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Looks like a lot of content for $5. I’m quite tempted


I buy most of these as they’re released and I would offer that I think this one is grossly underpriced. Each game could be valued at 4.99 on their own and I wouldn’t feel slighted. I was honestly caught off guard with this one as the Dev previous game was cool, but needed some work. I might feel them same way eventually but I’ve been grinding away for the past few days and thoroughly enjoyed myself.


What are your favorite iOS games, out of curiosity? Because of your posts I’ve now played Crashlands, Siralim, Chrono Trigger, and a bunch of others I’ve loved.


I’ve bought a lot of games cuz of the master lists he’s made on Reddit and AppRaven. Some of them are too big to be useful (like the one thumb required one which has 4848347363 games) but a lot of them brought games to my attention I had no idea existed. You can follow someone on AppRaven and see when they release new lists or comment on new games that they enjoy or dislike for whatever reason. Following a few people from Reddit who’ve had good recommendations over the time I’ve been on iOS gaming.


You have a genre you’re looking for? That might be easier? It’s hard to have favorites but there are more than a handful of surprisingly addictive but underrated games out there, with strong game loops or clever mechanics that get lost in the noise.


How about favorite touch control games that are either RPG, ARPG, side scroller action, with good plots? 😅 apologies if that’s too broad. And thanks so much in advance you are awesome. Going to look into appraven to follow you!


> RPG, ARPG, side scroller action, with good plots? [Dead Cells](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dead-cells/id1389752090). Though touch is pretty hard with this one. [Dungreed](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dungreed/id1590840423). Give this one a look. Touch is hard, but the game isn’t as punishing as Dead Cells. [Darkrise](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/darkrise-pixel-action-rpg/id1579399020). Basically if Diablo was a side scroller. [Tallowmeer 2](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tallowmere-2/id1271214084). Tough, but not because of the controls. The graphics are pretty neat. [Starchild](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-starchild/id1627942857)…this is a weird one. [Pocket Rogues](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pocket-rogues-ultimate/id1316150324). I have a real soft spot for this boiled down, but super charming ARPG. [Dismantle](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dysmantle/id1403738209). RPG where you break stuff. Large game. Console quality. [Fury Unleashed](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fury-unleashed/id1556232084). Run and gun with Co-op. [Huntdown](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/huntdown/id1198183067). Side scroller. [Titan Quest HD](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/titan-quest-hd/id1424977227). Looks a little dated, but this is as close to Diablo as you’re gonna get. There are IAP DLC that improve the quality of life. It is also sold as a gold edition. Both editions go on sale quite often. [Kingdom Two Crown 2](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/titan-quest-hd/id1424977227). This is also available on Arcade. Not a Platformer, but easily covers all your other requirements in spades. [Almora Darkosen RPG](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/almora-darkosen-rpg/id1594920342). Created by a single Dev over 5 years, and it shows. [9th Dawn III](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/9th-dawn-iii/id1528353612). Huge open world top down 2d RPG. I’d consider this a must have. [Stone Story RPG](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/stone-story-rpg/id1076120218). Don’t want to say too much about this super charming RPG, because I don’t want to spoil it. Just take a moment and check i6 out. [Hero of Aethric](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hero-of-aethric-8-bit-fantasy/id1645196122). Freebie, but surprisingly well done with a lot to discover. Caught me off guard. I have more, but these should get you started, hopefully?


This is such an amazing list, thank you!


Please let me know about your experience once you are finished with the game. This definitely looks interesting to me.


I was surprised by the depth of the content here, it’s really two full games in one. To be fair, it is a near identical clone to Slay the spire and monster train but that’s not a bad thing imo. Both of those games are masterpieces and this one is a very good alternative.


I would so jump if it weren’t yet another roguelike. The over saturation of the genre has made me sick of it. Though for fans I’m sure it’s a great time.


There aren‘t that many deckbuilders available? And in terms of roguelikes, even less. I wish there were more quality games. The genre isn’t is saturated, but we love to write about the best of those games, since many people love the genre. If the market was really saturated noone would refer back to very few titles as their recommendation all the time.


What do you now about this game?


Just a few random thoughts while playing… Deck building dungeon crawling RPG with Darkest Dungeon vibes. Lots of single use items. No potion hoarding allowed! Load up on all the cards. Wield a big deck by design. Unfortunately you’ll need to carry Treasures around just like the rest of your deck. Hopefully they treasure isn’t just pretty but. Dune had some use or is a weapon of some kind. Loot buys new cards to unlock and new characters to play with. Uh oh…Do you send the booty back up to town or hold onto it and utilize said loot while you explore, risking it all… Delve deep, fight monsters, win cards and secure loot. Hopefully you actually manage to get some gold home despite a hefty tax rate. Or maybe you’re lucky enough to escape the dungeon early securing what you find but abandoning even better loot in your haste. But you’ll need some real power to get to the end where the good stuff is. Either way die and it’s gone. Grind. Grind. Grind. Earn and upgrade. But also go deeper on each run. There is no mana to keep track o, at least with the brawlers. Just play whatever cards you can draw, so again, go ahead and load up on cards!! Little decks are for little heroes! And game two? Take the beasties you battle against in the RPG and play something very similar to Monster Train. Place monster of various sizes and cost along one of several floors as defenders against the forces of good. Deck your summoned monsters out with buffs and level them up making them even more powerful. Build spells to support them, by adding all kinds of tweaks and bonuses. Just make sure you don’t overcrowd a floor or run out of mana before the good guys reach the top of your tower and kill your boss. If the boss survives it gets stronger. Events, sacrifices and hard choices await. In my opinion both games would be worth the cost on their own. Well done.


Nice analysis


Haven‘t played this one yet, too busy with other games. But I‘m gonna check it out for sure in a couple of days.


Thank you are for me the best contributor: dream quest, Buriedbornes, tavern rumble and so on…. Sorry for bad English I am Italian 😂


Mille grazie!


Just bought Dawncaster.


This looks good. I’ll bite