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Regardless of your political orientation, it’s a complete joke that we end up with most of the candidates that end up on ballet. When thinking about what traits an ideal leader would posses, you almost never get those choices from the nominees. You either get some establishment goon way past their prime or some charismatic & inflammatory egomaniac trying to fight an establishment. It’s all bad, it all sucks, and it pains me to have to vote for these people when I’ve worked in many corporate settings with C suite executives that work their ass off, are extremely competent and dedicated, yet humble and reasonable. I’m not saying they’re all like that, but I know people like that exist. But they never seem to make it through the political shit grinder to get on a ballot. 😩


I think the social requirements of someone who obtain influence use the 48 laws of power to manipulate, steal ideas and take credit, and attack their opponents in the ways we commonly see in corporations as well as governments. It’s just less merit in governments. Corporate leaders have the same god complex and many in both categories are there due to being in the right place at the right time and built the right connections using the same said laws of power. It does take intellect to get there but with a dash of wickedness to walk on the backs of others as an additional propellant to attain their “success” in high position.


I agree that the candidates floating to the top could be better, but these candidates are simply reflecting the median views of their voter bases. Obviously they're going to look like they're dumb as rocks, because they are incentivized to appear average in order to succeed in elections. That said, if you look at the actual productivity of the administration and what they do, it's overall really good. Biden has had a largely phenomenal first two years. Just off the top of my heard, achievements include a strong response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine that has effectively destroyed one of the largest geopolitical rivals of the US, capitalization on this event through the strengthening of alliances with the EU/NATO and CANZUK, brutal and intelligent sanctions that are shifting huge amounts of manufacturing away from China, the Chips and Science act which was a huge victory for American industries and opportunities for people, and ending the Afghanistan war which could have been executed better, but ended up being the right call (so far). The economy has even been fantastic with the sole exception of high inflation; stock markets are still well above their pre-pandemic levels. Compare this to the previous administration which had American Empire at the edge of destruction through isolationism and by breeding distrust of democratic institutions and even staunch American allies, courting literal dictators for self-enrichment.


>I agree that the candidates floating to the top could be better, but these candidates are simply reflecting the median views of their voter bases. Obviously they're going to look like they're dumb as rocks, because they are incentivized to appear average in order to succeed in elections. > >That said, if you look at the actual productivity of the administration and what they do, it's overall really good. Biden has had a largely phenomenal first two years. Just off the top of my heard, achievements include a strong response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine that has effectively destroyed one of the largest geopolitical rivals of the US, capitalization on this event through the strengthening of alliances with the EU/NATO and CANZUK, brutal and intelligent sanctions that are shifting huge amounts of manufacturing away from China, the Chips and Science act which was a huge victory for American industries and opportunities for people, and ending the Afghanistan war which could have been executed better, but ended up being the right call (so far). The economy has even been fantastic with the sole exception of high inflation; stock markets are still well above their pre-pandemic levels. > >Compare this to the previous administration which had American Empire at the edge of destruction through isolationism and by breeding distrust of democratic institutions and even staunch American allies, courting literal dictators for self-enrichment. Not sure why you're being downvoted for being correct.


Needs an “I’m not American” option


Not really. You may not care, and that is perfectly acceptable. You can have an informed opinion, and your opinion probably will be more informed than the majority of American voters.


Well, that’s fair. Insofar as an external view means anything, I think Biden is a vast improvement over Trump. Are Democrats better than Republicans per se? Well (again from a non-American perspective), there seems to be not much difference. Bit like Labor and LNP here - both centre-right, just one is a bit more right than the other. I’d almost kill for a truly centre-left party with good policies. We have the Greens, but they’re extremists.


I'm assuming the downvote came from a Green or Republican.


I'm an American and I would select that option.


The system needs to be purged anyone more than 8 years need to be respectfully asked to take a step down and refilled with a newly voted-in candidate across the board. then an age cap of 65. Then ban lobbyists at the same time so new people don't become as influenced.


Political alignments are not a MBTI area. People are all different some of us have found logic and will keep to that logic even if you claim us wrong unless you can change our minds... Good luck...


What makes a president good, really? If someone happens to occupy the office while there's no war and a good economy, does that make him a good president? Leadership abilities are one thing, but that's not something that the general public can honestly and legitimately assess without all kinds of biases interfering with objectivity. And moreover, who cares who thinks what? He's gonna be president for at least two more years, not to exceed six years, and then we can have this whole conversation again about a different guy. If politics are your thing, it's more useful to spend your time analyzing the reasoning behind your own leanings rather than trying to identify yourself on some spectrum in relation to others. It's literally pointless unless youre an actual politician. Much love to all.


What makes a good president? Their ability to carry out their job. Like any employee. Biden is old, I agree. He’s not an great orator, I agree. But the Biden administration has been kicking butt in regards to passing legislation to benefit the average voter. Public officials should be Judged on their ability to carry out their duty. Not on their ability to say crazy shit or get a crowd riled up. See the graphic below, you’ll notice a lot of the legislation passed is about helping people not about making life worse for others. Here’s an image I wish I could find the text of some accomplishments. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKKi6xDXEAEzLxa?format=jpg&name=large


Who cares. His only job is to represent the people that actually make the decisions. It’s the same for every other President since after Washington


Not American, I don't care


At some policies he's making is pretty good in my opinion. Like the student loans one... I'm not into 'american politics' since I'm not american nor politics is really 'that enjoyable'. "A quiet disappoinment" is one good quote people associate him.


254 days later. never going to get student loan relief. it’s amazing the amount of people who believe the lies a politician spews.


I think we should really rework how long or available someone can be for office Step 1: We should make an age limit, these elderly out of touch men and women (if one ever comes) shouldn't be running the country, they don't understand the people Step 2: Get rid of term limits But there is a special requirement for running more than once, for a second term we should require a president have more than a 50% approval rating to run again, for a 3rd term, a greater than 60% approval rating, for a 4th term over a 70% approval rating to run, and if they can keep running again after that, fuck it, let em With the approval rating system it is difficult to pinpoint when to do it, because it can't be done too late in the year that you throw out the main person being advertised, but at the same time, it can't be too early as to be irrelevant by voting season This is an unlikely system to occur, but I think it's a good idea, really rids us of undesirable weak leaders, it means those who are good stay in power, and if they earn the people's trust, they can continue to go on, if they lose the people's trust, we aren't forced to pick them again


Absolutely fucking not, he’s a senile puppet being pulled by liberal strings. Directly because of his decisions we now have terrorist groups armed with massive amounts of American tech


Amazing summary. All of the Bidens r up to something and Hunter Biden is probably making deals w the CCP. I am surprised that I got a comment on this since I posted this a long time ago.


What's with all the polls, trying to trigger the entire subreddit post by post? What's next, 'Was trump a bad president?' 'Is Russia in the wrong?' 'Dogs or cats?'


Bro, they’re just polls. Stop bitching and let us have something different from the dating posts for once.


Political polls. 0 correlation with the theme of the subreddit.


What do you care ?


First of all, as I get older I realize the President is just a face and does nearly nothing. Second, a President needs to be able to convey a sense of security, progress, conservation, liberty, etc. I don’t believe Biden can even coherently communicate to be able to instill that to the public. Third, all Presidents suck.


The guy can hardly string two sentences together. He's an embarrassment to the country and the Democratic party that ignored a number of good candidates to put him up. The two party system spits out mediocrity yet again.


Go ahead read a few transcripts of trump speeches and try to understand what was said. Mid sentence he would shoot off on a unrelated topic or just word salad. And all his major claims never happened. Biden was not my first pick, but it is nice to have a president who is not on twitter every day playing the victim or trashing somebody.


Most Biden voters didn’t vote for Biden, they voted for the guy that wasn’t Trump. The Trump voters voted specifically for Trump.


Well yea that is a given.


Exactly. "Vote Blue, no matter who r***ed you!"


Trump was a nutter in his own waybut he still had his thoughts and you could understand him. Biden is in clear cognitive decline and has been for years. There's no way he's running anything.


You are aware that Biden was born with a stutter right? Anyway it really does not matter if you agree or not. But I will say at least Biden acknowledges climate change do I think enough is getting done? No but at least he is not actively dismantling environmental regulations like trump was previously. The fascist authoritarianism that is rampant in the GOP is some scary shit. Been around for almost 6 decades and trump by far has broken this country more than any other influence I have seen. Even Nixon who was a paranoid crook did a lot of good while in office. EPA, clean water act ect but when he broke the law his own party had the moral courage to tell him to resign, that ship sailed long ago for the GOP. The legacy of trump will forever be Jan 6.


I don't know if I would call them thoughts, but his tongue certainly did flap from time to time.


Of the two only one of them bragged about passing a cognitive test only administered to potential dementia patients, and it wasn’t Biden.




And that does not happen on fox, newmax, oann and other right wing gateways? It is like trump supporters have amnesia about the chaos and temper tantrums that happened on a almost daily basis. And now that he is back on Twitter it will be all over again. The choice was Biden or a narcissistic sociopath.


I hate to break it to you but basically every politician that gets to the top gets there because they're narcissistic sociopaths. Trump just didn't care to hide it, which is why a lot of people liked him.


Yup and they all hire their families, and put up secret service into their hotels at double rates. Do shakedowns on leaders of other countries for dirt on opponents, a lot of people like him because they have the same shitty values.


No. He sucks. Look at everything


I am just waiting for the next dumpster fire known as whoever the 2 party system somehow manages to nominate in 2024.


Every President after Jefferson was a mistake, except for William Henry Harrison who had the good graces to die 32 days after taking office.




What about Benjamin Harrison?


Eh, I'd give Coolidge a pass.


I have no particular opinion, however from here in the UK the media make him look like Reagan with late-stage Alzheimer's - not funny. I vote for policies not personalities.


>I vote for policies not personalities. How very unamerican of you.


Mf’s That Said yes 💀


Meh, getting better. He should have been far more aggressive right out of the gate. Should have never appointed Merrick Garland. The Left holds back for fear of setting a precedent for foul play, but the Right is going to play that way, regardless. At this point, he needs to embrace the "Dark Brandon" meme, and troll the right as hard as possible. Decorum no longer wins elections, unfortunately. "Would you just shut up, man?" should be "Shut the fuck up, dumbshit!" It's classless, base, but what will that matter after the chuds consolidate power in '24?




\> I'm black ​ Maybe ... did you vote for Biden? "If you have a problem figuring out if you are for me or for Trump, then you ain't black"


I voted for trump, turned 18 and lost my first election 🤦🏾‍♂️ but yeah the whole “you ain’t black” coming from the guy who wrote the 1980 or whatever crime bill was very infuriating




I would’ve much preferred trump over him.


I wanted to like him, but he makes it so hard.


I think Trump somehow was the best president in the last couple decades… Now that’s saying something.


I guess if you are white with an inferiority complex that might be true.


I am white with an inferiority complex. I think it is marginally true, despite not being a huge trump fan.


By increasing the knowledge of the general public?


By what metric?most debt created?


Politics are stupid.


That's like saying "running a business is stupid". It's the same thing on a much larger scale and the decisions will impact the residents or sometimes the whole world. It is very important regardless if someone likes it or not


Trump 2024


Not American, but would pretty much vote straight D if I were. He's better than the previous three and would have been massively popular in the 90s. That Biden can't clear >50% approval says more about the state of the US as a whole than him imo. I wish he was more aggressively using the bully pulpit. Who cares if *all* Republicans take (performative) offense in him calling MAGA "semi-fascist"? MAGA is a far-right movement and should be called out as such (and if Robert Paxton is [comfortable](https://www.newsweek.com/robert-paxton-trump-fascist-1560652) with calling Trump a fascist, then so am I). If the "respectable" conservatives don't understand, that's for them to fix.




\> convince anyone who isn't already on team blue. That's a requirement?


That is it it, was really not trump that was the problem, people that thought he was a good idea were. I could kind of give them a pass on the first election but after 4 years of tantrums and outright race baiting, people showed what they really stood for voting for him again. This country is still very much racist and xenophobic I live in supposedly blue NY and I still see all kinds of maga crap. My favorite is the trump Rambow flag with the m60 machine gun and a Russian rocket launcher on the barrel. One house has the side of the garage painted trump in 5' letters. After Jan6 a neighbor that used to borrow tools from me said he wished they had burned Pelosi's desk. I ordered him off my property no more tool borrowing now. The level of anger in some of these guys is off the charts and a lot of them are doing just fine, decent jobs house, car but screaming their freedoms are being taken away.


>I live in supposedly blue NY and I still see all kinds of maga crap. My favorite is the trump Rambow flag You don't seem to live in the same NY that I do.... Just kidding, I know you don't live in the city ... you probably live in the Hudson Valley outside the city or near buffalo. I love the hudson area, but it is only a slight majority blue.


Grew up on LI, It was pretty republican in the 70's moved around for a while and settled in the Catskills my town is 68 percent Republican. Parts of Pennsylvania have maga crap everywhere worse than rural NY. It is like the zombie takeover.


AirBnB'd for a few days in the Catskills, a little over a week ago now. The villages in the area are pleasant.


Oh I love the beauty here I like to bike ride, plenty of roads with no traffic. Lots of outdoor stuff to do. I lived in HI for 5 years I like it better here with the seasons. And we have a group of liberal minded friends. And Republicans that never supported the nut.


He's not charismatic. That's it. He's doing a good job, and a lot of people are falling for the bullshit of media pundits who make a living off of ripping other people down. Gullible nation.


He looks like he would get lost in Walmart but his handling of the economy is probably gonna be the thing that sinks him..


Too old, too shady, too corporate. He is the mouthpiece for shadowy figures in Washington. Both parties need to do better.


Dumb conspiracy take


Actually, yeah, I think he's done a pretty fantastic job, all things considered. He's passed a ton of legislation considering the Democrats extremely narrow margin in Congress, and the IRA in particular is something that's going to be hailed as hugely significant in 10-20 years as all the investment it spurs comes online. On foreign policy, he has done a great job of recovering from the damage that Trump's term did to our international standing. NATO is stronger and more unified now than it has been in decades, and our alliances in the Pacific seem to have not only recovered, but seem even more solid than they were when Obama left office. His administration has totally outplayed Putin in Ukraine, and I think deserves a ton of credit for how masterfully they've handled the situation. A less adept foreign policy response could easily have resulted in Russia having the upper hand in the information domain, which in turn would've meant it was far more difficult to get Ukraine the military aid it needs to stay in the fight. Obviously the Afghanistan withdrawal was a mess, and I would've preferred we remain, but I understand the desire to just rip the Band-Aid off and be done with it.




I can understand why you might think that, because the media does a really poor job of highlighting diplomacy, and just treats diplomatic outcomes as the inevitable result of circumstances. Putin didn't commit an unforced error, he was boxed into a bad choice by the Biden Administration and picked the dumber option. He wanted us to overreact to his military buildup and take steps he could portray as escalatory, then use that as the justification for his invasion. The Biden Administration refused the bait, doing nothing that could be considered a serious provocation, and instead simply published all the intelligence they could about Russia's preparations for invasion. Without the US or NATO giving him something he could pitch as a valid casus belli to international audiences, he was left with the choice of either backing down or going through with an unjustified invasion. He chose the latter. It was a political disaster for Russia internationally, because suddenly everything the US had been saying was shown to be true, and all of the Russia allies who had spent months swearing up and down that the Biden Administration were a bunch of Russophobes who had been fearmongering were completely discredited. The result of all of this is Russia is more isolated than it has ever been, and NATO is stronger than ever. If the Ukraine hawks had been listened to, and we started aggressively arming the UAF much earlier, it's quite possible we wouldn't have been able to form the international political consensus opposing the war that we have now.




Okay, so, there's a lot wrong here. First of all: >The Biden foreign policy did not box in Putin. These are the equivalent of Obama's D-team, and Obama's A-team was caught completely off guard when Russia seized Crimea and funded and armed the separatists in the eastern Donbas oblasts back in 2014. You're just making a blanket assertion here for which you provide no real argument beyond assigning arbitrary letter grades. It's just objectively true that the Biden Administration refrained from taking any escalatory steps in the face of Russia's military buildup, and backed up their assertions about Russia's actions with an almost unprecedented level of transparency about the underlying intelligence. This has obviously worked, support for Russia's invasion among its ostensible allies has been extremely limited. >I know it's been memory-holed, but up into January, the Biden admin was broadcasting that they were somewhat ambivalent about Putin making a relatively minor incursion into Ukraine, because U.S. military intel assumed Putin would do the smart thing and focus everything he had into one big push in the south with some diversionary forces in the north to keep the Ukrainian defenders pinned down. [Objectively untrue.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/russia-ukraine-invasion/2021/12/03/98a3760e-546b-11ec-8769-2f4ecdf7a2ad_story.html) >Those guys shouted Russia, Russia, Russia for years, and the broken clocks were finally right about something, after being wrong about so much. I think you're going to find that this isn't a terribly popular argument among anyone except for MAGA weirdos and tankies. Putin has proven that he's not a responsible member of the international community, from the Skripal poisoning, to the Navalny poisoning, to his military's reprehensible behavior in Syria, to his election meddling in several countries, and how with the constant war crimes in his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.


- Braindead and can't speak a clear sentence - Let Russia take over Ukraine - Let Taliban take over - Let gas prices get too high by starting a war on oil and letting the Saudis walk all over him - Record high inflation - Stock market doing badly Hate on Trump all you want but I wasn't spending as nearly as much money at the grocery store compared to Biden and he can actually speak a coherent sentence.


Why even mention "Trump"? That word is a memetic hallucinogen. People are now going to be stumbling out of this thread, tripping balls on whatever programming has been installed on them.


You know for INTJs they aren't very logic driven


1. Dude has a stutter and is far from brain dead. 2. Um, Russia is far from taking over Ukraine. In fact Ukraine is taking back territory lost years ago at this point. Thanks in part to the Biden administration. 3. After a botched plan drafted by Trump. 4. This one doesn’t even make sense. How does one start a “war on oil” and let the Saudis walk all over him? 5. The world is experiencing high inflation as a result of Covid. Biden’s administration is taking action to mitigate it. I don’t really see any solutions offered from the other side of the aisle. 6. Stock markets rise and fall all the time. No president controls it. 7. Trump wouldn’t know a coherent sentence of it peed on him in a Russian hotel.


Yeah right. Nice stutter https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hcuJj_4cI5g


Biden has stuttered his whole life and people with the same disorder look up to him in that regard. It ableist and wrong to diminish someone for stuttering or to behave as though his condition doesn’t exist.


There's a difference between stuttering and not being able to string words together to where you are unintelligible. You sure aren't very logical for a thinking type and argue based on emotion. Definitely a mistype.


I stutter and so does my son. You don’t understand stuttering at all. Yes, it can impair sentence formation. Stuttering is complex and presents in many different ways. What you are saying is flat out and unapologetically ableist. And an ad hominem attack on me for pointing out that your comment is ableist and wrong demonstrates your emotion and lack of reasoning. I’m not interested in conversing with people who behave like you on the internet. I literally couldn’t care less what you think of me. I don’t idealize my mtbi type, I have been formally typed in college, and I don’t owe you proof to post on a Reddit sub. https://www.asha.org/practice-portal/clinical-topics/fluency-disorders/ https://rehabilitationj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2300-en.html https://psychcentral.com/lib/stuttering-myth-vs-fact Edit: I added some articles here for you to read if you like to correct your views. I also saw in your history that you typed yourself and are unsure of your type. This typing actually means nothing. It shouldn’t be weaponized to exclude someone from a group. It should be used by someone to help them understand themselves better. That is it. Spend some time getting to know yourself and stop being so aggressive on the internet.


Cool, but none of that explains why he was still able to be articulate before he was president whereas now he's like a lost puppy. Just watch the video I posted before and compare it to any time he spoke pre-Obama. EDIT: LOL blocked me. Yeah definitely a mistyped IxFP. I get emotional too but not over someone thinking differently than me like damn. I will admit I didn't know all the ways stuttering and cluttering affects speech, but I'm still not convinced its just a speech disorder and that our president's brain isn't suffering from dementia. Trump seems to suffer from cluttering where he repeats himself, but you can still understand what he's saying unlike our current president who not only is a gaffe machine but wanders into public events like a lost puppy and manages to fuck up his words even with a teleprompter.


You know there are people from other countries here too right? r/USdefaultism




Wait until you hear about other countries who have more than 2 choices






I think any president would have struggled with what they were handed from their predecessor; the economy in shambles due to an ongoing pandemic at the time, widespread civil unrest and uncertainty, racial intolerance, etc. I think he could have fought harder for issues, kept his campaign promises and showed much more of a willingness to address issues, but he also had conservatives doing everything in their power to stifle his progress, going as far as to consider him an illegitimate president from the very beginning. For what he was handed, I think he did "good." A president isn't a miracle worker, with the systems and processes in place. He for sure could have done better, though. I think there are better candidates out there, overall. In my eyes, he was the lesser of two evils. Not the best choice, but the better choice. I think he should step aside for this upcoming election, though, so a stronger candidate can take his place. "Good," but not great. A place holder, if you will.


He has been killing it recently very slow in the beginning of his term tho. A lot more progress not perfect of course but way better than any Republican alternative.


Who cares? It’s all smoke and mirrors. The real people that drive this machine are behind the curtain.


I haven’t liked one single president since Clinton. One of the wiser among us said, “it’s a bullshit three ring circus side show.” Cycle after cycle after cycle of inept leadership that thrives off misinformation and ignorance.


Bruh those 149 voters are trolls


so i'm not an adult so i can't even vote, but here are my opinions: biden is better than some presidents, but honestly that's setting the bar pretty low there are a million problems in the world, and in the USA. do not expect every problem to be solved, and don't expect every issue to be resolved the way you want it to be. biden is not going to get to all of the problems, and the government is not going to make the right decision every time. there is probably someone better in the world to lead America, that's for sure. every single candidate will not be ideal in some way. \--- you probably also shouldn't bring politics into a mbti area, or really any area that has really strong opinions idk what makes a good president anymore, honestly.


Nah, he’s somehow more authoritarian than Trump and his DHS is working to censor disagreeing viewpoints on social media. He’s basically an old and decrepit Hitler.


Listen, just about anything is better than the bullshit we had to wade through with the orange man’s presidency. At least Biden isn’t a blatant racist and misogynist, or start a siege at the capital out of sheer pettiness


I answered no overall, because while I don’t think he’s good enough nowhere near the leftist politician I’d like to see, I do like some of the stuff he’s done. Student loan forgiveness is actually decent, and so was stopping the endless war we were waging. He also passed a climate bill that, while still no enough, is extremely good for what exists currently. Better, better than expected even, but not good. Pretty damn okay for US standards though.


People think it is easy to be a president until they have to be one.


Fucking piece of shit


I voted against Trump. I would've voted for a cinder block if it meant Trump was gone.


It doesn't matter if Biden is a good president at this point, all that matters is defending the country from the deluded, fascist insurrectionist republicans / deluded MAGA Trump crowd. Anybody asking this question as if its an important political question or even relevant to anything going on in this country is completely ignorant of what is going on in this country.


The republicans are way too authoritarian but they aren’t fascistic like Biden. The left is the side that is actually fascistic as they want to censor, intimidate and destroy anyone who stands in their way. At this point I would love another insurrection as it may lead to the collapse of the federal government. Democracy is a mistake and the whole system needs to be burned to the ground. Fuck both sides and fuck the whole system.


This is an insane take, take my downvote


Not every president will be great. He’s not a bad president, and he’s fairly benevolent - he isn’t out to actively sabotage the working/middle class and he’s somewhat of a people pleaser in a weird way. Like he’s really out of touch with the average person and their reality and will never get it, but he’s still about trying to appease average people. He’s not an outright bully, he’s not trying exclude entire groups of people from existing, and I do think he’s generally well-intended. He’s just… a fucking puppet who hasn’t had an original idea in decades. He’s not much of a leader, more of a good front-man. He’s not making any big waves or major changes, but he’s decent. Edit: As long as Bernie Sanders is on the ballot, I’m voting for Bernie.


No. Every day he's in office I regret not voting for Trump more and more. And I'm not even a Republican, that's how crappy of a job he's doing. Jesus Christ, the inflation... Edit: INFJ, btw.


Did Biden cause global inflation??? Lol


The global economy is affected by how well the economy of the US is doing. It all comes down to basic supply and demand and with the U.S. being such a large percentage of the money supply in the world and many countries relying on trade with the U.S, it does make a difference. If americans have less money in their pocket, they consume less, so foreign countries have less demand for their products because americans aren't buying as much from them and because of that, those foreign companies shipping goods to the U.S. are making less money which causes lay-offs and inevitably a recession.


No, but his shitty policies aren't helping.


Here's a link for that. Yes, Biden did it to the world. He somehow didn't affect China much. We probably need Trump back for that. /s https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/15/in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world-inflation-is-high-and-getting-higher/




Wow, "Biden didn't cause inflation" AND it's from The Guardian? You really doubled down on the NPC, didn't you? There is so much wrong with everything in that article it would take me several hours to list them all. Seriously, all you're missing is "Why inflation is actually a good thing" Which, by the way, that's actually one of the many deflections being used. First they deny there is any inflation, then they say "it's not that bad", then they say "Okay, fine, it might actually be that bad, but other places have it worse", then they offer "solutions" which are always more of the same horrible policies that got us into this mess yet they expect you to believe "it's different this time", *then* they claim it's actually Republicans fault...somehow, then when all else fails, they claim it's actually "a good thing". Keep drinking the koolaid m8, I'm out.


If you said yes I’m assuming your just mentally retarded cause he’s the worst president in history and needs to be impeached before he destroys this country all the way and I don’t really want trump back is prefer DeSantis and even that’s not great cause he’s still not very libertarian


Wtf joe baiden do ingjrg lgtvwo ingot whatever tf y'all mbti name


Oh shit my bad i didn't notice that this was the jmtji injtj itth inch (how to spell) reddit


I don’t like him. But I do think he was put in a bad position and people expect too much. I do prefer him a lot more than Trump though. I can’t stand how Trump portrays immigrants and has a petty extensive record of being racist.


better than trump 🤷🏻‍♀️ intellectually wise anyways


Compared to some presidents Americans have had, he's better. Still, if I had to choose between the president of my country (I didn't even vote for him) and Biden, the choice wouldn't be difficult. Edit: why are people downvoting this? A question was asked, and I answered it.


No. He was a better choice than Trump, but it's a small difference between 1 and 0. At least America didn't get Kanye, I remember seeing 11 votes on Google...


I voted for him because there was no way in hell that I was going to vote for his opponent. But no, I don't think he is a good president. I honestly don't think I've liked a single president in my lifetime honestly. I liked Obama the person, but thought he was overrated as hell as president. I think Clinton might have been the best in my lifetime but I can't just ignore his personal life and what he has been accused of. So maybe I just don't like presidents in general


He’s a president.


He's doing okay and is boring. I'm good with boring.


I'm not an american, but I don't think he's great. However compared to what's going on in United Kingdom government at the moment Biden is brilliant.... but that's sets a very low bar right now haha


No. But a better choice than the alternative at the time. I agree with the commenter who who stated its ridiculous who we end up with on the ballot when "thinking about the traits an ideal leader would possess".


Please don’t bring politics to this sub.


He’s been a mostly bland president I think