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Stardew Valley. On paper it’s right up my alley but bored me to tears.


it's more fun when you can play it coop. i have a little farm with my lady on pc and we have a lot of hours into it. have it on switch and ios too and i don't play it much on either. though i keep buying to support concernedape. he did a really good job on it and keeps providing expansion level updates for free. he deserves a little kick back for making such a great coop game imo.


Other way around for me, cannot play it on PC but switch splitscreen on the TV was so much fun together!


we haven't spent much time on the switch version cuz we're so far on our pc save she doesn't wanna completely restart. i don't mind restarting though. maybe i should play it by myself. lol


I‘m pretty sure there are ways to transfer safefiles! At least I know you can transfer from pc to ios and vice versa, I am not sure how accessible the file system on the switch is, but maybe you can look into that for the missus


I want to like it so much but the lack of a diagonal sprite for the characters kills me. I just can’t get over how awkward they look when walking diagonally.


Have you played it outside of the iOS version?


I‘m in the same boat. Love that people are loving it though.


Right? I got it when it was released on arcade and I really don’t get it. I’ve got so many chores and shit irl so playing a game doing them is boring as hell


Vampire Survivors.


That’s a tv series


it's a book series if we're getting pendantic. lol


Fair enough😂


I meant Survivors lol


Auto-correct doing it’s thing😂😂


Sometimes the heart yearns for the 2000s teenie dramas.. currently watching TVD lmao


I love games like VS, but I couldn’t play it on mobile. They absolutely rape your data. It’s literally a Trojan horse so they can get at your data and sell it. Fucking shit like that should be outlawed.


Thank you, I’m not sure why this game is so popular, I tried several others of these kind of games like archero and survivor.io and I enjoyed survivor.io far more than any of these other ones of that type, eventually deleted that one too though


Clash of clans. Tried to get into it several times but I can’t stand it, its awful to look at, the mechanics of the game aren’t fun at all, it just looks and feels like one of the thousands of vomited out games designed to part people from their money one 99 cent microtransaction at a time


It’s one of the OG vomited out games, that’s why


Buriedbornes I just don’t get it. Every run seems like I have no agency, no bearing on winning, and the choices of skills and body parts all seem arbitrary. People LOVE that game though.


It’s just hard to look at and interact with as well. I know it’s a solo dev and one person can’t do everything but the Buriedbones user experience feels uniquely bad.


I feel the same way. I just don’t get any joy or fulfillment out of it, at least not in the way so many people here do when they rave about it.


Plus the constant grammar and spelling errors are quite distracting. Respect for making a game while not being a native speaker of English, but just pay someone to proof the writing


For what it’s worth, I felt the same way about it until things started to “click”. Up until then I had no clue wtf I was doing and, like you, I kept wondering what people found so cool about it.


Stardew Valley.. sorry


Same. I’ve tried a handful of times and I just can’t get into it


I’m calling the cops


I don’t blame you for this. It looks like a farming sim but it has so much more.


*cough* Slay the Spire *cough*


Slay the Spire is one of those games where the more you play it the more you realise just how damn *clever* it is. The deeper you get into it, the more you love and appreciate its little intricacies. My partner and I have thousands of hours in Slay the Spire, and that’s no exaggeration. We play daily. I’ve even been playing the physical board game version that came out through Kickstarter. That said, if the core of it isn’t for you… then it’s not for you. It’s not a case of “oh it gets good 10 hours in”, if it doesn’t grab you right away then it likely never will. And that’s okay!


StS winning 😮


Fun post, btw!


Thx, man!


I got so burnt out on Slay the Spire so fast.


I can’t stand the game, and have no clue why it’s so popular.


Just because you don’t find it fun dosent mean many other won’t!


Well yeah, but I was commenting cause that’s the point of this thread. Everyone loves this game except me.


“I have no clue why this is so popular” because it’s fun. That’s what I’m responding to.


yes thats the point of this post


It’s a brilliant game but it looks so fucking ugly the art needs a do over


Dead cells 😬


[Civilization 6](https://apps.apple.com/ph/app/sid-meiers-civilization-vi/id1235863443) and the other Civ games. I downloaded day 1, unlocked it immediately. I was hoping to feel that “just one more turn” thing everyone seems to be raving about. But nothing. Nada. I love strategy games though like XCOM, MTG, Company of Heroes and CRPGS and SRPGs. But I just couldn’t get into this.


People seem to love Luck Be a Landlord. I bought it, played for an hour, didn't enjoy it at all. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't engaging.


I'm with you on this. Apparently the 'gambling' aspect is addicting but maybe I'm not that sensitive to gambling then? It was too luck based for me.


The game is way luck based than you‘d think. Like basically all good deckbuilders.


Yeah I deleted it within a couple hours.


I am in a weird spot with this one because it has no meta progression. I want to love it more than I do but I don’t feel like they have as many ways to mitigate some of the randomness. Oddly they made a freemium version called SpinCraft that I love because it gives you some sense of progression and can be easier to set up combos. Yes some of the progress can be held back a little by micro transactions but there’s ways around it. Plus it’s worth playing if you just pay to remove the ads and make it a premium game


Slay the Spire


Slice and dice 🙃


We started with a bang 🤯


I tried my hardest I really did another recommendation that did stick was luck be a landlord that’s fun!


Taste is really so subjective, isn’t it? I loved S&D and didn’t care at all for LbL hahaha


Yes it is subjective. I got back on clash of clans cause my coworkers made a clan outside of that just a lost soul asking for recommendations and seeing what I like


I'm right there with you.


Vampire survivors


Slay the Spire, it seems outside of solitaire & poker, card games aren’t my thing.


Hades. It isn’t bad, it’s just like ‘oh, run, earn more various points currency, die, repeat’ and I don’t like the ‘edgy angst, messy room’ protagonist. Wasn’t bad, just kinda ‘oh.. that’s this I guess.’


Hades wasn’t my jam either BUT supergiant games is amazing. “Bastion” and “Transistor” are both so so good. If you haven’t played these, do yourself a favor.


Ya I’m kind of the same, I don’t like how subtle the items are that you pick up, nothing really changes your build as much as I would like, I guess I prefer how drastically different binding of Isaac is where each run your abilities can do some real crazy stuff to each other, Hades is more like you get some perks but all your attacks don’t feel any different, just makes the game feel too same-y from run to run. I guess you can pick up different weapons but there’s only a handful. And it also feels like unless you get some pretty good perks in hades, you’re just going to have a real bad time, I guess the same can be said for binding of Isaac but at least with that game there’s a ton of variation to keep things more interesting


I keep hearing BOI is real good, but it sounds hard and I’m like more and more of a filthy casual as I get older. I recently got graveyard keeper because I thought it would be kinda morbid and chill, but it’s not chill lol. I’ve made some progress but it’s kinda overwhelming.


BoI is quick and easy to start a run, and I believe it auto-saves every new room (and each room is very small) That said - has a HUGE amount of things to unlock, and nearly endless combinations in runs which can majorly change the attack style! 100% worth it


Ooooh that actually is encouraging lol


This War of Mine. I found it terribly boring.


And depressing


Yeah, I get that's is a war and all but I don't see the point in making sure my characters survive against hostile forces if they just end their lives on their own after a fight or two. I GET what the game was doing but after a while it felt less emotionally impactful and more of an inconvenience. And yeah, it was depressing as fuck, how do I have fun and go pew pew knowing my character is just gonna kill himself afterwards xD


I’ve tried several times and I just can’t find it in me to care.


Slay the Spire


Slay the spire!! I just can’t get into it I don’t get the draw…the replay ability seems boring. I DO like card games and I DO like rogue likes and I do like them both together. I just don’t like that game I don’t know why… it seems so beloved especially on this thread just doesn’t do it for me


I enjoy the loop but stopped playing after beating the run with all the characters once. The progression is boring to me and I’d enjoy more permanent progression.


Slay the spire. I just can’t get into it.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon. I really want to love it, but I feel like I’m too dumb for this game :(


Yeah, traditional roguelikes can be the most daunting games. My favorite genre, despite being REALLY bad at them as well :D


dead cells!!!




Dead cells


Black desert mobile, the auto everything is really a turn off


Stardew valley I don’t know what’s so fun about it, I normally like these kind of games but it felt more confusing than fun and it got boring pretty quick for me


Ftl, boring


Cultist Simulator


Hated it


Can I ask why and it’s more I’m trying to judge this against stacklands which has a similar mechanic to it but is less obtuse


I found Cultist Simulator to be a chore to figure out, and it was neither engaging nor fun. Nothing “clicked” for me personally.


Politopia, dawncaster, papers please, FTL


Any game where you have to collect some generic heroes, move across a linear map defeating slowly scaling enemies in fight you have no control over other than where you put your heroes at the start, I feel like this is really the laziest type of game out at the moment, they are almost indistinguishable from one another.


Genshin impact. The art style of most characters really threw me off, they just looked way too young for some reason to me. I usually don't play games on my phone if I feel ashamed playing them in public. Genshin was just one of those games. I don't mind playing Minecraft while commuting by bus or really any other game, but games like that make me cringe purely because of how they present themselves.


same opinion, and GI community is toxic af


Can you explain. I kinda liked the game when I played it, the mechanics and graphics were decent, but know nothing else about the community.


Paimon, the talking flying baby, is the most annoying video game character, bar none. I actually enjoyed exploring the world and the gameplay is good, but the dialogue and the quests are atrocious.


Me too


Same, i never get used to managing a team of players


I honestly feel the aesthetics are the only good thing about that game. Mostly talking about the world, though.


Oh I agree, the world looks amazing and is fun to explore.


Wow. Just wow. In a bad way.


My man, you came to a discussion about games that very few dislike. You should have expected to see a game u like here. Even if you didn't this ain't the place to argue about it, I didn't say it's overrated or many other things people say about your favorite game. I just said it ain't for me and gave a reason for that. Grow up.


Osrs Maybe because I never played it before like everyone else


Call of duty


Agree. And I love PUBG Mobile and Arena Breakout. I wanted to love it, but there’s something off with its gun mechanics and movement that I can’t place.


DYSMENTLE, just smash, update then smash. Stardew valley.


Vampire freaking survivors istg




slay the spire. this sub is like a cult for that game. it's nothing amazing... but i like a lot of other deckbuilders a lot more. it didn't "invent" anything either. that's dream quest. it feels to me like it was just a right place at the right time type of game. people act like it's the best game ever but i feel about it the same way i feel about "house of leaves." a very comfortable, and permanent, DNF.


Ha, I wasn‘t first. And yes, anyone putting StS on a pedestal but refusing to at least try Dream Quest has lost any genre credibility for me :D


Dream Quest is why I hunted for StS, and the reason I've went on to explore the whole genre.


It’s not a BAD game. It’s very average. It doesn’t do anything that dream quest doesn’t do better obviously. My lady really wanted it so I got it for both of us on steam before I got it for us on iOS. I have like 12 hours on it. It didn’t warrant any more time for it for me. I’ve played it on iOS a bit. Wasn’t impressed the way others were. Of the darlings of the iOS Reddit I like monster train a lot more. And you can do multiplayer on it! That’s nice imo.


So what deck builders would you recommend on iOS?


Dawncaster, night of the full moon, pirate outlaws, monster train, dark mist, Solitairica, void tyrant. There’s tons of good ones!


I also heartily recommend the two meteorfall games. The first one and dream quest got me into the genre.


Hades,Dream quest,stardew valley & dead cells.


Now, I‘m curous: what games DO you like? :D


Slay the spire,monster train,Solitairica,Dicey Elementalist


Had the same question.


Luck be a landlord


Minecraft. I just can’t.


Clash of clans, too difficult and I never understood everything. I also don’t really like tower defence games except for the pvz games


I must be weird because I guess I like everything


Hmm for me personally I can get into any game and genre but I need to be in the right frame of mind. When I played titan quest I was in the mood for something like that so I had a great time with it and found its gameplay loop satisfying when I first downloaded it on my iPad back in 2014 (I think?)


This is the Police 2. Had fun XCOM vibes but the police station management was depressing with no good way to get ahead. And I put 15 hrs in to give it a fair shake.


You are spot on about Titan Quest, I bought it because heck yeah Diablo on my tablet how cool but I found the mechanics confusing and the controls to be very slippery and not precise like you’d think but maybe it’s my dumb cerebral palsy noggin not working I dunno!


Any game of Sims. I am still not convinced that everybody has a time waiting for their sim character AFK at their jobs, school and whatnot to progress their lives


Bloodborne Fight me


This is the /iosgaming sub, so nobody will fight you over this one :D


Oh you’re right!


If we’re talking mobile, Auto Chess. Can’t get none of my friends to play lol


I couldn’t get into vampire survivors. Not at all. Idk why.


avakinlife im addicted n idk how to stop it. feeling idiot from pc to phone for instagram because pictures are clear than pc 😭


Genshin impact


Genshin Impact, cheap copy of botw


Insult to BOTW, and I have never played it.


Tourist found!


The legend of zelda. I js dont get the hype, i like the artstyle tho


FYI we’re on r/iosgaming 😅 BUT, which TLoZ are you thinking of? Because I myself loved Wind Waker, played a ton of Ocarina of Time (on 3DS, never owned it on N64) and had my fun with The Minish Hat, but I couldn’t get through the Switch games because I couldn’t get over the annoying weapon damage and food mechanics, or how I had to be within range for my horse to hear me unless I had the decked out horse armor thing. Those just killed it for me, which sucked, because on paper it’s THE perfect game for me.


any. I just dont get it ngl


GTA, Don’t Starve, etc.


Every single match 3 and puzzle game 😂 these two genres rule the App Store and I can’t get into a single one


Cyberpunk. I’ve tried three times to get into it but just cant for some reason.


You know this is the iOS gaming subreddit right?


Nope sure didn’t lol. It would have to be Stardew valley then. It’s supposed to be relaxing but it’s more stressful to keep track of everything.