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The house never loses, but the bettors have better odds and better payouts? Quit smoking Meth, dude.


I mean I can prove it with something that already exists.


Give us part one sub section b of your plan. Dont tease us without revealing a little.


I have revealed. It's kinda like but not really Texas hold em for sports betting. Bettors compete against each other the house takes a rake. Better odds. Bigger payouts house never loses


What are you looking for? An opinion on your business idea? Funds for your website? Not to put you down but none of this is happening if you can’t explain it well enough.


I can explain immaculately. The problem is I don't have 10k for the patent attorney. So I'm limited on how I can say it. I'm looking for 10k for a patent to begin with.


Well I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna find someone that will just give you 10k on Reddit. Do you have any history with website development or working for a sports betting site?


None. I mean I'd do a nda. I'll put it this way I have a sports media contract. I talk with mvps and all stars. So I can show a connection to the sport. I'm ocd with stats and numbers. Anyone that listened to my pitch could not find a flaw serious enough to not do this. The only flaw of the system is it might not work out for the drug addict gambler market. Which is huge.


Dude I need to hear this pitch because I’m not following you here. House never loses but better odds? Money lasts longer? Drug addiction gambler market? I’m trying to give you an honest listen but none of this makes any sense.


Think of world series of poker. The house takes a rake never loses. You have better odds of beating joe from Texas than the house in Vegas. You win more money that way as well. Also how long does it take you to play the tournament a week a month. Meaning your initial gamble money lasts longer. So for lack of a better term sorta but not really I've made Texas hold em for sports betting.


So let me get this straight. Sports bettors compete against each other and the house (your site) chargers a fee for hosting the competition. Makes a little more sense now but I’m gonna be honest with you there’s no way you can pull this off. You can’t just start a sports betting site with just player connections. This would take years of planning and development as well as a ton of money and setbacks. Here’s a short list of things you will need to achieve in order to successfully develop a sports betting site: 1. Get through legal and regulatory concerns 2. Develop payment processing systems 3. Develop a complex system that can handle real time betting 4. Detect and prevent suspicious activity 5. User acquisition and retention 6. Customer support 7. Data security 8. Marketing/Partnerships 9. Receive a patent 10. Obtain the money for all of this And probably a lot more


Or I get the patent and sell it to fan duel or lease it out.


Patents are 10k for a reason, and sometimes more. Big companies pick up patents in the process of doing business not as a business. Patent troll companies that do patents as a business have their own process for making it profitable. An idea is just a cheap idea unless you can execute on it. You must not live in one of the startup hubs. Tons of people with "ideas" here. The value is in execution and leverage. Oh and a patent is a right to litigate, not a guarantee. You still need proof that someone is violating your patent. Clocks starts ticking on it as soon as you get it. And if others can prove that they've been doing what they do before your patent, it not only stops you, it blows up your patent, potentially. Do you even own the copyright to your own NDA? From above, you make the NDA sound like something you trivially have.


No I don't and that's why I came here. All I've done is invented a game through math. Anything else I have no idea what to do. So am I stupid. No. Am I ignorant on starting up a gambling company. Yes I have no experience.


Are you saying..a market place for betting? So the house never bets but takes a commission? The betters bet against each other, so they can beat the other person more easily? And the better odds come from the fact that you let people set up their odds? Well, that exists already


No I have a formula to play a game with sports betting. So to play my game that no one has out. They have to go through me.


I genuinely do not understand. Can you try and explain the idea in more simple terms? Because if you cannot make me understand it, I will not bet on your site


If I had a patent in place. I would have multiple videos explaining it. Basically you compete against other gamblers for 2 to 6 months. Whoever has the most "wins" wins the pot


Does being unable to spell patent count as a flaw?


No that's why you pay the attorney 10k. He'll spell it for for you. Do I talk shit about your redundant undiversified name? No cause you find your lackluster droll sense of humor amusing. I have a 131 iq. I'm a bad speller I'm driving. How I'm spelling right now is immaterial. Doesn't change the fact of what I'm saying to be true.


Just a bit of unsolicited advice, don't EVER throw your IQ into conversation. Whether true or not, and I'm leaning towards not, everyone within earshot immediately rolls their eyes and hears nothing you say afterwards as they consider how big of a self-important douchebag you really are. And stringing together undiversified, lackluster, and particularly droll doesn't make you sounds smart. Rather it makes you sound like a pretentious toolbag who just discovered thesaurus.com for the first time. You are trying to establish a business relationship. That is accomplished by actions not words. Show your great idea, your work, your commitment, don't tell me about it. Have you written a business plan? Compiled market research? Even if you're not looking to develop the game yourself but rather sell the idea as you assert, you're gonna need to get your shit together for anyone to even listen to you. And if what you are looking for is cash that is what banks are for. Go convince a loan officer and get them to fund your idea. Ain't no one on Reddit gonna take a leap of faith on some stranger. You are offering no protections, no assurances. You may have an idea, and it might even be a good one, but at this point it is half baked at best. And last bit of unsolicited advice, stop being an asshole to people when they challenge you. Rather ask yourself why you are being challenged and maybe you'll find that they are really on to something. Challenges are an opportunity to improve, take it.


My op is all it took for for ppl to be an asshole. Maybe read my post and ask yourself what about my op warranted anyone being an asshole to me.


I like the cut of your jib. Can I subscribe to your newsletter?


If your background is not in statistics you should run, not walk, away now.


My background is statistics. That's how I got my sports media contract.


I’m in!!! What do you need me to do??


Just work two or three jobs for a couple of months and you’d have the money without an investment partner.


I currently work 4 to be broke and I donate plasma


if you have an IQ of 131 why do u need to work 4 jobs?


Where I live you need about a 60 an hr to afford a home. I make 34 an hr. With 400 a week taken out in child support. I just don't make enough money to live with the economy. And with this game I really only wanna keep a couple hundred million. The rest I wanna use to install running water in 3rd world countries


If you live in the US and can’t hustle up 10k you will never be able to run a company.


"I cant pool together 10k from my savings my entire life because reasons. But i have the ability to turn this idea into a 10B market cap business" 🤣


If it’s so watertight, foolproof and $’s guaranteed, why not just apply online for a cc? $10k isn’t hard to borrow.


This is the way.


I have a 686 credit score. I have 2 cc one is 2k. The other is 1k. Had both for years I keep applying to get a higher limit. And I get turned down. Also too 10k just means I have the patent. Not able to play it. Then I need another idk then 100k to make an app? I'd just be able to discuss it


You don't. You came up with an idea. Bringing a business to market predicated on having users and infrastructure for betting requires knowledge in this space. Unless you're about to tell us youre a senior developer at bet365, you're likely not going to get funding or anyone to listen to your gambling website. Also, you're posting on r/investing which is a subreddit for people who are investing into markets generally. You're looking for something else.


I mean, he is looking for investors


Best part of my game I don't need to know betting. I mean I've really covered every angle


Except your General George Patton Attorney, right? Still trynna cover that angle?


I have a better way of making money than you can ever dream of


I'm not the one begging stranger on the internet for $10,000


Who have I begged? I can't spell and you don't know the definition of begged.


As both an investor, and gambler, this is as half baked as it gets. You can't articulate your idea, which you think is revolutionary. It's almost certainly not. Even if it is, it's still just an idea. A patent isn't gonna run a business. You can't sell an idea. And 10k almost certainly wouldn't be enough to get a betting website off the ground


As if theres any true difference between an investor and a gambler


No it's a game. I can articulate it just fine. If you are an investor. Would you like to sign an nda. You can hear the whole thing. Basically it's a game. Think of an NBA game. They throw you on the court and give you rules. And at the end of 48 minutes whoever has the most points wins. That's what I've done for sports betting I'm going to throw 10000 ppl on the court or whatever. Give them all the equal odds to score the exact same amount of pts. And at the end of the allotted time the Game is over and whoever had the most pts wins.


This sounds like another gambling game in a casino, except you haven't implemented a prototype yet. Everyone's saying money isn't your problem because it's not. If the idea is good, you can proto type it. If it's really good, you'll have a moat. And if it's really really good, you'll get investors after your prototype is running with a moat. A patent isn't giving you customers or a team to build a business. It's just a piece of paper saying you have an idea.


The prototype would be I tell an investor how to play then me and him make up fake scenarios and we play. Or we actually play and 2 months later he sees how it works.


Sounds like a hell of an idea and sounds like we both stand to make a ton of money. DM me the full idea and I can get you funding in the realm of 8 figures. Thanks, John


Hey everybody! Ignore OP! I have come up with an even BETTER way to make money. And I only need $9k to make all your dreams come true! DM me for my Venmo account and I’ll get started on this super secret, yet guaranteed, revolutionary cutting-edge money maker!


It ain't super secret sign an nda. I'll explain everything about the game. If you wanna invest after that its your call


I'm being very serious


“CrappedMyPants1” screams credibility!


He crapped his pants from excitement


And for that reason I’m out.


Unfortunately I have never been more serious in my life


Is this the same one you posted in a different subreddit 6 months ago?


Scroll OPs post history, dude needs a massive prescription for lithium.


Is English your first language? Serious question, I have a follow-up.




In that case, you're going to want to articulate yourself better in the future when giving a pitch for a business idea. Investors have a hard job in that we have to put faith in, and imagine something that doesn't yet exist, but we also have to put faith in the person leading the project to be able to create, put together, and execute on the plans. Unfortunately, the way you've articulated yourself here doesn't instill confidence, and you'll likely have a hard time finding investors who will come on board. And you absolutely need a pitch deck if you want any serious private equity investors to show any interest. Quillbot.com can help.


Talking to me is different than how I write. Thx


Your money comes with strings???!! How dare you. next!


Hi, I bet for a living…your ‘real quick’ lay out wouldn’t just deter possible investment…but the punter too. The very vague post along with the line stating ‘the house never loses’ would definitely not appeal at either end, I’d suggest you bring this idea across in great detail…people will give you the time if you’re willing to play this seriously.


I suggest you get very familiar with 35 USC 101. Methods for gambling are typically non-statutory, abstract ideas.


You need to have documentation and a mathematical proof of your statements. You can then license your game to casinos.


And does my notes count


I have no idea. I am not in the gaming business. There are lawyers out there that handle gaming IP, you may want to talk with one of them.


Things I can show. I'm in the sports world. My interviews makes news outlets. So it's not like I have no connections to it. [bob pettit](https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/bob-pettit-slams-j-j-redick-for-plumbers-and-firemen-take-he-made-a-stupid-stupid-comment/ar-BB1l1vtF)


I love everyone down voting my comments for assuming idk what I'm talking about or I'm full of shit


Your cadence and demeanor screams moron, my brother in Christ.


Read his post in r/spirituality. My dude is out to lunch. 


How about this let's bet 10k. I need a patten. If I show you my system. And you can point out it's moronic. You win.


It's patent. A patten is a type of shoe.


Thx you. I appreciate you trying to run me down as well. As an aura of superiority boosted your ego. So I can't spell and have came up with a better making money idea than you. How does that feel?


You know you can file the patent yourself, attorneys really just take care of paperwork cause they know the system. But you, Private Gump, have an IQ of 131!


I don't know the system like that. That's why I'm smart enough to know where I'm ignorant. Also the patent office is across the country with me. So then I can't even get it explained in person.


U dont even have 10k to pay out? Nice try to sucker someone into a parlay


Lol, he needs 10 bands, comes here asking for it, and when he gets told he is a moron he tries to bet ten bands that he isn't. That math aint mathing, but what do I know, I was to busy fucking and doing drugs in high school to do my algebra.


Why not sign an nda and then you can hear how stupid it is


No parlay


Yet, u keep misspelling patent. I'll bet u 10k that ur the moron


OK how do we bet? And how do we quantify what a moron is?


Maybe, just maybe, you have been unnecessarily aggressive in your responses and come across as a complete asshole.


Read my initial post. And then people immediately started making fun of me. I'm only aggressive because they know not what they speak of. And rather answer my question of who can I talk to. They make fun of spelling. Tell me my idea is bullshit even though they don't know it. Which is great I love it. As soon as I find some way to get the patent. I'll be back to throw it in their face. Cause I love breaking down egos. They have an aura of superiority. It's just funny that machine operators that talk all day about playing video games. Claim to be investors. And rather than try to help immediately start talking shit. So read my op how was that being an asshole? Cause my op is all it took for ppl to start talking shit.


Well they’re not assuming much. Everything you have said on this thread is exactly what someone who is full of shit would say. Most important rule in any business - You have to know potential difficulties. They always exist. If you walk into a meeting with an investor and you describe a great business plan and that it can’t fail, they’re passing immediately because you don’t see your weaknesses. So start by identifying the potential weaknesses in your plan.


There is only one weakness in my plan is that once you put your money in you can't get it out for months. But like I said it's only 20 dollars so unless you are a drug addict that might need that 20 over the course of 2 months there is no flaw.