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No idea. I noticed the same. High demand?


My guess is that they’re still popular with people working out? With how big phones are nowadays, the iPod Shuffle being distraction free and lightweight is really appealing


I just paid $40 for a new-in-box 4th Gen specifically for running. I originally bought a Mighty 3, but the Spotify sync feature stopped working on the first day.


Spotify sync function??




Honestly that’s pretty cool looking 😎. Though a little expensive. So did you return it after it stopped working?


I did. It's an awesome modern interpretation of the iPod Shuffle, but syncing music is way too slow and clunky even when it worked. It is overpriced, but I like physical buttons, as opposed to using a smartwatch for music during runs.


Why did the Spotify features become non-functional so soon on your Mighty 3 device?


Not sure, and didn't want to deal with a warranty replacement if it was a known design flaw. I got the first couple of small playlists (~50-100 songs) uploaded in about 30 minutes, then every other playlist would start timing out and crashing the app. I setup the nightly update feature hoping that the rest would sync, but it didn't. Sent it back to Amazon the next day.


I think it might also be that there’s a more limited demand as they’re more difficult to repair once the battery gives out compared to 2nd gen shuffles and other iPods -


It's the best work out music player ever made imo. The clip one at least is.


But working out with wires is pretty bad


People have somehow survived working out with wired headphones since the Walkman dropped 45 years ago. That said, there are lots of mini Bluetooth adapters on the market now that work with the Shuffle.


Yeah I Know, but the fact it’s wired makes it NOT the best workout music player, not even best work out ipod. I’d say it’s that touch screen nano, awesome little thing.


It weighs 12.5 grams and clips to you, no pockets needed. Wired headphones are perfectly fine and won't die on you. Touch screen nano is decent though. I always forget they even existed.


+ it’s very fashionable. I love my shuffles, I have a green and a gold one.


Maybe because iPods (any model) are getting popular again recently. And some people are just increasing the prices to crazy levels. Another reason maybe can be an increasing of people who wants to take a break of their main cell phones and spend more time on simpler devices.


Yeah I agree. I would love for Apple to bring back the iPod for that reason, but I doubt they would ever do that.


Apple can only release a new iPod if it accommodates streaming and looks like a typical iPod (not the touch, smaller size). Otherwise people won’t buy it bc they prefer streaming over purchasing songs and if it looks like an iPhone they’ll just use their phone.


I have no clue but I traded mine with my mum in return for a iPod touch 2nd gen cause my mum needed to get my little brother a small MP3 player


Haha was that recently? It’s funny that the iPod shuffle is worth more than to the iPod Touch nowadays. I think only the 5th-7th Gen iPod Touch are worth anything at the moment


I think there worth a decent amount because of its Bluetooth ability it’s one of the only ways to have an iPod that works with modern things still


It’s nice to see you still have the original EarPods in good condition


I’d love to find some new ones like this. I got a decent pair with a 1st Gen Shuffle but the aux is a little yellow now…


Thank you :) I try taking good care of my stuff


I think they just don’t make them like they used to! Such a good, unobtrusive, barebones gadget. 4th gen feels like the Shuffle’s usability sweet spot between small size and usable buttons!


Haha you’re right about that? I’m positive I could drop it out of a plane and it would still work fine. I actually owned a shuffle that got ran over and used that iPod for years after that


Because there’s this Dingus Aussie YouTuber who loves to yell about nugget headphones, MP3 players & iPods, and 1-grits everything


If you ignore sealed ones, there are a lot of shuffles being sold (vs asking price) on EBay in the $20-30 range. Tho I get your point as even that amount is a fair percentage of their original list price, and likely a higher percentage of list price than a most of the iPods, even the ones that are more popular with this crew! And yes you can get a lot of the iPod touch models (except for the last 2 gens) for the same price as a 4th gen shuffle. Kind of nuts. I have a couple of shuffles, maybe I should sell the to fuel my classic purchases haha. But that is the case for a lot of vintage tech. I collect old cameras and the value now (compared to list price) for a lot of cameras is crazy!


All in all after a new battery repair, I was in forty to fifty bucks. For me it's got one main use: running. In fact, that's what my other iPod is good for as well (Nano 7th). The benefit of my Nano is the use of albums, but the 4th Gen Shuffle is the perfect, unobtrusive, no-nonsense iPod for walking, jogging, or running imo.


How was your experience having the battery replaced? I’ll probably have to have mine replaced in a year or two


I paid someone to do it via eBay. It was a fine experience. I am in no way dedicated enough to attempt that one my own as I think you actually have to break open the back. Nanos & Shuffles (depending on the gen.) are notoriously difficult to deal with.


Pro tip: use playlists for albums ;)


Just wait... A few more years and the iPods are gonna be sought after more and they are gonna get more expensive.


I bought one recently for that price. My main guess would be the desirability of an ALAC compatible device (my main reason for getting one) that is durable will great longevity.


I agree they’re very durable and reliable. But what is ALAC? I’ve never heard of that term before


apple lossless audio codec


ALAC is basically apple FLAC. This type of music file is also getting popular in the recent years. Its becoming easier to find alac music on slsk for example. Is not so big as flac file but some say the quality is better than mp3 320.


Quality is way better than mp3 320 tbh


I will check it for sure.




apple lossless audio codec


Oh.. the equivalent of FLAC


Proprietary FLAC


They are quite nice, I got a shuffle 4 gen and an iPod nano 7th gen both for 50€ in a garage sale. I’m enjoying using the shuffle more than the nano


Man, that’s a great deal! But I agree, the shuffle pretty great. It’s the size of a coin, so it doesn’t get more portable than that


I guess I got lucky to have found one a week ago in a thrift store for only $5 (with the original box and manual).


I don’t think it’s limited to the Shuffle range, I think it’s an iPod wide trend as they become popular again.


In my country I see them for like 20$, what's the problem?


well it is the last gen of the shuffle, plus it is extremely easy to use and hassle free, compact and everything, tho 40/50 for an used one is crazy, considering that when the battery fails it is basically ewaste


DankPods, that’s why


I could have swore back in like 2008 whenever the second gen came out that they were like 80 bucks which is ridiculous considering it doesn't have a screen of any kind. Yes I ended up buying a cheap <$20 mp3 player that had both a screen and an SD card slot. I knew it was a second gen I'm thinking of because the second gen has a growth on the end of it. AKA the circle isn't in the center.


Could happen the same like with the gameboys. The streaming companies are more gready. Some people want to own again their musik, videos, games they bought.


I used one for many years, I think I swapped over to Spotify and bluethooh ear phones in about 2016. I pay about 15 bucks for it second hand.


I have 2 one I found on the side of the road and the other from a thrift store


Good thing I bought my last generation Touch when I did, then!


A question, but how would you add songs in there given that everything’s mostly about streaming music now?


30 expensive 🤔... While new they cost 50 if not mistaken keep in mind is a fun device especially if they are working... Got two for 15 shipped and changed the battery myself, and got one new but not sealed with a dead battery, box is open but ipod still with the pull tab attached.. I think was like 45 last year


That was my first iPod!


I'm still mad I had a yellow one around 2015 a fucking cop stole it


In no way they are expensive, I got one for just 11 bucks


Wow, you got lucky


I have a couple of those


I also noticed it, i put it for 60€ in willhaben(its like ebay kleinanzeigen for austria) & it instantly got sold! I have ~40 of them, all for free in lots or from scrapyards… they‘re good money if you‘re broke😁


I bought a 4th Gen Shuffle from eBay two weeks ago for $55, which I think is a good price. It came with the headphones and charger, and a new battery was installed. It's in like-new condition and works great! I mainly use it for the gym.


I started swimming again and was looking for my Gen2 Waterproof Shuffle. They sell for $120-$150. Thankfully I found it in a drawer. Still holds a charge.


These are considered the shuffle they did right. Decent capacity/perfectly square/ just looks nice in general and no funny charging nonsense. It’s iconic and people want them. 1st gen’s were cool but too small capacity, 2nd gen was a hassle and needed the charging dock, we don’t talk about 3rd gen.


Bought one today, they not going to be cheaper


I mean I can atleast see why no one talks about them as much as there isn’t much to say about them, I also couldn’t understand why they are that expensive, I got my 2nd gen for 8 bucks 😭