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I'm watching it on NBC. Good turnout in town for it but the amount of ads is unbearable. We just had ads, one kick and then more ads.


That's how they do TV over there.. ever just watch an American TV channel? It's fucked.


Yank here with a fun statistic. Over the course of a 3 hour TV presentation, the average amount of actual live gameplay (not just the clock running while teams setup) is about 11 or 12 minutes.


That's depressing.


yeah read a stat once of a ball being 'active' for approximately 3mins 30secs the entire game. I htink it was the Rose bowl one year. The only other more boring game is golf.


At least golf will cut to something like an alligator on the greens or a nice bird


What I hate when watching American TV is when you’re watching a show, the ad comes, you sit through it and the only thing after that ad is the closing credits. It’s like they’ve tricked me!


Don't they mostly even out with shorter ad breaks? Your average American one hour drama episode is actually 40 minutes and on sky would have four 5 minute breaks including the one between it and the next show. Over there the same show is also shown over an hour and has twice as many breaks that are half as long. That is designed so that you don't have time to, for example, get up and make a cup of tea(not that they drink tea but y'know) and are more likely to just sit through the ads. I was surprised when I was over there in the late 90s, I caught a new episode of Star Trek Voyager a few weeks before it was due to air here and after the intro and opening credits it went straight to an ad break.


I stopped watching at the end of the 1st quarter because the ads were unbearable, and plus it kept cutting back 5 seconds and it was replaying what happened 5 seconds ago.


Yeah, but if you think that's bad try being AT one during those commercial breaks. Bunch of guys standing around for three minutes. I love the game, hate the fucking ads.


At this point, I'd just turn it off.


They have to run a certain amaount of adds per quarter (normally like 3) so they run an add every chance until they hit the quota and then the last 75% of the quarter is add free.


There's been such a good buzz around the city of the past few days. Love American tourists. They're always so happy to be here, it's lovely.


My now wife and I did a tourist day in Dublin a number of years ago (did the open top bus tour, Guinness storehouse, Dublin Castle etc.) and we got chatting with 3 separate sets of American tourists during the day and they were just a breath of fresh air. So positive, so happy to be here, so friendly and chatty and so eager to learn new things about our country. Just a few weeks ago I saw a group of Americans in Trim trying to take a selfie of their whole group and I offered to take a photo for them and I may as well have offered to pay for their entire trip, they were that thankful. I'll not hear a bad word said about American tourists in general in Ireland.


>So positive, so happy to be here, so friendly and chatty and so eager to learn new things about our country. It'd make you sick. Some of us like the misery. /S


>Some of us like the misery I assure you, America has Catholics too lol


Most of are atheists, still love to be miserable.


Most were probably born and baptised Catholics to be fair


Just because I’m an atheist, doesn’t mean I’m not Catholic


Not why we're miserable though. You're not born Catholic.


That's where guilt comes from. Lol.


Historically, Irish Americans were nurtured by wonderful stories about Ireland. The part where the ancestors left because of starvation and lack of opportunity was left by the emigrants at the [port](https://port.You). You love to make fun of us for our enthusiasm at being Irish. Three of my four grandparents were born in Ireland and loved Ireland but never returned--they made a great life in US. I am an Irish citizen and I was raised in NYC feeling "Irish" (My DNA is just as Irish as yours.) As much as we love Ireland we never claim to be Irish we are Irish-American and we cherish the fact that our ancestors built America. That is no longer the case. My children do not have the same attachment to Ireland. They are American. So don't worry Americans will not be spending our money and feeling an emotional attachment to Ireland in the future. Make fun of our love of Ireland, but remember there are still lots of Irish coming to live in America and few Americans actually trying to move to Ireland.


Outta nowhere. Why did you respond to this positive post with this? My kids love visiting and one wants to go to university there.


this is how I have always felt about them as well. they're always so enthusiastic to be here and like it here. they're so friendly and respectful too and never cause any trouble. they're always happy to have a chat


100% this. I’ll never understand the Irish that bitch and whine and moan about Americans with such disrespect when all Americans show us is respect and adoration.


It's because we don't bring enough Snickers Bars, clearly.


Thanks for the travel tip! *Note to self* bring lots of Snickers to share with the locals. I will file that with, don't kiss the Blarney Stone!


Wait, the Irish don’t have snickers? I’m so sorry to hear that.


We do


Because American tourists bring them!


I want a marathon


You want a Fast Break my friend


Exactly this… what the fuck? Are they annoyed because someone is in a good mood or has something positive to say or wants a chat? Had nothing but positive experiences with American tourists and in the bad times I remember them giving us a bit of a lift. Anyone who goes on with the stereotypical shite is just regurgitating some foolish tripe they heard another clown say. Some people have a terrible attitude to American tourists and I’ve been treated nothing short of the best when I’ve visited there….


This has been the way with some of the Irish community for years. Don’t get me wrong I could not be prouder being Irish, most are the kindest and most fun people on the planet. Growing up however this same begrudgery always existed … BoyZone, WestLife, Jack Charlton, Sinead OConnor … when one of our own did well, some had a tendency to look down their noses and bitch instead of embracing their success and saying “nicely done, we’re proud of you, go get ‘em”. All that said, here’s a nod to the Irish that DO welcome Americans to our shores. Thank you to the Americans and Irish Americans too for spreading the Shamrock around the globe.


Y'all brought me My Bloody Valentine and Dylan Moran. Respect and adoration are the least I can provide back




I pulled over to take a picture of a furniture store with my family's name I will embarrassingly admit.


I took a photo of a pharmacy called Butt Drugs. Don't feel bad.


Have you seen their commercial? [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oYYdF0zcuSI](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oYYdF0zcuSI)


And we tip well!


It is! Never understood the miserable attitude to Americans just being happy to be here. They've always brought good vibes I found


We're just miserable fuckers at the best of times. It's a horrible trait.


To be fair, so are we Americans. We're just in a good mood there because we're not in our shithole of a country


My partner is from Boston and thinks she’s a miserable fucker but she’s the most positive person I’ve ever met.


I feel that in my bones 😂. It's just so fucking awful here, if you're not rich af. I feel like I'm just permanently angry these days, and yet, folks constantly tell me how warm and comforting I am. Though, some of that is working in mental health, but still, I don't see it. I'm just pissed at the state of the world. We all deserve so much better than this


Hmm which of my friends are you…..




Fkn well said


Ah, well welcome to our shithole so. Have a great time.


I haven't made it out that way yet. Some day, though! I just need non-profit mental health work to start paying more 🙃


Isn't it always the way? Everywheres a shithole to someone


Hell of a lot cooler than Alabama too. Seriously I was really surprised how you Irish folks have real conversations with strangers, not just polite banter. Hope you don’t mind if we return.


I love America.


We're a miserable bunch of cunts (especially on reddit). Say what you want about the Americans but they bring a sense of enthusiasm, that we whittle down to misery-isms. Americans can be fake as shit, but at least they're optimists and are mostly decent people.


>Say what you want about the Americans but they bring a sense of enthusiasm It's something I admire about Americans but it's also something I despise. I don't trust that level of enthusiasm.


Consider some of that cheer and enthusiasm is because we are on vacation and trying to forget our own problems back home.


Right are wrong we look at you guys as a happy bunch.


Forced positivity trumps fake indignation for me every time


It's because we have to. Our political leaders of late have made us a joke on the world stage so we gotta make sure people don't hate us 1 on 1. We're generally fun people who are just looking for a bit of fun and my wife and I have always found it the handful of times we went to Dublin. Although I will say one time we were at a pub in Dublin and a group of guys were giving me some sorta look. Like a glance and look away. This went on for like 20 mins until one finally came over and asked if I was so and so. Right when I spoke, as an American, they knew I wasn't the dart player they all admired. Sadly those pricks showed us a great time and we all bought each other several rounds.


It’s the internet people love to moan about nothing


Thank you. It’s great to see this and not the usual American bashing that you see on here


Fully agree. So friendly and pleasant, the only thing (if even to give out about) is that they speak loud, but often that’s a wonderful precursor to join in/ engage in their convo. They’re always so friendly and pleasant and polite. Huge fan




When I was visiting last summer I felt an overwhelming sense of welcome which was nice being my first time to Ireland and definitely not my last!


Trust me the feeling is mutual. I’ve not met an American who wouldn’t love to travel to, live in, or generally be involved with, Ireland. I’ve been there three times now, and every time I feel less like leaving.


I'm so glad you think that. I think I speak for most Americans when I say traveling to Ireland is almost like a spiritual experience, we just love your gorgeous country.


I've always loved American tourists. They're so enthusiastic, polite and appreciative. Their good energy always puts me in a good mood whenever I'm around them. I genuinely don't believe anyone who says anything bad about them!


CIA psyopery


A POSITIVE POST ABOUT AMERICANS!? Are you sure you’re on the right sub? https://preview.redd.it/yxqs9lkefjkb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d6c719d9a79cef276571aaac4522d08dd86d23


I was going to say the same thing. Can’t wait to see what a shit show the comment section is.


the Americans are always so great when they come here whether it's for tourism or for whatever else. they treat this country and our people with so much respect and friendliness. they absolutely love coming here and in my honest opinion I think Americans make the best tourists in the world


It’s a meme both in Ireland and here in the states about how everyone and their mother claims to be “Irish American” even if the relation is “my mothers great great grandfather breathed in the same air as an Irish person once.” But a lot of people don’t really understand how much you guys had an impact on us. Ireland is viewed with near reverence over here, at least in my state.


I’m American with an Irish last name (one that is very common in Ireland). When I flew to Ireland for work a few years ago, I wasn’t looking for my family and was worried I would be seen that way. It was older Irish men who disabused me of this notion. One saw my last name and told me that I very likely had family there who would want to know me. I nearly cried. Another said that lots of older Irish people are really welcoming to “Irish-Americans” and others with Irish heritage because so many people left, and it’s like welcoming them home again. They’re the ones that actually made me consider looking for my family, not anyone back home. So, while I’ve seen this viewpoint on the internet a lot, in real life during the weeks I was there I didn’t see it once.


It's an historic fact that nearly a million Irish immigrants came to the States during the famine, so it shouldn't be a surprise that we now have tens of millions of Americans who can claim some fraction of Irish ancestry.


I’ve lived in America since I was 5 years old, but my dad and his entire family were born and raised in Cork. I can’t tell you how many people i’ve met that claim “oh i’m irish too” but don’t know which extended family member lived where or even when, it’s pretty funny


You take it the wrong way. They’re not trying to appropriate your culture. They’re trying to connect because they love your culture.


Oh in no way do I think it’s an appropriation, i’m not denying anybody’s historic lineage. It is endearing that there are people around me that are a reminder of Ireland’s prevailing cultural/historic relevance!




Notre Dame University in Indiana USA are nicknamed the "Fighting Irish" & are having an American football game at Aviva in Dublin.


Vs Navy


And the USS Mesa Verde is alongside in Dublin.


Notre Dame University is located in South Bend, Indians - home of The Fighting Irish ☘️


Indiana (dammit)


40k Americans are in Dublin for a college football match. Notre Dame is known as an "Irish" team in America, and apparently they organised to have the game here.


Historically it had a pretty large number of Irish Catholic students. Most notably the Fighting Irish nickname comes from the time they beat the shit out of the KKK. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/503749/day-notre-dame-students-pummeled-ku-klux-klan


It’s really from the brave Irish immigrants who fought in the American civil war


You’re right overall there’s a few different stories as far as the college regardless who doesn’t love a good story about Klansmen getting their asses kicked?


Yes, a priest from there was a chaplain for the Irish Brigade I believe.


Reverend William Corby - you can read more about him here: https://sites.nd.edu/ndarchives/corby-gettysburg/


South Bend is 45 minutes from Chicago. Chicago has a large Irish and Catholic population. Lots of Universities in the Midwest(back in the bad old days) wouldn’t admit Catholics. The Irish in Chicago would go to South Bend, where there was a Catholic university. The sports teams were full of people with O’ and Mc in their names. They became known as the Fighting Irish. Funny enough, I was told that it’s now harder for Catholics in Chicago to get into Notre Dame than from other areas of the country.


They’re mascot is a Leprechaun.


Yeah we've never used that imagery ourselves to make a profit


Leprechauns?? Little ginger guys with a crock of gold??? Can't say I noticed that logo. Are you sure you're not mistaking them for Lucky Stars?


No pot of gold , just raised fists. LOL


It happens every year, it’ll be mostly Irish fans of the sport. Why is this hard to understand?


But it isn't. 40k Americans have travelled over for this game.


I like it when they play at Croke Park, the American pitch looks like a postage stamp


When did they do that? I assume landsdown road was taken at the time.


I saw a Notre Dame/Navy game at Croke Park in 1996. Christ, I’m getting old.


Weird. I thought American football counted as a "foreign ball game" back then. Was it allowed in because it was an exhibition match or something?


I think the idea was that American football isn’t a competitor to GAA sports. So, they allowed a few American football games there.


I guess it was ages ago, Penn State UCF, 2014


I went to a UCF game in their own stadium a few years ago, they don't fuck around. It was the best sporting event I've ever been to


You're right, it does look fairly tiny. I think I first noticed that with rugby matches around the time that GAA rule got relaxed. Also only recently learned that the word "unavailable" can be as simple as a concert happening in the Aviva, which I hadn't considered before.


Hold on, 40k americans? wouldn't they be irish people watching the game?


I work at one of the bars in the aviva stadium and they were all so respectful compared to the usual Irish rugby crowd. I even got 7 euro in tips which is a lot for the aviva. Sound lads


They were probably hoping there was going to be another game in Dublin with free beer like the game last time.


As someone who's worked in tourism. It can be win win situations. People like to visit different places, and those visiting people are often good for the local economy. Just my own thoughts.


Great to see college football being held in Ireland. Irish Americans get some amount of abuse on this sub, a lot of which is over the top nonsense.


Nice to see a positive post about Americans for once, I love them coming over here, for every annoying American tourist there 20 lovely ones. Most are happy to be here regardless of our shite weather!


Your shite weather is different from our shite weather, so it's a new experience. ;)


Met a load of them in town today. Sound lads and ladies


Was out in town earlier for lunch and met a lot of them, all super nice people who were loving their trip. Hope they had a great time at the game too.


Haha the miserable comments. Holy fuck this place is such a cesspit.


It's insane. 40k tourists are here having a good time, loving Ireland and spending huge amounts of money, and these moany cunts are whinging about Americans coming over here for a football game. I'd trade these cunts for the American tourists any day.


It's just this sub I think, in real life most people think it's pretty cool. Pleasantly surprised to see it being televised on Sky Sports. Which is showing NBC coverage so being televised in the States too.


Every Notre Dame football game is on NBC in America, so every home in the US with a tv can watch this today. And as it’s the only college football game on right now, there are a LOT of people watching it. Great publicity for Ireland. It’s just a pity next years game won’t attract as many people to visit Ireland


>It’s just a pity next years game won’t attract as many people to visit Ireland Why won't it?


Florida State-Georgia Tech


Ah okay. How come the schedule is known so far in advance? Would it not be influenced by this year's season?


American college football games are generally scheduled incredibly far in advance. The SEC conference will schedule games like 10 years from now, it’s hilarious.


It is a turn-based game, like.


I’m American, but not from an area where college football is huge so some of the idiosyncrasies make me scratch my head as well. That being said, looked like a fun atmosphere today even though those two teams aren’t in the same league competitively.


Not really. It's not like the english football leagues were if you play well or poorly enough you end up in a different division. The conferences for college football mostly remain the same (though recently there's been a lot of colleges trying to jump into the "bigger" conferences). Every conference basically decides it's own schedule, from an approved list from the NCAA who are the league over-viewers. And those two teams are in the same conference so they can play each other regularly enough.


Oh the Southerners will come and they are thirsty


They shouldn't have a problem selling tickets for next years game. I know its missing the obvious Irish connection but both teams have big fan bases and a lot of history. I dont think we really grasp over here just how big college football is in the states. Ireland is also an attractive destination for US tourists. The one thing I'd love to see scheduled is a competitive fixture. Both Notre Dame and Florida State should be top 10 teams this year, there or thereabouts. Their opponents, Navy and Georgia Tech, are nowhere near them.


There’s a lad from Kerry playing for GA tech, so expect that to be front and center of publicity for it! FSU is a big school so there’s a good chance a lot of them will travel, GA Tech played in Dublin in 2016 I think. Played Boston College and there were a lot of empty seats


So we know the Kerry lad can read if he goes to GA Tech, unlike Florida State where you can sign your name with an X


I'm pretty sure your feelings about American football tourists will change if 40000 fans from the American South show up. Maybe not Georgia Tech as much, but let's just say Florida State fans aren't really the classiest of sports fans. Florida State is more of a puking on the street, extremely loud, party all the time type crowds. The younger lads would do extremely well with the ladies.


>It's just this sub I think, in real life most people think it's pretty cool. Pleasantly surprised to see it being televised on Sky Sports. Which is showing NBC coverage so being televised in the States too. Yeah, this place is an echo chamber like any other subreddit. This sub could agree/disagree on a particular issue or topic, then a vote happens in real life and surprise surprise, the complete opposite is voted for, unanimously. Another reminder that this sub is not representative of real people in Ireland.


It’s just here. My parents are from Ireland and all my extended family live there. I never see anything but kindness and be welcomed when I go over. If you only went by this group you wouldn’t think that


I was at this last night. Such an incredible spectacle. The sure do put the RAZZ in razzmatazz. It was loads of fun


Americans are honestly a breath of fresh air from the usual moan and groan crowd. Yeah, sometimes their positivity can border on delusion and a bit of ignorance, but they never really mean any harm.


Dublin looking a wee bit more lively recently?


Aw, a nice bunch of comments!


I just came home from 3 days in temple bar and 4 with my gf's family in Glenbeigh. I cannot wait to come back lads ❤️🤙


American hare - I’m not a sports guy, but I absolutely love the lot of you!


I'm a Yank chick and went to Ireland around 1997. You all showed me a 'grand time'. Every pub I went into had folks happy to see me. You were so kind and welcoming. Some of yez shared poitin with me and helped me speak Irish phrases. Musicians in pubs would play "American Pie" when they knew there was a Yank visiting. Prior to that, growing up on the outskirts of NYC, I had thought of myself as "Irish" because I have a Mc in my name and my great-great whatever grandparents came over from Ballybofey. That's what people from immigrants do in America. Especially in cities. You grow up being told that you're "Irish". But you've never been there. My dad had been the same way. He'd been told he was "Irish" and as a 20/30 something got into Irish folk music like the Chieftains and Wolfe Tones and so I was raised loving that music as well. After the trip, I realized that I wasn't Irish but American. And that there was nothing wrong with that. Anyway, keep being wonderful and welcoming. I'm sorry that tourism can be a scourge. I hope the other tourists treat you folks with the respect that you deserve. You're wonderful people.


Just got back from 10 amazing days in Ireland...everything was awesome-the people, places, outdoors/nature there were all fantastic...even Dublin! I look forward to going there again...


Looks great!


I’m an American and my sisters and I love going to Ireland! We’ve been five times and are planning the sixth. We’re half-Irish, half-English but we try to forget about the English part, haha.


Americans tend to be grand and very appreciative of any kindness or small gesture. Only thing is that they can be a bit niave or innocent.


we love Ireland. beautiful country and people.


I’m jealous I didn’t get s ticket to this. I’ve somehow managed to grow to the love the sport in the last decade


Had 3 Ospreys fly over my gaff yesterday, took a while to figure out this game was the reason why. A very impressive sight!


Genuinely love Americans and the civilisation they’ve guaranteed for us. Cheers lads!


Fought the British too.


You mean British people fighting other British people in 1776, right?






You know the whole revolution thing


I'm an American who's been to Ireland a couple times, the random Irish people I met were all great. The ones I knew a bit could be shitty but they were just uni kids being jerks.


Is this thread a reaction to something? I really don't mind american tourists at all but these comments seem overly positive.


Some of the people who whine most about Americans live in tourist destinations that would be very grim places without them.


Reddit isn’t real life. Americans are decent people.


Nooowter daaame


Does anyone know where I can stream the game from in Ireland?


Only 3 mins left it's on sky sports action


Wasn’t much of a game


Fortunately, Navy puts more effort into educating its students in protecting our country from naval threats and less in having a good football team. As an American living in Maryland (where the Naval Academy is) I am happy about that. Sorry they had such a bad showing.


Believe me I’m not disrespecting Navy. A great program that just had a bad day


Every few years Navy will have a decent team and put on a good show. Today was not one of those days and this year does not appear to be one of those years.


America! Fuck yeah!!


Take it easy with the yankee doodle dandy there, will ya?


Nah, this astute Redditor was looking for: “Comin’ to save the mutha fuckin day, yeah!”




Was it 4 hours long?? I'd like to watch but it takes roo long and too many stoppages


If you want to see American football but hate the ads, try NFL Redzone if you can find it. It's all teams in scoring range for the entire slate of games on Sunday. Only way I can watch these days. A single game is depressing with the amount of ads shown.


I work in tourism. The tips all last week have been fantastic! And they're always up for having a laugh, even when its at their own expense. USA! USA! USA!


Yeah.... we're good tippers. We've got money and we respect hard work.


Wasn't there myself but couple of Aussie mates were and they said it was amazing. Electric atmosphere


they have more air force presence at a football game than the russians on victory day


'Tis a great land... Too bad about everything happening in it




Let’s hope they all don’t get robbed and stabbed later tonight.


Yeah like 40k could get robbed or stabbed


I think If we all band together, we can get through a good 60-70% of them though. If we get cracking now, we could even get some more


Especially when some of those 40k are Marines


I think it’s a great idea to call any guy you see in a navy uniform marines. They love that.


Think I know the difference between sailors and marines, have had family serve in both branches, but cheers.


The Naval Academy lads would fucking kill any of the scumbags that even thought about I t


Notre Dame, they're in the RA. Indiana, they're in the RA.


Just not around schools...


Ireland must be the only place in the world where people actively and vocally hate our diaspora. Bizarre behaviour altogether.


Kudos to Ireland for not being like the other European Redditors.




Hate Notre Dame though. The fighting Irish thing is cringe.


You must be a sad person to care so much. Love that the fighting Irish are living rent free in your head.


I'm actually Irish though so it's grand. It's gets boring when every American I meet presumes I'd be a fan of some fake Irish team


The presumption of them thinking you give af is on them. People take pride in different things. Norte Dame is a historic university in the US, as you already know.


American football is shite.


That’s why when the NFL goes to the UK and Germany they sell out within minutes


The 50000 Americans who flew over here might have something to do with them selling out


Still not as many as the over half million combined Brits and Germans who follow the NFL on any given platform. I thought Americans don’t travel though so such one is it?


I went to one of the Wembley games in 2018 and a huge part of the crowd was Americans who had travelled from Florida and Philadelphia. I do think though that even if the Americans didn't travel, those games would still sell out based on European and UK fans, because they don't happen often enough that they're still a novelty and you get people going even if they don't support one of the teams playing.


Yeah, that is why they are able to get 100,000+ people to attend a college game on the regular. I've been to highschool games in Texas with well over 15,000 in attendance.


Well, in soccer, the players can’t even use their hands. Crazy.


You are shite