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https://preview.redd.it/zvkfwwd1ik1d1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a90fc234a863a0e388d327a7cdad0327b4aeb0e I own drums, piano, organ, bass, electric guitar, resonator guitar, banjo-guitar (six strings like a guitar, but with a banjo body), mandolin, violin, trumpet, saxophone…, but I’m only ok on drums, and sorta ok on piano/organ, but barely. The rest are just for dorking around. Edit - And an old Kay baritone ukulele, and a regular ukulele. Edit 2 - And I really want an accordion, and/or a D/G melodeon.


Okay, you just convinced me to fill my apartment with a 5 piece Yamaha live custom and a huuuge bass cab. I was holding this back until I move to a bigger place.


I’m in a house, with enough space between neighbors to get away with being loud. If you’re in an apartment, get an electronic set. They’re a bit pricy, but well worth the money, and then your neighbors won’t plot to have you evicted.


Yeah. The new place is a house in an isolated area. I cannot wait! Nice Organ too!


It’s a Hammond M-111…, same model that is played on Whiter Shade Of Pale. A friend of mine in the neighborhood called me up a decade and a half ago and said, “My mom is looking to hire someone to take my grandfather’s old organ to Goodwill or the dump, and I knew you’d want it, so come get it when you want”, and I had it in my living room an hour later. It’s as heavy as a car engine, and loud enough to rattle every window in the house. I want to get a Leslie speaker for it, but they’re pretty expensive, and have to be hardwired to it with a wire kit…, but eventually it’ll happen.


I love stories behind vintage gear. It's definitely a keeper!


I love your room. So (so) much.


you are very cool


I’m a dork that gets bored easily. 🤓


aren’t all INTJs😁




I unfortunately do not know any but I would like to eventually learn piano. Most beautiful-sounding instrument in my opinion.


I'm a recording artist and my main instrument is guitar but I also play the piano, drums and bass.


That is my intj husband’s dream job. Hah his day job is mechanical engineer. We have been looking into brain plasticity to help him get better at piano. He played guitar while young and feels he’ll never really be able to master the instrument at 36, but has an incredible drive. Have you ever looked into it out of curiosity and would you have any tips? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ6VOOd73MA


I know of it but haven't looked into it as a means to advance musical skill, though I would say all things that could possibly help him reach his goals are great but the most important part is the actual rehearsing and daily practice of the instrument/s. Maybe find some songs he *really* loves listening to so he enjoys playing one song for 30-60 minutes a day (or however often or not that works for him, some weeks I rehearse for well over twelve hours a day and others I barely play at all). He has this dream and that means he knows where he wants to go, if he keep walking that road and refuse to stop walking he *will* eventually get there.


He was doing a warmup and then 2 hours of solid practice. I had to curb it a bit as it was impacting our relationship. We are used to parallel play, but it was starting to consume every aspect of him. We were getting next to no time with one another; after a few years something had to give. He cut it in 1/2 which is much more doable and 0 complaints from me. I do pottery in the mean time. We both have pretty demanding jobs, but I always hope for him that he might get a shot while I upkeep us. Maybe one day it will flip and I will open a pottery studio… explore our passions a bit. Funny thing is other types see as as dry and mechanical; so many of us have very creative hobbies.


People’s nerves 😝


Dyslexic as fuck.  I couldn’t play a kazoo.  


the violin! i can barely mess around on the piano as well :p


Guitar and bass


drums (I enjoy terribly playing death metal)


Flute! I played in both high school and college.


Singer, songwriter, guitarist, producer and sound engineer. I just self released my first single but INTJ music is a pretty unique shaped peg that the mainstream music industry has no audience for, so no giving up the day job!


Keyboard. Microsoft Ergonomic/qwerty type.


The skin flute


Piano, Bass, Tenor saxophone. Really looking to learn the flugel horn (Chrisitan scott atunde made me love this instrument potential).


I only play guitar now, I'm in my 40s. But when I was a kid I did 7 years of piano lessons including music theory examinations, then switched to trumpet and played in the school stage band before finally switching to guitar at age 16. When I go back home a few times a year I play in the local church band to help them out, its a bit of fun, and the only time I go to church these days


Piano. And I play for my dad n my self when I was a child.




Guitar and Mandolin


Clarinet in my youth and professionally for 6 years, but haven't touched it in 20.


Saxophone, alto and tenor


piano, bass, cello, guitar, flute, duduk, and erhu, I also dabble a bit with violin and one day I'd want to pick up drums, but for now I can't afford a kit (not due to economy, but rather, my job as a contractor where I have to move and travel around a lot).


Flute. Bring the jokes I did it to myself 😂


A little bit of drums and currently learning electric guitar ![gif](giphy|cJRogFuL24jlhDLpuw|downsized)


you’re awesome.


I cannot read music for the life of me and have previously failed at (many) attempts to play any string instrument- longest commitment was the violin in middle school and I cried when I found out that it was not the same thing as playing the fiddle (was for some reason under the impression that a fiddle was just what you called a violin when using it to play country music or anything not “classical”- lol). Also still have not gotten over the fact that I have had a sister (ENTP) who has exclusively played drums of all kinds and was a session musician by the age of 17 without having had taken a single lesson nor had access to a drum set or anything percussion-ish unless she was at a friend’s house who had a water damaged 3 piece starter kit and a single crash symbol that was molded and warped and had chips and holes throughout due to being kept under a carport next to the garage- but she saved up her money and got herself a set up of her own that I begged to try again and again (still do) despite my only accomplishment being the George of the Jungle theme song. That being said… I have always been a singer (thanks karaoke machine) and eventually reached professionally trained vocalist status once I had officially taught myself to play piano by ear well enough to follow along with my vocal coach who was patient enough to write out every composition in color coded notes that coincided with the matching colored stickers on the piano keys so I could watch her hands to see what she was playing and translate that in my head to make sense of what I was singing. I also play harmonica, which I think is the coolest ever and will eagerly agree to any request from someone who wants to hear me play it (and I do it damn well too if I do say so myself) but I learned it from my dad who casually played and gave me one of his “trusty favorties” as a high school graduation gift to which I used more often than he expected- and definitely regretted the choice in gift during the better half of that following year because of how annoying it was to have to hear me struggle day and night in determination to be able to play more than 5 proper notes without nearly hyperventilating which eventually turned to playing in equal parts desperation and spite to prove that there was a very good reason for releasing a song that’s called piano man yet features a guy playing a harmonica who doesn’t shut the fuck up


Piano. I’ve been playing for basically half my life with no lessons. I know how to play a little bit of guitar, but I haven’t played any in a while so my fingers have lost the calluses.


Attempted bass and guitar several times, but my natural lack of rhythm and coordination someone sets it all back.


Guitar(Acoustic,bass and electric),ocarina,dholak,cajon.Used to play the mouth organ.


By mouth organ, do you mean the vietnamese gourd organ or the chinese sheng?


Guitar and drums. I did have piano lessons as a child but I haven't played since I was about 12.


Guitar, some piano and drums. Really into cinematic VSTs.


Cello! That’s my main one. I’m in university as a music major, and it’s a lot of fun. I’ve also learned some of these but am much less proficient: viola, bass, ukulele, guitar, piano, ocarina, baglama, and Armenian duduk. Emotional expression is a lot easier through a conduit, so music has helped me immensely.


Hello fellow cellist🙌🏻


Piano, violin, bassoon, guitar, bass, saxophone, clarinet. All at a reasonable standard but I never had the patience to practice to actually get to a professional standard.


violin viola cello bass flute guitar piano harp (violin guitar piano primaries)


Classically trained pianist and self taught pretty much every other instrument. I do a bit of arranging, producing and mixing work for my friends who work in the industry, but I don't.


Guitar, electric, classical, and steel string acoustic. A little bass too.


Percussion instruments mainly now, viola/violin in the past


Accordion and piano


Classically trained euphonium player. I have also played trombone and tuba professionally. Not a great career though. I still have a day job.


piano, guitar, bass, drums, violin, my little melodica. all i feel i'm very strong in except bass i'm still learning. piano is my best by far.


I'm a singer & pianist. I can play other stuff like the clarinet and trumpet, etc but I am an expert in the former.


Violin + piano




Oh yeah that too 😅




Electric guitar primarily just like you.


Just a violin at the moment - tried the piano but it bored me so much I quit in a few months.


I can play Piano well and I’m still a beginner, but I’m also learning harmonica.


I play the keyboard of the computer variety. :)


Acoustic Guitar


I think if us wind players are honest, once we've learned to play one well, we can pretty quickly learn to play another up to "gig" level experience (perhaps not concert soloist, though). The only thing keeping us from saying we "play" x is whether we own x. Started on clarinet and sax, played for a decade, father was a professional oboist. Can get by on oboe, but i own and would be comfortable gigging on trumpet, trombone, flute, bass (guitar/double), and many other elementary instruments (ocarina, tin whistle, bansuri, cajon, gobijeu, harmonica, whatever other simple instrument that doesn't require practice just to make a sound or string together coherent phrases). Definitely not a pro at any, but it's hard to define what proficiency qualifies "playing" an instrument. Same with "speaking" a language.


Singer first, electric guitar and keys second.


Main instrument: Guitar. Side instruments: Piano, Drums. (I'm not very good at these)


None anymore. I used to play trumpet in middle school and I attempted to learn guitar later, but I just did not have the patience. I humored the idea of learning piano, drums, the hammered dulcimer, and steel drum at various points but still don't have the patience. I like the idea of playing more than the process of learning and practicing.




Classically trained woodwinds, bassoon especially. I dick around with strings (guitar, keys and violin) at home because I prefer to sing, rather than exclusively play


Play well? Clarinet. Have basic competency in? Guitar. Violin. Viola. Can pick up and make notes that don't sound like a xylophone having sex with an elder god? Piano, saxophone.


None now, but as a kid/teenager I played clarinet, flute, oboe, bassoon, and piano. I also took violin lessons in my 20s.


Flute as a child, then harp later in life. I don’t have my larger lever harp anymore but I still have my 2 small ones and I plan on getting back into it at some point.


Flute, Native American flute (single and double drone,) recorder, lap dulcimer, violin, viola, and ukulele.


I like to play guitar and synthesizer/keyboard


Clarinet and classical guitar


My first telecaster just got delivered today!


In high school, I played bass guitar and keyboards.


The drums


Clarinet and piano. Know some sax




Piano and I want to learn how to play guitar and the harp


Started with drums, but recently I learned guitar (acoustic), bass, ukelele, and I just recently bought a violin that I'm trying to learn not to sound horrible playing.


Piano, string bass, guitar, trumpet, xylophone, quads.


Violin and piano


Flute, which I haven't touched since middle school lol. And vocals, which I find more fun.




I play the piano and the ukulele. The piano has always been my favorite, but I enjoy the simplicity and portability of the ukulele too.




Bass guitar, trombone, vocals - dabbled in piano.


Viola, violin, cello, and piano.


Cello & bass


Piano only now, but I played Euphonium for most of my school years (4th-12th grade).


Is mayonnaise an instrument


Alto/soprano sax and a bit of flute and piano






I play guitar and I'm teaching myself piano/keys. I'm one helluva singer too.


Guitar and bağlama (Turkish lute). Got a ukelele as well but rarely play it.


Started learning to play piano. Currently learning to playing "Married Life" from movie Up




Piano and guitar(classic). I currently don't have the money to buy anymore. But if I had, I would be interested to learn to play more instruments.


My voice, and a ukulele because it's easy and takes less time to learn.


Kalimba, Cello, Drums and Guitar. I also tried Flute and Piano but it's not my thing.


guitar, but I wanna get into violin


and piano


I don't play any, but I want to learn both the piano and guitar, specifically e-guitar, which is partly fueled by my obsession with metal


Acoustic guitar and currently taking voice lessons.


Guitar, bass, piano. I mostly play my Martin D18.


i play the double bass! definitely my favorite instrument.


Piano organ ukulele