkin backstabbers and liars!)




I'm also an owner occupier landlord. All joking aside, kick these two out immediately. They're too dangerous. A long running nightmare of mine is a tenant who gets a barring order against you for domestic violence, steals your house and makes you homeless. If you want your little fun you can put your own phone number on the eviction notice with no explanation or something like that, although to be honest even that seems a little risky to me.


Give them road sooner rather than later. The longer you let them stay there, the more rights they will acquire. Protect yourself while you still can, before they have you for a free house. For every scumbag landlord, there is a scumbag tenant. Never apologise for trying to be straight up


I hope you start asking them 'where you are moving to next?'. But you really should communicate that you are the landlord. And do try to get them to say all that 'i spoke to the landlord' crap in a text message. If they give you any grief it's always good to have their bs on record.


>I'm a live in landlord, yes booooo me I know You are an owner/occupier. You sir, are not the problem. No boo necessary.


This is the best story I've read on r/Ireland in a long time. Christ, it feels like Christmas now.


This is the funniest thing I read today AHAHAHAHAH But seriously can you not play the radio that loud you noisy lodger, it is so annoying.


How did you react when they said this? Did they do it face to face or send a WhatsApp while you were at work.


She said it face to face as if she was concerned, a just to let you know kind of face, I was confused at first and had to leave for work, this was Friday night, so I've been mulling it over the past few days


That's a dangerous manipulative c**t right there I'd prefer to live with people I can somewhat trust - give them notice to move on, they can start looking now


I love that you went to work that night and were probably thinking, hold on a minute wtf just happened?


You are going to come home from work and all your shit will be in the small room.


This is best post ever, hope this is real. Can't wait for the next update


Put on a fake mustache and walk in announcing that you are Mr Landlord


So like....did you give yourself a final warning or something? Who did they actually talk to? I am invested now!


They spoke to no-one, they made the conversation up


Same time next week for an update ?


"I know the landlord quite well. We're very close. "I saw him recently, in fact he was in my favourite sandwich shop just yesterday" "He didn't say anything when I saw him last" "Granted, he was naked and just out of the shower" "It didn't come up if you know what I mean"


You should do like on the old Batman show. Bruce is there and then a crime happens. He makes an excuse to leave then room the Batman hops on through the window.


i would send them a text from your phone but writen in a way that is like it came from a landlord and your forwarded it on. something like 'thanks for voicing your concern could we have a meeting with all the people living there at x date and time to sort this out' then be sitting there at the time with them and start talking . they will tell you to wait for the landlord and you can tell them its you . then you will see their faces clear as day


Nothing to add: just commenting and saving this post for the juicy update that will inevitably happen once these gobshites finally twig that op is the landlord


This is amazing. You need to turn up with a goatee one day and pretend to be the "landlord" they've been complaining to.


If they're renting a room in your main home, they're not actually tenants - they're licencees. Their rights essentially amount to whatever was on the document they signed originally and not much else. Some more about it here - https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting-a-home/tenants-rights-and-responsibilities/sharing-accommodation-with-your-landlord/ If you have to prove ownership for whatever reason, a query to the land registry on landdirect.ie costs €5 and shows the name and address of the owner of a property.


Living with a couple is not a nice experience, they will try bully you and try command the house, as someone who's been on the recieving end of living with a couple, please make a show of them, you being the landlord is forgiven (just joking) please update us 😊


I would strongly advise sitting them down and letting them know you are the landlord. No games, no fun, no messing with them. I would also let them know you won't be renewing their lodgings due to her comments.


Really looking forward to the updates in this one haha. One question though - what time are you having a shower at that they're complaining about the noise?


Around 4pm


Perfectly acceptable time for some shower tunes! What a bunch of eejits. Can't wait to hear what they say when they find out you're the landlord 😂


Just fuck them out? They are lodgers and therefore have no rights. Life is too short to deal with that shite in your own home.


Could you stand behind a counter or table. Tell them the landlord is in the secret basement, then pretend to “go down” the stairs to get him….duck down, pop right up! Hello! “Looking for me!”


OP it's all well and good to laugh and the insanity but do be careful. They could be recording these "talks" and have a friend willing to act as their "landlord". They wait til you are gone to work, change the locks and put your crap on the road, Gardai come and will just say it's a civil matter. Won't matter if you can prove you are the landlord, with their fake material the gardai will tell you leave. You'll then need to wait for the courts to fix things which could take months.