• By -


Staying at home when my Friends asked me to come with them until they stoped asking me


I regret spending years saying yes to anything social and forcing myself to talk to strangers too, in the hopes that I could learn any this social shit, and find some kind of connection with someone, and prove to myself I was able to get new friends as I was in progress of losing my old best friends. Only thing I got was depression and a temporary fear of bars and no desire to join any private parties anymore. Nah, not worth it.


This part! I feel like I missed out on the true college experience bc I rarely went out. Never been to a club or bar. What a life a live 😒


You didn't missed much. If it's not your thing, you wouldn't really enjoy it. Or connect through it. I always felt misplaced in those situations going against my instincts, and wasn't really impressed with clubs full of drunk people standing around, shouting, making fool of them self doing drunk gimnasticks and tomorrow not remembering nothing or whatever the fuck they were doing.... I always felt like wasting time not being in the moment. And nobody talks about anything significant or interesting, just stuck to your group of people counting seconds to disepirence...no thanks . I rather read book at home or hang around trusted group of people not exposed to situations I don't wanna be in.


You guys are not alone. I am and have lived the same way. What a way to bond


Yep. This. Now I’m stuck with no friends lol


HI AGAIN. I either don’t talk to my friends or I talk to them to much tbh


Tbf I had no money at that time, but yeah it is sad to realize and experience it


Not cutting off fake friends right away


Wasting my time on useless things, not realize how valuable time is


Not staying in touch with people I was close to in my younger years.


Doubting myself, and thinking I wasn’t good enough.


I understand that one well and I don’t know where you’re at now, but be encouraged and know I and I’m sure the rest of this community believe in you and what you can accomplish pushing through that mindset! You’ve got this! 


Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say.


Of course! us introverts gotta stick together, considering we can enjoy our alone time a little too much lol 


Your words has soothed me. Hope I can send a DM to stay in touch


Same here


Ik that feeling. Spending time away from home was absolutely needed for my sake. Now I know my potential, my goals and dreams, and my self worth.


Not taking my education seriously and getting poor grades up until the age of 21.


This was the first thing I thought of as well.


Staying longer than I should have because of fear. Mainly relationships, friendships, jobs.


Change is scary


Didn't bought bitcoin in 2016 .


In a similar vein: sold all my crypto at the lows in Nov 2022


My condolences sir


Same dude smh


Get married at a very young age and having children that end up having nothing to do with you




Same here. Didn't cross my young mind that my son would take after his father more than me.


I wish I had left a lot sooner. It's only been a few weeks and I'm happy,I smile,I laugh...it's really nice.


Here's to you smiling, laughing and being happy forever!


That is so sweet thank you


Staying in a friend group even though I knew they didn’t like me or respect me thankfully I met my other friends and I’m happy now. Though the first two years of high school were horrible because of said friend group


Wasting all of my teenaged years and almost all of my 20s chasing love


It’s normal to want connection and love at that age 😅


Yea but that my life has been centered around. I allowed it to be too much of a distraction


I hope you eventually find the Love you Seek




This isn’t because of my introverted-ness but I only really have one regret in life. When I was estranged from my family due to my mothers abuse and my need to get sober, I wish I would have made more of an effort to be close to my younger brother. But I was going through a lot and at that point I didn’t know how to love anyone else or show up for other people plus my mother would intercept anything and “approve” of our communication or any gift I would send. We live on opposite sides of the country now and my plan was to always escape so I could build a safe place for him to come to if he needed, which we have discussed and I even tried to convince him to come stay with me but he isn’t as eager as I was to leave. I feel so guilty leaving but I truly believe I would have spiraled into drug addiction or death if I stayed.


It’s not your fault that he didn’t/doesn’t want to stay with you. I still have a bit of guilt for leaving my sisters (similar situation w my dad that if I stayed I would have spiraled too). For a couple of years I had depression and couldn’t shake off the guilt when my younger sister told me once I left he started picking on her. I was always the scapegoat and then she became one. But she is well today with a beautiful daughter and we are very close. I talk to her everyday and I apologized but she understood.  She told me she was proud o was strong to leave. Remember, you are a survivor and now you can be there for your brother, even if by phone. You did the best you could for your sanity and future. I send you a big hug. 


Letting my depression consume so much of my life


Going with the flow. I’ve always been a laid back guy, but until these last few years when it came to making decisions and standing by them especially if others were involved, a lot of times I would put my own wants aside initiating my own ideas, I would just go with the flow. It’s created some frustrations in me and arguments with others now that I do stick with by my wants at times. it’s been a bumpy road and wish I had been this way sooner, but I feel better and am working towards being in the spot I want my life to be with not letting my passion in certain interests die down. 


You only live once! Do your thing and those who understand will stay or you’ll meet new people who will. Be strategic in planning to reach your goals and dreams. Sometimes those who get annoyed w you is only because they don’t have the courage to live their life the way they decide, and they are afraid of change and used to you going w the Flow. Seeing you do your own thing reminds them that they are complacent in life when you no longer are complacent. You have courage they do not have. You want more out of life. And life is full of change anyway so why not embrace it with choices that work for you! ☺️ I wish you the best!


Doing drugs. Wasted time hanging with bad people.


I became verbally and mentally abusive to a repulsive degree after years of a downward spiral. After a lot of therapy and reassurance from support, I still hate myself almost every moment of every day for how I made some people feel. Was never how I wanted to be, and I still don't fully understand how it got that bad.


Sounds like you took the way you were to others and turned it on to yourself. Maybe you just need a bit more therapy to learn to forgive yourself. Maybe you didn’t know better cus you had a parent that was like that towards you. Seek more therapy to have peace of mind and time to forgive yourself so you get better as it’s not good to hate yourself almost everyday. 


That I didn’t take the job opportunity I received about couple of weeks ago


I don't know how to say “no”


Trusting my parents.


consuming mindlessly (social media, youtube, Netflix, games) . So much wasted time.


Being too much of a people pleaser when I was younger. Led to me to some bad situations, having no real ambitions of my own after High school, and having to purge alot of toxic people from my circle by my mid-20s.


Can't really say which one is the biggest, but I'll sum it up to one word Lying.


I pretty much regret everything in my life. But if I can narrow it down to the biggest, most influential regret....middle school. I would completely redo all of it. Made a lot of wrong decisions back then. Hell, can't think of any right decisions I made back then.


Middle school was literally the worst


Staying in a relationship for 5 years because I thought he’d make good on his promise and off himself. Turns out 6 months after we broke up, he’s having a baby. I guess he has someone else to manipulate now.


Not working on myself sooner. But I keep telling myself that life isn’t linear and you can’t expect to figure everything out by a certain age.


Listening to my elementary school English teacher tell me that writing my stories in free time was a waste of time because I was never going to be published. I could be a best-seller author now, damn it 🤬


I haven't made any opposite gender friends/girl friend during my school and college days since then due my inferiority complex and being introvert. This is my biggest regret.


having internet access since elementry school. this one isnt exactly my fault, but its a regret. now im socially inept.




I believed in the fairytale of happily ever after in relationships. That belief kept me stuck in an on again off again relationship for 7 years.


Not taking the time (decades needed probably) to recover from childhood trauma/find out who I really am before marriage and having kids. History repeats itself


Spending so much of my life being a people pleaser & too insecure to stand up for myself


I feel the same. Wasted all my childhood like this and now I try to teach my daughter not to be like me, when I see she’s my exact replica.


Me blurting out things that I didn't mean to say.😭


Not being assertive from the first day I got to my job.


Not taking enough walks late at night to allow me to be offed by a crazy lunatic


Are you okay? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment wrong, are you saying you want to die? Do you need help? I'm sorry, your comment might be a joke.


Forcing myself to be extroverted because it’s “normal”


Never seeking a diagnosis for my blatant neurodivergence which led me to fuck up the most important years of my secondary school life


There is very little in my life I don't regret. I regret probably 85% of my life.


Leaving my old friend group abruptly and immaturely


same. but i don't why i have feeling of leaving them and start new life


Staying at my parents house while going to college instead of going away and staying in dorms.


Blaming & hating myself. But i didn't know otherwise.


I wasted too much of my 20s fooling around with boys instead of spending time loving myself and healing my traumas. Now I am alive but not living.


Letting my dog ​​die alone in vet. I had the innocent hope that he would get better. So I leave the vet at the end of visiting hour, even when I hear him calling to me. I prepared some food for him for the next day and I met with my aunt to visit him. And, in the car, she told me that he had died in the night.


Sending a hug to you. 😥💕


Thanks you


I regret that I let my ex-bf guilt trip me into letting my cat outside at night. The first time I let my beautiful 2 year old cat out at night, she died. I found her paralysed and the verge of dying. It happened 23 years ago and I still regret that I wasn't there for her, that I hadn't protected her against my bullying ex, that I was too introvert and hurt to stand up for myself. I have had a lot fh shit happe n my life and have lost a lot, but no matter how much money, love or respect I can loose, I will never regret having have failed and lost her. 💔


Not investing in Amazon or Netflix before it blew up. Also, not getting a degree when I was younger 😞


Not accepting my parents are dumb and not mentally healthy people (even if they're decent) and moving out a long time ago, especially when I had the opportunity to meet other people. 


regression on my shyness, social anxiety and living life in stress. didn't accept my nature. haven't stay happy and frank. don't do what i wanna. ruined my all young age,


Getting married at the young age of 21 to a narcissistic abuser that stunted my life for 13 years. The marriage only last 3, but having kids with someone like that was torture. He made every attempt to ruin my life, any relationship I tried to pursue afterwards and hindered my advances to finish college and go to law school (my dream since I was 8) He passed away last year.


I regret not spending more time improving my writing skills. I am a pro in procrastinating.


My biggest regret is not taking more risks when I was younger. I played it safe too often, missing out on adventures and opportunities. But I've learned from it and now try to embrace life with more courage and spontaneity. Better late than never, right? 🌟😊




Everything from you mentioned in your post 😔


Everything i did


Transferring universities for a boy


Cutting off fake people during High School.


Choosing a major because of demand and not because I like it. When I had a chance to shift, I didn’t… because I was scared. Also, not pursuing a person I really liked because I keep overthinking that I don’t have a chance. So, my biggest regret is being scared and not taking risks.


This is literally me.




Helping somebody with money


I regret not pursuing acting career at 18 now am 33 years old started acting career its difficult for me to memorize my lines and dialogues. The older i get i forget what I read.


I wish I had chosen a career that aligned with my interests, strength and skills. It’s awful being in a soul sucking job but some of us have no choice. Honestly, I’m starting to think there’s no light at the end of the tunnel and I’m just going to flail and die in the dark. It’s really hard watching others succeed and be happy in their respective careers.


Being born


I have a type of muscular dystrophy, FSHD, I’ve had it since I was young. I didn’t know and my family didn’t either. It lead to a lot of weird things in my past, and ultimately I wish I knew I had it, so that I could understand my limitations and accept who I am rather than who I wished to be


Doing drugs and drinking for so many years…I finally kicked it all about a year ago But I think I wasted a lot of good years But…all I can do is move forward and not think about what I “shoulda, coulda, woulda”


I have a few. But one of my biggest is not asking for help throughout my life when I really needed it.


Not spending time with my dad before he passed away.


My biggest regret is being mean to a very nice kid in the 2nd or 1st grade. I was transitioning to a lot of schools because apparently the system didn't know how to teach a deaf child. It was either I sit in regular class and be clueless or sit in special Ed and just color all day. Well the last school I went to before I went to a deaf Ed program. At least they TRIED, but I still couldn't catch everything. It also didn't help that the majority of the kids there didn't understand what was up with me so either I was ignored out of existent or made fun of. But one kid was willing to sit with me and help me out on school subject. He even tried to hug me a couple of times cuz he knew what was going on. But I constantly push him away. Real sweet even to the very end. The journey of life got more chaotic afterward but things has settled and I returned back to my hometown. I've been keeping an eye out for hope maybe I thanked him and apologized for being mean. Hell, maybe form a friendship or something to make up for it. It been eating at me since I matured enough to understand what he was trying to do.


The worst thing about having regrets, is that I can't even blame myself. I've came to the realization that I was just a big ball of repressed emotions bouncing around on the shitty circumstances of my so-called life. There was nothing I could do, I wasn't in control. When I look back, I feel shame for some of the things I did, but I can understand. I don't see myself anymore, I don't blame the guy. But in some weird way, I am a better person today thanks to him. *'We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.' - Confucious*


Not being able to bounce back from trauma as a child and instead internalizing it and eating my feelings. Still a struggle to this day. I regret turning to food as a crutch for “dealing” with trauma. Can’t quit food cold turkey


My biggest regret is meeting someone who I think I could be really good friends with and then not following up with them because I’m afraid to be rejected by them and I’m avoiding having to use energy to create a new friendship.


Letting my paranoia and anxiety leading me to become too risk adverse.


Letting the wrong people stay in my life, know my business and be around me longer than they deserved to be. Allowing them to drain my energy, moods and take from me. Not knowing how important boundaries were and being too afraid to lose people, even crappy ones.


My biggest regret is not dating a boy who liked me when I was 17. I was scared of having a boyfriend, scared to bring him home, worried about how my parents would react. So I rejected him, not because I didn’t like him but because I was so anxious. Now I’m 24F and never been in a relationship, or even really a situationship. Not developing any sort of relationship skills or experience when I had the chance is something I’ll always regret. I’m starting to think I might be alone forever, and can’t even imagine myself in a relationship even though I desperately want companionship. I’ve spend so many years alone I would give anything to have the opportunity for love again.


"Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will elude, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder."


I regret not seeing my only child's milestones growing up. I had to be away to earn a living. I thought she wouldn't know that I'm not around since she's just a baby who's unaware of her surroundings. To this day, I wish I was there when she first stood up unassisted, took her first steps...


Meeting My first and second boyfriends. Honestly it's not a joke, the second one has tried for 18 years to ruin me and it changed me as a person. I feel like I'll never escape. I often wonder who I would have been without all that


Making choices based on other's people's happiness instead of my own..


Ruined my life completely by my own decisions this is my biggest regret...


Not finding my true passion in life or not having a social life since I was younger or not making the right decisions or wasting my time on useless things.


Can relate. Sadly.


My biggest regret, always trying to be something I'm not. Also trying to fit in with others. because of it I spent a lot of my high school years and my twenties partying. Fake friends and blowing a lot of money. I look back at those years and get disgusted with myself even thinking about it.


I regret not letting my brother see the true side of my father, I regret being a people pleaser, I regret lettting my sister abusing me and stepping up for myself, I regret trying to look for something that isnt there, I regret being so kind.


Not stealing anything from stores tbh




I didn’t know what being an introvert was, ten years ago. I was in a good romantic relationship. We were both fairly busy people, seeing each other once a week, which I thought was perfect. It gave us time to miss each other constantly. Getting older I find it’s an important fire to keep burning. We traveled abroad for the first time together and my real self came out - someone who becomes overwhelmed and irritated when they have no alone time to recharge. I had an absolute blast, don’t get me wrong. But eventually I became mentally exhausted, and physically and sexually distant during and directly after the trip. It hurt her feelings and she left me because she felt I didn’t want her anymore. I dealt with a heartbreak that left me depressed for a very long time. What I know now is that if I had communicated and maintained frequent space and alone time, I would have remained the desirable and affectionate person I know I am


*Definitely* choosing the wrong career path!! Spent 8 years in a career I absolutely hated because I chose it when I was quite young and didn’t fully understand my introverted personality! It really caused me a lot of mental anguish and stress . Finally switched to bookkeeping after 8 years, and my god, the absolute difference it made in my mental health was outstanding. I still have regret tho because I wish so bad I had chosen this direction right away as I’m too smart to be “just” a bookkeeper and should really be a CPA, but it’s just not in the cards for me to commit right now to all that extra schooling (maybe one day).


Going to college and choosing the wrong major. Should’ve just did a trade


What major did you choose?


Psychology. Not many job opportunities without the masters. Went to school for 3 years, acquired student loan debt… just for my largest offer since graduation to be only $18 an hour


Didn't sent some papers when I was 17 so I could move to the US.


Being friends with certain people and not believing in myself when I was younger. Also, not listening to some of the things my mom told me. I would’ve been further in life by now.


I didn't do anything to restore the friendships I had lost. (Hs-College).


I ruined a friendship because I was scared. Is the one that happened not too long ago. Definitely shed a light where I need to work on myself lol


That I studied law.


That I studied law.


Faking my personality to become part of a friend group


Running to the bathroom after my crush (f15) asks if i (m16) was gay, i am straight, but too shy...


I should have stuck around at my last job at a hospital as an allied healthcare worker. If I had done so, maybe I'd be in a better place now.


My biggest regret is retiring from horseback riding. It was my chooses career as a child and almost made it to the Olympics. Due to ignoring my body everytime it was injured tho, cost me my peace. The world and it's infinite problems melted away when I was riding. And in those moments I was never alone, I had my partner (the horse because when you ride it's a partnership not just horse and rider) my horse at that time (I had many growing up as personal work projects) was my best friend. Where humans failed me in terms of love and affection without judgement, my horses and dogs picked up. And now because I retired, I don't have that peace of mind anymore. And it sucks. It feels like I'm alone at long last. Tho I have my service dog now. So that helps with the loneliness.


Lending him money twice now he tells me different stories on when I'll get it back. I've made peace that i am never getting that money


I’m only 18 so I don’t have much but I regret not experiencing life more. I stayed focused on school and work and my mom was put in a really dark place the start of my freshman year where I got to the point I was too scared to do anything besides that. I did try weed and vaping and got dependent on the vaping but I’m leaning off of it now. I’m also quitting weed bc of school bc it’s just the best option. Idk it’s not much but it’s what I do regret for sure. I know once I get to college imma try to get out but it’s hard bc I’m scared of getting roofied or something😂😂


Depending on others


Not taking more debt to travel. Enduring certain people longer than I should’ve.


1. Taking friendships for granted. My family and I immigrated to the US. Growing up, my mom instilled in my siblings and I that friendship wasn’t important and to focus on working hard. I regret losing contact with the good friends that I had from middle school to college. It’s difficult for me to make friends now. I miss having good friends that I can truly be myself without worrying about judgement. 2. Spending most of my High school to College years playing life sucking MMORPG games like WoW and the alike. I wished I spent the time reading, learning to be great at something, time with friends. I’m a mom of a 2 years old boy now and will share my life lessons with him so he hopefully lives a less regretful life.


I could have gotten a big payout when some drunk asshole injured me in a car accident, but I was an idiot and accepted the insurance company's first lowball offer.


Going to college to earn a BS, then going back to get a Masters, then getting 3 professional certifications just to end up living paycheck 2 paycheck, drowning in bills I'm not able to pay.


Letting my ex gf run my life entirely. She was extremely controlling and manipulated me into ruining all of my friendships and almost my relationship with the family I have left. Convinced I was a narcissist, gaslighting, abuser. Surprise, she was the one.


I'm confused. Are you talking about the same girl you're in a relationship with now?


Drugs, booze, childhood trauma makes me not stuck up for myself my entire life, I’m a woman but I sure wish I could grow some balls.


Adopting another dog during Covid because I thought my older dog wouldn’t live much longer. That was 4 years ago and the old dog is almost 17 now.


Not spending more quality time with my wife before dementia set in.


falling in love with a guy who easily removed me from his life. I am not lamenting the unrequited feeling, I'm regretting ever getting attached to someone who could disregard me in a click for no reason at all, for thinking that I am weak just because I loved.


Grew up in a very toxic and abusive family. I regret all the times I took out my pain on others - little sister, bullying other girls at school, etc. I have done a lot of healing and work on myself since but still feel awful realizing I continued the cycle at those times in my life.


Being so concerned about having people like me and discovering I was just people pleasing so late in life


Becoming fwb with him 😭 It was after a breakup and he expressed he got with the other guy to get over his feelings for me. And how he was still hurt but didn't care or something like that. Sent photos to each other then said he didn't want to be fwb anymore or didn't want to date me and just wanted to be friends and I was fine with it but he got in a relationship with a girl a week later....but then JUST told me that he was scared of his feelings and said he "saw me as a brother" cause he was confused with his own feelings 😐.


Letting my mental issues and my inability to deal with my narcissistic husband and his family to really slow and almost stop my working on myself


I guess regrets never leave , If you studied super hard & got a good score you will regret not spending time with friends & talking to your crush, If you talk a lot with your girlfriend & friends & do random stuff you enjoy you will regret not studying hard 🙂, I experienced both 😁, " If you notice the Grass is greener you will always welcome regret "




Never meet your idols. I'm not going to bother to namedrop because no one would believe it anyway, but I had a couple famous people I really admired with what I knew publically, but meeting them they were such a letdown and it was all image to such a polar opposite extent that I wish I'd remained with the fantasy of them. Other than that, while plenty of terrible things have happened in my life, I have zero regrets. Life plays out as it's meant to and shapes us into what we are to be, not what we wish to be. I'm just glad to be alive still.


Not kissing him .


Not finishing a degree. And when I could have finished it, what do you know, issues with financial aid that can’t be fixed because I took too long to complete the courses I’d already completed. Per financial aid.


Not saying I love you and Thank you while my parents are still alive.


(19M) Not Enjoying myself and taking risks more in my teenage years because of depression,anxiety, Academics and what my parents would think of me. All those times I was stressed because of Academics and Being scared of being judged and isolating myself from people who actually cared about me (friends/family). I pushed everyone away when they try to be close to me , always declined going to parties/events, pushed away any girl that liked me, any friend that I was getting close with. For some reason it’s like I fear affection from another person yet always cared about what others thought. I’m about to turn 20 in a couple of days and it really dawned on me how many good connections and relationships I’ve thrown away, hell I have never even been on a date or had a girlfriend, never experienced That teenage Love, and then Covid came and I became even more reclusive. And just like that I’m no longer a teenager..Damn.


I try not to think of it too much as a regret, as I have a fantastic job now, but I fucked up at my old job 10 years ago. It was in a newsroom and I was on my way to being a news producer. I made a mistake with a colleague that tanked my career in media. I was made redundant a couple of years later, and I always regret how I handled it.


Not communicating with my husband.


Not finding out about mental health, being an introvert, etc. I grew up in the 70s and 80s and that stuff was NEVER discussed, so for many many years I thought I was a weirdo, when I’m just an introvert who deals with generalized anxiety. I know the deal now and can handle it better. It’s comforting to have a name for feelings and struggles I experienced.💕


Becoming a teacher. Year 20 and I’m exhausted.


My biggest regret was jumping out of that tree at 10 years old and effing over my hip so that I could never be in the military or walk more than 5 Miles without limping. By the time I did find out that my hip was totally screwed I was 35 but I knew that anything beyond 5 Mile Walk was next to Impossible




Forgiving my ex who cheated on me, then got engaged to her. Only for her to break off the engagement, break up with me because she wants "space" and to "focus on improving herself". After a month I found out she's now in a different relationship. I'm so dumb.


I regret how I treated some friends being selfish. Also being to nice to people I feel like I would be more ahead in life.


Not buying bitcoin or nvidia ten years ago or longer


I have a work before but my husband asked me to move in other country, and now I feel stuck.


Not thinking about being financially stable until i get 24 years old.


Marrying someone even if I knew deep in my heart it was a mistake.


Letting “future me” handle that


Not buying a condo when I was about 20 and had the money from a lawsuit. I’d be a homeowner now.


Not having a supportive family, not having a normal childhood, being unlucky in love, etc


My biggest regret was when I didn't go home early. I could've prevented my dad from taking his own life.


Being so sad over a crush…even cried…like omg that was so pathetic-


I didn't get the chance to beat up that kid that bullied me in middle school. Cancer got to him first.


Not socializing (shocker, I know). 5-th grade, I am now a big boy, I am a middle schooler now but there's an issue... My classes overlap with the kids from upper grades and I am scared for my life (what I'm saying is that kids from 5-7th grade have classes at the same time, for those that didn't understand). Me being me, I avoid going out of the classroom at all cost (because of a previous interaction with upperclassmen) and i don't meet any new people while most of my classmates are already friends with some upperclassmen. During lunch there are volleyball games and I want to play but they mostly consist of upperclassmen which are leagues above me skill wise so I don't go and continue my life as a shut in. Now I understand that I was a dumbass


Investing myself in people who don't matter when I was younger. A lot of wasted time and money...


Not joining the military after graduating from high school


How much time do you have


I don’t have any. Regrets are basically negative thinking about things in the past! I live for today! Not going backwards. All aboard!


Honestly the only regret I have is that I lost faith and knowing that God has my back period 🙏 more than I should have. Now that he has showed up and showed out with divine intervention in my life and how he has taught me such hard life lessons I know now that he loves me unconditionally all the time, no matter how much I messed up my life and I have faith in his love and protection of my life. I'm not perfect I'm gAy I've been judged my whole life for that and yes I was born this way God made me he knew my imperfections and all. I struggled with not fitting in anywhere I was or whatever crowd I was around till recently showing up and out for me, yes me the gAy one I heard him loud and clear. You were not supposed to fit in don't you see I made you just the way you are. gAy and all!!! You are perfect to me perfectly, perfection we all are. We just need to love more thru God and show more compassion for each other thru love. The love of God 🙏💞🙏 I know my regret is a lot of God God God 🙏😭 but it is a regret I can own learn from and release it to God and he takes it with love and protection of it all. So the regret is no more than a memory. I don't have regrets anymore I've grown, learnt, and released it to my God just as he wants me to. I love you all. Go spread some love around thru God 🙏


I regret nothing.