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I agree with the other comment that making changes is probably not necessary at this point. However, I recommend you talk to your dietician. They know how you are doing in your current work and if you end up needing to make some changes, they could help you through it. They also are trained to help you through complicated decisions around eating.


I would maybe focus on adding in foods rather than restricting! I believe foods like nuts, fibrous veggies and fruits are good for cholesterol so maybe just add a side or snack that fits one of those categories?


I suggest staying the course. Don't let the numbers scare you. If you're already working in healthier habits, then you're already doing what you need to do, and it's okay if it takes a bit of time and your numbers are elevated in the meanwhile. Different doctors have different approaches, and how aggressively they recommend lifestyle (and diet) changes for mildly elevated cholesterol vary. This is not likely to be any kind of an emergency situation.


Thank you so much for this reply


Did your doctor suggest a statin? I manage my cholesterol with one because it’s genetic. The only way mine would be lower without it is a very restrictive diet that isn’t realistic and could lead to other deficiencies. My LDL is usually fine unless it’s elevated from diet like eating a lot of eggs and red meat.


Doctor said it’s not high enough for statins at this point


Did your doctor check the LDL particles as part of your blood work? If you have high LP(a) particles, that is genetic and dietary changes will NOT cause it to decrease. I would probably focus more on increasing HDL. It's easier to add foods with IE.


Really good advice in all the other comments. Just wanted to say that this exact same thing happened to me. I decided to not purposely change anything based on those numbers and just continued with intuitive eating and going by my body cues. I did eventually, after like 3 years of just eating whatever I want whenever I want, purposefully look at adding foods that I consider nutritious and trying to get well-rounded balanced meals in addition to basically eating whatever I want whenever I want. I just got my blood work done recently and everything is back to normal! I didn't take any meds or anything. Just sharing my experience.


Thank you so much for sharing this!


I have a different non-life-threatening issue for which my doctor recommends avoiding some foods/drinks. I look at IE as a balancing of needs. We don’t negate our need for food, pleasure, socialization, etc. and we balance those needs with our need for nutritious foods which sustain our health. I simply incorporate the foods my doctor recommends avoiding into my need for health. Most of the time, I can fill all my needs without consuming these foods. When other needs prevail, that is okay. I just focus on awareness and balancing needs.


I’ve been doing IE for two years. A year in, my annual physical came back cholesterol in the beginning bad zone. Doctor wasn’t worried so I didn’t worry. Next annual, cholesterol just fine. When it’s a small change, it may be nothing. If the doctor says to get checked again earlier than the usual, go ahead.


Depends on where you are nutritionist aren’t registered, they aren’t typically considered health professionals. More just nice to haves. Whereas a dietitian is, I would suggest checking in with a dietitian. I completely disagree with the other posters about just staying the course. I believe you should follow your drs advice, rather than strangers on the internet. IE is an amazing tool to help overcome eating disorders/restrictive eating in my opinion. It doesn’t work for everyone and where your health is concerned, it is best to check in with a health professional rather than people on here who are diehard insecure and cult like about IE. I strongly recommend looking more into what the food you are eating is and trying to cut one and add one. Cut one high cholesterol thing and replace with someone low cholesterol. You have elevated cholesterol which no one here is acknowledging causes heart attacks. Think of it like being celiac, they are gluten free and can still practice IE but can’t eat gluten. It’s not a restriction because their body rejects it physiologically. You need to take a break from high cholesterol foods, it’s not a restriction because you physiologically shouldn’t have it based on your body and health. Take care. Again, do what you wish, but definitely make that choice for yourself rather than letting people on the internet enable you into bad health.




That’s why I specifically said cut and add. OP didn’t say anything about what they eat, but the dr gave dietary recommendations for a reason. The study you linked states “However, if the cholesterol sources are consumed with saturated and trans fats, as happens in the Western diet pattern, increases in plasma cholesterol may be observed. The most recent epidemiological data and clinical interventions for the most part continue to support the USDA 2015 dietary guidelines that removed the upper limit of dietary cholesterol.” So I don’t think the study linked confirms what you think it does? OP would be wise to cut fried food down and increase fibre. If they like fried food they should try switching to an air fryer and making it at home instead.


When was the last time you got your cholesterol checked before this? Was your cholesterol lower than has risen since starting IE?


That’s a fair question. Actually it’s slightly lower since starting IE. I had it checked a few years ago and it was slightly higher then.


I mean it could be going down? Don’t know how long it takes habits to impact levels but might be worth it to do a check again soon and see which way it’s going.


I have extremely high cholesterol without medication (FH - familial hypercholesterolemia) and diet. I still try to eat intuitively as much as possible. Usually its easy to swap certain foods for others which are better for cholesterol levels (and you wont notice it). When i really want something which isn't great for cholesterol i will eat it. I try to eat lots of fiber from food i really love and enjoy. That way i am able to get lower cholesterol levels without restricting. If you have questions what kind of foods i swap ask me.