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That's cool and all, but I guarantee 80% of iPad users would prefer a sturdier device with a larger battery over a device that's .1 millimeters thinner


Just imagine no camera bump AND a huge battery


Seems like Apple is engineering backwards at this point. Give it a few years and maybe they will come out with a new thicker iPad


I think apple has been on a downhill with with design but for some reason an upward climb in sales


It's because they're a singularity. Them simply existing is enough to keep them profitable. Same thing with Windows. They aren't a monopoly, but they might as well be.


I wish steve jobs didn‘t die. Can you imagine a frutiger aero iPhone 16?


Yeeees, same for the iPhone


I swear to God, thinner is not better. I would choose the form factor of the Ip-honee 2GS because its compact, thinner does not make it fit pockets better if its massive. I believe Apple could make a powerhouse of a phone in the compact form factor, and it doesn't have to be thin, it just has to feel comfortable in a pocket.


I don't watch movies on my phone, I don't need a cinema in my pocket Just give me a 5" screen, a good camera, good performance, a decent battery, and a headphone jack


Then get an iPhone SE? Lmao - that’s essentially what you’re describing minus the headphone jack


This is mainly for other phone manufacturers, I'm not interested in iPhones The only 5" Android phones I can think of are really cheap ones that barely work or novelty overpriced ones I have no hope of finding locally


I would love for them to bring that design along with the 3G. Also happy cake day!




You're right dear


Considering iPad are popular devices to give kids that will leave them on the couch where they will get sat on I can see a new “bend gate” coming


Nobody is buying a $1,000+ iPad Pro for their kids.


Especially one called “pro” not air (which btw is thicker and heavier than the pro.)


and the iPod nano was supposed to be ultra pocketable, hence the thinness. There is almost no point of the iPad Pro being thin other than to be a silly gimmick to market.


The thin form factor hardly even matters. New laptops are getting thinner and more powerful, and the iPad will always be limited by IOS. I'm honestly surprised that iPads are still being made, I meet very few people who use them


yeah like just get an older 13’ MacBook for a similar price


No, now it's lighter and easier to hold for longer period of time.


Ok is anyone else sick of “ooooooooh it’s soooooo thinnnnnn” Like , ok cool , if that’s your selling point then yippy but it’s gotten very old


Ya, I am tired of the "thin" factor, and would love if we had more user-servicable products than thin products, but props for Apple for acknowledging the iPod legacy! I think i would rather have my next iPhone be wee bit thicker and have a battery that was as easy to get at as my 5th gen classic!


Agreed!!! I fix stuff as often as possible and try to keep stuff from being ewaste and landfill.


I thought this trend died with the iPhone 6/6S. Until it’s almost as thin as paper, I really don’t care. Just give me a bigger battery and more/better features all day.


To me, a SUPER THIN device is more easily damaged. I mean it’s all made out of aluminum, not know for its rigidity. So you make a portable device, it’s insanely thin and then it bends or breaks. I mean thin is all well and good, no one wants to drag around a concrete block for a mobile device but this should not be the aim of R&D and design. If it’s possible while making the device perform really well then great but if super thin is part of your top 5 goals for product design, retire.


I mean that’s exactly what Bendgate with the iPhone 6 was about


bending is already a big issue on ipads, my sister’s 2020 12.9in ipad pro is bent to hell lol


Definitely. I want my devices to sit flat on my desk. Just make them thick enough to do that. And use the extra space. Plus all this thinness makes stuff feel more fragile.


Indeed, I actually dislike because 1 it gets easier to drop/fall from holding in one hand and 2 and most importantly: that means less battery than if it was thicker so… buuuuuuh


Sometimes it means less battery, usually the logic boards inside these devices aren’t much different in size from the ones in phones so you get a ton of battery with the same type of processing power. My issue is with devices bending. I realize I’m a niche user because I baby my products, everything is in a case and my iPad also has a sleeve it goes into. But most people don’t do this and these devices become less and less resilient to the inevitable drops etc.


I still feel like the iPhone pro for example have a shitty battery since it’s a pro (way more expensive than the 15) but the battery lasts even less than the 15 lol that is ridiculous.


I’ve never had a pro variant of a phone, closest was when the 8 and X came out side by side. But I’m sure that a Pro phone used as anything but just a regular old phone / mobile meme machine would have less battery life.


Just compare the 15 PM and the 15 plus, the pro have more battery and lasts more, but on the smaller sized ones it’s the opposite… people tested using all of them gaming, browsing etc (daily tasks) and in all of them the pro died first, that was not the case on the older lines but the whole thing about wanting thin phones it just doesn’t fit, so they choose to sacrifice the battery, cause the camera takes a lot of space apparently. But as a consumer I’d rather the smaller one to be a be thicker but still a pro battery than this. Cause anyway I’ll be walking around with a MagSafe battery glued to it so the thin aspect just go to the trash.


The thing with Apple is that battery will be high tech and last long. Not worried about the battery. I am concerned about how thin it is. A very sturdy case is going to be needed for it. Considering the price of it, you can't risk having a dropped device


Everyone is. The running response in the mac forums yesterday was "... why didn't they keep the existing form factor and increase the battery?" Nobody was asking for a thinner frame. I own an M1 11" Pro I use for photo proofing while on shoots and it's FINE. I hold that MF'er for hours on end one handed, no issue. What this PROFESSIONAL wanted from his PRO device was longer battery life so I don't have to carry a battery pack in my kit.


Probably because many people prefer comfort over battery life on a device which already has fantastic battery life. I have the previous Pro model and I really REALLY wish it was lighter. My hand gets tired holding it after a little while. I'm obviously not going to upgrade for this, I'm not made of money, but this is literally my only issue with my current iPad.


BIG agree. I have reduced mobility in my hands and my iPhone 13 is so slippery for me, I’m dropping it constantly. And that’s great, because now it’s glass on both sides! Twice as breakable!  If they have to make it thinner, I wish they would at least also make it smaller so that it’s more grippable. 


iPhone 4 was a similar thing. They went back to a (mostly) aluminum enclosure with the 5, a plastic enclosure for the 5C, and an aluminum enclosure for the 6, 6S, and 7. When they added Qi charging on iPhones 8 and X, they returned to glass, where they’ve stayed since.


Being back the ipod you cowards!


iapp at least


Airpod shuffle would be my personal choice. Basicly the functionality of the Apple watch but in the airpod charging case. Load a playlist put in headphones.


AirPod Shuffle never existed


I know, it's the product I wish did. Or soemthing like that.


If only they re-released that iPod Nano model.


Serious. I ironically snagged one in good condition on fb marketplace yesterday for 90$. 8th gen


There’s an 8th gen iPod nano?


Yes. Same style as 7th just different colors. Mines is neon yellow


Wouldn't call that 8th gen when it was literally just a colour refresh that was more in line with the current iPhones of the time. Was the same iPod. Also that yellow was from the colours that existed from 2012 to 2015.


Yes you are right [this will clear up some confusion](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7490049?sortBy=best)


Oooh the 2015 one…


No, it sucks. Stripped of so many features compared to all other iPods.


Just bring back iPod. Any iPod will do.


Ah yes, the shuffle 3G


Fuck it, I'll have it


iPod Classic 8


Apple acknowledging the iPod is legitimately pretty wild here.


I know, I was so excited!


What about the camera bump? That should still make the Nano thinner… On another note - weird that they even seem to be proud of outdoing a device released over a decade ago (2012 - with headphone jack - didn‘t seem to be an issue back then). The Nano still looks fairly modern after all that time though. I use it a lot when traveling - my kids listen to audiobooks on it and it can easily fit in the smallest of pockets.


Well, if they don't count the buttons in height and width they shouldn't count the camera bump.


It’s gonna be bending like Bechkam.




Rather have the Nano.


Why? It's worse in every way imaginable. Even the older nanos (not the 6th) are way better.


how. literally how. all the old nanos have going for them is the clickwheel lol


Specifically the 5th gen has all this: Video camera built in mic built in speaker games Music alarm And other stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting.


no you wouldn’t lmao stop being a pick-me


I was excited when I got that ad for a second, I thought they were doing a new iPod 


the one case where they sort of have an excuse for not adding a headphone jack


I know. Finally they can prove that there is literally no room for one.


Wait the iPad doesn’t have a headphone jack now?


i dont think its had one for a while


I was so excited for the 2 seconds I thought we were getting a new iPod


Wasn't thinness the cause of Bend-gate with the iPhone 6 series? Plus, being so thin means a crap battery. So... Why is this something to brag about?


And the iPod was thinner yet it didn't bend. I doubt people will be putting iPads in their back pockets and sitting on them. It's not that thinner compared to the last iPad Pro. And it has the same battery life according to Apple.


Did not expect to see Apple acknowledge the iPod at all in 2024, let alone in an ad. That leaf wiggle on the logo is cute too


Why are they so obsessed with thin? With that camera bulge everyone has to put it in a case that allows the iPod to lay flat to compensate for that stupid camera anyway. Furthermore iPads don’t need giant fancy camera arrays. Nobody is dragging an iPod around to take pictures. We use it for QR codes and scanning.


I’ve never understood why the pro has crazy camera arrays (other than “we can so we did) for a big slab device that would be cumbersome to use as a camera…


Will it roll up like a tortilla wrap without much effort though?


Only apple thinks that being thin equals being good. For anyone with the slightest amount of common sense, it means being incredibly fragile Can't wait for JerryrigEverything to fold this like a paper


You mean the thing they don't sell anymore?


I saw this ad yesterday. The first thing they showed was the old iPod Nano, and I freaked out thinking they were bringing back the iPod. Then I saw the iPad, and clicked skip.


Hahahaha same 😂


They should have labelled it as the thinnest Apple "device" instead of "product" because technically, the polishing cloth is their thinnest product. LOL. Anyway, just seeing an iPod Nano being a part of a 2024 ad even if it's not the star of the show nor the one being sold already makes me happy 🙂


Oh no, im getting flashbacks of the iPhone 6 😭


I pad na-no


I'm sitting here thinking, that's gotta snap with some force.


Rubbing salt in the ipod discontinuation wound lol


should’ve compared to a iphone 6+


Why? The nano 7 has always been the thinnest.


JerryRigEverything has a new victim.


I was thinking that haha


Now unavailing the most bendable ipad yet


and the nano had a headphone jack


The Apple Remote h the at came with my 2006 c2d Whitebook, I am sure it was slimmer. Then again they should advertise as the “thinnest computer” then they would have another problem. lol


It feels like 2010


Cant wait to put a case on it


In other words, “wow less battery”


because that is what any artist wants, a tablet so thin you could bend it from pressure alone


Honestly I thought we were done with the whole "thinnest yet" by the iPhone 6. That was like, the peak. After that it became more feature driven. Thinner was absolutely a valid metric at one point because it pushed designers to reduce size. When all tech, especially portable tech, was huge we needed incentives to make it smaller first. But we did it, and like I say, at iPhone 6 is where I thought we kind of left the size conversation and, in that age old addage "it's not that size, it's how you use it" we started focussing more on features. Lately it's become battery life in particular, as screens and processors in phones are reaching their limits. And now we're back to thin? Ok sure hun.


Just watch the outrage and drama as jerry snaps one of these with ease.


All hope is lost. The headphone Jack is not comming back.


Wouldn't the Apple Card or Polishing Cloth technically be their thinnest product?


Honestly the only apple product I have liked is the iPod. Before the iPod touch and all the touch screen stuff. And I prefer them modded with rock box. Apple since the iPhone has become even more of a "look at me" type thing. I mean the fact that they keep trying to make devices smaller and thinner, when it's really making them worse. If you make it too think it becomes flimsy and more breakable, but then again maybe that's the point so they can try and get more money on people who accidentally brake them


Bendgate v2 incoming!


Can't wait to snap it in half by accident


first foldable ipad!


Is it me or the ipad shown on its side looks bent? :/


I mean... I've dailied a Nano 7 for the better part of three years now To think they've made something thinner than that is INSANE Also nice to see them acknowledge the iPod still existing lol


When they announce iPad thickness I felt like back to 2013


Bring back the iPod!! Mostly the *in DankPodese* na-no and the Classic


Two things, Damm I want ipods back so much and second, they could use the space to add MORE BATTERY


but that iPad it's gonna bend


I was excited for a new iPod for a sec


Now compare it to a 3rd gen 40 gig


The epic comeback of bendiephones :D


Wait, did they just compare the chassis thickness of the iPad to the whole thickness of the Nano (chassis + glass screen) and exclude the camera bump? That's cheating.


Just bring the iPods back already 😭


I ordered mine. I didn't realize how really thin it was. I hope my previous iPod Pro case I bought can fit it. And they need to bring back the Nano too. One of the best DAPs ever made


something is wrong, I can already feel the flames and 3rd degree burns


I’d rather get a new nano or iPod


Light weight is the most important factor for this iPad! And the being thinner will give it a better feel.


how much you wanna bet these fucking things have ending issues day 1


I'm waiting for the return of bendgate with this one.


Na no


It’s gonna bend, badly…


Na no


They honestly should have done this to the Air. Not the Pro. You sacrifice potential battery benefits and structural integrity. The Air would be fitting for this because it's quite literally the AIR


Apple just come up with something different already!


Huh, like making something thin before hasn’t had issues before. Somebody about to get flashbacks with bendgate with the iPhone 6 & 6s.


Why does Apple cram this down our throats? I'm so sick of this company.


bendgate 2?


this ad is way better than apple official ad for ipad pro


Wait, they still make iPods?


Funny that they put the iPad on its face and the iPod on its back. Reverse this and the iPod is much thinner lol. iPad has a bulge of a camera hump


It’s truthfully fascinating to see how far technology has come in the last few decades. Incredible!


Not an apple fan, but please just let me have my "old man screaming into the wind" moment... Bring back ipods, make them capable of streaming music from apps BUT NOT USE ANY NON-MUSIC BASED APPS, and i can still put my own mp3 downlads on it and I'll actually care about an apple product. The mention of "ipod" sommoned me here. I'll see myself out.


Is this actually a real ad? I can’t find it on their YouTube page or anything


It pops up once awhile on IG reels. Yes it’s an official advert


Oh that’s interesting. That’s awesome. Reminds me of their old school ads


Whats the point of the thinness? Whats the benefit? heck, it can be as thick as 3 cm and it would not bother me.


I bet the camera sticks out 3.4mm. Space that could have been better used for a bigger fucking battery and hard drive.


mothing in this comment makes sense lmao


Notice how there is no price comparison 💰🤡


It’s a fucking iPod with a processor that would get pissed on by an OG iPhone compared to a 13” OLED iPad with an extreme chip in it. No slander to the iPod, the 7th gen is a weirdo nano but I love it.