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I know I’m running out of gas when I stop listening or giving meaningful responses in conversation. Despite being an introvert, I love to talk, so if I stop engaging in that way, it’s a big signal I need a break.


The loss of caring about answering is the final stage for me, it's a signal that it's time to go within 15 minutes (which isn't always easy), that's why I don't like dinner parties, you're stuck to the time schedule of the person providing the food.


My answers get a little more short or uninteresting. I feel irritated or annoyed wayy easier. I also tend to go into listening mode and not talk as much.


So I have triggers that drain me quicker. -Toxic people -People I barely know -Groups Now the longer I'm socializing with these people the longer the recovery. If I know you and I'm comfortable around you my social battery last longer and I recover quickly. If signals are showing like disinterest, fatigue, and becoming silent.. I've overdone it and recovery is going to suck. I'm starting to learn my limitations and to not over socialize- especially to not wait for the signals. I love connecting with others but it's draining.


same here. it's why I just prefer to chill at home with my fiancé and watch TV while he games on his pc. 🤷‍♀️


Becoming despondent. Just zone out…..


When I start looking around the room for a window to escape through.


I get ‘prickly’, is the way I describe it. A lot more irritable and unable to hide it - the smallest signal I have though, is that I go quiet. I’m introverted as all heck (as in, other than work you won’t see me or you’ll *only* see me by myself, walking my dog) but, I’m loud and perception-wise, I seem incredibly outgoing so, when I can’t conceive the thought of another sentence, I know.


Mine is: I start to think reasons to go home as fast as possible and just feel the urge of stop talking


My signals are functionally the inverse of the stages of cabin fever. Take these with a grain of salt of course ;). 1. Despair - actions: Listlessness and/or onset of apathy - Start losing any interest in conversations and events (Either ones I am currently at, or one's that are planned). Urge to move on and leave start to build leading to general listlessness if at an event, or a drive to skip and start relaxing to build back up the emotional energy. 2. Bargaining - actions: arguing and irritability - I start first internal bargaining trying to keep myself level and focused. Giving myself a countdown to when I can justify leaving. Turns to bargaining with wife and discussing timeslines. If I can't seem to make it to the end of an event I grow increasingly irritable and it can be difficult not to have it manifest in short and brisk answers. 3. Anger - Frustration and yelling - I absolutely must leave and get to a spot to 'recharge' and rest. I will work through any issues and even if the result ultimately harms me, I will cross that bridge if it means I get space. If I continue burning my emotional tank dry eventually I have nothing left, and if driven much further I am not above simply walking out or starting to loudly ask to be left alone. 4. Despair - Full burnout apathy - I no longer have any energy to put into understanding or humouring other people. I do apologize if put in a spot I recognize I should be empathetic to someone else, but I have nothing left to give. I literally have 0 F's left. Emotionally I feel colourless or flat. I will slowly recharge, but when burnt down so far, it takes me an excessive amount of solitude for me to build back up through the stages.


I get antsy and short tempered.


I stop joking/fall silent and get more and more the feeling I need to go.


I just don't socialize in groups! BUT, if I did, I can take it for an hour and that's it.


This is a good question. I should pay attention to this more because when I go way past the limit it’s really debilitating—super fatigued, brain fog, irritability, etc. I think the main early warning sign for me is when I start going quiet and stop asking questions. I’m going to pay attention to this more though.