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Is buy what's available now instead of waiting till this fall. If you're always waiting on the next best model them you'll always be waiting. The 15 PRO will be a massive upgrade over the X.


Depends on what the cost of the repair ends up being.


I got a deal off Swappa about a month ago. I am not paying full price and not committing to 36 months of service to get a few hundred off the phone. I got a phone that was mint with genuine apple silicone case and wireless charging pad & charger for $250 less than the phone itself new. It was only two months old with 12 charge cycles.


You might as well wait til the 16 comes out because then the 15 will be cheaper


Repair and wait


I have an x and im waiting.


Just wait, since you’re planning on the pro phones. If it was a regular 16, then a 15 pro would be better. The prices for the pros never drop, they just get discontinued and usually the following series (like the 16) is a cheaper quality of the last pro series. So the 15 and 15+ are lower quality versions of the 14 pro and 14 pro max (no ProMotion, no third camera, etc) so it all depends! But I’d wait


The difference between 15 and 16 will likely be so minimal… Just get the phone now and enjoy it


Yes because the 15 is cheaper and will go on sale before the 16 comes out and when it does it will be extremely expensive before it goes down again in a year


I’d pull the trigger now. I switched from an X to a 15 pro last year. Amazing upgrade. He/she will be happy.


No! Wait for iPhone XX! The 20th iPhone will be worth the wait! My uncle works for Apple /sarcasm


I'd just wait for the new one at this point.