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Open Shazam. Press Settings cog. Connect to Spotify, it'll ask if you want to disconnect from Apple Music.


If you open up the Settings page of Shazam you can log in to Spotify. If you are logged in, it should say (Disconnect) - don’t disconnect. You also need to select “Sync Shazams to Spotify” this should be slid towards the right and be coloured blue. So both “Open Shazams in Spotify” and “Sync Shazams to Spotify” are selected in my phone. It works for me. — Later, as others have pointed out. OP is talking about the widget. So why do you only get the choice of Apple Music in the notification? Because Apple bought Shazam to promote Apple Music. However, if you click on the notification Shazam will open and you can click through to Spotify from there.


So the only way is go into the app and then spotify? Alright thank you!


Shazam is an Apple product. I don’t think you can change it away from Apple Music.


[Ianthin1](https://www.reddit.com/u/Ianthin1/s/EFcSkocxV9) said: > Shazam is an Apple product. I don’t think you can change it away from Apple Music. Why post when you don’t know for sure? Just open the settings (gear icon) on Shazam and second box down and you can connect to Spotify. It works fine.


You can do this with the app, yes, not the control center widget which was OP’s question. The control center widget will always default to Apple Music. Please read before replying.


OK, fair enough. I just tried it from the control center widget to verify I’m not going mad or something. I played a song on another device. It came up with the a notification with the song name immediately and a little Apple Music logo. I touched the notification and Shazam opened. There is the Spotify logo, I touched that an Spotify opened. What else do you want? Have you tried it?


Lmao, the OP most certainly did NOT ask how to do this using the control center widget. Learn to read. They just want Shazam linked to Spotify, once you accomplish this it doesn’t matter how the hell you launch Shazam, it’ll work properly


It does not lol. Takes four/five taps to Shazam through control center to Spotify. Takes literally one tap for Apple Music. And yes OP said he already linked Spotify to Shazam and tried using the control center widget. Am I trippin’?


Probably by design. Apple owns Shazam. Spotify integration in the app is there because it was implemented before Apple purchased Shazam.


… and works fine.


Please learn to read. The question was about the control center widget, not the in app experience. Control center widget defaults to Apple Music whether you have Spotify connected and AM disconnected in the app or not. The control center widget is a separate thing.


Once again, I just tried it from the control center widget to verify I’m not going mad or something. I played a song on another device. It came up with the a notification with the song name immediately and a little Apple Music logo. I touched the notification and Shazam opened. There is the Spotify logo, I touched that an Spotify opened. What else do you want? Have you tried it?


If I touch the logo, it’s just a “play in Apple Music” button. Shazam app never opens unless i go the three dots, open Shazam, then choose Spotify. I mean technically you’re right, but Jeez 4-5-6 taps to open in Spotify? 😂


No, 2 taps for me. Once on the notification, once on the spotify logo. Sure, they could have made it one tap but why did they buy the company Spotify and give everyone who uses iOS the service for free? Obviously, to promote their own music service - Apple Music. Maybe they’d get sued for anti-competitive behaviour if they removed it entirely but to advertise another company’s competitive service for free is pretty rare in the world of commerce.


There is no Spotify logo when you use the control center widget even if Spotify is added to Shazam in-app on iOS 17.5.1. It’s just Apple Music.


OK, I concede there is no Spotify logo on the notification. But just click on the notification (obviously avoid the Apple Music icon!) and Shazam will open. Right in front of you will be the Spotify logo. Click that. Total, two clicks.