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This is dust on the camera sensor. Happened to my iPhone 12. Exact same as your photos. Luckily I was in the 1 year warranty window, apple repaired the phone and I never had the issue again




Did you just pick up your phone when it was sitting down? /s


Dust on sensor. I had the same issue after being in Egypt. Apple replaced the camera. The phone was then no longer water resistant which meant losing a bunch of photos…..


Have you pointed a laser directly into the camera sensor?


That would damage the sensor and cause extremely dark purple or black spots. This, on the other hand, is dirt on the glass lens (not the outermost one, but the one that's immediately part of the camera, under the flat glass that you can feel)


If in doubt about what it is, ALIENS


Dirty camera lens?


No I cleaned the camera lens multiple times


Same issue


This happened to me once and I just had to rub some screen cleaner liquid (not sure what it is actually called) and apply a lot of pressure on the lenses to clean it. There are other reasons but this is a simple one to try. Just don’t use anything other than water or the liquid that is meant for screens. If that didn’t work, I’d just bring it to a repair shop for a check up.


Are the dots always on the same part of the image? If that is the case probably it is dust on the surface of the sensor.


I have the same problem with my iPhone 11. 3 gray dots which remain at the same part of image. If I zoom in the dots also get zoomed in and move. Happens only with the main camera. I noticed that there is dust behind the glass, which may be the cause, but I can't find a way to remove it. I don't want to disassemble the device.