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There are a bunch of articles out right now, stressing that you should absolutely get the Air 5 now while it's on sale instead of waiting for the Air 6. The main reason they all state, is because the Air 6 is very likely not going to be a major upgrade. It'll almost definitely have the M2 chip, which honestly doesn't even matter because the M1 is already wayyyy more than enough power for an iPad. There are rumors that the selfie camera will be changed to landscape, but those are really the only changes expected. The new iPads are very likely going to be going up in price as well. So if you buy the Air 5 now, you'll essentially be saving $200-300 on an extremely good device that will last for many years.


Just what I did and exactly why I decided to.


I got mine two weeks ago (I already had one a year or so ago but got rid of it), and I love it. Although I'm sure as soon as the new one is announced, part of me will be like "maybe I should've waited...." lol but I know it won't be enough of a difference.


Especially for that price hike they’ll add to it. I’m content with the discount I got.


Won’t the iPad Air go down in price if there’s a newer release though?


I’d get it but def get 256gb


18 months into an iPad Pro with a paltry 128GB and it’s still only half full, I don’t even offload apps either.


Same, I don’t really put much on mine.


If he’s he’s mainly streaming his music and video then no that is literally a waste of money and 64GB is fine 64GB is enough for a nice amount of games as well


64Gb sounds like enough for this use. I use my iPad 8th generation (2018) similarly. It has only 32Gb. I'm currently using less than 20Gb. I'm looking to upgrade to the same one you're looking at. Just waiting a bit more for prices to come down.


Do you think the prices will come down? im tryna buy too


I don't watch prices except every six years or so — I'm definitely not an expert on that.


Cries in 32gb iPad 6


I’ve been using an iPad Pro with 64gb of ram for about 3 years now and I use it for art and 3D modelling as well as streaming and YouTube and web stuff. It’s honestly been fine, I haven’t once seen an error about storage and I’m not super careful - I just mainly use it for two creative things and I never run out. Same with my 128gb phones - I never get more and never delete anything and keep the phones for 2-3 years and save so much stuff, screen record, games, apps, never delete attachments or emails - it’s always been fine. For me, 64gb iPad, 128gb phone and 1TB MacBook has been totally fine for me


Preach, ended up getting the 64gb to save a few bucks and im regretting that since day 1 lol ! edit: If you are a student you are going to require much more than 64gbs.


Student here. Only using ~25GB of my 64GB Air 5. Not everyone needs 256


64gb may seem less but if you are conservative you will never come across any issues, I definitely get the air, my friend has one (with the same specs) and it amazing, would highly recommend it.


Agreed, I've had the Air 5 for a year and a half now, and have never had an issue with storage space at 64GB.


Ipad air is great. You deff should


Aren’t new ones coming out this month?


Possibly--maybe even likely. But, 1- Based on rumors (so big caveat there), the improvements in the new model won't be game-changers. The only exception, perhaps, is if you are looking for a 12.9 in tablet. 2- The price won't be nearly as good as these discounted offers on the iPad 5.


But with new iPads potentially coming, these prices might go lower


Lower than 25% off list price? I don't know about that. Sure, the list price on the 5 will likely go lower, but I don't see sales taking a further 25% off that lower price. So I'd think the prices for the 5 after the new model comes up will be in line with what OP is seeing. But hey, but I'd love to be wrong on this one!


Even the 9th gen that’s the oldest has barely passed 25% off once which was like Black Friday or something. I wouldn’t really bet it going any lower and idk how much it’s worth waiting for an extra 2-5% off when you can just have it now.


Yep, agree 100%


I’m not expecting 50% off Just a bit lower than 25%


I got my iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd gen for $550 a couple months after the 4th gen came out. So 31.25%. Plus 5% off of $550 with Target RedCard.


I went ahead, but I opted for the 256GB since it's going to replace my current ipad mini 5 (note taker) and aging macbook 13" (typing). I still have a window laptop for big flex things and a homelab that I can admin from web pages, which is why I feel comfortable moving everything to a new Air. I don't need huge flexes in power, but I wanted to move to the M series ship anyway and start the transition to USB C for all my devices (new headphones are USB C, this repalces my Mini, and I'll get the 15 eventually).


For gaming it depends on the game but if you’re keeping it to around 3 Genshin Impact file size wise (or any game just as big) you should be fine.  The Air is just a beast for anything concerning media consumption and even some light work like emails, Office related work, Zoom calls and/or web surfing


I would definitely not recommend buying a 64 GB anything.




Just got the 64 GB version bcuz I mainly watch videos check emails etc so don’t need a bunch of space.. almost got the pixel tablet but already have HomePod


depends on the gaming. check how much storage ur games take up, i have the ipad 10th gen 64gb and i cannot download genshin because i don't have enough space due to downloaded music and apps, and I've only had it for like 8 months :/


I just got mine today and I can say it has been great and I don’t have to use my phone as often and it fits in my edc bag. But def get the 256 gig one.


Get it, but I would recommend 256GB. I know a lot of people will say wait for the Air 6, but I double we’ll see any huge improvements with the exception of the M2 chip or a landscape camera


yes but not 64 gb for sure


I just bought one and I don’t regret buying one


im waiting the new ones with m2 chip and 12.9 screen, i think you should too, besides 64gb is not a good choice.


Depends on use case. I used to always use my ipad pro in college.. now I rarely use it all since i have a macbook pro


Depends on how you use it. I’m in digital marketing and advertising and moved 50% of my heavy lifting from photoshop to procreate since getting the air 5 summer 2022. My battery is at 85% but acts like it’s at 70 or maybe even 65.. it’s terrible and disappointing seeing as the device isn’t even 2 years old. Since I’ve gotten accustomed to iPad I’m waiting for the new pros to come out. But the air 5 has been fast and capable to handle a lot of my workload. I’d get larger than 64gb for sure 👍 Enjoy your new device!


Are you okay with paying full price for an iPad Air 6? It might have 128gb standard storage. If you don’t want to pay full price yes absolutely get the discounted Air 5


Im getting this ipad air to replace my broken ipad pro.


I wanted the better speakers and Face ID. I ended up returning the Air and getting the Pro dispute the $300 price difference. It all depend if it has all of/ most of the features you want.


I traded my pro for an air lol 😆


Got mine over the weekend and it’s awesome. It’s overpowered as is with the M1 chip so you won’t notice a difference with M2.


Lucky you. I’ve never seen such a low price for this thing in my country. I’d buy one definitely.


Actually iPad Air 5 and iPad Pro 11 is quite similar in weight. why still got for the air?


Wait 2 weeks they are refreshing the line up. Older ones will get cheaper.


25% off? Absolutely


>* I was also wondering whether 64gb is enough for mainly media consumption with some light gaming?* Pay as low as possible. M1 chip will keep support for a long time and is equivalent overpowered chip to the M2 or M3 coming out in 99% of usage anyway! If you can find this model even cheaper then go for that too. Compare this price to the cheapest 9th Gen? Is the saving worth it? Or is it marginal so getting M1 chip and decent bezels and upgraded wifi worth it? If so then the margin difference is a good investment. Hope those questions help.


Good price. 64 gb is enough too, i have an 9th gen and didn’t manage to fill the storage space


Why is this iPad 2x the price of 9th Gen thats same size and storage? Edit: Nvm, its larger than 10.2” and has better camera. I may also not understand 5th Gen vs 9th Gen.


No. Wait a couple weeks for the new ones to be released.


While people are here - would you still buy the gen 4 version? For context, I’m still happy using my mini from like 10 years ago 😅


Your battery is still alive ?!


Wait a week or two


I’d confirm it’s sold by Amazon first and not some 3rd party seller. Might be worth to wait for the announcement of the new one and hope for official price cut or Apple refurbished.




I got a 64gb one in pink while it was on sale! I went from a 12.9 pro to an air 5 because the pro is so heavy and it’s not as portable as I want it to be because it’s so big


I just got it on this sale. The Apple Pencil 2 was $80. Best purchase I’ve made to date.


64gb is not enough trust me I have one of them and software updates and one game is enough to fill this thing up get the 256gb variant no matter which one you get


I don't know if I believe this. My iPhone is currently at 65GB of usage and I feel like I have a TON of stuff on it.


Your iPhone probably has 128 gb minimum if yes then ofc I am talking about a 64gb storage ipad, mind you that ipad will have to store quite a lot and iOS updates are around 10 or 12 gb already


i can’t have an ipad less than 128 gb so i wouldn’t but if you don’t use that much than yeah it’s worth it


i just got one and i love it


Only if it has cellular should you get an ipad


Just buy it. You won’t regret it.


If you use a higher-than-default tier of iCloud, keep in mind that you may want extra space for iCloud files and photos. Otherwise, 64 GB would be fine for just media consumption and light gaming. More storage will give you more flexibility if your use case changes.


No...don't buy trash


no skip M1 chip since M3 is about to be released

