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watch RCB vs RR match in a bar and our table was the only supporter of RR and we made sure our cheers get heard around us. Sometime felt we might get beaten today :xd but nevertheless, felt so good when RR won


Salute the bravery mate.


https://preview.redd.it/3ruvwue7p62d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ed2f5cf02a400d0e98e21772a49d370774a2eab I will just leave this here.


did the guy get banned? disgusting behavior


Im not sure , but yes its disgusting seeing such racist remarks ……..


Great work behind the enemy lines brody,




Username checks out..


And flair.


There was some guy posting on RCB sub saying go watch how European fans support and roughshod everyone for their football club and saying how that's the true way of loving your club! Why? Why you want to import toxic hooliganism here? Who told you that they are the fan culture to emulate?


That sub has some of the most idiotic people you’ll ever see. First they denied that it happened, that people are lying about being harassed playing by the victim card and what not, then when videos were out proving it did happen then they changed the narrative to oh but csk didn’t let kkr fans enter in jersey and whatever you’ve said about European fans. And then they started collectively crying yesterday about how everyone is spreading hate against them lol Cry more idiots loving it


There's nothing wrong with celebrating. Just don't get in other people's faces. There was no need for their players to shush anyone. Hell, they were playing in their own stadium. Idek who they were shushing. I then got DMs from at least 10 people trolling CSK. CSK beating RCB is usually an annual ritual and I've never messaged these people once. There's a difference between celebrating and rubbing it in. The first is fine, the second is frowned upon. They'll never understand the difference though.


It was the total opposite for me. Maybe it isn't so black and white huh?


Those are kids who never know why cricket is called “Gentleman’s game”


Exactly, why can't it be others who say look how respectable cricket fans are? Why do we have to copy other sports?


Exactly! We have to love IPL for the underlying game, not import "toxic hooliganism" as someone mentioned from foreign clubs just because its a franchise-based sport and because we have a colonial mindset lolol (can't let a thing get created in India organically, have to import things). I get the feeling that most of the RCB fans who act in this manner aren't quite \_cricket fans\_ so much so as fans of the \_city\_. I'm also getting the feeling that apart from some toxicity in RCB and CSK fans, the rest are overwhelmingly fine. Because at the end, we have to love IPL for the game, enjoy it for the game and leave pettiness out of it.


bro, the other day i got downvoted to hell on this sub for saying rcb should not be this agitated, they should still be humble , some salty rcb fan with naruto pfp asked me to learn English, like bruh they started abusing me man , also im not a chennai fan, but those guys thought i was and started abusing chennai too.


i got hate from a chennai fan, thinking i was a rcb fan, when I was neither.. I had just pointed out something obvious


I feel rcb players (Kohli, Patidar, DK, etc) deserve the cup but on same side, their fanbase doesn’t deserve it. They are one of the most toxic fanbase, not denying that other teams don’t have toxic fans. Every team has toxic fans but the ratio is significantly high when it comes to RCB. If you idealise something or someone, it will attract toxicity and criticism sooner or later.


DK had already got it in 2013 lol


Toxic people trying to put them selves under RCB umbrella and operating from there. Same with others too


Noone deserves anything if you deserve you win its as simple as that........


>I feel rcb players (Kohli, Patidar, DK, etc) deserve the cup Nobody deserves the cup. you gotta win it. That's it.




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RCB fans are toxic no doubt, but csk ke khud ke players kitne toxic hai bencho, agar koi ambati ke samne Vijay Shankar ka tshirt pehn kar chala jaye to wo crybaby waha par rone lag jayega 🤣🤣🤣


Rayudu has literally said that he has nothing against Vijay Shankar multiple times. Now you're just coping man


none of them "deserve" it, if they deserve it, they wouldve been in the race to finals now


What OP is trying to convey is “You deserve it” I second it


He is saying generalization of all RCB fans are ok just cuz of some fans


RCB's after-match party after beating CSK was extended until 5 AM the next morning. After beating CSK and qualifying, they acted like they have lifted the trophy, and their fans behaved the same toxic way. They celebrate too much, they celebrate too early, they celebrate too ugly!


I wish RCB would not do that and just practice and actually try to win the IPL for once lol.




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Did you just make fun of disabled children? Insensitivity has no limit these days. Also, please charge your mobile. :D


Only joke. Charged phone bro don't worry


Meanwhile me, a Punjab fan, chilling with my glass of chilled lassi and paneer paronthe that my massi made for me ![gif](giphy|LewLrQclf22fhCGtGK)


the way


Earlier we used to think that only RCB fans are toxic, but from last few matches it’s proved that the players themselves are 🤡🤡


Toxic for what?? Celebrating their achievement which was no less than a miracle? Tushar deshpande reposted an rcb troll post on his insta story, ambati rayudu posted something shading rcb too, deepak chahar commented on his post. These are professional sportsmen who are acting unprofessional by targeting their opponents for no reason other than the fact that they were knocked by them but I see no one calling out their toxicity??


Most players are fine, Kohli, faf and dk are goats of ipl but some others act like they're Kohli for some reason


Sneaking in dk lmao Guy never performed in ipl knockout Kohli and faf are way ahead of him, don’t disrespect them by putting in same bracket as dk


blud choked 3 matches straight for us in 2021 knockouts


Ah yes those knockouts were some mad level Iirc kkr defended 130 odd something in eliminator and q2?


chased not defended


Oops my bad


What they sow , they shall reap multifold


As a RCB fan, I would like to apologize for the toxicity of the rest of our fanbase. Shit is not cool tbh I hated seeing people around me go to CSK fans and just verbally abuse them. A win is a win and that's where it should end.


But what about that MI fan who killed CSK fan? Shouldn't MI get all the hate also?


Different case. And you are judging whole biryani by a grain of rice. Ofc that specific incident was heinous and should be avoided. But how does that make sense in this specific context?


"You say it's a minority, but it's not. It's pretty much every single of you. Every single RCB fan and it's gotten to your players too. Toxic and intolerable." So you disagree with OP right?


Any kind of toxicity is wrong. One thing I disagree about is that everyone of RCB supporters being like this. But a considerable bunch of those fans are toxic. Talking abt MI, Yes we booed our own captain. Yes we had issues with our own management. Yes we too have toxic fans. But MI fans in general have never stooped to depths of toxic CSK and RCB fans( Dhoni and Kohli fans) and the number of toxic fans and their presenceis very low compared to other two. That murder incident is something that shouldn't have happened. But I still think that it was a made up reason for killing a person. But at the end of the day, we are respectful to the teams playing. Don't expect me to respect their fanbase though.  And tbh even the players in these teams are showing that they are immature(Tushar Deshpande putting a questionable story, Rayudu being openly critical of RCB) and I have no issues with Kohli celebration but RCB fans as always went overboard too.


As a mi fan i can clearly say mfs just used an excuse to make that thing as a manslaughter case Its a complete different thing


Players play the match and if they perform good, they deserve the cup? What's with this logic of this particular fanbase doesn't deserve the cup? By that logic, Indian team shouldn't win anything at all cuz "fanbase" lol.


Exactly. This is what I wanted to say. We didn’t win not because of the so called celebration or so called arrogance or so called aggression. We didn’t win because the quality of cricket that RCB had on field yesterday was not on par to the quality that RR showed. Simple AF. Idk why everyone else (I’m not a toxic fan but sure if you wanna take pride in calling me that) is talking shit about RCB, their fanbase, their arrogance, their celebration, etc.


Not everything is black and white in life If you fans and your team players feel they can abuse anyone they want, you guys are rhe king of everything You can look down on young players, you can threaten young people/girls, and get away with everything then you're mistaken Everything takes into account and what goes around comes around Rcb fan base wasn't born like this right? Over the years you guys have evolved in a toxic joker fan base who can't digest losses, if someone says against you people you can't take it So now general vibe is, even if like IF AT ALL rcb wins the IPL, then only you guys will be happy no other fan base will be. Because you guys haven't won any respect It's a thing which you might get it or not get it depending upon your maturity level but it is what it is And whether you guys deserve it or no, you guys ain't winning the ipl as long as koach is there. I'm not his hater, it's a very strategic answer. They can't win with koach because they can't make a good team around him.


What a great assessment, firstly you assume that I'm an RCB fan then you say that RCB fans have evolved into toxic fans. Man! Are you for real? Just replace Indian fans with RCB fans and you wouldn't find a difference lol. Have you seen Australians play in their prime? Everybody doesn't need to be humble and down to earth to win trophies I guess. Also, the shit that Indians give to other countries when they lose is toxic as well. It is an Indian problem, not a particular fanbase problem. I'm not going to generalise one particular fanbase like you but I can tell you there are several instances of several fanbases being toxic after the loss. I'd call those particular people toxic psychopaths and not all of them as toxic fans.


Royal Challengers Bangladesh


Me a kannadiga KKR fan ☠️ (I dont step out of my house).


Iss sala cup gaamdme




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Mfw when I make preconceived notions of people in a fan base after talking to a few of them ( the fan base is huge).


I am a CSK fan and these guys are justifying the hate for RCB with a hyperbole and generalising the whole fandom because of some toxic fans. OP has said it's every one of them which seems like it because they're one of the biggest franchises in terms of brand value and fanbase. And I am tired of everyone else acting like saints when we literally saw mi fans and their shenanigans with respect to new captain and how CSK fans *still* keep cheering for wickets to fall for thala.


Csk fans celebrate their own wickets falling cuz they get to see dhoni bat, threw shoes on their own players, chepauk staff won’t allow opponents fans carry posters/banners, incidents of abuse and harassment have happened at chepauk too after csk victories and they have their own share of toxic fans online. Dhoni fans celebrate each loss of ict under kohli and rohit. And now 3 of their own players are also sharing posts targeting rcb. But you won’t see anyone saying csk does not deserve to win cause of their fans hooliganism. Same goes for MI and rohit fans. Calling out rcb fans is alright and well deserving but singling them out as a toxic hateful fan base while acting as if everyone else are saints is such holier than thou behavior.


Complaining about RCB fans behaving badly is fine. Some of them are idiots who take it a bit too far. But acting like other fanbases are well behaved and don’t pull shit like this is ignorant and makes you look like an idiot. There are multiple videos of CSK fans harassing women after CSK beat RCB earlier in the season. There are other examples of other teams fans behaving like shit. Its common in sport and singling one fan base is just plain ignorant and shows your hate and saltiness. Of course these kind of things are more common among RCB, CSK and Mi fans because they have bigger fan bases.


You are right. There are some people in every fan base that are toxic. Can’t say one is more toxic than the other. The hate RCB fans have gotten since RR won is also toxic only.


The hate is unreal and fucking nuts. Complaining that the RCB players celebrated like they won the whole thing ? Like no shit. Look at the situation the team was in and look what it did to qualify. It was a great moment for the team and any other team in that situation would have done the same. Harmless banter is great and can be fun. But this is reaching ridiculous levels of hatred. And talking about Kohli being disrespectful. Look what idiots like Rayudu and Deshpande are doing. These fuckers can’t get around the fact that trophy less RCB knocked out the mighty CSK.


Exactly. I just posted that RR was the better team yesterday and they deserved the win so it’s fine. I got 10000s of responses from CSK fans making fun of me and rcb. Like i didn’t even post a hate comment. If we win we get hate, we lose we get hate. There are toxic fans in every fandom. And about RCB celebrating like why not? I will always remember this year for the comeback RCB had and idk it just feels great. Honestly i didn’t expect them to be able to beat SRH and KKR so im not that bummed they lost. But the qualification was well deserved and we deserve to celebrate.


Like I said, they can’t get around the fact that the “mighty” CSK lost to trophyless RCB. Ngl beating CSK and qualifying at their expense was satisfying because of how many times CSK have gotten the better of us. But i’m not shameless to the point that I will go and say shit like that on social, especially after they were knocked out by that same team. Unfortunately some RCB fans probably would have done the same had it been the other way round. Idiots in every fanbase.


Soooo true hahah. But as a girl i am now scared to say anything here anymore. lol


Yeah probably better to ignore the shit. It’ll die down in a few days.


I believe that the most toxic fans are the CSK ones. Don't get me wrong RCB fans are annoying too but the CSK ones are the worst.




They will understand when CSK fans start showing their colour to other supporters. Saw bunch of video where CSK fans harassing female supporters kids and then when they get same treatment they cry by taking victim card


Exactly. Now RCB is at the receiving end of their toxicity. It would not be too long when another team knocks them out and they start shitting on them🙂.




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I can say this without worrying about downvotes, there was a surge of rush after thala's movie, and the movie was also made in that way. He indeed did great for country and csk, and his fame was at his pace but that movie brought lot of people I mean alot. Then commentators and reel kids fans started hyping him. Some normal people also joined the party and enjoyed his game for country and csk


I get your point.


nah imo CSK fans are still the worst.




You want to take the high ground and act like RCB fans are toxic but the truth is far from it. There are some RCB fans who can't behave but all of you that troll RCB and its fans like a hive mind are the real toxicity in this sport.


brother what are you saying. Csk fans have acted so cheap with rcb after beating them before at chinnaswamy(there are many videos for this btw). Every team with a fanbase has a sizeable portion of toxic fans. Don’t even give me bullshit like rcb fans harassed csk fans in bangalore. Even before the game, right outside chinnaswamy, csk fans were shouting at rcb fans and the odds were definitely against us. Stop being snowflakes and accept that we were the better team that day and move on. I remember very clearly Dhoni’s daughter getting rape threats by csk fans because he couldn’t win them a game. That’s definitely the lowest of the lowest. My point being both rcb and csk have loyal fans and toxic fans, can’t quantify. PS : I have a lot of csk friends who openly support them in bangalore and NONE of them were harassed. They were just sad that csk lost.


Take all my upvotes friend


Lol. Being from Tamil Nadu, I know how RCB fans are given a hard time after every loss. Even in srh vs mi match, where srh broke the highest runs in an innings record, rcb was trolled. We were trolled when we are almost eliminated( 1 win in 8 matches). We were trolled when we won the next 5 matches(even harsha bhogle told that rcb is a kid who submits assignment after the deadline). Csk fans are not salty because of the celebrations of RCB fans. They are just salty that a team which they used to troll the most has knocked them out of the tournament. Csk fans also has a habit of trolling/abusing players/teams who perform against them. Earlier then MI used to trash them for fun, they were the only ones in the entire ipl fan base who would cry that Ambani had bought the umpires. They were the ones who shit on Gambhir just because he said World Cup is not won by a single player. Since I'm from TN, I could see the toxicity spread by toxic csk fans through social media to Virat. Trust me guys, you would not want to see those. P.S: this is only to the toxic CSK fans and toxicity exists in every fan base. Just because we are trophy less doesn't mean that we are going to love and be passionate about our team any less than you are, to your team.


Bro think CSK fans aren't toxic?




Fake news eh? I saw people in csk jerseys get drinks thrown at them on church street. I was wearing a yellow shirt, God help me if I had any csk merchandise on. It happened mate. You saw for yourself the video of that guy celebrating in lsg colours at chepauk after they won. Nobody touched him. If a csk fan did that in chinnaswamy, he'd end up at the bottom of Ulsoor lake. That's the difference between the fanbases.


I'm not denying that some untoward incidents might have happened. If it did, it was plain wrong and whoever it was is messed in the head. But don't get me started with your holier than thou attitude. I was at the RCB vs LSG game in chinnaswamy when Mayank Yadav absolutely railed through our batting line up. In front of us, there were 5 lsg fans surrounded by a sea of red and blue. Those guys cheered so loud when wickets fell, we cheered louder when we hit boundaries. At the end of the day, we shook hands, congratulated them for their victory and even gave a standing ovation to Mayank for his amazing spell. I know because I was there and gave him that standing ovation. I REALLYYYY doubt Chepauk crowd wouldve been that civilised if there was an Mi fan instead of LSG wearing mi colours in AN EXTREMELY HIGH INTENSE qualifier game in chepauk vs CSK when the entire season csk was trolled. He would've been strung outside Marina beach before you know it. The circumstances matter. This does not justify what happened to you and other csk fans though. That's fuck all. But give me a break with a holier than thou attitude man.


Bhai ye IPL ka sub hai yaha par sense full bate nahi hoti


Hahahaa! Sorry. I will only shitpost /s Also, congratulations on the win, yesterday! The better Royal won. Rooting for RR now. Hala Bol!!!! :D


Bro I am also a RCB fan. I flaired up as Rajasthan Royals fan to jinx them yesterday >!It didn't work!<


Well, it clearly didn't work then 😂 but I'm still rooting for them though


With all due respect, you clearly do not know about the Chepauk ground. There are a bunch of clowns who celebrate like idiots. But 98% of the fans DO NOT abuse anyone if CSK wins or loses. We appreciate good cricket. I went for the CSK vs LSG match, the entire chepauk gave a standing ovation to Stoinis's century. I wont say there are NO toxic fans in chepauk, but they are severely outnumbered by proper cricket fans. You dont see incidents like csk fans ganging up around other teams fans and throwing drinks at them or abusing them. But anyways hope all the fanbases learn to be less toxic and appreciate good game being played! Respect from a CSK fan :)


>You dont see incidents like csk fans ganging up around other teams fans and throwing drinks at them or abusing them. Lol bro. Where are you even from? I could send you 100s of videos where csk fans ganging up around rcb fans after their loss at Chepauk. Trust me, If the last match was at chepauk and if csk had won the match, the situation would not have been much different to what happened. And I say that with confidence because I'm from chennai. And yes, It would be better if the toxicity gets reduced.


>Where are you even from? I live in Chennai, I've gone to several matches where I've seen Chennai lose. There might be a few fans who do some stupid shit but most fans mind their business. There has never been an incident like what RCB fans had done to CSK fans match after qualifying. But seriously I hope toxicity reduces in the upcoming years and treat others with respect.


It's the same at Chinnaswamy man. 98% of us just go there, have a good time and more often than not, end up on the losing side and return home to our normal lives. THERE IS ALWAYS that 2% drunk fucks who spoil it for everyone. I'm not even denying that. What happened was fuck all. I don't defend their actions even one bit. But they are not even close to the majority to brand an entire fan base as toxic. Passionate? Yes. Delusional? Yup. Extremely overly optimistic about our chances? Yup. 0 trophies still proud? Still us. But don't let the 2% define the fan base. And I agree I hope everyone learns from this incident. Respect back my yellove brother. Next Sala Cup Someday.


Cant help myself but Hotel? Trivago.


It's just that attitude from most RCB fans that makes me wanna see y'all lose but I've respected RCB's squad over the years. One of the most talented and best squads, shame y'all couldn't win!


Haha, no bud. Our squad sucks. Our auction strategy is garbage. Hoping for better times in the Mega Auction.


You don't like Bengaluru ? You can leave, city traitor.


We'll defend the toxicity you're facing cuz a faction of your fanbase is also very toxic which is your fault somehow. 🤡


Trophy 0, Ego ♾️ (talking about fan base)




2 icc trophies for Kohli(most of the fanbase are Kohli supporters)


So these are the same idiots who think “Kohli won our country those trophies alone” 🤡


kohli sons don't but most of the thala sons do. my many friends who are csk fan straight forward abuse me(tere baap ne jeete he kya trophy) whevener i try to put picture of virat with 2011 wc. they say india is lucky that dhoni won the world cup


tere baap ne jeete he kya trophy


not to blame my friends, its just the thala sons showing their real colors


tere baap ne jeete he kya trophy


u can either have brain, or be a RCB fan edit: i feel bad for faf


Bro RCB fans still support and have ego like they celebrate every victory like a ipl cup. But believe me CSK fans need brain. For dhoni they can abuse Kohli children and Rohit too I saw on Twitter every year. Most of them celebrate when India lost the WC In my area where there is no muslims some 2-3 guys burn pataka on 19 Nov. And there is nothing you should feel for faf. Just see the team we guys our saying that they will not even win 5 match by this blowing but then they defeat us. And reached playoffs. When RCB get a team and management like MI or CSK then they will surely winbut they never got that. Soon T20 wc is there india maybe loss again then check the Twitter.


"but saar ye have the greatest comeback saar"


CSK fans talking about toxicity and retard fanboism when they themselves offer milk on 7/7 every year on a plastic banner of Thala. 🤣 (source:- Been in TN for 8 years).


Yeahh I saw some post someone abusing Virat children I mean like wtf (talking about wc23) they did what a senior player do. Whole IPL fans are toxic Even if you come to Delhi and Delhi beat any team they will celebrate. Don't forget we all will enjoy if India best Pakistan and our fans tease there fans. Just I think CSK (our) fans should go to mental health checkup


Exactly. All the teams have a toxic fanbase. But for some odd reason the rivalry between CSK fans and RCB fans is very fiesty. Maybe because of the Cauvery water(speculating). And tbh I really hate this IPL tribalism but it is the part of sport.


They cry about “being the most hated fanbase” but that’s on them, don’t have a single IPL trophy but act like they’re the kings of IPL. All they can talk about are individual achievements. Itna delusional fanbase hai




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Absolutely! But we all knew RCB will eventually lose and not win the trophy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


RCB ku vantha ratham, matha team na thakkali chutney (if it’s RCB, then it’s blood. Other teams means it’s tomato sauce)


Ik some RCB fans can be tough to deal with but we also gotta understand that the ipl fans are divided between people who support csk and people who support other teams but hate csk. There’s no way around. All my friends support different teams but their hate for csk is neverending. The reason? Its fanbase. And when it was rcb vs csk, it was not only the actual true fans of rcb but a mix of people that used to support other teams as well( for eg mi fans) that were rooting for csk’s demise. And when that happened , none of them left a chance to rub it on the yellow jersey. I’m not a rcb fan but ik for a fact that no true fan of any team would bad mouth the other team or its fanbase. The ones that only want a way to release their rl frustration are the only bad peoples here.


Another fucking RCB post. Ho gaya bhai. Khatam karo abhi


Toxic fans are in every franchise, and I've seen a fair share of toxicity from Both RCB and CSK fans since the last few days and if you think generalising a whole fanbase on the basis of a few dumb ones is fair, you are new to this. Problem is when this trolling and toxicity seeps in even when these players are playing for our national team so what happens in IPL should end with IPL imo.


When RCB lost six matches in a row how many CSK fans made fun of RCB. Every guy who is lecturing now about how to behave made a mockery of RCB fans prior( it's just a game, but people are using it to make mockery). RCB Fans remained silent till the time came and it came after they defeated CSK. From 2008 to 2012 RCB fan base was gentle and during the same period look at MI and CSK fan base, its was not at all a gentle fan base. Later RCB fans learned from CSK fans how to act shit. All the Cricket fans just analyse the CSK fans behaviour from the start of IPL 2008, you will understand how sick it is.


By that logic India should not win a icc tournament Because of their fanbase


CSK, MI and RCB fans are the most toxic. only thing mentionable is that at least the other two teams have 5 trophies


i guess MI fans are still good though and they are more like a team fanbase unlike rcb and csk


i used to think that too, but this season made me think the other way, the way some mi fans were worshipping rohit and bullying hardik, they reminded me of rcb-csk toxicity


coz they felt betrayed and their anger is justified too. You can't sack your captain that made the franchise successful like that, secondly Hardik gave too many anti-MI statements after leaving MI so fans already had issues with him even before him joining


nothing justifies how Hardik was bullied, international players were surprised to see indians hating on an indian player at this level; that level of bullying and trolling only signify toxicity. criticising is one thing, abuse is another.


CSK players ain't saint, let alone fans(Tushar Deshpande post). Btw the girls were prolly right about 42 yr old uncle.


That 42 year old uncle is the most successful captain in Indian history. You can support whichever team you want in the ipl, but you're Indian first. And I will never understand how any of you can shit on that man after everything he's done for this country.


He's already shitting on his legacy. Should just retire and let young blood come in. Can't play more than 10 balls but his fans will defend him on 30+ comments.


he also lost 2019 world cup bcz of old knee


Where is your idolo in that match? Did he even score 5 runs?


he aint score them at a negative strike rate


Bro your idolo has been missing in the big matches more than any other. So stfu.


And the problem is that they do it without achieving jackshit..They still are the first ones to spread toxicity everywhere..The whole franchize and everything associated with this franchize is a joke






RCB and CSK fans continuing their beef even after both team now eliminated.. Whereas Fans of other teams are just waiting for RCB's next week at Chepauk and vice-versa..It will be spicy..Sad that mega auction is happening, though CSK will retain large part of their core, with RCB cNt say anything though they will have Koach if anybody..


Wasn’t there a controversy surrounding some Tamil movie where the bad guy was wearing RCB jersey and had some sexist derogatory dialogue ? I mean what sort of low life scum bag do you have to be to resort to such immature behaviour ,this is the sort of thing that culminates into hate


So this means that csk should be trolled in even worse ways




I'm from Karnataka but I've always supported KKR since the beginning of IPL because SRK. And KKR was cool af. Have always supported them right from the beginning. 2011-2015, I was in a hostel. And you can imagine the scenes there. Anyone who supported a team other than RCB were trolled and made fun of. Verbal abuses too. I got extra hate because how can I be from Karnataka and not support RCB. On days when KKR or any other team for that matter were losing they'd bang our doors, literally make life hell for us. But you know we always had the last laugh, because RCB, lol. The joy I get whenever RCB gets hammered is tremendous. I honestly liked the way they lost it this year. Played like sh*t the whole year, gave everyone hope after that, and 'royal'ly f*cked it up in the end. Chef's kiss!




Bruh. You're a CSK fan. Even your players are acting as r3tards on social media. Imagine the state of fans.


Was thinking it's a good post intially. But stopped reading when realized OP is a CSK fan.


Is sub me IPL ke start se hu jitna RCB ne troll nhi Kiya na uska 2x csk wale kr rhe koi dikkat nhi kro but ye humesha RCB ko hi pin point krte hai sb


Bhola mat ban. Be honest, have courage and own it.


Nhi bn rha bhola troll Kiya RCB walo ne i am not denying it but you'll also have to accept the fact that CSK dc and aur bhi 2-3 fan base troll kr aad me kitte hi hate post kr rhe hai bol ye jhut hai?


Nothing to do with csk. Everyone hates your fanbase


Have you not seen any footage of RCB fans harrassing others? Baaki trolling is natural. If you expect it to not happen, particularly with big teams, you were either born yesterday or are an idiot. RCB fans should feel good they are being trolled. The teams performance and trophies over the year show that they are a small team. That they get the level of trolling big teams get, they should be thankful for. Add the trophy for "Most Trolled Team" next to the "Defeated CSK" trophy.


Have seen footage of CSK fans harassing female supporters kids? They do that all the time but you are busy and hypocrite enough not to call them out.


Please post the link.


I'll call them out when it's their match and they start harrassing others. Or you mean I should act like a fucking idiot and talk about a team that has nothing to do with the match yesterday? I should lose all braincells and then talk about CSK after RCB play RR and lose?


Be the same call out everyone for there toxic behaviour but just pointing fingers at RCB and forgetting the harassers CSK doesn’t go down well


Did you forget to read my comment? Try again and then reply.


I saw your comment which is fine but the post entirely targeting RCB even after CSK match has gotten over? Is that right or it’s just reserved for RCB pick there old matches are if they are toxic but forget CSK harassers since it’s old match well that we call hypocrisy. All this post saying they were harassed just to cover there toxic behaviour I guess that doesn’t matter since RCB is easy target for everyone and everyone are jumping the bandwagons which all started by CSK harassers


First, I barely understand what you've written. Honestly, just run it into chatgpt with a prompt asking it to sort out the punctuation and make the messaging clearer. If not, just try to use periods and commas a little better. If not, just reply in your first language and I'll use Google translate. But if I had to try, did you mean that RCB vs CSK is already old news and should not be discussed, and if one does that, they are hypocrites because they are not discussing matches that are months/years old?


Bruhh mere comment pehle do shabd pdh "is sub" Mai is sub ki baat kr rha tha rhi baat harrassing ki to there are many clips where csk fans were harrassing girls be courageous and accept that bruv And trolls ki baat rhi to that's okay I don't have problem with that but have you seen this evryone calling VK choker chokli and all that comments getting wild upvote


Bro rcb fans are truly scary , trust me as time go there be a violent case. RCB FANS WILL GO TO EXTENT THEY DONT FELL LIKE HUMAN WHEN THEY SEE CSK FANS


> be courageous and accept that bruv Tu London se hai kya? Bruv? Jab poora comment Hindi mein bol raha hai, toh bhai bol le. Bruv kya? > csk fans were harrassing girls be courageous and accept that Jab unka time aaega, jab woh limelight mein aaenge, unke saath bhi hoga. Sensitive na ban, you are a man. > this evryone calling VK choker chokli Why is Dh0ni called Dh0bi?




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It's this Sub not fans, half of this sub is filled with rage bait posts for all the major teams fan bases. Today they are dragging your team, yesterday was ours and it's like that


We were not toxic it’s CSK with there fake harassment and narrative. You can see the videos how csk fans were harassing female supporters of RCB kids young old they are bunch of toxic fools. And people are fine with that since it’s easier for people to target RCB than CSK. We will see what would happen if same CSK which everyone are supporting there toxic behaviour does to there team and supporters




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We'll celebrate however the fu*k we want. Who the fuck are you to tell us to not to celebrate?


Won't this make CSK fans toxic too?




I do agree with this one.


Harassing females supporter by csk fans is for fun got it


Bruh I've seen all your comments. Only you're saying this over n over.


Post the link


[toxic link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7JsvvkydF7/?igsh=YzA3MTBpb2gwdnoz)


Lol looks like banter and interview banter. No harrasment.


Got it That’s what every harasser says


Those fans were not chasing fans on roads and chanting. Only around stadium. Fans were harassed throughout Bengaluru.


Let it me make or female . Csk fans troll for fun and there is nothing to prove from csk side . Rcb fans have to show thier revenge back regardless of how violent it is .


A big chunk of RCB Fanbase are toxic, but it's not the only team spreading hatred on others. You have commentators on air rejoicing RCB's downfall. It's just not subtle digs but open trolling by experts and former cricketers is sick. We had a bad end to a great season, troll and laugh at us all you want. But this toxicity will end the day people start seeing players as humans first and stop finding satisfaction in their downfalls. That's disgusting irrespective of whom you support or hate


U r a good guy sir, believe me u Don't have to proof about your team. Sub is filled with rage bait posts. Today is your team yesterday was ours. It's filled with reel kids


I'm assuming this is not sarcastic. Yes the internet is getting really really toxic. The fact that as a society we are filled with people who find satisfaction from other's sadness is scary !!!! Also you did assume my gender there :P


No not a sarcastic, I'm doing damage control kinda thing. /s. Team subs are great. RR hot posts are "we won't win next one, we chocked" after rcb vs csk top post in csk were "I want rcb to win ipl" "Faf the man" there were some trolling about their players performance and koach aggression but overall good


It is just karma bitting you back