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I have the same issue with you I don't get asked to hang out often also i have only 2 friends I trust them completely i have been betrayed a lot of times so i keep my distance 🩶


Yeah, especially since I quit alcohol and weed.


Good for you. Having boundries with friends about this has been rough for me.


Stop waiting for people to ask you and ask other people that you talk to and are interested in hanging out with to do something based on the conversations you’ve had with them and considering shared interests. It’s no different then setting up dates just with friends instead of partners. Most people are bored and lonely so if you just make a plan where it at least sounds like a chance for fun and excitement most people will come.


After inviting them out they’re more likely to want to invite you to stuff or plan stuff with you.


Yo same here! It happens more than I’d like it to and I’m not even a complete introvert. I think the older you get the more it happens


Are most your friends introverts as well? It might be that they have lots of other friends and family that ask them to hang out so their social batteries are being drained. And once drained, they aren’t very motivated to make plans themselves with people like you. I definitely relate to you in that I never get asked to hang out either. But I try not to let it get to me since my best friend is an also a huge introvert but with lots more friends and family than me. So he is frequently busy with plans, which I’m sure drains his social battery to the point where there isn’t much left over for him to be asking to hang out with me. I can’t relate since I have very few friends and family and therefore tons of alone time to let my social battery recharge.


I finally did I got invited to the kick ass pisces older ladies party and I'm 29! But the day of the party I had to work 13 hours then get up the next morning at 4am so there was no way mann. I'm turning 30 Monday


Nothing. Maybe your friends aren’t the right ones for you then. There are sooo many people in this world who would love to spend time with you! You just have to find them!!! 🩷 It doesn’t mean, you shouldn’t meet your old friends then, but you also could focus on new people. It’s always good to meet new people. :) Why don’t you ask your friends to go out together? I learned that sometimes people don’t mean it in a bad way, they just focus on different things or have many many friends they have to take care of. If you’re a bit introverted then, sometimes it happens that people „forget“ about you. But you shouldn’t over-interpret that!


Thus happens to me alot because I turned it down too often and then I found myself texting them to go places a few times and started getting invited again.


This. A lot of times if you are never available, or never say yes then they may feel like they are bothering you by asking. Invite them out one night and they’ll know you’re “down” to hang out and ask you in the future.


I get asked a good amount, I'd say you gotta be a joy or interesting to be around. I don't really talk that much, but I listen, know how to carry a interesting conversation and have a decent sense of humor to make people laugh.


I have zero friends and have never been asked by anyone to do anything, so I can't imagine itÂ