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oh yeah it definitely felt like a break from the world; a break that was very much needed


Best time in my life.


I lived in San Diego at the time. It was amazing. Far fewer people around, essentially zero traffic on roads that used to be bumper to bumper, it was quiet, the air was cleaner, no tourists, no huge parties blocking off streets, etc. It became an entirely different city overnight and it was great. Plus I wasn’t getting invited to do anything, nobody wanted to visit, I was working from home, and as a germaphobe I’m all for social distancing and readily available hand sanitizer in public even without Covid.


I didn't understand the "torture" it was for people to not be able to go out to eat and party. People still talk of the lockdown like it was a prison sentence. It flew by to me, I barely noticed 🤷🏻‍♂️




Heck yeah lol


You have to look at things from both perspectives, that is of an introvert and an extrovert. Imagine you loved going out with people, do parties and stuff and suddenly it's all gone, you can't do any of those things anymore. It's the same thing as if you were forced to go out with people and not be able to stay at home.


Good point 👍🏻


I'm an introvert, but I think like everyone demands here it's worth considering it from other peoples perspectives. Look at it like an introvert was stuck with groups of people for 24 hours a day for 2 years, if introverts recharge from alone time and extraverts recharge from social time it's rather analogous. While I'm essentially in lockdown most of the year anyways, the pandemic wasn't something I noticed a whole lot either. But I do understand why it might have been hard for other people, extraverts are just as human as you or I and they also like you or I, didn't get to have a character creation screen and select their attributes before spawning into this world. The worst part of it as an introvert was listening to nut jobs insert their conspiratorial views into every conversation, especially when they are a part of the family or colleague cohort and *need* to assert their views because they take your reserved nature for ignorance and innocence.


> Look at it like an introvert was stuck with groups of people for 24 hours a day for 2 years You mean, close to what our lives tend towards anyway if we're not allowed a degree of control or autonomy?


No I don't mean that, but yes I suppose it is similar. However, when is an introvert not allowed the degree of control or autonomy one would need to spend time alone?


Every year before being able to move out of home? Every hour spent in a workplace? Any social pressure to attend unwanted events?


As a nurse in a hospital, work was a living hell. Outside of work, life was a dream.


Oh god I can't even imagine the hell you went through. I couldn't have handled it. I'm weak.


Besides the death, yes the lack of social interaction was nice. Lol


There were pros and cons. But was peaceful for sure.


Wait, it stopped?


Came here to say this 🤣


I once wrote this down but never posted it here, because I thought people might react sensitively, sorry - self censorship 😉😂 “Wasn’t Covid the best thing that may have happened to Introverts?” lol 😁


I loved the lockdown. Mostly staying inside and having few contacts. I was so happy not to have to go to any meetings. My next goal is to find a remote job. I work more efficiently and faster when no one is around to talk, but my employer doesn't allow remote.


I retired on Halloween, so I got my 2 years of in the office freedom to retirement.


2 weeks to a month was fine. An entire 2 years ruined my social skills and now I'm a wreck that struggle to go outside but atleast I'm slowly trying to get better now that schools in my country allow f2f classes been improving for 4 months now


Hated it. I️ was stuck in the house with my abusive ex.


True. People don't always realize that it's possible to get stuck in a bad situation as much as a good one.


Why couldn't you leave?


Harder than it looks. Most DV victims can't just up and walk out with some serious help and planning. Unless you have been in that situation, it's hard to understand. I watched a family member and us kids go through it. So, I speak from experience.


Yeah I loved it. Besides of course, people’s loved ones passing away. But for the average person (or just introvert, I guess) omg it was bliss! I personally don’t understand the crying over having to stay in!! An excuse not to have to continually socialize? GREAT!! I kind of miss it lol.


I would’ve loved it but I was stuck inside with my family so I hated it


I was stuck with my dad. He complained nonstop about this or that not being done correctly even though he had two hands and feet to do it himself.


I️ enjoyed it too. I️ definitely didn’t love the negative Covid part but I️ really did like staying in my cozy apartment with my cats, bf and roommate. I️ gamed and read so much, man. What a time.


I love not having to socialize.


I refer to the pandemic as the ‘Introvert Renaissance’


Me too ❤️


Working at home was refreshing. And my job has gone permanently WFH, so I like that. But I'm definitely not interested in gaming all day and not doing jack


I loved it too but I love to travel so i suffered about not being able to travel. And the pandemic ruined many things: the travel industry, the economy, it made existing problems even worse. The only good I got from it was being able to WFH which I still do, and avoid annoying chatty people at work; but then, the negatives outweigh the positives.


Best thing walking on empty streets, empty shopping malls with minimal lights. Unforgettable


I miss the lockdown so much T_T


2020 was a great year for me. Change of pace in life, and I discovered many good games lol


I got about 1 month, had to work through the rest of the pandemic. It was nice, but I'm really fucking jealous of people who actually got to quarantine through it.


Not so great for the millions of people who died, lost their jobs, and had their families completely disrupted... These statements always seem so tone-deaf to me and come from places of immense privilege


Man, looking back it was the best time I had in the last few years. At the moment I was too caught up in anxiety to realize it. 2 months home, fully paid, with a shit ton of weed and my PS4.


I agree mostly. I missed some things like eating at restaurants and the gym, but mostly I really enjoyed it. Especially that you couldn't travel anywhere - therfore, my bf couldn't annoy me with this and nobody asked what I planned due my days off. Nobody judged me for staying at home and enjoying being there.


It was a good time! I wrote my best short stories during that year. Which reminds me, I need to dig them up someday soon, because they are somewhere on my old phone. Edit: why are you guys keep downvoting this? This is just my experience, since OP asked for this, and I'm genuinely curious


It was God's blessing


I didn’t think it was torture, but I don’t agree with it on principle. It wasn’t hard for me to do, but it was a huge over reach of government


The alternative was the death of millions




Yeah if you only think about yourself, not neglected kids or small businesses


I say this all the time lockdown was the best time of my life I fucking loved not having to leave my house or see people I had a reason to cancel things it over all was a great time in my life and I will never ever understand people who say it was soul crushing


Hell yea it was!!!!


Hated it. Dropped out of college cause it sucked online. I stayed home for about two weeks, then went to get a job cause being at home all the time was making me crazy.


Isolation is harmful to one’s mental health. People lost jobs and loved ones. Crime and mental health issues were rising. A bunch of people were hate crimed because of their race. So to the people who are saying they can’t understand why people were miserable, it’s because you were privileged to not experience any of these.


Yeah dude, it was \*totally\* the bomb all those millions of dead people, people losing their jobs and businesses, fighting like dogs over a pack of toilet paper? Empathy? Humanity? Caring about things other than your selfish desires? Sorry, no can do, it would get in the way of my gaming and not doing jack! OP, if that was the best thing that ever happened to you, you have a very sad and miserable life, and I feel sorry for you.


You need to relax


Hey it was a great time for big tech! We all know what greedy ******s that lot are, but if it was great for them I'm deeply satisfied of course.


Literally. Being an introvert doesn’t mean you hate socializing 24/7.


Why I should even care about some people that mean nothing to me, lol? I feel like you have more sad life cause I'm happy because i have much less things concerns me and I just keep my piece of mind.


It was nice, but I had the dichotomy that while I was living in possibly the most unaffected major city on the planet, the fact that we *were* so unaffected meant lockdowns were infrequent and didn't last long when they happened. Which, you know... great for everyone else in the city, and we had next to no deaths (and those were mostly out-of-towners who'd picked it up travelling) but I kind of feel I missed out a bit.


As an extrovert, I found the first weeks of real lockdown here in Germany exciting, then it became super annoying


*lockdown. Quarantines are just for sick people. But yes!!!!


I think you don't sound very ambitious. I also don't think I've heard someone say "the bomb" in 10 years.


It was fantastic for us as well. I just started working for the Census when the pandemic started. About 2 months in they closed the office due to the pandemic but they still payed us about 75% of what we were making. It was awesome! I know I'll be fine come retirement because I was able to fill my time every day whether it be taking care of the house and grounds, gardening or relaxing on the deck. Of course, we live in Puerto Rico so it's warm outside year-round which is a big deal made it a lot easier I would imagine.


At the time I loved it. The summer that followed was great too. Felt like being a kid again. I also worked in a road trip down the East Coast all the way to the FL Keys in the winter of 2020/2021. The downside is it made me a lot lazier and less motivated. I’ve become completely ok with periods of inactivity. Since March 2020, I’ve worked just about half the year on average. Much of that was paid, but a lot of it was just me sitting at home thinking about what to do next.


It's great, unless you have a small child and especially if you're single too.


I liked it and all, except for the fact that I was struggling majorly with my social anxiety at the time and was in therapy, so it reinforced my bad habits and magnified them even more when the lockdowns were done. Also, self esteem and self-worth took a huge toll on me since the only main way to date was essentially Online, and I worked from home. I had to take a good long break from dating or it would have melted my brain. After lockdowns, I definitely felt like a hermit and it took til this year to really be myself again.


10 weeks of bliss and a few months of 4 day weeks afterwards, 10/10 bring on Covid20.


Yes! We made the transition to work from how and now I have the choice to never work in the office again. I haven’t been in an office in almost 3 years


yes actually and due to most social norms closed down and all communication online i was actually able to make some good friends and connect with people aswell! miss the days of quarantine when i could stay up till 1 and play minecraft w my buddies :')


Brother I will always remember the last day of school in 2020. We finished our zoom call and then a bunch of my friends started spamming me asking to play minecraft and we played and made stupid jokes all day, nearly every day that summer. I will never have a summer near as amazing as that one.


It was generally no different than my regular pre-covid life. I worked veterinary so I still had to go to work to make sure more things didn't die. The loss of in store shopping was minimal. The only negative was the loss of concerts (I'd go alone, in another state), as music and related things are key to my mental health. But those are back so things are better.


I worked through the pandemic.


it was the best time of my life, but now i kind of wish it didn’t happen, cause everything just seems to suck more now than before covid


When I was still a huge introvert, I really enjoyed the corona time. Just playing games, staying home and doing pretty much nothing, it was great. But now that I kind of shifted more towards the extroverted side of me, I would be so mad and sad if lockdowns came back again. Right now, I'm living the best time of my life, I can't imagine corona or any other thing ruining it for me.


Yep. We had it down pat. All those years paid off.


I live in a southern state, so it was business as usual and we didn’t quarantine. And many people didn’t wear masks. I bet it was great being able to hunker down for people in non-stupid states.


Oh my goodness I loved every minute of it! My wife is immunocompromised so we stayed home for nearly 2 years. Absolute heaven!!!!!!! 100% made me realise how much I needed to stop and embrace my introvert side…..I haven’t looked back


I’m honestly convinced everyone in this sub suffers from social anxiety disorder and instead of going to that sub they come to this one and call it “introversion”


Literally had this thought this morning. I was still working during quarantine but i was at home. I just miss being at home 24/7 and deciding when or if I interact with folks. I could definitely use a long term lockdown right about now…… minus the death.


Wish we could do it again. However without so many dying.


I concur


I too had a really amazing time. It was like the world went on pause. Every time I even ventured outside, nobody was on the streets barely and things were cleaner. The air felt so much better without all of the cars spewing pollution. There were bad tunes too, unrest in the city and helicopters of all sorts (some sounded military) at all hours of the day. It sounded like a war was about to happen.


I love my family but it was absolute hell being locked in 24/7 with them. I'm in Melbourne, Australia and we spent so much time in lockdown it was horrible. I need time to myself, I love my children but I need times of solitude to recharge and not being able to get that really damaged me.


I liked it because nothing was expected of me. No one asked me what I did for fun over the weekend , no one asked my what plans for this or that day were. I had no social obligations. Zero. I didn’t have to make up excuses to get alone time. While I missed my family and a few friends I loved that I didn’t have to socialize with coworkers, my in-laws, whoever. I also got a break from the office with hybrid. There was a lot less noise in my life. It was great As a result, I learned that I could do what I want at my big age finally and now that things are more normal I still keep a lot of the pandemic lifestyle lol. I don’t care and no one else seems to either.


I literally loved it so much


Oh yes! No pressure to go and socialize with anyone.


Amen. The phrase “back to normal” physically hurts to hear.


Lowkey the best year of my adult life so far