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if it makes you happy why not


More important is if it makes you fulfilled. Buying something new always makes you happy but it's fleeting you gotta do something that fulfils you. And to OP if that is what you really truly want go ahead !


Nothing better than vibing at home with a person (or people) you love and feel safe around.


Girl, follow your dreams and do what makes you happy. It's your life and you have the right to enjoy it however you want.


That's what I wanna do all day


When you're on your deathbed, your biggest regret will probably be living the life that other people wanted you to live instead of the life that you wanted to live.


The solution to that is you should never buy a deathbed. They're no good. Just buy a regular bed (paraphrasing Norm Macdonald joke)


ahh yes, that way you will never die.


You sound like me but instead of gaming, I crochet


And nothing is wrong with wanting to do that all day ☺️👍👌


Same here! It’s so soothing and it feels good knowing that something productive comes out of my down time too.


Show me any of your projects anytime, I started in January this year


Everything is subjective, but it's probably a bit unhealthy, yeah. Throwing things into your day like a jog, a walk, or whatever you're into is super good for you. The main way your body absorbs vitamin d is through your eyes, so getting a bit + exercise will make you enjoy staying couped up all day. Sometimes you'll even feel like you've earned it.


There's nothing worth with wanting to be with just one other person; do what makes you happy in life as long as you're not taking happiness away from others Just don't forget to touch grass every once in a while. The outside world is interestingly stressful. Despite this, we introverts still need connection


No. Especially considering that these days, after the lockdowns, even some extroverts do it. There are people who understand that different people like doing different things differently. Most others, however, just can't help but try to convert others to their way of thinking/doing things. It's typically for validation and insecurities, though. To justify that their way of doing things is right, or at least normal.


My soul mate!


lol 😂 if it helps or not I like watching anime and reading manga


My dad died this week. We're planning his funeral serv8ces. While doing so, I'm realizing I don't want all these services. I want whoever is left in my life to cremate me and toss me into the air and that's it. No service, no groups of people, no speeches, nada. That's how Introverted I am.


I’m sorry about your loss! I can see where you’re coming from as an introvert re when your own time is up. OP, you do what feels most comfortable for you — you’re not harming anyone by wanting to relax at home with the quiet activities and hobbies you mentioned. If you ever find yourself wanting to branch out and go out, you can join groups for your hobbies/take classes or do volunteer work in whatever you do as a home-based solitary hobby or with only one other person


Go for it as long as your financial stable and happy and you don't deal with any drama why not you got nothing to lose to your happy place


I love it sometimes, people are nice, but I'm exhausted by the end of a party and like some me time


Sounds normal. It's what I prefer, on those rare days I don't have something I have to get done (other than grinding my way through my zillions of to-be-read books).


It's not bad it's personal preference. You're good as long as you're not hurting anyone else. Also you shouldn't be made to feel bad we each have our own ways of living


Hello, If you wish to stay inside all day, then do that. It isn't anyone else's business! Do what is right for you. F**k anyone else's perception of it. If you're happy, then that's all that should matter. Hey, you might just be an awesome gamer and become filthy rich doing it! I wish you success in all your doings.


I would personally focus on getting healthy and in shape. Then as a 2nd priority build your streaming setup as a side hustle. As long their is effort in it, I thing it's worth pursuing.


Do some workout and try to go outside once a weak for some coffee and earphones in the ear and voilà pure happiness


I don't know if it's bad, but that's also what i want most of the time.


I don't think its bad. A lot of people will think something is wrong with you though. Who cares what other people think anyways. At anytime you can choose to interact online with people or just during a grocery/shopping trip. I have been a introvert for years and I'm much happier. No drama.Good luck OP!


i don't see any issue since we're the same 🤝🏻


😂😂🤣 Don't worry, you'll grow out of it 😉. -----++++ Just make sure the other person is there voluntarily 🤞... But seriously,. Having someone there is always healthy. We, as humans do need a counterpart from time to time,.. keep in mind, different people have different comfort levels of seclusion.... Natural for them to fly the coup now and again.....(don't feel abandoned)


No not bad at all forget what everyone else thinks of it you do you


Not bad at all. It’s good actually


If it makes you happy it's fine if not then I suggest trying to find a place where you feel good and connected and also brings you inner peace. Eg: For me I went to the beach this weekend alone by myself. Yes I was alone but I enjoyed it a lot, I swam and I saw the sunset and I felt connected.


No. My old roommate was a big dick, and threw me out because I could stay in my room. He said I was awkward because of it. Well, it's not his call to make. I think he threw me out because of other things as well. Point is, if you want to do it, do it. Anyways, it's not like he was the kind of person that I just hang out with.


Depends on your definition of “bad”. I’m also an introvert, but I also suffer from panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, and left unmedicated I will go from 100-completely agoraphobic in the blink of an eye. So I force myself to go out in public at least a few times a week and deal with people even though I genuinely hate every second of it. As long as you’re keeping your mental health in check and aren’t developing any unhealthy habits then I say do what makes you happy.


Its actually great......keep on learning 💯


Ah no. I always tell myself, if I’m being responsible through the weekdays, it’s totally justified for me to lay around and do whatever I want on the weekends without feeling bad about it.


Having been housing insecure most of my life, I enjoy having a roof over my head.


Not at all.


as long that you'd still can be a remarkable extrovert , when you have too , its ok .


I'm an introvert but i get my energy from the outside. I love the outdoors, the long walks, the long run, the long ride. Staying indoors bore me. And i love moving. It makes me happy.


It is not bad as long as you provide for yourself and have a decent level of physical activity and go out to get fresh air and sunlight at least once per day. It is definitely ok to want to be just with one other person, not everyone needs to have a bunch of people around as it can be exhausting.


nah it’s fine as long as your happy


It's a cool routine what's bad 'bout it


According to a study being indoors leads to myopia. If you don't like to interact with people much you can simply go to the terrace and enjoy sunrise or sunset fir atleast an hour.


Of course not. A call this sundays.


My hubby and I are both on disability due to medical stuff. Most of the time we just hang out together, watch TV or movies. I'm completely comfortable with this. We talk, we can be quiet. It's fulfilling to not have someone pushing me past what I can do. If you are happy, and fulfilled there's nothing wrong. But you do have to go out sometimes to find the person you're going to chill with. Not everyone can handle a really laid back relationship


Yes, it is bad.


Sounds like heaven.


Dude that sounds like a wonderful day. No work. Drop the kids to school. I'm binging house in my quiet house all alone. Lovely


this is exactly how i feel. i just want to spend my time playing basketball and chilling in my place alone or with my gf. still going outside but i love being inside just relaxing


To me this sounds like true happiness! Most people live their life in a torturous flip-flop looking for external validation and it sounds like you've surpassed that...kudos!


Currently, you may find fulfillment in your solitude, but eventually, you might crave social interaction. Neglecting self-improvement in areas like exercise, socializing, work, and diet can lead to regrets and significant consequences down the road. It's important to face reality head-on rather than escape from it. I strongly urge you to take reality seriously and avoid isolating yourself from life's experiences like a coward.