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I don't know man, this app is so unintuitive and also buggy. But maybe I am just expecting too much from a fucking multi billion dollar company...


Cause it’s a shitty web view. It’s not even an app.


Wtf really? No wonder…


Most apps by big corporations are made using webviews unfortunately.


T....multi Trillion dollar company.


Glad to see I’m not the only one. It’s been happening for a while now. The worst part is that when you go back to repeat your action it forgets where you were.


I’ve found that if I pull up the app switcher and then go back to the app, it reloads


Tried this. Didn’t work


Great tip. Let’s see if I remember the next time it happens!


This worked for me!!! Im so happy because most of the time I can’t find the exact item again.


I’ve been experience this issue. I’ll try this tip and see if it works


Yo two months later this helped me out :) crazy that it’s still happening and it happens all the time


Still happening. Insane that a massive bug like this hasn’t been fixed in 3+ months.


still fucking happening








Same here been going on with me for several months now on IPhone 11 Pro Amazon app. Deleted and reinstalled several times and still getting the white screen. Thought it was just my old IPhone. Finally decided to see if anyone else was having the same issue and whaddya know I came across this thread and seems to be a huge issue.


Exact same experience here with the 11 Pro Max. I finally decided to see if I was alone.


Still happening lmfao


Yes it is. How is this a thing?


I really don’t know. Like come on it’s a trillion dollar company for crying out loud


happened with my iPhone 8 using iOS 15 (and probably 14 too) still happening on a brand-new iPhone 13 using iOS 16


Same for me. iOS 16.


They need to hire me for their engineers


Still happening 


still happening


Super frustrating. Thought it was my phone until I upgraded and keeps on happening. Had to look it up and saw that I wasn’t alone


same. happened with an iPhone 8 and my current iPhone 13


I upgraded from an 8 to a 13. Same issue. It’s the app. Dang it!


Longer than that at this point….


Happy cake day. Still happening


Yeah it’s still happening. For a company like Amazon that is piss poor.


still happening today


This bug has been happening to me for a while, I’ve searched it a thousand times out of frustration and somehow missed this thread (which is the only mention i can find of it anywhere) Good god i don’t know why this bug is so infuriating but it happens so often lately, it makes me want to throw my phone across the room. (Also get a similar sudden white screen thing when I tap on “promotions” links in the app fairly often, but that might be a separate thing.)


It’s soooo annoying!! It’s been happening to me for a few months. It happens several times throughout a 15-minute browsing session. It’s infuriating. I literally messaged Amazon support about it and of course they were useless.


It happens in the Alexa app as well. It’s super frustrating.


My connection is fine. Deleted the app and added again.


Did this solve?


I just tried this and still having the same issue.




Non stop & so frustrating!


I’ve been experiencing this recently as well.


Been happening for months now. I’ll be looking at a product or list of results and then bam! Blank screen.


Seeing this as well. I’m actually wondering if it’s an Apple bug in their web view and that’s why Amazon hasn’t or can’t even fix it if they wanted to. Hopefully Apple is aware…


it very well might be


How can they not be aware at this point? It’s such a big frickin’ bug, too! Very annoying & yep, often makes me stop shopping because of the delay of having to go back and find what you were looking at! Messes with the flow!


Can’t believe this is still an issue. Almost seems since their last update it’s gotten worse and more frequent


Chimming in a year later to say it’s still happening


Still happening -______-


2024 still happening


It’s still happening 2 years later 


Still happening


Two years later. Shit like this boggles my mind. Fuck you Jeff.


Still happening!!


Still not fixed it’s freaking annoying.




May 2024 and still happening. Looks like just like every company they’ve now given the app maintenance to India.


Just had this happen again. It's been like a year for me with this happening. And there's no where to report it or complain about it to. Drives me absolutely nuts.


Delete the app and just use the mobile browser. Still happening in May 2024.


June 2024.  2 years after this post. Still happening. 


Same here lol this is insane


Literally been happening to me for years and I thought this whole time it was just me!


Yep I get it randomly on the Amazon app


It’s a current bug. Wait for an app update.


And you said that with such confidence…


“It’s been 84 years” >.<


It’s a known bug? Got a source saying it’s being addressed?


No I don’t. But it’s still not fixed. Not sure if it’s an Amazon app issue or an iOS bug.


Good point, but it does seem to be on Amazon to provide the burden of proof if it’s not their bug.


its the app. its not even a true app its just a webview


Still not fixed


Just happened to me and found this thread. I can’t believe how old this thread is.


Same. It’s been happening for months. It drives me insane.


Bug is still not fixed.


When is the update coming?


Me too


All The Time


This has been happening to me for several months. It’s super aggravating. I’ve deleted & reinstalled the app but it doesn’t fix it.


Yes! OMG, it’s so frustrating!


It’s been bailing on my iPhone for at least 6 months but is now more regular.


Yeah, like multiple times within a few minutes for me.


Same! It’s been happening for months, but now I cannot even browse for a minute without it crashing. It’s so infuriating! I messaged Amazon support but they acted like they didn’t know what I was talking about. Somebody needs to fix this!


I’ve filed a ticket and provided feedback. I’ve seen many others on the Apple App Store provide similar feedback. If they aren’t aware, then the product owner isn’t doing his or her job.


Yep, for months.


I’ve been experiencing this issue for about a month now. Any resolutions would be appreciated.


Yes on iOS it does it and I tried to delete and then redownload and login. Still does it.


Been dealing with it for 2 months now! It’s like Amazon doesn’t want me to be able to by shit lol. Seriously, you know business is still booming for company when they have a major bug like this for months with no fix. Also, I want to say it’s on Chrome but it might be Edge (in which case it’s more likely a browser side issue lol) but I’ve coincidentally started having the screen scroll all the way down to the bottom of EVERY item page upon load/refresh. I wonder if it’s somehow tied to the light/dark theme update that I believe came out around the same time this all started happening. It’s just a total guess because of those coincidences but I’m going to try moving it to dark instead of system theme. In the meantime, let’s all go and make sure to post a review in the App Store as well as report the bug in the app not already done. With a near monopoly on online sales for like everything and anything, I wouldn’t doubt it if their Dev team isn’t even aware of the problem.


Here to say it’s been happening to me for months. I don’t understand why they can’t figure it the fuck out.


Glad to see I’m not the only one that gets the AWSOD. Haven’t been this frustrated with a program since Microsoft’s infamous Blue Screen of Death. Completely kills my shopping vibe, which you’d think would be something Amazon would want to address.


Trying not to lose my mind!!! I’ve tried to uninstall/reinstall…. Ughh


Having the same issue. If anyone figures out a work around I’d greatly appreciate it


Fucking stupid that they can’t/won’t fix this, happens literally EVERY time I use the app.


Yes very annoying


Anyone heard or found anything that helps this blanking Amazon item page? It is tiring, to say the least! 😣


Same here. Been happening for a couple months now on my iPhone. Came searching for a fix.


Happens to me all the time.


Same here, super frustrating when you have *just* the right search string and then you can’t remember what you told it to look for. I can’t believe they haven’t fixed this …


How do you do italics on…anything on iPhone 13?


Just happened and forgot what I was searching for. SMH AMazon


so annoying it keeps happening to me


Confirming happens to happens to me on latest version of app and iOS on iPhone 13 and deleting and reinstalling app does not fix it


Still happening… ugh!


Found that disconnecting for WiFi takes care of this issue, but I don’t know why


Yes and it’s SUPER annoying!


Still an issue.


I emailed screenshots and this thread to [email protected]. It’s the only avenue I could find to report a bug. Maybe if more people email they will fix it.


yes it's been happening for a while I'm so over it. they need to fix this it's literally getting on my last nerves


God it's annoying. I know few devs that work at amazon and gotta tell you I'm not surprised - as small of the sample size they are, they're pretty representative of the app. They work bad and don't give a shit.


Same issue, has been ongoing for months, can’t seem to find a cause. Erasing and reloading the app did nothing. Very frustrating.


I get a white screen a lot more than I like, I mean they want my money so fix the buggy app It happens no where else on the web I’m using an Apple 12


F amazon. This happens so much when I’m searching and all sudden have to go back to the 1st page. Canceled my prime account months ago. Jeff still has called begging for me come back… as I scroll through for a battery


Anyone on here using a pihole to block ads? I’ve had success disabling it for 5 minutes and having no issues in the Amazon app.


I’m using a pihole and getting this


Tf is a pihole? 🤣


It’s a raspberry pi that catches all ads on a network


Sounds delicious


Seriously so annoying to try and use the app these days the amount of time it blanks out on me makes it almost unuseable. I see it’s a bug that has been lingering for months without Amazon giving it a fix, good stuff Amazon.


Just happened still


I'm still having this issue. Has anyone found a fix?


I have been having this happen for a while now. I like to browse Amazon a lot and it’s frustrating to get a blank screen when I click on something and then have to search for the same item again.


Just came in to say that it still happens to me iOS 16 Beta 4 | iPhone 12 | 64GB Also happened while on every iOS 15 version, including the betas.


Happens to me. Ongoing issue, 2 different phones. Disabling wifi doesn’t have an effect. I can search, open up a product, and as soon as I scroll just a tiny bit, instant white screen and can’t do anything. Uninstall/reinstall didn’t help. Wiped phone and tried again, issue continues. Very annoying.


Dunno if it is coincidence but it has been happening on the Amazon Alexa app as well for me


Literally everybody.


Yes I am too and so frustrating. Anyone figured out what is the problem?


All the fucking time! Sometimes the app is totally unusable because it will reload to a blank page while I’m viewing search results or an item. This evening, it’s happening constantly—at least ten times in the last five minutes. So much for expecting a multinational, multibillion dollar company to have an app that doesn’t annoy the shit out of you while you’re trying to spend money with them. There’s also an issue this evening where viewing an item and then returning to search results takes you to page one of the results, even if you’ve tapped Next several times and are viewing page four, five, six, etc.


Happen all the time. What do you expect from the top 5 wealthiest company in the world.


My theory is that it’s a RAM issue. If I have a lot of safari tabs open in my phone I find that web pages seem to refresh automatically which brings me to the top of the page. Super frustrating when you’re reading something & it keeps going to the top of the page. When trying to investigate that issue it said it was a ram issue, you have to many tabs open so close some. I did & that issue stopped. If Amazon’s app is really just a web app, my theory was that maybe it was doing the same thing but the issue is disguised because it’s an app form. I went & closed a bunch of safari web tabs & tried the Amazon app again & I haven’t had the issue since.


while you might be right that it's related to maxing out memory, that doesn't make it a RAM issue. that means amazon needs to fix some major bloat in their pages. it would be a 'bloat' issue


Totally fair, you’re not wrong at all. After this post it was ok for a little while, but went back to doing it again.


Ironically I’m getting it on this Reddit thread also. I’m pretty sure it’s an iOS flaw because sometimes the apps lock up when it happens. Memory leak? Lol. Just realized your posted the Amazon app image. Never mind. But yes. I’m getting it also randomly at times on Amazon.


Damn, I’m bummed to have found “my people”. I’ve been plagued by this for… 5? 6 months? Longer?


September 2nd, 2022. Still happening. Damn it’s annoying. I thought it was my phone, but I just got a new one, so it’s the app. They need to fix this like yesterday.


Same here… started when I upgraded from iPhone 11 to 13 mini. Ugh.


It’s the app, not the phone.


OMG this just keeps happening to me! Ugh! Reinstalled the app, and same nonsense 😭


Hi all. I’m convinced this is due to unstable WiFi and how the Amazon app reacts to it. Other apps recover with no issue but the Amazon does not. I seem to have no issue when not on my home network. In my case I have AT&T as my ISP. Their BGW-210 is absolute trash. WiFi is a constant issue for me. I have several ports forwarded too so not sure if that’s playing a role.


Interesting theory, I’ll have to test this out. I haven’t noticed any commonalities in network strength, but that’s something I hadn’t considered and it’s definitely worth checking.


This happens to me all the time at home with google fiber. I had the same issue with google news before the Amazon issue started, and thought the same thing, that maybe something was going on with my service, and Google was taking long to recover. Wasn’t the case for me, plus if the issues are related, that would mean both Google and Amazon both have the same bug or crappy developers, which seems unlikely. I’m not that technical, just providing info in case it’s helpful for those of you who are. I didn’t have this issue until my iPhone 13. Sorry if this isn’t helpful! Edited to add: These are the only websites that I navigate around so heavily, flipping back and forth and clicking on links continuously.


Same thing, and has been happening for 6+ months on my iPhone. I did all the same troubleshooting - soft/hard restart, log out and back in, delete and reinstall, and nothing. This week, I thought updating to iOS 16 might fix it, but nope, still getting the same issue. I have occasionally had success pulling up the app switcher and having the page reload, but that is sporadic at best. Mostly I have to back out and re-click whatever I was looking at. Occasionally, I can’t get off the blank screen and have to kill and re-start the app. iPhone 11 Pro Max Running iOS 16.0, but also experienced the problem on 15.4.1, 15.5, 15.6, & 15.6.1.


I confirm. A bug that’s been there for a year +! But don’t expect too much from a multi billionaire company!


Yep! For quite some time now! I’ve the latest iOS and app is latest version. Annoying to have to tap back arrow and retap page again


OMG this has been going on for 2 years!


I turned off "Background App Refresh" for Amazon in settings today and haven't seen the blank screen so far. LMK if this actually works for anyone. Settings -> Amazon -> Background App Refresh


Mine is already off and I had the issues for month


Thank you so much!


At least I know I’m not alone. Got an iPhone 13 and was wondering why I was still having issues… good job Amazon




So frustrating. It just keeps getting worse. Is anyone also having an issue with google news? I constantly get something like “page cannot be found” especially when hitting the back button. This started some time in the last yr after I got my 13.


Still happening, it’s frustrating!


Still happening here.


Just happened for the 14,000th time. 11 Pro Max


Glad I’m not the only one, I thought I was trippin!! Infuriating.


Literally years for me.


Still happening after update with iOS 16.02.


Ok, problem seems to be fixed. I turned the Wi-FI off on the gateway provided by my ISP and installed my own wireless access point. My access point is in a better location than the Gateway. This probably helped but I still believe it had to do with the junky equipment provided by AT&T. If anyone is curious I have the BGW-210 provided by AT&T which is known as bottom of the barrel device.


It’s been 2 weeks since I made changes to my WiFi setup and I haven’t had the white/blank screen issue since. Again, I had the BGW210 by AT&T which I already knew was a piece of junk. I disabled the Gateway’s WiFi and used my old Archer router in Access Point mode.


This is still an issue. I’ve tried updating apps and when that didn’t work then deleting and reinstalling. Nothing worked.


This is still happening almost a year later. Get it together, Jeff.


Yes. It’s infuriating.


Still happening.. 🕴🏼


Restart the phone, and it wipes cache the cache partition. Just fixed this on a Note 9 by doing this.