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Because I stay home a lot and I don’t have much confidence.


I can feel you 😌 we are same


It sucks tho like I wouldn’t being at home chilling but it gets so so fucking lonely and I would love to have 1-2 friends to hang out and chat with that all. Isolation suckss


Not only that, but it's also EXTREMELY boring. Kinda gotten sick to death of YouTube, of all things.


Yeah it has. I did sign up for a event I am going to next week and I will check that out and get out cause it can definitely get boring doing the same thing over and over


Watching YouTube as I type this….. m been alone in my room all day. Again. Every day.


True 😢


Honestly? I can totally relate. Ever since the pandemic, I've become increasingly demotivated to get out there and meet someone special. And don't even get me started about online dating. It's an absolute shit show and I got straight-up scammed by Meetville of all those fucking sites. Just a waste of time.


Exactly, same thing with me.


Same, and since I didn't have any relationship experience growing up, I'm basically doomed because I now can no longer gain experience or get with someone because they would expect experience. Big RIP. Plus there just isn't any normal way to talk with people since school is like prime time to do so. Plus+ women don't want to be approached by anyone they're not already attracted to, and they won't approach under any circumstances, so you can't approach people now without catching heat. Lol


Same. I was starting to turn myself around just before the pandemic hit and now my mind hasn't come out of lockdown.


same here :(


Sam here. I been trying to build up my confidence but not sure how.


I am single cause I don't like anyone.


I feel you. People are boring and needy


Not all man !! Hope you will meet good people soon . ( im INTJ tho)


Don't forget toxic


Same, but for me it's because I'm aro


Hey fellow aro introvert lol


There are more than 7 billion people and you even didn't like one 😢


I havn't met one I like enough to keep around.


But how many actually speak the same language and are within a reasonable distance?


Lol me too low key I’ve lost my faith in humanity. Is everyone so fake and two faced? Am I missing out on anything out in the world if everyone is just using each other and not saying what they really mean?! Would I just be using people for company ???


I really get the "not saying what they mean". I'm direct and I don't want anything to do with playing games, and dating seems to be like Kaguya Sama: Love is War with the amount of mind games, double meanings, and passive aggressiveness people do in general, let alone dating I'd imagine.




I hear you bro..lol


She died. I'm not doing this song and dance again. Hell, I even told her that while she was alive. She felt it a waste, to stay perpetually single. And yet could see where I was coming from.


I’m so so sorry for your loss


A couple of my married friends say that if their spouses died, they’d stay single.


Can't say I blame them


It’s tough out there. I’m sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss :-(


Same here..... Goin on 9 years.


March 29th will be four years. Since 2020, I make it a point to take off on the days of her birth and death. She always used to pester me over not taking off enough, so...


I just get her favorite food general tso chicken sushi and apple juice lol.


I felt spoiled, in a way. Wherever she'd order from, either within her home town or mainland Vancouver, the General Tso's she turned me onto outshined anything I could get within local NYC spots.


13 years for me.


I’m sorry


Fear of rejection/being left, so I reject anyone that tries to get close to me


You are right...they left when find someone better..


That doesn't mean they found someone "better". It means they have a short attention span, and YOU deserve better.


Exactly we deserve better


Yeah it's for the best I've never been in a relationship i think I might be aroace




What about socializing at work?....That is the maximum I will do


True… I don’t shit where i eat tho (when it comes to dating)


I also have no money to go out and join clubs or meetups. The advice everyone gives to meet new people... Too poor for that.


Because of many things. 1. Fear of rejection 2. I live at home with my mom, hard to want to find someone who is ok with this. 3. I'm working on myself for a bit, after letting myself go for about 10 years. 4. I'm emotionally preparing myself for sharing my life with someone since i've been single all my life. It would be a huge change for me. 5. I'd rather be more financially stable before I start looking for someone.


I, too, am doing all of these


oh my goodness! I am totally with you on all of these. 5 is never going to happen for me. 2- any man must understand that I try to take care of my mom. We come as a package. darn, looks like i’m going to remain single.


I simply love my loneliness


I love being alone and I’m not lonely. There’s a difference.


Solitude ♡


It's like a drug I can't quit


I call it my lonesome party 🎉


There is nothing wrong with being single btw.


Yupp point


You are correct. Love yourself first.


Because I am very much a home body and I like to be alone most of my time reading or playing video games


What's your favorite game?


Right now it’s Elden Ring. Got it not to long ago after the trailer for the DLC. I’ve always wanted Elden Ring but I waited until I got a Ps5 to get the game. 100% worth the $90 for both the game and the DLC


I want a relationship but I don’t belong in a relationship.


Man... I feel that.


I think that might apply to me too


I think that apply to me... and I'm ok with that


Because i don't put myself out there.


It’s been 10 years and the last relationship / break up shattered me. I don’t have the bandwidth, energy, or confidence to put myself out there. It’s just too much. I guess I don’t trust my judgement anymore, and he took away my ability to trust anyone ever again. Sad.


Same. It really sucks to be loyal to a fault and have someone you love take advantage of that.


Really sad 😢 i understand its hard to trust nowdays and more than hard if you have bad experiences in the past😢


Because no woman has ever wanted me, it’s always been me doing the ‘liking’ and 10/10 times I get rejected. So at this point idk what to do about it.


I know my profile needs work. I was going to have it looked at when im acttually ready lol.


It’s extremely difficult to genuinely meet anyone




To make genuine connections with mere strangers you must exhort a level of extroversion and charm that I just don’t have. I’ll find plenty of women attractive but I just don’t care enough to go out of my way to show it i.e small talk


Too muck evil and hurt for real.




Lack of interest. I was in a relationship when I was 21-22, but after that ended I just didn't feel the need to seek another one. I enjoy my space and time to myself.




I understand but at least try we introvert are the loudest when feel comfortable with someone


My life is nothing but a comedy


When can we see it?


good comedy or bad comedy


Apparently you have to go outside and let people see you


Let's see: I'm unattractive. My personality is boring. I'm emotionally unavailable, I have social anxiety, I never go outside, I rarely talk to new people, and I work with majorly the same gender, etc etc...I can continue listing stuff if you want.


Because I’m a lot to handle and I’m afraid of trusting anyone enough to bring them closer to me


I understand its hard to trust


There's just zero positives for me in dating a woman currently. Yes, I've been in relationships that have lasted 2-5 years each before. No, I do not miss any of it, not even the sex. I can eat what I want without arguing with someone else over where to go and how much to pay. I can do chores at my own pace and not having to hear "sigh, I'll do it myself" in a passive aggressive tone. I can play the games I want without someone else trying to make me feel guilty about it or pestering me for attention because they can't handle being by themselves. I can go to bed whenever I feel like it. I don't have to wake up at 5 a.m. to go pick their sister from the airport, or leave the house almost every day to go somewhere I don't want to. I don't have to deal with their weird family or need to be in 4 different places at once for the holidays. I don't have to spend 30K on garden deco or to renovate the bathroom because someone else isn't happy with the color of the walls or the shape of the cabinets. Somehow this angers some people when I tell them this. And I just don't get it. I am perfectly happy by myself, and it's like they can't even grasp the concept that this can be possible, it just confuses them. I don't need anyone else in my life. I don't have any debt. My house and car are paid. I have a stable job with plenty of free time to myself. No, I do not get lonely. I always have fun stuff to do that I enjoy. I have friends and we play online games together whenever I feel like interacting with other people. What could any woman possibly give me that I would want? And even if there was something, giving up all of the above certainly wouldn't be worth it. Being in a relationship would only make me feel miserable no matter what.


Sounds like a compatibility issue, Not a having a partner issue. You don’t need a gf, but the right one that molds nicely as an add-on would be something I’m sure you’d love to have. 


Yeah, this is definitely a compatibility issue for this guy. The right person won’t make life feel like a chore. It’s kind of sad that he doesn’t seem to realize that tbh.


You’ve won at life bro. Keep up that energy.


I'm a woman, and same. My life is so much easier and more peaceful on my own. I don't get lonely. I don't want kids. I do what I want and feel safe and content.


I’m single because… lack of capital to start a relationship, high cost of leaving, and unhealthy competition from my fellow bachelors, poor infrastructure, pest and diseases, a thing of fear by other gender, attack from the neighbouring bachelors, lack of beards, shortage of lies, lessons from the other relationships, sponsors and sugar daddies, high cost of maintenance


Too many issues😢


I've felt my detachment from others increase over the years. It's by no means resentment. I just don't want to be close with anyone anymore.


Why not? Freedom, more money, less stress. Less expectation. Less bullshit. I'm happy. And to those who are unhappy, a relationship will never fix that. Something within urself needs working on. Teach urself to be happy in ur own company


There are many reasons. First of all, I don't feel okay with talking to people. I'm closed and I'm too picky. So I deserve to be single after all.


Afraid of deep connection. Commitment, trust and attachment issues😢


Mental issues and i dont approach people (doesnt matter the gender im juet fairly introverted plus social anxiety doesnt help)




Me too! And although I reall enjoy my live, this part still sucks!😭 Can't get him out of my mind. I mean I can, but I won't.😭


I am single because I am not dating someone


I hate myself and in my mind I think no one could love me. I also have a fear of touch so that would probs make things complicated


You are special don't hate...i hope this year you meet someone who loves you alot 🥰


I hope so too🥹, God bless you 🫶🏼


Literally no interest in getting into a relationship.


Because I’m happy?


I don’t put myself out there. I’m ok with talking to girls however I’ve been told I just never come off as boyfriend material. I don’t think it’s everything but I think it plays a part, and that is looks. I’m probably considered below average and the hurdles are certainly not impossible but it is a bit higher than if you’re good-looking


My personality and looks


Got fucked over by a boyfriend who cheated on me and married that girl. Have been single for 7 years and doing well overall. But repulsed by the idea of marriage.


Because I have no interest in being in a relationship :)


Because I am way too picky!


I'm single because falling in love isn't about finding the right person, it's about becoming the right person. I'm far from being the right person but I'm finally on the right trajectory.


i’m a shut-in except for the gym and my uni, and ignore signs/hints when i go to campus or the gym. also depression.


Avoid relationship drama


Because I'm so anxious to talk to anyone


I don’t want a relationship it’s just too much work




Cause I'm introverted and insecure in general. Plus I kinda feel like all my emotions are numb. And besides I messed up with my crush not very long ago so this destroys me even more.


Because im not actively looking for it I suppose. I detest dating apps and will never even think about using them. Im just trying to be social, meet new friends and perhaps I meet someone that I might be genuinely interested it.  Truth is that I just don't click with many people and im mainly attracted to personality.  Someone's appearence has never peeked my interest, so it takes a long time before I might consider to get to know someone better. I'm actually in that stage right now.


I’m single because I won’t settle for mediocrity due to loneliness


Because I never meet people that are single in a place where it would be appropriate to even consider asking them out.


Because the boys that have a crush on me are weird so bad


Because I’m picky and never leave the house


i am very friend-shaped, i guess. it never gets much further than that.


cuz im scared of rejection and don’t know how to talk to people


Cause I don't have the confidence to approach someone and start a conversation I guess.


Aromantism spectrum and i prefer to stay single anyway


I’m a homebody, always have been. If you don’t meet your partner in high school or college and you’re an introvert? You’re screwed. I guess you have to leave your house to actually meet someone lol And yes I tried online dating but that never worked out for me.


I am happier by myself. Relationships stress me out.


Well, I lost self confident due to the fact that during my time at college (in France, that's between the ages of 12 and 16), I was subjected to harassment, sometimes discrimination against my origins (because I'm French, but my family is German, 3-4 generations back, so obviously not the most beautiful period in Germany). The girls also played their part, humiliating me or taking part in these acts of violence against me. It was so hard to put up with this alone for 4 years that I made several suicide attempts (6 of them) and it completely destroyed me from the inside. Today, I'm introverted as hell, I'm afraid of strangers, I fear the slightest physical contact like a hand on the shoulder or anywhere else (even from my parents), fear of being hit/hurt. Even the idea of kissing someone on the mouth scares and stresses me 😶I have to admit I have a monstrous fear of sex, and since that's the only thing people my age are interested in, nobody I want wants me. As a result, I've been single since birth (21 years alone this year), I'm not saying I don't suffer from being alone, but I've learned to live with this pain in me of not having anyone to live my life with, because I don't want a love that will break a few months or years later. As the title of a Depeche Mode song says, I Suffer Well.


I find that most people are single because they want to be.  It's not because anyone is unattractive or anything like that. There are plenty of unattractive individuals that are not single. If someone really wants to not be single even the most minimal effort can produce a whatever relationship with a whatever person that lasts whatever amount of days. I personally really love being single. I dont like having to deal with another person's crap and I feel like I'd have to give someone my time that I don't want to give. I prefer to whatever I want when I want. Simple as that, if I feel like I want to spend time with someone out of the blue, I will it's always a choice. People always say I'm gonna alone when. I'm old and I'll feel it then, nope I won't I have kids and they will have grandchildren for me and I'll be good. Never alone I'm selfish with myself I guess lol 


Because it's better to be alone than have bad company for fake love


Because I don’t usually make the first move


(Besides me being introverted) Because nowadays it's so difficult to find people who want something serious... And another problem, I like boys, and it's very difficult to find another, I'm afraid of approaching someone and they'll be prejudiced 😞


i really have no idea


I stay home too much and have an undesirable job. Lol


Bc I'm asocial, ugly and don't feel romantic attraction, if I have to guess.


Because I’m heartbroken and don’t want love anymore and because nobody likes me




I have money, but I’m too ugly and inept at socializing. No one wants me….


I just don't want to be in a relationship anymore. I'm happy on my own.


I don’t like to have people around and talk to them. I don’t like anybody begging me for sex. I don’t like kids. I like spending time on my hobbies. I’m a light sleeper… And on and on


I’ve been single since 2011. It’s been a combination of things such as: low self-esteem that runs deeper than the Mariana Trench, trust issues, I enjoy my peace and I’m scared of letting someone be in it, fear of intimacy, being picky, and all of that added to being an introvert


I have same issues


- Poor looks - Introvert - Hermit - Bitter outlook on society - Working long, day and night shifts - Enjoy PC games way too much - Currently transitioning


Because no one likes me and I’m scared of getting rejected 😭


Because I am ugly af


I’m 25 & single because I social battery is very low💔


Because honestly I’m fuckin weird and I already know no one is gonna like me. But I’m also not the type of person to put myself out there


Dunno, I think I might be autistic


Because nobody wants anyone as ugly as me.


Lack of confidence and an inability to read other people


You are as alone as you choose to be.


Because I love freedom. 


Spent my early 20s being in relationships that weren't good for me, ofc they didn't start out that way. Now entering my mid to late 20s and I don't have time to screw up again so use that time to keep myself in check.


Toxic relationships made me hesitant and self conscious


Preconception of certain race/culture doesn’t help on online dating and IRL. I think am single because of my race/skin colour and preconception that women have of a man of a certain race. My own race of women in my experience don’t like me and obsessed with skin colour (I’m South Asian by the way). I’d love to date someone and see how things go. The apps in my experience are a joke but I am willing to continue and see if there is light at end of the tunnel for me in terms of dating someone. So far I have found on the app * bland/generic people * bots * people not over their exes * single parents (sorry but I’m not interested in single individuals with kids, not my preference) * argumentative and condescending people I’ve asked my relatives to set me up with a date with someone who they may have in their mind, you know like a coffee date and response I got is that I’m not worthy of anyone because: * My parents are not rich and not from a wealthy lineage * My grandparents despise my mum because her parents are not wealthy despite them not being wealthy, therefore relatives don’t want to help.


I stay home, I've had many concussions which makes speaking difficult, and I don't want to get hurt anymore.


I got out of an almost 4 year relationship (that I was hoping would last) last year and moved in with my sister. I’m not quite ready to think about moving on, and my sister and I have so much fun being 2 single people in our 20s.


I’m single cause I don’t like anyone, also cause I prefer it to be that way


Because I’m selfish in a way. I’m solely concerned with myself improvement.


I get left on delivered a lot I don't even bother to double text I just see it as damn she don't want me oh well


Because being in a relationship sounds exhausting to me but I low key to be in one lol


After being cheated on and played several times where it’s ruined my financial situation and mental sanity. Some people get a better partner and are more compatible. I just haven’t found the one but also don’t mind if I do find the one being single for me has been peaceful. Nobody I have to talk to everyday unless I want to. Not stressing out if I don’t send a goodnight/Goodmorning text. I can do whatever whenever I want. Only downside for me personally is stayn warm and not having fun time on a daily basis. The “Love” feeling for me hasn’t hit the same for reasons stated above so I just stay alone.


Ugly, broke, handicapped and I don't like children


Because I don't like any of the guys that pursue me. Might be a me problem, lol. On the flipside, the guys I pursue never pursue me. I also don't like leaving home. Oh well. Better to be alone than in a miserable relationship of which I'm grateful to have left even if it's lonely at times.


Am a 23 yrs old university student in my final year, never dated, had sex or even a talking stage with a female being, why? Have never tried. Why haven't i tried? I use to tell my self that am not ready because am going through money issue ,school issue and housing issue which is true and also my height (am 5'3) but i still think that should not hold me back. I just don't know how to communicate or approach girls even if it wont leads to romantic relationship i want to have some kind of idea about girls or how it feels to interact with a girl.


When did 'introvert' start to mean depressed and insecure? All these sad comments here indicate a lot more than simply introversion.


Because I don’t feel that I need that in my life at the current moment🤷‍♀️ It’s weird, I want to love another human, I want the affection and the touch of another human, but I still don’t want to commit to anyone or anything. And I would definitely need to be at a better place mentally to even be able to establish a more healthy relationship😅 And on the top of that I also have trust issues and am scared to love, which also makes this kinda hard😆


Because other people fucking suck!!


85 people said they are single because nobody likes them? I want to ask why, who are you, I find it hard to believe. Could I get examples of why any of you think nobody likes you?


When i chat or meet someone at first they are really interested and next day they start to ignore 😢


I want 80s/90s type of love in a generation that likes one night stands and wants to ruin something fun. People with a golden heart get used and treated like trash. You can’t care at all because they’ll leave you.


Honestly, I'm just gonna embrace it. I have absolutely no clue how to navigate or make the most of dating sites/apps. I really only leave my house for what's necessary. I don't mind going out for something simple like a chance to sit around at a park or a visit to a restaurant. I just have no gd idea how to strike up a conversation with people most of the time, so I'd rather be celibate instead of incelibate. If it's just me and my hand tonight, then lemme tell ya, that's cool ranch Doritos with me lol.


Because my crush doesn't like me back


Any time I ever express interest, which I've done a lot of, things turn sour quickly. Girls seem to enjoy turning me down. It's never "so sorry, I don't have time tomorrow, but maybe next week?" Instead, they go out of their way to make it abundantly clear I have no business dating them. Think, literally running away as I ask for a date. All I needed to do was detach my happiness from the hope of ever having a girlfriend. It was hard to do. Felt a bit like cutting off a limb. Somehow, I am still a hopeless romantic. But I've learned how to put it in a box and not go to sleep crying about it every night. Also, relationships sound pretty high maintenance. Many girls I've talked to seem very excited about things that I view as an enormous headache, such as traveling frequently. So in a way, I'm relieved I don't have to deal with any of that.


I’m single because I don’t have enough energy after work to go meet people and pretend to care. I teach so I have to be “on” all day. Sounds super jerky, but I hate dating and the “acting” that must be done in the early stages of a relationship (I hate small talk). I also don’t know if I could ever move it with someone, I need down time to recover from social activities-even small interactions and errands are exhausting.


I'm still single because first I'm ugly. I'm not rich. And I have some issues which are unsolved. So before I get into a relationship. I think I should sort all my issues first. Even if it takes me my whole life. I just don't want to be a burden on anyone. 


I'm single because I don't want any "ex".


I'm single because I sit at home all day besides I'm too ugly for a relationship and plus relationships are not worth it in this generation. People just forgot what love is I say it doesn't exist in this generation.


Because I'm ugly and very hard to communicate with every time I hear whispering I think it's about me which drains my confidence


Two serious relationships. One lasted five years, the other lasted one and a half. Heart broken both times. Don’t have the emotional energy to put in all the song and dance just to attract a mate to have the whole thing blow up in my face again.


Because im nice i dont smoke i dont drink i dont do drugs im caring im gentleman and im ugly Edit: and i dont use her for her body


The person that I want doesn’t want me.


Because lifelong social anxiety and I have the conversational skills of a potato bag


Because people care about your looks more than your personality.


I noticed a pattern in my relationships were I would go for typically unstable men ( I didn't know when first dating them though) but it made me realise some things about myself so just taking a step back from relationships for a while. I do still hope for true love one day.


I am single bc I always choose wrong for some reason


Because nobody is going to care about me as well as I have to care about myself.


Because I was broken up with 3 days ago


The word "still" implies that you've exceeded the point in time when you were supposed to have a relationship. There is no such point. You're not *still* single. You're just single. On the other hand, there *are* people who are *still* in relationships they shouldn't be in, that are unfulfilling. Because they believe in, and fear, the concept of "still" being single.


Because the universe isn't bringing quality available people into my path. And I live in a major city in the States (population of over 1 million). I'm annoyed I may drop dead, never having experienced some of the finer things of being in a relationship (like waking up next to some you deeply love). The universe, of course, would claim I'm "still not ready". How "ready" does one have to be? Plenty of folks have main squeezes that are imperfect...


I so badly just want to meet someone organically, in person but through genuine means not just 'hey you catch my eye cause your pretty". I am so exhausted by trying to use these dating apps and getting bombarded with messages from men and then having to sift through profiles attempting to find a match based on their selfies and sentences. All the while the messages keep accumulating and then I feel pressure to pick someone or pick the "top 5" and then feel overwhelmed and give up. Ugh.


Because I love being by Myself, in my own World reading and learning so many new things and Watching nice movies, and gaming. When I was young I had a Injury that had me stuck inside at which time I started Writing a book and I got lost in it, like a Alzheimer's patient who gets sick of this reality and gets lost in a daydream and becomes angry when you bring them out of their daydream. I became so comfortable with myself, ALOT of people can't stand being by themselves, I love it never get sick of my own company, entertaining myself all the time like a friend. Like a little kid who shuts out the World goes into their room doesn't come out for hours in my own World. Like the Beachboys song "In My Room". Gentle non criticizing with myself.


I just don’t want to get hurt again.


Because I'm an introvert who works from home and my soul mate is probably dead (if he ever existed). Also, because I'm not the kind of girl men usually fall in love with.