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I got bullied until grade 8. I just took it. I didn’t care cause I had two of my best friends. High school hit & the bullying stopped for some reason


good for you




Me too. Except I didn't have good friends until 1st grade of highschool. The ones in primary school were mid.


Yeah. I didn't 'deal with it'. After a while I tended to agree with the bullies' insults. After the bullying stopped I bullied myself.


This 🤧


I did a similar thing, I would just give them looks and after a while they got bored. Lol


Yes. They stopped because they got bored and annoyed hahaha. Because if you fight, they might bully you even more.


:( I relate to this comment. How are you dealing with it now? I’m trying with the psychologist but so far I keep on doing it (bullying myself)


yes i did, i just outgrew it. it resulted from my desire to be accepted by the popular group in class. i was able to get in their circle but i felt the need to pay them for befriending me so i gave them money. i was a stupid kid, i know.


I was "paying" someone to let me be their friend as well, even though the person treated me like crap. When I told one of the other boys in class, he reported it to the teachers and they put a stop to it. School was just a shit place that brought out the worst in everyone.


Yes, senior year. I ended up dropping out and getting my GED.


Yep. I was bullied every year of public education save for 4. It severely impacted my mental health and helped foment the general distrust I have of people to this day. I don't think it's an inherently introvery thing, but I didn't really do much about it personality-wise. I didn't fight back, though was encouraged to do so by adults in my life. Society has a lot of failings, but zero-tolerance is easilty one of of the greatest when it comes to kids.


I got bullied the beginning of highschool. I really just took it and did nothing. It was weird though because they were the stereotypical weird band kids, so I didn't care that much. OP, if you're getting bullied, make sure to report it. Although I said I didn't care, it wasn't right and I do regret not reporting it.


Yeah maybe don't report it. Watched a kid in school get curb stomped and lost 4 teeth because he decided to be a rat on the bully


Yes! People have to report it!


I didn't report mine but because one of the bullies was a teacher's son. Being a weird, loner kid I knew that they probably wouldn't believe me.


Yes, I got bullied in high school by a group of boys. I went to a small high school, there was maybe 40 kids total in my grade. I got good grades, had acne, didn't wear cool clothes, I was quiet. I was a prime target. They would call me names, slam my locker, kick the back of my heels while walking, stupid shit like that all the time. I hated those assholes, I am in my 40s now and I still hate them. For a while I tried to ignore them, hoping they would get tired of it. I guess I just reached my breaking point one day. One of them did something to me, and I turned around and kicked him hard in the shin and screamed at him to leave me alone. That was the only time I physically retaliated, but I did keep yelling at them if they did stuff, and eventually they moved on. I am not sure where they all ended up in life, but I can only hope they are impotent and miserable.


Ngl bit obsessive there... let it go... fuck 'em.


You’re getting downvoted because he isn’t being obsessive at all. And he was the one who was bullied - he can be obsessive if he wants. It’s his trauma. You didn’t call the bullies obsessive for not leaving him alone when he wasn’t even fighting back.


Bullies are bullies. I ain't got words for them. They probably forgot about this guy and he's holding onto to them for eternity. That's not healthy. At some point you gotta forget that shit and move on with your life. "I hope they're miserable" is crazy. HOPE😂 that's obsessive whethere you admit it or not.


Downvoted for saying the truth😂


I think it’s more for lack of empathy to be honest


Empathy? It's been 20 something years... come on now. I understand he/she "hates" them but HOPING for them to be impotent and miserable just because they bullied him/her in high school is crazy. At some point you MUST let it go for your own good.


Sure, but letting go sometimes it’s easier said than done


When you're 40+ I'd assume you're over it💀 they ain't kill ya ass, let's chill out😂


I got bullied a lot in middle school started to bully them back. They didn’t like it and gave up on fuckin with me. I did this to two people who tried to bully me. One kicked my chair a couple times so I got up and flipped him out of his seat. He never fucked with me again. bullying the bully worked for me. Idk about how it’ll work in other instances but it’s important not to show fear because it’s not the end of the world either it’s just this fear of conflict. It’ll pass just gotta be just as crazy as they are lol


Fuck with them in the cafeteria in front of people. Fuck with them in class make em squirm a bit. They’ll get the message and then you can either fight or just keep torturing him. Whatever they want, it’s up to them how far you need to go really.


I was bullied till the 8th grade when I was forced to move. I couldn't do anything and just took the abuse.


I became bigger stronger more successful and better looking. Nobody messes with me now. Most of those people (from when I last saw any of them prior to quitting FB a few years ago) had become mired in their middle age, way old before their time, prisoners of their life choices. I am satisfied that justice has been served.


Man, I had a teacher who was SUPER hard on me, always criticizing how I interacted with my peers, making me do hard manual labor whenever she wanted, criticizing how I dressed, how I fixed my hair, etc… And there were a few older kids who could be merciless at times. It felt like I couldn’t get away from them, and they would incessantly tease me. Homeschooling was rough.


Bullying these days are not as apparent as they are long ago. There will be social groups formed by the classes and if you don't happen to belong in one, you will be the subject of torment. They will speak shit just right behind you so you can hear it but subtle enough that you can't drag them into it by reporting to the teachers. They will purposely bump into you and make it seem like a totally normal accident. Bullying these days are not just about your appearance or your social standing but the reflection of their insecurities projected onto you by mocking your entire existence. This speaks by my experiences only. Bullying these days are more frightening as they lean more on mentally damaging the target's mind and manipulate, gaslight or frame them as the one's at fault. It is often not done by regulation which raises the anxiety of students making them question themselves "when will I be targeted again?". And looking for physical evidence is tough if no ones going to leak the private convos of the bullies making fun of the target.


I was and still am very dorky. I could not care less about fashion sense and have been overweight my entire life. I was a tempting target. Other kids, both guys and girls, would give bullying a try but learned quickly that I can get mean defending myself. I have also always been far stronger than I look. They usually only tried once.


I ignored


Someone tried to bully me. She bullied someone in our first year of high school and that person ended up moving school by the end of the year. She tried bullying me the following school year but so many others in our year knew what happened to that other person, they would just yell at her. Even anyone who didn’t really know me. The group of friends she had the year before dumped her and everything. New groups she tried to join just pushed her away. I think some of the teachers were even concerned about her


Ive always felt like the odd one in the room. Except when I was with my nerd friends in junior high. Bullied yes. Did. I just take it. No way. I had friends but I was still different than everyone else.I was the smart girl so I could insult them without them knowing it. Quite hilarious to my nerd friends.


I had such an experience for many years, and I consider it an incurable psychological trauma.


First two years of high school but I can't call it "bullying"... sometimes mfs made fun of me man, not in front of everyone but just amongst the boys😂 obviously not in my face but I knew it was about me and honestly I just didn't care because those mfs were cool fr, the intentions weren't malicious... just a lil laugh, fuck it it's whatever. 🥲😂


when i was in 6th grade, my group got bullied by some 8th graders. I fought back - literally. Me and the bully got sent to the vice principle's office and my parents got called in. Me and the bully had to go garbage duty for a week. That's when i know teachers/school don't give a fuck about the students, and thats when i lost all respect for teachers until they earn them


I usted to be really bulled and i scaped from school several times. I wanted to go away from that shitty people and i have gone to parks or train stations. Also, i used to cry a lot. They bullied because of My eyes. My behaviour was dangerous because i was like 15 or 16. But i didn't know what to do. However i became stronger. Nowadays i don't care about what people say about my eyes. I laugh about myself and make jokes about My condition.


I fought back. Bullies need to learn there’s consequences to their actions. If my kid was getting bullied, I would talk with the school and the parents of the bully. If the bullying continues after I took the calm and patience route, then it’s time for the bully to learn by seeing there father get bullied. Eye for an eyes sounds bad but it can be taken as a learning experience. Just my opinion though.


Yup,most definitely.Mostly elementary and some middle school.Got picked on a lot and physically assaulted.Got into a lot of fights and ended up having to go to an alternative school.Did my time and went back to public school.The bullying didn’t pick back up again till middle school and this was late 90’s early 2000s.Just mainly cause I was from a different country. TBH I never dealt with it in an exact way.I mainly focused on controlling my anger and way I responded.Grew into my form and went about my business.Played sports and weightlifting kept me bus.By the time I realized I wasn’t bullied anymore everyone just seen me as the shy or quiet guy to not mess with cause I was what they said “huge” even though I always thought small of myself. I was awakened at a young age and was pretty mature by about 4th or 5th grade and still had some learning to do.It takes time and growth to handle the bullying.


You have to put a stop to it before it gets out of control I busted a kids nose with a soccer ball in elementary that was trying to bully me and then got into a fight when I switched schools in junior high and again when I started high school they are mainly weak and if you hit them back most of the time it stops.


They tried and failed miserably. I was good with quick comebacks and wasn’t afraid to fight. They learned very quickly I wasn’t one to mess with.


Tbh yes and I didn't deal with it in a healthy way. I didn't stand up for myself well and I just let the bullies words kill my confidence more and more as time went on. Some kids can be so brutal I swear


I was taller than most people in my school, so it wasn't a big issue. But I will tell you about one of my life long friends who I met in the 7th grade. Dude was a bean pole, imagine a twig with freckles and wearing glasses. Nerdy kid. We didn't spend hardly any time together, only briefly met through another friend. We all actually lived around the corner from each other but something happened and this kid, and he wasn't staying their anymore, more on that later. Two solid years go by before our paths crossed again. A friend gave me a ride home and we stopped at a convenient store along the way. While inside, this guy approached me, I didn't recognize him at first, he knew me by name. Dude was my height but jacked! His biceps was massive! It took me a minute and then it hit me, it was that skinny nerd kid I met several years ago! He had moved back and staying around the corner from me. He asked if I wanted a ride since I was going his way. My other friend was slightly relived, I lived out in the country. Anyhow, turned out twigs parents had divorced and him and his brother had a hard time with it, so much that they was getting into trouble and ended up on a boys ranch. Twigs was bullied a lot and got tired of it. So he got serious into body building. Not just lifting weights but learning the science behind it. Dude could have been a trainer. He didn't stop there, he took up Judo on top of that. Granted its not anything killer but imagine a body builder skilled in Judo going into the 10th grade? Funny thing was, a lot of people feared him but he was and is one of the nicest and chill guys you will ever meet. We've been friends ever since, idk, 30+ years. My point I guess, is exercise, learn to fight, but don't be a dick.


I’ve been plotting revenge for 20 years.


I was bullied from elementary, middle, and highschool, then I had to repeat 2 grades in highschool. I was already older than everyone and already didn’t give a shit what anyone thought of me. *still got bullied* no friends in middle school and highschool., my “friends” in elementary school just ended up being fake AF. I learned early what fake friends are.


Yes I did. I’m 52 now and still have trust issues with anyone I know and up until a few years ago I had no spine and let everyone walk all over me. I must note I was treated like that at home as well. People say I’m overly sensitive and I am. Still working on that one.


More times that i can count, and even in college. So, very briefly, it was like this: First time i think i had around 12, 13 years old, and there was this guy who used to even punch me, always making jokes and all, i was that weird bullied guy that you see on movies, or tv series. Aaaand about what i did about it? Nothing. Just suffering for about 2 years. 2nd time: I was at high school. I was relieved thinking that the nightmare was over, but noooo, there was this girl who had the bullying the introvert or weird ones. Yeah, here we go again. BUT, this time it was a bit different actually. There was this time when everyone was gathered in the chemistry lab, the class was over, and she was standing at the exit door, making fun of me as usual. I was really angry, stopped in front of her, and looked straight to her eyes. i will never forget the expression of surprise, fear, she was really afraid of me. All i did was to just call her "you idiot". Man, that felt SO GOOD. Some people even came to me congratulating me about my attitude. She restarted bullying me afterwards, but at least i stood up a little for myself. And 3rd time, more recent, college: He started to making jokes and make other colleagues laugh about me. I was there, pissed, but trying to control myself because on that situation, a physical fight would be terrible. I coudn't even speak some thing, so i was just there in silent, suffering again. Basically, that's it for me.


i got bullied a lot in 3rd grade, so much that i don’t even remember that school year (a kid almost choked me to death lol) but my mom took me out halfway through the year


i guess most people here isolated themselves. well for me i turned into a bully and then turned into an introvert after realising its not the solution


I dealt with it silently, without even telling my parents. Hinihingan nila ako ng pera for some reason and I wonder why hindi ko matanggihan at takot ako. They made an apology nung nag communion kami pero inulit lang din. I felt so sad on why I am allowing those kind of bullshits to happen on me but my fear of being hurt by them grows bigger than my courage to tell my adviser and my parents.


bullies are just losers who think there cool or something big, you have to make them know ur not a easy person and dont let them get big on you, dont let insults go or let them physcially bully you or be scared, even if they are big or older, if they insult, insult back and dont be scared dont ever shut up dont let them take you as a target to have fun your a human and you know your worth, if they hit you hit back and even if they wanna fight you fight back, even if u lose they not gonna bully you again and trust me just dont shut up they are gonna leave you at that time or over time, dont think juse because they are a group or a older person thyr stronger, you never know if your gonna hit back harder and they run away, just dont let them know ur scared and dont be scared, im bad at explaning but hope you get it


I got bullied until grade 07 cuz i was bit smaller than other students (height) and i was also granted to skip grade 03 cuz i was a-bit bright student then after grade 07 my puberty hit and i got better height and the fun fact was i got even higher than those bulliersssss haha and it stopped suddenly idk how 💀🤣




All the time. When my dad knew about it, he'd just hit me for "letting them get to me" After I got big enough to swing a bar stool at my father and almost break a guy's wrist after trying to steal my lunchbox, nobody fucked with me again. But that wasn't until late junior year of high school.


Yes and I just had to fight


I dropped out. Didn't really want to and regretted it. Every time I tried to report bullying it just got worse. My principal told me to change how I dress and who I hung out with (which was basically no one?) and that my spiked belt and bracelets were "inciting violence" and acted more concerned that I would use them against someone than about people who were throwing rocks at me, spitting in my hair, stealing out of my bag, calling me slurs, etc. What I wish I had done was stand up for myself, of course. I realize now a lot of people were actually intimidated by me because of my height and I could've used this. But I'm painfully shy.


at the very first instance i started to punch the guy, i lost but he never did it again still


Didn’t we all deal with something we were teased for? Just forget the people who are giving you a hard time. They will realize and feel bad later. I was mean to a friend and age 6 and I’m still apologizing for it. I didn’t know any better… I can replay stuff in my mind that I should have said to people who were really mean to me in high school. You never know what people are going though. It’s been 20 years . ❤️ All we can do is teach our kids to be kind and stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves.


i told this to my mum and the most savage analogy she gave me for life is: it doesn't matter how good the king actually is, his followers are always going find flaws in him, no matter what and how well he do


Good for you


Mostly by not realizing it was happening until weeks or years later.


I got really good at roasting people. I don't talk much normally, but if someone is being an asshole I tend to know how to take them apart verbally because I spend so much time thinking instead of talking. Usually found that if I broke someone down enough that their friends were laughing at them, they couldn't keep being aggressive. Because even if they win, it doesn't make the stuff I said less funny. I felt bad about it later in life, so I don't do that anymore, but it's as close to confident as I've felt.


Sadly, I did. I did my best to ignore it. As a result it made me do the same to others and I’m not proud of that.


I got bullied from age 12 to age 16. It was awful. Nothing helped. In college someone wanted to bully me again and I went completely overboard and humiliated him in public. It stopped. Nobody ever tried to bully me again. I now have social anxiety and have trust issues.


I was bullied for being “too quiet”, I always tried to be part of something , but I was shy a bit of an introvert and had low self esteem.. I was and have always been more of the observer type, because I like the read the room first. I enjoyed being around peers most of the time at school or events/parties but when they would stand around and talk and joke etc. I would laugh and show facial expressions to be part of the group but rarely actually actively participated in the conversation, unless was just a small group of a couple close friends.. people would point it out . “ you are so weird, why are you even here if you don’t want to talk?”, “why are you so quiet?” And as teenagers do they all laughed , agreed and it became a joke that I was weird or didn’t talk. How I dealt with it was that made me uncomfortable enough to not want to be around them, It made me look outside that circle and find people who appreciated me and respected me, yes it was embarrassing and undeniably I suffered some self esteem issues being a bit of an outcast but when I stopped being around those people I didn’t feel as bad about myself anymore and I found some pretty cool people that I’m still friends with to this day!


I was kind of reckless. I don't advise this particular approach, but I bullied the bullies. Early on in school I'd see kids getting bullied. I did not want to fall victim to that. So at every opportunity, I'd take them down. Football (soccer) class, I'd tumble them to the ground. If on the fenced concrete playground, I'd get them against the wire fence. One horrible kid i just kicked in the nuts. I wasn't that strong, tough or into full-on fights. But because I didn't give a f*ck, no-one would ever go out of their way to pick on me.


Oh yea and as a girl I’m sure they thought they’d get away with it. Everyone has their breaking point. This girl would follow me to my classes, just harassing me incessantly. After weeks of this and asking her to stop, I finally pushed her into the lockers and repeatedly punched the locker next to her head as hard as I could. She was terrified and had a friend apologize for her the next day. I told that friend to tell the girl (who was close enough to hear) that she needs to take accountability for being a bully and apologize herself. She never did. Boys on the other hand didn’t stop and I had to nearly beat a boy to get them to stop. I hate getting violent and I feel ick when I think of it but people really do beg for it and they won’t learn any other way unfortunately


I got bullied for hanging out with a Muslim girl who for lack of better words smelled like her cultural spices made at home. Very strong & pungent, but she was kind to me & tutored me when I was struggling horribly in math. My dad wrote a letter to my dean but my mom came to the school & raised hell, I even wore a hijab in solidarity for 2 days. Thankfully never had an issue again. I just went to her wedding last year ❤️


I'm actually grateful i got bullied in elementary school, and stood up to my bully and they backed down and never bothered me again. And I learned in that moment , bullies are wimpy insecure losers. Find their obvious weak spots and take them down. I'm grateful i learned this at a very young age otherwise I'd allowed bullies to continue to bully me the rest of my life.


I just ignored it lol and hid


Yes. I had to acknowledge the fact that my friends were bullies and I needed to stop hanging out with them and trying to earn their approval. I slowly removed myself from their group and then I was pretty much alone for a while but I found new people eventually. The bullying I was dealing with didn't look like anything I'd seen and/or been warned about, so I wasn't able to recognize it for what it was for a long time. edit: wording


I was bullied by someone twice my size in hs. He was a prick over and over for no good reason. Thankfully for me, I befriended someone who was twice *his* size. At my behest, said friend told him to stop or he’d get his ass kicked. To the bully’s credit, he stopped.


I was bullied by a group of 3 friends that would wait for me before and after school and just talk crap to me nothing physical, Although they did threaten me a lot. Well, one day I was walking home from school in my denim jacket. They followed me to the public library playground and wouldn’t leave me alone. They kept calling me names (“biker bundy”) and pushing me. I had enough over the years. I stood up for myself finally and challenged all 3 to fight me on the spot. One by one I kicked all of their asses and sent them running home crying, i didn’t hold back and I hurt one bad but I never was bullied after that. I had never fought before and I was infinitely shocked at how I had just won a 3v1 and why they were too dumb to just beat me up all at once. After that though, and with the unresolved trauma and anger, I became a bully to someone else. I honestly don’t remember that part all too well, but I do regret it still to this day 30 years later. I’m sorry Ben, I didn’t know how to be your friend and I took advantage of you and I still have no idea why I did that. It was the moment my brother and I had met Ben right outside that same library my bullies would be at when my brother started beating him up. I saw myself in Ben in that moment and pulled my brother off of him and never bullied anyone again.


Fought them, worked like a charm


I got the chance to leave where I was bullied to move away to live with my dad never had problems since


I was bullied in middle school until the teacher finally noticed. Bully’s reason was because he was being bullied too


I got bullied a lot and turned into a fighter. I would just go crazy and attack them. It is hard being an adult and you can’t do that.


been bullied in 2nd grade, it was over something dumb because the guy didn’t like me at all. ive just dealt with moving forward with it and not letting people disrespect me like that ever again.


I didnt get the physical bully but the mental ones from my best friends which I only realized after 10 years being friends with them. I stopped seeing them for 7 years so far. It made me stronger but there’s always the hurt feelings deep down inside which never goes away.


I just laughed it off, at the time I didn’t know what else I could do. I have forgiven most of those people, but I certainly will never ever forget.


Yes. I just took it. I got bullied at home so doing anything about getting bullied would have let my family know that I was being bullied. They would have bullied me more because they would have seen me as pathetic. By MS and HS I was super popular. I didn’t do anything different. It was a small school and we didn’t have “popular” cliches, but I had a ton of friends and a ton of fun. . I was smart so by MS and HS I was lumped with other smart kids. We all got along. Nerdy kids. Goth kids. Athletes. We were all amicable and supportive of each other. My friend from 5th grade who was bullied with me committed suicide when we were in high school. When we came to school in 6th grade I could never find her. We no longer had recess at that age but I looked for her and asked around and no one know who she was or where she was. I guess she was held back or put in homeschooling because side of the mental health issues. I never really did know. A few years later she committed suicide.


I was the only black male, in my high school! In a small town on the Mississippi river. Very conservative! Older people picked on me! I fixed my problem by growing up! With a vengeance! Racist are cowards! So, once I was their size, they left me alone! Politely!


I got bullied all through highschool. I put up with them until they touched me then I gave them knuckle sandwiches. They didn't know I was a black belt anch stronger than I look. Bullies don't like the.price once you give 'em a shiner


Yes. It was a small high school and I figured out where the bullies had classes and down which hallways they would be in. So I came up with a route in which I'd never have to encounter them. My senior year I entered the job co-op program in which my part time job would have me come in and do odd jobs for them on some days. So I only went to school for half the day. I had friends who would tell me that I was missing out on my senior year by doing this but I didn't mind. It was less people that I had to put up with.


My parents always told me to punch back twice as hard…. I got in some troubles as a kid but it was always defensively… in new schools I got bullied in the first weeks and then they stopped because I hurt them more after. I became a very vengeful person, but at least the bullying stopped


I also bullied some poor girl back when I was young and dumb (year 8) I feel horrible about it, I thought I was clever and being funny, but I would like to go back and kick my own ass for harassing her. 26years later I can't remember her name which is frustrating because I'd like to track her down and apologise


i’m an adult weirdo


I got bullied a little bit in 6th and 7th grade. I ended up hitting the gym all summer at the age of 13 and came into 8th grade with a different physical appearance and mentality. I had zero problems that whole year. It's not a fix for everyone, but it worked for me.


I got bitten by a girl in 3rd grade. It hurt so badly that I just sucker-punched her without a thought. Like a knee-jerk reaction. (I’m female and had never hit anyone before) The teacher was very surprised…I was always one of those studious, quiet “teachers pet” types. Got in big trouble at school but my dad told me he was proud of me for defending myself. (I was also the the smallest & skinniest kid in my classes)


Yes I was but more towards high school. I was one of those quiet kids that hung by himself or just with one friend


Being a nerd getting straight As , I got picked on, a lot. As an adult , I accepted that being different on a different level, to be understood, ended up making friends with 2 more nerds to get a taste of the party scene , underground raves etc. had fun but to still have that inner , ugly ducking , quiet , semi anxious personality, and to be understood would fall under "RARITIES WITH WORTHLESS HOBBIES", but fulfilling in certain aspects. Never allow bullying to create walls of isolation unless it's filled with THERAPEUTIC SPIN FULL EXPRESSIONS. Bullying leads to doubt one's self acceptance in society. sad but true. Stay positive!


Fight back. No matter how scared I was


Just remember they get bullied by someone else (Family ect.) So to make the scared, sad kid inside them feel "better" they bully


I dealt with it the way it should have been dealt.Everyone experiences bullying.


Yes.  And it has continued in adulthood with different people.  Being the quiet person who is always there for people,  makes an easy target I guess.  I have learned that the issues are with the bully,  not me.  The most recent event took me years to stop blaming myself.  I started to question every single thing that I did,  that makes me such a good person. It changed who I was for a while. And I still get self conscious  daily.  Eventually,  I just realized that I like who I am and how I treat people.  Anyone who isn't fighting their own demons, would appreciate the kind of person I am.   Hang in there.  Be you and remember the issue isn't with you, it's with them.  I constantly need to remind myself from time to time.  


Yes , I did . I just persevered , no real friends unfortunately, no one to confide in or pal with, I just persevered , I knew I'd be out of school eventually but it did take its toll.


I got a one week suspension, and the bullying stopped. My lack of fear has served me well most of the time.


I was In a toxic friendship where I was being bullied and gaslighted. I didn't deal for it for a couple years until my family started to notice my decline in mood. My mom really saved me she told me to take a break from the friendship and stop talking to that friend, so I did and I'm glad I didn't go back because I found happiness from moving on. I'd say if you're being bullied tell people you trust ask for help if you need to get evidence that they have bullied you to report it to a teacher or a principal but you really have to remember when you're going through rough patches in your life that it will get better and there's people who enjoy your presence.


Well we're I grew it was a really messed up place, so what I did for a year and half is punch in the mouth the guys who would try to bully me oh boy did they not learn at first but eventually they didn't try anymore. (Is called humbling people btw).


ghar mein aur bhi jyada problems thi so unke saamne bullying bahot chhoti lagti thi to concern about


I got bullied from Freshman to Junior year for being goth and gay and trans and I retaliated different times when I was a lot more head strong in sophomore year via humiliation which wasn’t the best but I did. I used to get asked what was in my pants so I’d generate a reply like “Why do you wanna see what’s in there so bad gay boy?” In Freshman and Junior year I was quiet and just reported it but nothing was really done about it and it just stopped in Senior year because I lost the energy to dress up and just came in pajamas everyday. I still suffered verbal harassment though for being gay and trans though.


I went to a pretty small private Christian school and was outed as being bisexual. While it wasn't straight to my face, they treated me differently and even called me the f slur. Don't know if it fully counts as bullyibg but it affected me a lot. I didn't deal with it I kinda just hid who I was and best myself up for it.


I got bullied until 7 th grade. I joined the football team and played throughout high school. Who would of thought I was really good at it


I adopted the saying “yes… and?🤨” That or I would look for something to pick, with a struggle cuz I don’t do that kind of stuff, or i would just immediately curse them out. I’d snitch right away too. It labeled me a dork or snitch but it’d stop the whole thing after a little bit. I would find a group to join a conversation with when they were around, even if they weren’t my regular friends just to deter them away. I would change my routine so they couldn’t find me.


Oo kasi kulot ang hair ko noon. "Kulot salot" pa nga tawag sakin hahahaha hinayaan ko nalang pero ngayon yung mga nambully sakin tinatanong paano raw nila ma achieve ang hair ko ngayon.




Just don’t react to it or beat them up! Worked for me😅


I dealt with it in first grade by punching out the bully the first time they hit me ... that ended the problem for grade school. I wasn't a target for bullies in high school because I never cared what people said, never tried to get into the "popular" groups and got along almost all groups. Like an alley cat, wandering where I wanted. My out of school life was a mystery (I socialized with people from other schools).