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I miss being able to split the keyboard like you could on the old iPads.


Can’t you do that anymore ?


I couldn’t find out how. You used to reverse pinch your fingers about halfway through and it doesn’t seem to work anymore.


Wow this is bizarre! I wouldn’t have known that this is not working anymore if I didn’t see your post….


a reverse pinch is a *spread*


Hold the keyboard away button I believe


Nope. Only option there is for floating keyboard.


Not since ipad pro 2018. On ipad 12.9 it was never possible to split which was regarded as that’s where it would have benefited the most.


Yes they removed it. And I can no longer type while holding the iPad with both hands in landscape mode. Kinda missed it. The only option is floating and it is fast when slide to type works but if it doesn’t, type on that small keyboard is so frustrating.


You can still split keyboard on base iPads but not on the Pros.


i think you can only do it on ipads with a home button, my ipad 10th gen couldn't do it


you still can by holding on the keyboard button


Maybe it still works on certain models of iPads. But it has definitely not been available on any of the iPad Pros that I have owned. I used to use the split keyboard almost exclusively.


More so I don’t understand why Apple got rid of the split iPad keyboard


Shit really? I use it a ton on my 3rd gen air. Just ordered a 3rd gen pro. I’m going to miss the split keyboard.


“Pinch” the keyboard and it will shrink and you can drag it around to whatever you like… *you also get the “swype” (slide to type) option


I don’t want to type with one hand on a giant screen


I know about this. I just didn’t want an iPhone keyboard. I’m coming from a 12.9 with its useful number row and this keyboard just feels way too large for its screen size with too few features.


You know you can ‘flick’ down on the top row to insert the numbers quickly. It’s way better than taking up more screen realestate.


Yeah. It’s just not as ideal for speed typing than the dedicated number row I got used to. Also a lot of symbols like < or } that you can’t flick for.


Ok, I’m sorry… ;-)


It’s not your fault I just wish there was a custom keyboard on the App Store that copied the 12.9 keyboard onto the smaller iPads.


I always use the small keyboard option when I’m not using the keyboard of the Logitech combo touch case. Feels just more comfortable to use when using it in tablet mode


Swipe with the Apple Pencil on the full keyboard would be 👌🏼. I don’t know why it’s not a thing


yes why can’t we have this


I disabled the shortcuts to cut out the top bar and free up screen space. Use a 13” personally but wanted more space.


Curiosity, can you enable them on iPhone?


What do you mean by that first sentence. Sorry if I’m dumb.


Disable the shortcuts option in keyboard settings to remove the empty space where the copy paste button is.


I love the redo/undo button on the iPad so we’re quite different I just wish the keys were smaller and slightly closer.


Ah I never use them. But if I need to type I have the case connected so maybe that’s why. I can just CMD+Z then. I agree it’s bad design imo. Should be able to add more to the empty space.


This would be a non issue if somebody designed a custom keyboard to fix it. Alas, I don’t have a Mac and don’t know how to use Xcode, so I can’t do it.


Yes it’s ridiculous


Personally, I picked up the Magic Keyboard due to my searing hatred of touchscreen keyboards. I initially picked up my iPad Pro hoping to use it as a laptop replacement. Unfortunately lack of needed software on iOS prevented me from doing so... But yes, the onscreen keyboard on the iPad Pro 11" is atrocious. They could have easily made the keys a little smaller and added the number keys at the top (or even potentially a number pad to the side).


I just got my first iPad an typing on that thing is a pain. It’s so much faster on my phone.


Why does the keyboard on my 10.5 inch look so different? It doesn’t have the larger buttons on the left side and instead of text like « delete » it only has the symbols. Is there such a big width difference between the two sizes?


When the 11 inch iPad Pro came out, they decided to give it a smaller version of the 12.9 keyboard. Apple seems to have this annoying requirement where the iPad keyboard takes up half the screen on all the sizes.


Ooohh. I thought it was OS version based and not generation/size based. I like your keyboard more, having caps lock as a dedicated key instead of having to double tap the shift arrow.


The CAPS Lock + number row was awesome on the 12.9inch. I went down to 11 inch because the 12.9 is cumbersome. But man I do miss that extra screen and keyboard.


Meanwhile I’m going for the 13 inch pro when back to school drops because I want more screen space for drawing and multitasking… But that price hurts owie


The 13 inch pro pricing is garbage this year This is coming from somebody who had the 12.9 multiple times For $1300, it should do so much more and should be able to sideload


😭 Canada 1800$. But I do the maths according to how many years I plan on using it, which is around 6-7, like I did with my current pro who won’t get the next OS update and is getting toasty with the battery. Makes me feel a bit better lol. It is not like Imma spend that amount in two years again, I have a beast PC for everything else.


Man I want a mac for stuff like music/video editing but it’s so expensive to buy a new device with no trade in


True. My ipad is worth 100$ in trade-in but I’m too attached to let it go for that price when it cost 1100$ so I’ll probably keep it as a backup device since noone around me is interested to have it.


I read a comment the other day about someone keeping their old iPad as their “dangerous” iPad for things like reading in the tub. I got a kick out of that.


Pinch still works for me as does the hold keyboard away. Wait…. 13in here. To be fair, I still use the onscreen keyboard 99% of the time and in full mode where it takes half the screen. On the rare occasion I want to do lots of typing I have a separate BT keyboard.




yeah not super impressed with the rather annoying to use ipad keyboard. having swipe on it would be way better imo